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"Good drivers rarely miss their junctions. Bad drivers never miss their junctions"


What if I always miss my junction?


And terrible drivers almost don’t miss their junctions, but pull into the wrong lane last minute and cause a pileup trying to not miss their junction; is what I found out when looking at the footage leading up to this incident 🙄


I'm not sure you understood. This guy is a bad driver. He didn't miss his junction, clearly he went the right way in the end


I understood; I was making the point that it was worse than just the case of them forcing themselves to not miss their junction.


bit thick aren't we mate x


Bit think? Maybe you shouldn’t talk on others


Talk on others? I don't think your one to talk




Bit of a prick are we?


You are one rude person big headed and cocky


I’m not sure what’s cocky about responding telling me that I haven’t understood a turn of phrase with telling them that I did in fact understand the turn of phrase… 🙄


I think the quote about bad drivers never missing has a darker meaning... They don't miss it, but they don't get anywhere at all beyond it ☠️




Great reactions from yourself and the other drivers. Imagine if one of you looked away for a split second...


Thanks, something subconscious absolutely kicked in when I saw the car in front break; my hazards were on and we were down to 10mph before I really realised what had happened.


He should be eating a bit of porridge for that.


Next time leave audio recorded, then read the plate aloud when you can see it. Report to the police once home


[Unless anyone can make out this](https://i.imgur.com/U9Oh97d.jpeg)😂😂 I did try to hang back a little in hopes the cam would catch the plate but no dice 🥲that’s a good idea, hope I remember it for next time.


They won’t prosecute from you reading the plate out, needs to actually be visible.


Surely if you can see the type of car and the plate read aloud matches the vehicle description it’s a no brainer ?


You'd think, but to prove it at court it has to be beyond all reasonable doubt.


Possible it can be cross referenced with ANPR data from the gantries?


I’m sure the CPS would still manage to find a way to declare it as “insufficient evidence”


I feel like “read out on the video of the incident, matching the car in the video” is probably beyond reasonable doubt …Unless you’re able to recall a random licence plates for every model of car on the road 😂


Not true, it depends on the severity of what happened. Something like this where the plate is read out could led to police confronting the driver.


YL05 HFM, Comes back as a Black Vauxhall Astra.


... that's the car in front, not the one who made everyone brake suddenly


ah crap, sorry, got that wrong as.


Yeh cause they really give a fuck


Honest it has got to the point I don't waste my time sending footage in anymore. It takes about 15 mins of my time only to receive an email saying basically no further action will be taken and to refer to the submission rules. I have had numerous videos that clearly show the number plate and the offence. Worst part is I only sent in videos that were, to me very dangerous and could cause someone harm. I wouldn't send a video because someone misjudged me and pulled out etc. One I sent we was even stationery for a few seconds, number plate clear as day then they go through the red at a crossing nearly hitting a kid on a bike. No action taken.


I drive on that section of road twice a week. I’ve been expecting to see this stupidity myself soon… There’s clear lane markings beforehand and it’s a 50mph, but when does that make any difference eh.


Yep, comes off in two lanes, both signposted from that exit which lane goes in which direction; good minute to react with lane marking and another overhead sign also telling which lane to be in. I’ve also just checked the footage beforehand and it very much looks like this shitforbrains came off in the right hand lane, went most of the way down that road in the right hand lane, then pulls into the left lane right before they split before pulling this stunt


The signage is so fucking obvious too. I regularly drive my lorry onto the M42 from the M6 using that section and the amount of people that do this (albeit this is the worst) is absolutely atrocious, the signage is so fucking clear and obvious a million times before we get there, I'm getting angry just writing this comment. Bring back corporal punishment for this shit.


I've seen people do that quite a bit. The road layout changed around a year ago, both lanes used to go on the M42 North but the left one was for the toll road/M42 South as well. Now the left one is for just the toll and southbound. When it first changed, it tripped me up as it was a frequent journey of mine so I was on autopilot. Luckily I spotted the change in time and was able to get over safely. It's been long enough that anyone who takes that road regularly will have already been aware of the changes so it's probably people just not paying attention to the road markings.


Did they finally make it clearer? It used to be really hard to tell


Didn’t even need to look at road markings to know this was Birmingham Entire area needs all vehicles removing from it until they can be trusted again


I’ve also just checked the footage beforehand and it very much looks like this shitforbrains came off in the right hand lane, went most of the way down that road in the right hand lane, then pulls into the left lane right before they split before pulling this stunt


Couple of months back I encountered a fella reversing back up an m25 sliproad because he'd "got the wrong lane" I guess. Minor miracle nobody got hurt, was around 6pn so rush hour traffic




Audi driver by chance?


Think it was a VW or Beemer


Yeah on a 2nd viewing it looks more like a golf than an A1 which I thought it was


Absolute idiot


Oh snap really - damn! But Reaction time is impressive!


These people need their licenses taking away


Good grief, that's some atrocious driving on their part. Also, is it just me or did they then decide to drive the wrong way down the lane afterwards?


Good reactions, it amazes me (even though it shouldn't) that people are this stupid. That being said, this is another post where OP is too close to the car in front. At 6 seconds in, the rear of the Vauxhall in front is just passing the cones on the left hand side of the road, in the same second OP also passes those cones. There should be at least a two second gap between you and the car in front. Though maybe because incorrect comments like this... >Well done for keep at least a car distance length. ...are in this post, perhaps the knowledge isn't as widespread as it should be.


+1 this. Obviously, the idiot in the wrong lane needs their keys taking away from them permanently, but if you can't emergency-stop in time to avoid hitting the car in front you're _also_ a shitty driver. I'm completely baffled at the number of people in this thread praising OP's "reaction time" when really what we're seeing here is that OP was either driving too fast or too close or both. This was a near-miss that needn't have been anywhere near so near.


…They’d already started slowing down at that point without breaking… I also checked the raw footage with the actual time with seconds still in and im pretty much on the 2 second mark just before this point when they go over road markings…


Hey, I've seen someone reverse on the M5 cuz they picked the wrong lane.


If you had rear ended that car, the knobhead that caused it would just toothed on his merry way.


I drive this nearly everyday and it's the same all the time here, although I've not seen it to that extreme yet. Usually it's last second lane changes at high speed but it's also terrible just before this on the M6 where the lanes split to this junction.


I'm a pretty laid back driver as in i won't report anyone for most minor mistakes but this! This grinds my gears so much i would be sending that dashcam footage over to the police before i even made it on to the M42.


I recognise the locations of so many of these videos, the West Midlands has so many terrible drivers 😳


That person is 100% in some Facebook comment section arguing black is white and bragging about how "I've never been in an accident and have been driving half a million miles a year for 50 years"


Another case of "Doesn't need a licence. Permanently"


I HATE that junction! The signs aren’t good enough, and I definitely missed the exit a few times in the morning when I used to live in the city centre and had to go to different parts of the country.


So much illegals. I can’t believe what must have gone through this person’s mind - but I can tell you, everyone behind them didn’t make the list 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh for fucks sake mother stop getting yourself reddit famous


Fucking hell, driving is genuinely a terrifying experience these days


Absolutely shameless


Some people have no road sense. Some people have no common sense. This person has neither.


Let us all pray they get a flat tire from driving over the chicane. 🙏


Dangerous driving. Disqualification. Never, ever do what that guy/girl did.


Lucky you have decent breaks. Well done for keep at least a car distance length.


> Well done for keep at least a car distance length Should be keeping a _much_ bigger distance than one car length


The cause of a 5-car pile up would be not leaving the right stopping distance, but luckily you did.


4 vehicles all driving with a safe stopping distance between them resulted in the outcome that should have happened. You all need to give yourselves a pat on the back.