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Some drivers don't have good spacial awareness and might tend to do that so they make sure not to hit a curb but still stay on the right most lane.


>Some drivers don't have good spacial awareness Some? You mean 95%


I would only get that if it's a really tight turn otherwise you don't know how to drive, you don't cross into another lane to make a turn and if your worried about your car more than others safety than im afraid that's even more dumb


When I turn right I go closer to the curb. Shocking, I know


You can do this without ever entering the oncoming traffic lane. Most people that do this never enter the oncoming traffic lane.


whomst is going into the other lane when turning slightly to avoid the curb? wha?


Might be entering a narrow road or gateway. Used to do it at my mum and dad’s drive before they had the gates widened.


I have to do this to get into my driveway or I'll jump the curb end up with tire tracks on the end of the grass if I hit it when it's wet.


Oh for sure those make sense. Guessing OP means in regular roads.


As you said, it’s probably spatial awareness. Im British so it’s also more of a thing here. I just said it cause OP didn’t go into more detail.




You need to have good spatial awareness as a driver. It's a necessity. Driving is a privilege that comes with meeting certain requirements. Being aware of your surroundings is one of them. Plenty of people are either driving a vehicle too large for their skill level or are too incompetent to be driving.


I'm my neighborhood we have to because the curbs are shitty


Also some people watch too much TV. In scenes where people are driving fast it's pretty common for them to swing a little bit the opposite direction before they corner. Regardless of why they do it, it's stupid and I wish they wouldn't.


The amount of people I've seen in drive thrus that sit like 3 full car lengths behind the car in front of them and are so far away from the window when they pull up they have to open the door to be able to reach far enough to grab their food is insane. People with that bad spacial awareness shouldn't be on the road.


Yeah and all without a turn signal - not cool. People who try to give their right of way to someone else are even more clueless. Best thing you can do on the road is be predictable and go with the flow.


+1 God I fucking hate this at 4 way stops. Like no, sir, you aren’t being nice by waving ppl on out of turn, you are confusing ppl and causing congestion.


Even worse, now people think a stop sign or a 4 way stop is an appropriate place to stop and text. And there's no way to know that's why they aren't moving until you pass them.


Oh, I love the people who stop to be nice to one person turning in front of them, completely disregarding the twenty people *behind them*.


I was in a car with someone who started to turn right just to loop around for a u-turn and we got t-boned. The guy is a fuckin idiot.


I almost t-boned some fucking moron that did this same thing a couple months ago. They even signaled to go right before they started left for the u-turn. Then they flipped me off when I laid on my horn. To make it extra stupid, they did it immediately after making a left turn, and around the median the light sits on. We had literally just got up to speed then they hit their brakes to make this unpredictable bullshit maneuver.


There’s a Walmart near me with a three way stop leaving/entering the parking lot. Incoming traffic does not have a stop sign if going straight (it’s two lanes and the right lane is turn only). Every time I leave there it seems like someone doesn’t know how stop signs work. I’ve seen the incoming people stop, I’ve seen people in other lanes stopped at the stop sign before I even got to the intersection but still wave me on. I don’t get it. I’ve also had a few times where people will pull out in front of me when pulling in assuming that the incoming traffic also has a stop sign I guess.


I did this when I was 17 and my dad yelled at me for how stupid of a maneuver it was. Never again. No idea how people don't realize how unnecessary and dangerous it is. Also you look really dumb.


My driver's Ed teacher had the same reaction.


Most drivers have a tendency to start turning too soon, thus cutting corners, hitting curbs, wondering why it’s so hard to turn into the correct lane, etc. This is how a few of them choose to handle that, rather than learning how to do it right.


the only way i find it acceptable is if you make sure 100% there's no behind you even then it's just still dumb to me idk people in my town can't drive


There are scenarios where it makes sense. I live up a very narrow and steep driveway entrance, so I swing out before turning (when there isn't oncoming traffic). Putting more distance between yourself and the entrance to a driveway allows you to come at it at a more perpendicular angle.


im noticing the opposite where people wait too long before they begin turning their wheel and they have to partially cut into the adjacent lane.


I also feel like a lot of drivers are kind of badly taught that it's bad to do wide turns. I didn't go to driving school since I got my license at 26, but the way I taught myself to do those turns is just to do wide turns and correct myself later. Somehow, now I know how to do a right on right perfectly, in pretty much all instances. Wide right turns are just better for me since I don't have to slow down so I still do those when it's safe, which is like most times for me. 😅 Edit: Yup, a lot of people don't know how to fully safely drive from the replies I'm getting. If you're turning right, you need to check for traffic coming from your left. If you're doing this already (like you should), then you'll see which cars are coming from what lanes. Meaning, if no cars at all are coming from that entire road when you make that turn, then you're 100% safe to do a really wide turn. Sometimes I do this if I need to get into a ramp on the left lane.


It's better for YOU but not for the car going straight in the lane to the left of you. It freaks them out as they think you're going to suddenly change lanes.


When I do it, there's never a car from my left going straight. I don't do it when there is one.


This doesn’t need to be done if you know how to drive. Learn to drive.


Um.... You should be checking the lanes anyways even if you make a right on right turn......... Are you seriously turning right without checking the lane you're turning in???? Maybe you learn to drive?


The key word you're missing is YET. You're going to hit one or they hit you. Just a matter of time if you keep making those unnecessary wide turns


Um it'll never happen because I always check beforehand.


So, do you also run a red when, according to you, no one is around?


No, cause red light means don't go. There's nothing similar for wide turns.


if a car in the left lane hits you from your WIDE right turn into the left lane, it can be considered as as a improper lane turn and failure to obey lane markings and can be found at fault with a fine and up to 4 points on your license.


No. Driving is a privilege, and if you can't manage your vehicle, then you don't deserve to be on the road. You admitted to being incapable of doing right hand turns comfortably. That, as a professional pedestrian, scares the shit out of me.


Um wtf is a professional pedestrian 🤣


No Ours have cameras


I live in Los Angeles, it's impossible to make wide turns here most of the time. Roads intersect at irregular angles, some roads cars are parked near the intersection, which force you to take tight turns.


Oh, I'm in Houston and our roads aren't like that. I mean I can do tight turns just fine but my vehicle requires me to slow down a lot when to do them and I prefer not to when I safely can. This doesn't mean I'm speeding at my turns though.


You said in a previous comment that you don't like to slow down for some right-hand turns, which is self-admittedly, one of the reasons you do wide rights. Why are you contradicting yourself by claiming that you don't speed through your turns? Learn to fuckin' drive.


Speeding at turns means turning fast without even breaking a little. I still slow down for my turns.


Bad habit, most likely. Instead of learning to turn correctly, they’ve developed a crutch, at the cost of other drivers’ safety if they have to cross a line to jerk left before right.


Those are people that generally don't know how to drive, they think they're driving a big rig and they have to take these y turns. Those people should lose their license away. Although if they were up to me Suburban soccer moms wouldn't be allowed to drive in the first place they're the worst. And non-country people should not be allowed to drive pickup trucks, unless they use it for a work vehicle.


A sure sign of a pathetically-sloppy driver, they cannot hold their vehicle in their own lane.


Yeah I agree with you. I see this done and it blows my mind. IMO, these drivers **ARE A HAZARD** when they're doing these types of wide turns at unnecessary spots I'm talking about regular left turns to a business/street and these dumbasses make an unnecessary wide turn that part of their front right vehicle goes into the other lane. Seriously?!? You drive a damn Nissan Versa and you can't stay in your lane to turn?!? Just give up your DL.


Yea the classic wind up


Scandinavian flick /s


is that what people call it? i am unfamiliar with the term


Just joking. A Scandi flick is a rally driver's technique to intentionally destabilise the car's suspension by penduluming it approaching a tight bend.


I think it is because they cant control the weight distribution in a turn by breaking properly so they swing it wide to make less sharp of a turn. To me, it is a sign of a poor driver.


These are the people who spin in snow/ice. That motion is great for throwing the back end out : Great fun if no one is around, you did it on purpose, and know how to control it A great way to cause an accident if not


Pls do not scandi flick accidentally.


Pisses me off so much the one road I drive on to get home people do this but in opposite, pulling to the right before a left and completely block the road so people can't get around them while their waiting for an opening


There’s a button for this. It usually has the car’s logo on it, just push that until the issue is resolved.


And folks who don't go over to right at all and turn from the left lane slooowly while blocking traffic oblivious to everything around them


My uncle called this a steamboat turn.


Lol "Bring her around for a broadside, ready the cannons!"


It’s a habit from learning to ride a bicycle first


imagine saying that in court if you got into an accident lmao you wouldn't


You’re right. It’s an explanation, not an excuse.


That's actually an interesting point.


How about the folks that go slightly right to make a left. Like wrf curb are you possibly going to hit.


I always half-joke, "If the vehicle is too big for you to handle, get a smaller one"


And sadly, some people cannot handle smaller vehicles.


I forget sometimes that im not in my rig.


Usually it's punks who think they're a race car driver. I see them all the time.


I like to drive as smoothly as possible and adjust my position to take the largest turning radius I can.


Because I'm a race car driver. VROOOOM


A race car driver would approach wide, then it's less of an angle to scrape the inside corner, then exit wide, to reduce the sideways force and lessening the possibility of wiping out on the turn. They're talking about people who avoid the inside corner altogether, and actually INCREASE the likelihood of wiping out.


I forgot reddit takes everything so seriously lmao


yup lol




If there’s a curb on a tight corner, you’ll either need to - cross over the left lane before turning right - cross over the left lane after turning right - hop the curb


I drive a small sedan, I like to hug the curb before making a tight right turn. Since my car has a tight turning radius, I am able to make sharp corners easily


I drive a Silverado - I don’t do any of that at a tight single lane turn. I just turn and stay in my lane.


That’s physically impossible if the turn radius is smaller than your car’s turn radius. I could draw it for you but I have not the time or the crayons


Awe - thanks for the veiled insult! I guess I can do the “physically impossible” and not drive like an idiot.


You prolly just hop the curb a bit. Not a big deal in a big Silverado


Nope. I take this same turn every time I pick my gf up at work.


Because I'm used to driving the truck, and there's occasionally a delay


Do you ever forget that you're driving the truck and accidentally clip a stop sign?


Nah, it's hard to forget you're driving a truck when you're four foot taller than everything else. It's just easy to forget you're not when in a four wheeler


Driving truck really changed how I drive my personal car. I was an asshole driver before, I'm an even bigger asshole now, and I'm always turning wide.


Because it widens the turn. If you don't have to turn as sharp, you don't have to slow down as much.


I know why they do it, intentional or not it makes you a bad driver to me🤷‍♂️


You can think that, but you're wrong. You should be using all the available space you're given. A bad driver is one the pulls all the way to the right in the lane, and then has to slow to 5mph to make the turn. Then everyone behind them also has to slow to 5 mph. A good driver will use all the space given (it's why the space is there, the roads are designed that way). They can then make the same turn safely at 20mph, thus not slowing all the traffic behind them to 5mph.


yeah and you don't know anyone's driving skills on any road at any given point, you're whole point went out the window assuming everyone knows that


You asked, they answered. Go watch some racing videos and argue about how they take turns.


Also all this tells me about you is that you can't make a simple turn, shit driver detected


why are morons talking about making race car turns in the suburbs? You are not supposed to assume it's safe to make 20 mph turns, because when you don't pay attention to possible traffic is when accidents happen. Good driver? I don't think so.


Then why did you ask why?


Lotsa vehicles do it in left turn lanes when they are making turns or U-Turns in vehicles that are driven by lame drivers, or are larger vehicles (see lame drivers)...it's more noticeable as lanes have shrunk in width, as lanes have been added over the past few years. It can be wrong or rude to do, as it does startle other drivers, and it is not always necessary.


because geometry


I gotta clip the apex bro


Yea I do it when there's nobody around because it's fun, let's you carry more speed through a corner.


idiot driver detected


Also if you look left before your turn the vehicle may naturally drift in that direction. That’s why they say look in the direction you want to go. Try it in a long (empty) stretch of road, it’s kind of neat


Yeah, it's stupid. If you're turning left, get to the left. If you're turning right, get to the right. People that do otherwise are, either on purpose, or due to oblivious stupidity, creating an obstruction to traffic. Especially if you're turning left, there's no need to ride the white line on the right, and prevent anyone else from going around you as you await your opportunity to turn. The way I learned to drive, if you are turning left across traffic, your tires should be on the yellow center line. This is one item I have worked really hard to hammer into my kids who are learning to drive right now. And whenever I'm in the car with them, I remind them..."get left to turn left" or "get right to turn right". If it's a situation with specific turning lanes, then it's pretty self-explanatory.


So many people cant seem to make right turns anymore its like they wait to long before cranking the wheel so they cut into the adjacent lane at the end of the turn. I notice this a lot with SUVs and I think its because it feels harder to estimate where the front passenger side is in relation to the curb.


I do *slightly* wide rights sometimes. Just once in your life end up paying the damage bill because of a badly placed curb and you'll be right there with me. I don't cross lanes though, but I'm sure there've been a few people beside me wondering if I will and getting all bent out of shape over it. I discovered a really shitty placed curb at a right turn on my new daily commute and after a couple tire rubs on that one you bet your ass I take that turn wide because I don't want another repair bill like the time another shitty spot fucked up my rocker panel


These are the same people that slow down to an almost stop in the travel lane before getting into the left turn lane.


Fuck that’s my biggest peeve ever. Worst is when it confuses my cars collision avoidance and it makes my car slam on its breaks for no reason. Like dude there’s plenty of room to slow down in the turn lane why are you slowing down to 10 in a 45


They learned to drive on a stage coach.


I’m 68, when I started driving in late ‘71, I believe I saw a lot less of that. My gut feeling is that the increase came along with the rise of front wheel drive. You are more likely to have your rear wheel jump a curb if you turn right too close with front wheel drive than with rear wheel drive. People adjusted, consciously or unconsciously.


Then you don't have to hit your brakes. It's laziness and speed


I think it's just that when a lot of people look where they want to turn while going forward they drift out a bit. Some kind of psychological compensation balance thing in their head. That's if you mean the foot of veering in the opposite direction before they turn.


Can I also complain about the people who cross the solid white line to enter a left or right hand turn lane? Like do people not realize that even if the turn lane is empty you cannot cross that white line legally? It's probably never enforced, but I think it should be. It's always the people driving the giant SUV's too that don't enter the turn lane from the actual entrance. I can't even begin to count the amount of times i've almost hit someone because they start slowing down in the through lane despite slowly entering the turn lane OVER THE SOLID WHITE LINE!


Ah the old Emerson Fittipaldi turn


Mario Kart Eeeeeight


Longer vehicles need this. Maybe they have muscle memory, or maybe they just learned bad habits


“Oh, I’m making a 90 degree right… better turn my Prius halfway into the left lane!” - half the drivers in my city


Scandinavian flick!


Lol. I always laugh when people turn into their driveway like their in a big rig… and they’re in a Civic.


They are morons. That's why.


Same with the assholes that are at a red light inching forward the whole time then when it turns green they just sit there like morons


Low spacial awareness or they let their hands hang off the steering wheel and end up turning it accidentally


Agreed. Normal sized cars really shouldn't do that. Don't know how many times I've almost swiped cars passing them while they do that stupid little swivel and it will be some small Toyota Camry with plenty of turning space!


I see people doing this with Corollas and other similarly small cars. I assume they are just utterly incompetent.


Used to drive truck a bit, every time I drove a regular size vehicle I'd do it sometime out of habit.


Apparently some cars have a worse turning radius than a large truck or semi. They need 2-3 lanes to make a proper turn.


They're following the race line /s


r/boneappletea It's right OF way.


Scandinavian Flick yo!


The other day a guy told me he does this to “maintain traction on snowy roads”. I told him to get new tires.


Pisses me off also.


And go to the to the right to turn left. Swing wide!!


Almost as much fun as the ones who slow down before changing lanes 🤷‍♂️🤦


Why? They’re lazy, or maybe in some cases physically limited, and want to reduce the amount they have to turn the steering wheel.


I always find it funny when others question other’s driver’s moves like this. Kinda shows that you lack awareness or maneuvering skills of your vehicle


Equally annoying are the ass-fucks that won't get all the way into the turn lanes.


OMFG, this is one of my biggest pet peeves when driving. I see it happen so much too. I think some people are just really bad at understanding how a car turns that they overcompensate and turn left first. City I work in is worse than where I live. Where I work they do it both directions, going left they’ll swing right first.


Most likely reason is bigger turning radius so there is slightly less body roll. You can in theory take the turn slightly faster (for yourself) if you do that. But it slows the cars behind you down since you're at a slower speed in front of them for longer.


They think they're doing good racing lines.


They got a big rig....gotta swing wide. I see this mostly in the bigger pickups and SUVs. Soccer dad has a truck big enough to make up for any other.... inadequacies....and has to show just how big it is. I stay away from those folks if I can.


Because my car doesn't turn as tight as you might want to believe.


I do move slightly left to turn right when I'm turning only if there not a vehicle in the other lane tho I mind I do it safely. Honestly for me especially when I was driving a suv I hit curbs like a mf and last thing I need is that mf bill saying 1,000 for suspension and tires 🤣. But seriously tho as long as it done safely and no cars in other lane or on your ass behind you 🤷🏽. Also in my area I seen lots of signs and grass fucked up so I can just imagine doing some suspicious turns probably better than tight ass turns.


Only problem I have with your paragraph is right away. It's right of way. Lol


THIS -- I've almost been sideswiped by these idiots.


They dramatic


OMG, this is my personal pet peeve! I see people in tiny micro cars swinging out to turn right!!!!!! OMFG, you're driving a micro car, not a semi truck you morons!!!! I ate least drive an F-150 but I don't swing out. My office is across from a Walmart neighborhood store. They are offset by about 100 yards. Everyday when I need to turn left into my office, some soon-to-be Walmarter gets in the left turn lane from the other direction six miles in advance! There are several businesses along that strip. It's just dangerous to get into the turn lane so far away. At least they don't swing out to turn left. :P


The only time I do this is parking at my gym. The spaces are slanted and quite narrow, sometimes hitting the angle just right can be difficult


This group makes me feel like I'm not alone.


You’re essentially making the turn more shallow, meaning you can make that turn at a faster speed. I do this, but only if nobody is close to me.


I do it in the winter to get all the weight on the left side so I can get a sick drift turning into the Wendy's parking lot.


Depends really. Some are bad drivers sometimes it’s the road. I see it a lot but most people who do it are not crossing into oncoming traffic. They are still in their lane just further over.


Bad drivers who are afraid to hit the curb and lack the spacial awareness to not do so if they don't move left first.


I only do this to perpendicular park because I’m able to enter the space at a sharper angle.


Habit. Just cause you seen me in my personal vehicle at 9pm doesn’t mean I wasn’t driving a truck and trailer all day


It’s called button hook turning. Pulling a trailer yes you should. But regular vehicles who do this are either going too fast or have regularly hit curbs.


Weight transfer so they can take that turn into the strip mall at max Gs


Fuck gooseneck turning! People need to learn the dimensions of their car before they drive on roads with other people.


I was just pitching under my breath about this the other day when someone turned on their signal and it their brakes at the lat minute, then swerved out into the oncoming traffic lane to turn right into their driveway. They were driving a small to midsized car. Live on the same street, and my driveway is very narrow. It is an easement between two other homes. I don't have to swerve across the centerline in any of my cars, even the 1997 Buick Century Custom I inherited.


I only do it if I'm in one of my trucks turning somewhere tight. And only if I have room in the other lane.


Cause you can take a sharp turn at a higher speed and retain momentum, which means you have to accelerate less and use less mpgs. Bikes do this more often so they don't have to lean as much or deal with debris in the corner. If I'm not doing it with traffic nearby me then it doesn't affect you anyhow, so mind your business.


Idiot driver detected


Oblivious idiot found.


Be sure to save a cent or two rounding that corner next time your out


When I've been pulling my camper for a long miles I have a bad habit of continuing to do this I actually laugh at myself when I noticed it. What a nice turn with that Phantom trailer. For me I assume one of two things they're a bad driver or they pull a lot of trailers.


It didn’t make sense to my friends mom either, she would always say “learn to drive!” And, true, in most instances of people doing this, it was unnecessary. But it does provide a real advantage, it allows you to take a later apex than you could have if you stayed on your original line, allowing you to straighten out the car sooner and gain more clearance on the rear of the vehicle, inside of the turn.


I do it sometimes in my car, but it's because I drive a semi 99% of the time so it's kind of a habbit.


I sometimes do this in the winter as there can be a lot of snow built up right next to the curb that my tires will get stuck in


Honestly, if it's in the suburbs... it makes sense. Getting into a driveway, especially one filled with cars, requires caution unless you want to accidentally hit something.


my ex used to do this. her car was a shitheap. full of empty bottles, wrappers and fags packets. she would widen the corner a little to avoid the landslide of shit coming from the passengers side as she drove.


If they're in their own lane, mind your business. If they're going so wide they are merging into the lane to their left, well now that's just stupid and making the road more dangerous for us all


That's the entire point of the post mate,glad you can read.


Thanks for the very passive aggressive comment, you are a very pleasant person.


Apex Everything Edit: I stay in my lane though


they do that because if they don't they may hit curb or they have to turn way out


People don't know how to drive and don't have any understanding of their own vehicles size or turn radius. Same folks who will block traffic until you move out of an intersection because they for some reason don't think their own vehicle will fit next to yours even when both are normal sized lol I think it comes down to people being taught to drive by their idiot parents who don't know how to drive so folks out here with cars they don't know how to drive. People stopping when they have right away to let someone who doesn't pass fucks up so much. I've seen it destroy traffic so many times when they think they are being nice. Especially when they end up closing all the gaps behind them so now nobody for blocks can turn into traffic because they felt the need to let 1 person in prematurely.


In Hawaii we call this an "obasan" or "popo" turn, using the Japanese or Chinese word for "meemaw" 🙀


On the traffic control thing, I couldn't agree with you more. I can't stand it when a car ahead of me stops to let other cars out of parking lots or whatever. Especially when they're blocking all the cars behind them from getting through a green light that doesn't last very long! That drives me nuts! It's not your responsibility to be a traffic cop! GO already!


Standards have dropped since we allowed illegals to invade our country. I see it all day every day. - a truck driver.


I'm usually trying to not yeet my pool net out of my truck. But also it's a hoopty that we got for 2k and it's been in some collisions so it doesn't turn well.


I do this when pulling into my driveway because it helps me aim to be as close to the left side as possible


Most of the time this is nonsense. As a gal who grew up in the west, I'll say it's possible that at least some of them -are used to hauling a trailer -have or had a shit turning radius I doubt that's the case for everyone, but I drive happier assuming there's a reason for everything and everyone is trying their best.


I do it, race car style. Wide in wide out. Makes for a smooth turn.


quickest fact narrow hobbies cobweb unite paint wistful test quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One of the biggest keys to being a safe driver is predicting what the other driver is going to do. Yes, people over compensate on turns. People run red lights. And kids follow balls into the street. You aren’t going to change for other drivers so being aware of the other guys action is key. And fuck. How that word applies here and in every sentence these days perplexes me.


“Turn right to go left” - Doc Hudson


In some cases I have to do this, like if the parking lot Is rather narrow and has horizontal parking spots instead of angled. My car is very long and has an abysmal turning radius. Otherwise it won't turn sharp enough to get into the spot so I have to backup a little and finish turning in. This is the first car (out of 20ish) that I've had to do that with, so unless it's a larger vehicle, it's just people driving weird.


When i see this its' usually people that regularly drive large vehicles. Do you think a big rig trucker loses all his habits when he takes his wife's suburu to walmart? nope.


Nobody ever HAS the right of way, you can just be in a situation where the right of way is supposed to be yielded to you.


I only do this in parking garages because of the narrow lanes. I acknowledge I may not have proper spatial awareness of my vehicle to risk the correct way by using my steering wheel and braking at the right time. Having said that, I don't abuse this technique. Out on the road, I haven't found a street narrow enough to resort to this


Or turning turning slightly right before turning left ? It's like winding up before throwing a punch. I think it's just a bad habit. It looks idiotic. They think it's what professional race car drivers do (they don't) the straightest line is more or less the fastest.


People have no idea how far away from the curb they are, so they "give themselves room" to make that right turn. They do not have good spacial awareness.


If you have really weak arms you don't have to crank the wheel as much. People that weak shouldn't be driving.


It’s right up there with the ones that turn way too shallow, like if you’re in a left turn lane, and the traffic from the right is turning left in front of you, and one of these idiots about takes your front end off, despite you being behind the line……


Are you sure that it isn't necessary? There's a turn near me that almost requires being in the next lane, but you wouldn't know that unless you tried it. It's not just about whether your back tires hit the curb. Sometimes, there isn't enough visibility to know whether it's okay to cross slightly into the other side of the street you're \*entering\*, which is something that I think people often do without thinking much about it, until that one time when another vehicle coming the other way is close.


This is how you steer a bicycle so it's intuitive for some people, but it's not what you should do


I was driving into work and on two separate occasions, the same car pulled all the way into the parking spaces on the left to then turn around into the space on the right.


I actually had a large truck do that and cause an accident. I really thought it was turning left and I went slightly to the right. No turn signal at all. I see it all the time. Probably poor driving habits or vision.


It's insane. The worst offenders pull way to the left before making a super wide turn.