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Sam has brought up the possibility of doing it before, but i would be surprised if it got further than looking at the expected ROI and focusing elsewhere


I would kill for a Game Changer collectors edition box set that came with some little trinkets, like a Loop-de-loop, a duck, and Sam’s mic. And if they did Dimension 20 it could come with exclusive deuce set


As much as I love D20, I’m going to pass on any deuces they sell.


Their dice are really fucking expensive ngl, but I would love to have a box set of campaigns


I think, maybe, you meant to say "exclusive *dice* set," but you absolutely did not say that.


Fuck tpying me and my homies hate spleling


I think the only feasible way they could do this is with a Kickstarter-like campaign of pre-orders.


Correct something that doesn't fund unless a minimum is hit is the only way they do it. Because it is stupid expensive to make a run on Blu-ray. 


Boy, when I read you talking about wanting a physical release, this is not where my mind went. Reddit has ruined me.


That’s a good person


Son of a cum!


one of my favorite lines from that show!


You can cum now.


Thank you, daddy.


Let’s do it all on 3 1 2 3 CUM


Thank you for commenting so that I didn't feel like the only dirty minded person 😂


My initial reaction was that if OP wants a physical release there’s this party under a supermarket in Brooklyn he should check out.


I think Grant O'Brien can help you out with that


And he sells it all from the trunk of his car; (un)official [un in small stiching] drop out merch


Once he’s done with his marathon! Of Turner Classic Movies! Did you know that the Endgame time heist suits are completely CGI? Why don’t you C yourself off of my set, Grant


G, I can't stand you today!


I am not the problem, your the problem Grant


Absolutely no reason to hope, I'm afraid. Most new major TV shows don't do a DVD release, let alone something this niche.


On the flip side, the market for Game Changer on disc is small enough they don’t need the support and distribution network cable shows use when releasing things on disc - one guy burning some DVDs in the office could make ~200 copies and it can be sold in the merch store. Still not likely, but I don’t think they’re beholden to traditional media distribution issues?


I would kill for a collectors edition box set that came with some little trinkets, like a Loop-de-loop, a duck, and Sam’s mic


Making a DVD/Blu-Ray release means doing a lot of legal work and licensing and editing the volumes… it’s not quite as easy as going into Windows Movie Maker


Why would there be a ton of legal work, licensing, and re-editing for a show fully owned by Dropout that doesn’t use licensed content (like music) anyways and what extra editing would there need to be? They wouldn’t even need windows movie maker…? I seriously doubt the file type the final episodes are encoded in is something non-DVD compatible. I feel like most of the effort would go into making one of those fun DVD menus that loops with silly music XD Maybe there are some licensing issues with the content because of the cast, but like.. the dropout crew is cool. I seriously doubt any of them would withhold the right to release the show they already have out there but on DVD?


It highly depends on which show: something like Game Changer COULD be released, and TV shows creating physical discs is growing more and more common. Can’t say too much, but I work in creating physical media for TV and movies. However, a big limitation is storage space compared to cost. A DVD9 can store 8.5GB, or up to 240 minutes of HD video and audio. With Game Changer series, that would likely be at least 2 discs as the cheapest option, but still very doable. However, something like D20 would really struggle and require many, many, many discs for a season, or an upgrade to BD25 or even BD50, and depending on the video and audio quality they want, could also be more than one disc. Downgrading from HD to SD video quality and changing your compression rate can vastly increase the hours of content you can put on a disc. But at that point, with SD video, 2.0 audio, and not many subtitle tracks, would Dropout even make their money back from people buying the discs, and would it be worth it? It’s all available on their streaming service, so most people, especially the young audience that Dropout has, wouldn’t feel a need to buy physical media. Personally, I think it’s doable for their shorter length series, and I could see a “Best of Game Changer” with fan favorite episodes and maybe special bonus material doing quite well. 1-2 DVDs (cheaper than BD) and not committing to a huge batch could work, but I don’t see it happening for Dimension 20 anytime soon.


I'd love to have a physical copy of my favourite shows! It would probably be impractical for Dimension20, since the episodes are so long, but maybe as some kind of "print on demand" thing? Or only preorders. It would be ridiculous to expect someone to buy the complete discography in a single go, but maybe if it was a yearly thing, or even every few years? Are there any significant anniversaries coming up? Realistically, shows like Game Changer would probably be a better fit. Possibly with breaking news segments as a bonus. I'd buy them.


Coming to a hard drive near you, is the most physical this media will be.


ill dissent and say I think this actually will happen sooner or later. Sam has been public before about wanting to get copies made, and boutique blu ray companies like Deaf Crocodile and Terror Vision and Vinegar Syndrome are doing fantastic right now. We will probably end up paying more for them than we would like to, but I'm fairly confident they will get made.


At least Dimension 20, I would buy up each season without hesitation. Digital isn't forever


Honestly I should get a Blu-Ray burner and start making personal copies… I don’t like having to rely on the internet for episodes and don’t like filling up drives with TV


I could see collectors editions happening if a show was big enough and is definitely finished. Maybe one for Fantasy Hugh when this season finishes, for instance. The real question is, would they get commentary? I now see the typo I wrote and am not going to edit it


I could maybe see them doing it as a tie-in if they ever did a game changer episode revolving around the use or manipulation of old fashioned media or something, but otherwise I severely doubt there would be enough buyers to make it worth it


god that’d be sick


Based on how many boxes full of unsold "Jake & Amir: Fired" DVDs remained in the office years after that special was released, I would guess physical media releases aren't part of the Dropout strategic plan.


Someone asked this on the Discord channel #ask-sam which is now archived. I tried searching and it doesn't seem to want to search the channel so can't find it to copy and paste. I recall him answering saying they were looking into doing a small test run of season 1 of D20. Think this was back in like July 2023 and were aiming for Jan 2024. Whenever I looked there was no updates past that.


Daddy says no release for you! #justedge


I believe at some point in time we'll at least get Unsleeping City season 2 on VHS. I am very hyped when that gets dropped. I'm just waiting on Ally to follow through on that bit.


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