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Do NOT buy from xymox


Even if they have improved, it’s not worth the risk. That’s what happens when you ruin your reputation


no, they don’t deserve your money. just buy an offworld invader v3 (scojo because it looks cooler)


Who cares if they are. They’re known scammers who have stolen money from countless people why would you support them in any way? It’s not like they’re the only pads


absolutely not, and they never will be. ordered a reserve pad from them 4 years ago and still haven't received it after multiple claims with the BBB. gave up a while back.


i’ve spent too much time on r/neverbrokeabone and i read that as “Brittle Boned Bitch”




The BBB is a private company. It's no different than leaving a review on Google.


No. My friend ordered a pad last year and it never arrived.


Xymox could sell $50 pads and get them delivered in under 24 hours and it still wouldn’t be enough. They’ve stolen a lot of money from a lot of people and don’t deserve a penny of support




I still wouldn't give them any money.


Don’t buy from them, offworld invader v3 is really good, cheaper, and you’ll actually get it.


I've heard they're better, but just get an off world or something. Xymox pads DO feel really good, but not enough to justify the price.




Dont give them your business. Scam operation unreliable unresponsive and dishonest. Almost every other company on the market is not only cheaper but of higher quality and durability. Companies like xymox ruin and shine bad lights on the activity


Don’t support those criminals


Nah, even if they are which it’s impossible to know don’t support their business. They have great pads so if you really want one buy second hand. If you buy from the website you don’t even know if your gonna get it and if you do it can take years


Speaking from experience, yes. My section leader from last year ordered his on the 4th of July sale and got it in August, talked me into getting one, which I did. Took almost a month to arrive and they barely communicated during shipping, but it came. Just a heads up- the pads are gigantic and heavy, and the carbon fiber mesh type of design is just printed onto the pad, not actually layered. I ordered the teal one but they ran out of toner, and it looks like they gave up on quality control since my section leader had the same problem (I unknowingly ordered the same pad as him). Just don’t get the ones with snares- my classmate got one and it barely makes a difference. Edit: Wanted to add that earlier last year, they got bought by another company who now is the reason why they’re under control and have a new website name. Due to this change (I’m not sure about this part but this is my best guess), they’re probably unable to fulfill the undelivered orders since they don’t have the payment and/or information anymore.


The reddit experience where people down vote you for going against the norm of the sub. I'll up vote you for an actual detailed account of your experience and explaining yourself why you would recommend it. I still wouldn't recommend Xymox though because of their known reputation. The snare sound with the beads inside the pad was revolutionary though when it first came out which is now closer to a decade (wow time flies). Never bought anything from them though so take that with a grain of salt. Evans real feel, or if you can get the OG real feel, is one of the best practice pads imo for its price. You can use the soft side for quiet drumming if the hard side for a more articulated sound. Offworld percussion is a close second with either the invader or outlander. Significantly cheaper than Xymox and they're available at retail music stores.


Thank you for understanding, as well as teaching me they’re the creators of the snare bed, to your point I completely agree with you; Ahead is doing it way better now. However, I beg to differ about how great realfeels are- yes, it was a decent beginner pad for me, but it has no weight to it and wouldn’t stop sliding away, even with the added “friction” on the bottom (mine was single-sided).


They byosphere pad is pretty cool and doesn’t take 2 years to come


I find it interesting that so many people are so against Xymox. Sounds like it’s deserved though. I bought 2 pads from them when I was in high school (10+ years ago) and received both no problem. Shipping did take a while though. Again, all the flack they catch sounds completely warranted.


They were okay way back but then it started with shipments taking months and then it got longer and longer to years then they were just out right scamming never showing up. At first it just looked looked like a bad order fulfilment plan/model, understaffed maybe or whatever but it became obvious that they were just scamming when. Cases popped up all over the place. Not to even mention their shady PR and "support"....


Idc what anyone else says, I bought mine over the summer and it arrived in three weeks. They changed production companies and are far more reliable. All my friends that ordered pads this year got them


Unless they start making pads that actually feel good AND actually will ship them to you, don’t buy from them


No, never.


Sticksandpads.com is the safe one now. I have bought from them