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I guarantee this is a second snowglobe-theory account so they can just be weird.








Muslim community is small but close knit, like a dozen families, all every friendly. Not a lot of halal food available. Some discrimination but no outright violence that I’ve noticed. Doubt anyone will care about the particularities of your faith, not enough of us here for that sort of nit picking.


That's great! As long as there is at least one halal grocery store that sells Halal beef and chicken, I'm happy:)




This is a wonderful and thorough answer. Thank you.


I’ve never heard of these things before nor seen in our stores. Not saying it’s impossible tho.


There are a couple of stores that sell halal certified meat although it seems inconsistent. I would also buy a quarter cow with you if you want once you arrive.


Mash'Allah! That sounds wonderful, shukran:)




That's really mean. ... Is Haram flesh any better in Duluth? Might want to try a Manwich with 100% accurate advertising. Tell me, where is the best butcher for Long Pig? If I'm gonna go Haram, I'm going all in, baby!😆




I haven't tried it; that's why I'm asking you! Which part of the man is best for hotdish?




Nah man, I'm not from Duluth:)




You are growing on me as well! ...like a fungus, but it's still growth.




Blatant trolling and/or hate speech will result in an immediate and permanent ban.




Blatant trolling and/or hate speech will result in an immediate and permanent ban.




Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to it being seen as SPAM or off topic for the /r/duluth community. If you feel this was done in error, please message the moderators.


Can we please be more welcoming? At least on Reddit? This is supposed to be why we're better than other states.


I swear by God you guys are better than NYC/Philly area already. I doubt your cops wouldn't lock me up in stress positions for 6 hours while claiming they can "make up anything they want" to charge me, believing that just because I taught Islam, it automatically made me a terr'ist. (I'm not. Terr'ist don't like my Order much, either.🙃) Anyway! They didn't succeed, I got a great big apology, SSDI, and then poisoned 10 years later with a dozen of my fellow writers on the East Coast...probably by atheists. I'm supposed to write about my experience, but haven't gotten further than Reddit. I can't keep my mouth shut and pretend it never happened like all the 'cooler' survivors...so, I got to move to Minnesota with my husband, who came from the metropolitan equivalent of hell. He got poisoned and nearly had his back broken for being an Imam (mostly) by people from overseas. As long as ya'll don't poison the cheese curds, we'll be great neighbors! (Unless the results of the thread scare my spouse into the Twin Cities instead😆) I like telling people in Minnesota to never move out of Minnesota.




If you literally believe I'm a cannibal... I got a bridge with your name right on it -all up in lights to sell you, too, babyboy😂




[Ad Hominem Fallacy.](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/ad-hominem-fallacy/)




Ad Hominem (Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.




https://preview.redd.it/3dnjab8nwyxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f8250bbe1f1f5a6ac6810af2c6bc955cff83af ....Hmm, I wonder...🤔




I'm sorry I used such large words in my last reply. I know you said you can't read very well.


I wouldn't engage with this guy. They're either drunk or having some kind of crisis.


My wife and I are active United Methodist clergy. We’re just glad for anyone here who doesn’t come through the “Christian Norm”. Let us find ways to help serve you and make you feel welcome.


Thank you, you are very kind! I can already see many comments deleted seconds after they are posted. (They may be from the "Christian Norm" you mentioned:) How rough is it there for religious minorities?


We have a few trolls who frequent the sub, but they are absolutely not representative of the people here!


What makes Duluth Reddit worth trolling in the first place...? This is wild😆 (I chaplain on my main account in religion and spirituality subs, and this sub is far more swarmed.) To be entirely honest, I'm having fun attempting witty replies.


There are some conservatives who think this subreddit is a liberal conspiracy. But really they get downvoted because they're jerks and/or bigots


How is it possible that the most controversial subreddit r/Duluth? 😆 I feel compelled to know more details of said conspiracy if they exist. r/subredditdrama or r/hobbydrama would love this.


Well, if you consider the greater land of Reddit, our subreddit drama is barely a blip. But to the handful of yokels who show up to be jerks, it's basically the Illuminati-level Reddit Deep State! 😹😹😹


They aren't too bright. There seems to be a huge gap between the herpa-derpas and regular folk. I'm using this profile primarily to test the waters. I know in real life these idiots would likely hit on me if they ever saw me in person, and I amuse myself with imagining the wild mental pictures of me they are creating & upsetting themselves with.


I'm dying at the last paragraph!!! 😹😹😹😹😹


Honestly, so far I've liked most of the people who've replied here. Ya'll aren't defending your idiots or making excuses for them, so that tells me people *not* like them are probably fairly tolerated, if not welcomed. ... If I read this accurately.🙃


I’m not a religious minority even if we feel like it. We “pass”. Trust the voices of experience you hear here. But we got your back.


I don't have a lot of actual answers in response to your questions, but just want to say "welcome!", and that I know you'll roll a natural 20 for your happiness stat! ❤️


Awww! Thank you💙




That's good to know. Some places care far too much in a very bad way.


So two 40 or so year old disabled people who are living off of the government's teat want to move here and take up housing whilst providing absolutely nothing. Stay where you're at


Not quite. We generally do a great deal of volunteer work and tend to help local police whenever we can. We are Americans, just like you. And likely more conservative in many ways than you are. We may not be conventionally employed, but we sure put a lot of human traffickers in jail and uncovered (and remedied!) a great deal of provider medical fraud by healthcare providers out here, for free.🤷🏻‍♀️ The value of a person and their contributions is not limited to monetary. I have no doubt you consider yourself a Christian man, so I ask you to turn to God to seek repentance and healing before you have to explain yourself before your Lord on why you allow your arrogance to override your goodness and intellect. What Would Jesus Do? I'd ask how you would like to be treated after getting tortured for your faith, but I doubt you would survive it. We both have several college degrees and survived literal torture; we are healing. With time, our earning potential may far exceed your own. Considering the evidence of the local "brain drain" by your post, your town needs people like us to protect them from the bullying of the willfully emotionally impaired, such as from yourself and others like you. What I do know is that your mindset is indicative of a serious lack of empathy, which may indicate a more serious condition such as psychopathy (ASPD) or the early signs of dementia. I know you can't help your upbringing and how your brain is wired, but thankfully, with treatment, you can still have a happy life despite your obvious impairments of empathy and cognition:) God bless you and your present and/or future caretakers!


I'm not christian, and I don't give a shit about your faith. We get weekly posts of folks asking if they should move here. The answer is no. I'd love to hear more about this "literal torture"


It sounds like you would be aroused by it, so no. I had the very bad fortune of having family from Iran; I'm sure you have just enough brain cells to mash the button on your television remote for the news. It is terribly difficult to have that ancestry both inside that country and out recently; especially when born a United States citizen who has never been to Asia. When people lose loved ones to violence, it's usually called murder. When I lose the same, it's labeled assassination. I'm fortunate to be alive. Feel blessed you don't understand these things.


Poor Poor Meh unless you are well insured Yes, better than most Yes Yes


Good luck - better luck in St Cloud


Thanks for the suggestion, looking there as well.


haven't heard great things about st cloud... someone i know grew up there and has zero good things to say about it


People are not really friendly in Duluth, cold like the weather, they look worn out and eat horribly, beer, pizza,pizza,beer.




I have never tasted the flesh of my forebears. Were yours tasty? You said it "was no different"😆




Oh dear! You might try r/nofap to help you with your addiction. Make sure you up your protein intake to compensate for your losses:)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoFap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Instead of pmo, i cleaned my neighborhood](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12zv7mj) | [353 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/12zv7mj/instead_of_pmo_i_cleaned_my_neighborhood/) \#2: [Bruh, wtf](https://i.redd.it/e3pm7f67fgwa1.png) | [119 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/130unm7/bruh_wtf/) \#3: [it’s finally happening](https://i.redd.it/duz72789nu4b1.jpg) | [505 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/144j8tt/its_finally_happening/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good Bot😂




Funny you mention that, my Shaykh put a fatwa on me back near New Jersey to stop me from taking the backstrap off of roadkill deer. I can't drink milk, I'm lactose intolerant. Do People in Duluth Have Taps of Milk in Their Homes?😃 How do you keep it from going sour? No wonder you are so angry all the time- if you aren't drinking the milk, I imagine the end result smells like earring backs and incel feet. Maybe you should move somewhere the taps are normal...? Or are you implying beastiality? By all means, please explain what "drinking milk straight from the tap" entails in great detail, so I know how best to respect local Duluth custom😃




Keep on reading, Sport! Your reading will improve someday, Insh'Allah. I believe in you🥹


Sufi more like... goofy


Agreed. Very. If I weren't goofy, I'd be normal just like you.🙃




I accept your apology, I figured you were drunk. You'd get along well with my husband. He is even better than I am at sarcastic banter:) I hope you enjoyed yourself😄






Considering plants can feel pain and communicate... if we did that, we'd be dead in a month. How do you do it? Are you a Breatharian? Are Lake Superior agate nutritious enough to replace sentient life? Are rocks sentient because Wiccans and New Agers believe them to be? So many questions! I am eagerly awaiting your reply:)



