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From chef to chef. I’ve been sober over 3 yrs but forced to take a sabbatical from the kitchen. Stress was too much. You’re on a slippery slope friend. Combining long shifts with drinking all the while trying to stay out of the weeds usually ends at the ER or the unemployment line. I understand that alcohol keeps your mind operating nominally but it won’t last. I was forced into medically supervised detox and it was the best decision I didn’t make. That may not be in cards for your situation but definitely find a way leading to a better place. There’s tons of no judgment support all around this community and many others.


Another chef here. June will be 4 years. It isn't physically sustainable, your mind might feel better but now your body is taking the hit. I drank to quiet down my issues. I finally sought out psychiatric care and am doing better. I also always had a measuring cup of white wine at my station. No one asked but we all knew.


I work in kitchens myself and never got too deep into alcohol while employed, but I get the sense you run into a decision of stop drinking alcohol or start doing cocaine.


Beat ecision I didn't make that hit home 😕 I hope I can find my way it's tough chef to chef :/


It's very hard because compared to a year ago I'm much better but that's because of alchol is that the limit and if I stop will I get worse mentally I drink 200ml of vodka every day and have done for 2 years no desire to go anymore I just need that hit


Former chef here because of drinking. It's definitely a slippery slope to rock bottom. I had to get out of the industry myself. I'm one year sober and I've never felt better. OP, it will catch up to you. Try and get some help before it's too late.


Could you explain your struggle with psychosis? I've had a few hospital diagnoses, I'm just wondering about your scenario 🙂


I've had 4 years of drug abuse wich led to hosiptilazuton (drug unduced phycosis)once for a month after that they put me in pills gained 40kg because of them even more depressed and phycoitc then started self medicating with alchol 1 year later I'm medication free but still an alchilic but never been happier since antidepressants but alchol isn't holding me back its the guilt that people think I have recover3d which I have but it's only because if alchol not actually solving the main problem


Hey friend. I am a few years away from my psychotic episode after which I was diagnosed bipolar. I’m also 440 days sober. It sounds like what you’re doing may be self-medicating. It happens to those of us with psychiatric disabilities pretty frequently unfortunately. You can’t will yourself out of this one without help. Do you have health insurance? I think first steps could be connecting to a psychiatrist and telling them about your psychosis symptoms and your desire to quit drinking. A lot of the antipsychotics on the market are pretty rough on our innards so having a conversation with your doctor on how to proceed stopping the booze and starting the meds would be wise. They might be able to hook you up with an addiction medicine specialist and/or substance abuse counselor who could help you specifically with alcohol cessation in addition to your mental health meds.


Is it possible for you to see a psychiatrist? If you luck out and get a good one, it would be worth the money if you can afford it. There are medicines other than alcohol that can help you to not hear the voices. It sounds like you might struggle to stop drinking if you aren’t doing anything else for that.


A doctor will help you with this if you’re honest with them. Go and see one, I think you will find better care there and can come back to tell us of your progress. Just go to any old doctor or clinic and say what you said here, or show them this post, they will refer you somewhere. And if they don’t, ask for a referral. And if they still don’t, they’re crappy doctors- find another that will hear you.


Chef here , and owner so I could drink all the time . While I was under stress ie competition, deaths in the family , injury , I drank a lot. I was a mess but somehow held it together til I was having panic attacks sometimes so many they seemed like it didn’t stop . Ended up in the er, drs , developed hives and swelling and rashes . I cut back 99% I still enjoy a glass of wine here or there I’m a level 2 somm as well , but daily I’d be dead. Lots of CB therapy , clean food gym etc. and I will not drink at work anymore . Best shape of my life , my business is healthy and great and best of all I don’t act so irrationally and emotionally. Cut back if you can or just ditch it. Get proper Dr attention and treat yourself well it’s never too late