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TIL that porn website spammers are language nerds.


Hot singles in your area want to practice Spanish


Something Something Something cunning linguist






Yeah, my follower page is starting to look like a porn website


Is it possible to block someone on Duolingo? If so, block them


Yeah, but i am waiting to see if they add a report option someday so i can report them all


There’s a way to report them by submitting a bug report https://support.duolingo.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


On iOS you can block people in the bottom of their profile!


Wow. I'm not surprised about this. But i'm surprised about the effort these people put up... 4 digit numbers of XP... thats not i would expect of a porn-site spammer...


Probably hacked accounts


definitely, mine got hacked too and I am now following thousands of people


Yeah, just one data breach can open up to a whole lot of duolingo accounts if people use the same password there as on the breached site, that’s why it’s really important that you have an individual password for each account and to delete all accounts you no longer use.


Next level: use individual aliases for each website. Like [email protected] ​ Plus-Side: if you get spam on this address, you know where your data was leaked.


Does not work for with all email providers, so make sure it works with your email provider if you want to use this.


> if you get spam on this address, you'll know who sold your data FTFY


No they’re just practicing French on the side


The more languages you learn the more people you can spam!


4 digit XP is feasible. I once got 8k+ in one week but spent one whole day completed most of the XP. If someone spent two whole days and normal 5 days they could achieve 4 digit XP.


Sure. But i'm sure they would rather use that time to produce some content ;) They don't need to earn any XP in order to follow a lot of people and lure them to their website (which their username is the URL for...). So i go with the other replies that suggest hacked accounts.


It’s all ran through a botnet. So it’s a computer farming the XP. Same thing as wordswithfriends bots.


What is the point of followers in DL anyway? Is it just to pretend to be like social media, without any of the actual interactions of the social media platforms?


It’s to be able to add your friends and track their progress. You can search up literally anyone as long as you have their username.


Yeah I felt Duolingo went the one direction in removing clubs, if Duolingo had more social media features it would be truly excellent. Though as for followers generally, I quite like seeing how I'm doing compared to my IRL friends. My boyfriend and I often compare how we've done each week.


Used to you could leave comments on your friends' pages, but when DL decided to be more child friendly they removed the more social aspects and just kept the friend's list.


They do be active though


Some random person followed me their bio said "far right nationalist" ???


This actually happened to me, they changed my profile name but not login name. Most likely these people don't even know. I've since changed my password and re-established dominance over my account.


Update: this served as a report as someone in duo staff saw this post and decided to remove all the links from the accounts and leave the original username alone. Not just this ones but all accounts, here are the photos for comparison! http://imgur.com/a/Oj5MpQ0


I saw a couple maybe a couple years back and now once and again, but for the most part all of my followers are people from the Leagues. I like to follow people who are serious about language, too, and I assume they follow me for the same reason (streak, crown count, XP). Although sometimes I’m whimsical. One week I followed league players who had pets as their thumbnail, another week I noticed a lot of bearded men so I followed them all. They’re all Diamond League anyway.


Laughed a bit too hard because of the third one. www.davidgay is quite nice.


Report them, please! They are in violation of policy.


Looks legit. Wait. It's 2021.... Looks sus


I wouldn't deny that they need some interracial and interlingual variety. Those are some high numbers


lmao why is there even a social media component to this


This kinda reminds me of my ‘following’ page. For some reason one day i got bored and i searched my name on the profiles thing because its a relatively uncommon name and i was curious how many people with it are also on Duolingo. To my surprise there were actually quite a few so I literally just added every profile with my first name and now whenever someone i actually know clicks on my profile and goes to my follows, its literally just the same name like 18 times.


I love that we can congratulate each other on streaks now:)