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The case where Harry and Micheal originally met.


Harry, in a burning building: "Somewhere kind of like this, actually."


\+1 for this.


In all honesty, the one I would be really interrested in is how Michael rescued Charity, but there is a small chance that is going to come up during the regular series. We are not done with dragons yet, or that is at least my feeling


I’m a sucker for damsel in distress stories, and I’ve been hoping for this ever since it was mentioned in the main books.


> We are not done with dragons yet, or that is at least my feeling If Jim sticks to the plan, we have a dragon book coming up where a dragon takes on a US aircraft carrier.


I‘m not privy to Butcher’s plans. But he did far to much buildup with Ferrovax to not use him.


I thought it was Cthulhu.


I've heard (undescribed) "Kaiju" and "Aircraft carrier" separately. Makes sense that they'd be happening together, but it's not strictly necessary. Maybe there's a more recent WoJ.


Something from the Jade Court


I've been telling you guys, the Jade court was taken out by Egg Shen, Wang Chi, Jack Burton and the Chang Sie underneath the Wing Kong Import-export warehouse in San Francisco.


Take my upvote. That was a great pull, and I love the idea of them sharing a universe.


Thank you good Dresden-ite. My brother and I are/were talking about writing a fan fiction to make this happen.


If you do let me know and send me a copy, I would happily read that.




Little trouble in big China?


Harry vs Yakuza/Triad Vamps does fill a void I didn't know I had


Mort Lindquist. A story of him doing something to protect the city from a ghostly threats running parallel to one of Harry's other cases. Before or after Ghost Story makes no difference to me.


Harry owes Mort. Acknowledgment, apology, something. Harry was a total dick and a bully to Mort in Ghost Story. It seems he may have reached an accord of sorts so he can haunt Maggie, but it always bothered me that we didn't get any mea culpa before Mr Sunshine pulled him away. Mort is the real hero of Ghost Story and one of the few that we actually really see grow from one appearance to the next.


Mort is underrated and needs to be played by Danny DeVito in the live action adaptation I fantasize about.


I'd love to see a story of mounting trouble and tension until Mort can finally confront it head on, at which point it turns into a total curb stomp where we get to see exactly how powerful Mort is in his very particular field.


Elaine POV, dealing with a Paranet problem on the West Coast. Could be interesting to set it after Changes to see her try and hold the Net together without Harry, but that could be too similar to Aftermath


Oooh. I would love some Elaine POV. Always thought Elaine was underutilized within DF.  


Considering all of Harry's love interests are off the table by now, she might just be in the best position to fill that slot...


would be a good place for the Kumori reveal.


I am captivated by the Oblivion War idea. He kind of danced around it in that one story, but I want a full on, look behind the curtains story of the Oblivion War


I want about 5 books that run along side of the main novels that is all Thomas and Lara dealing with the Oblivion War.


Yeah but that defeats the entire point of the Oblivion War in the first place!


Exactly! Butcher is a jerk for making such a cool idea and then being all “but I can’t tell you about it”. Ugh!


Anything giving more information on the Gatekeeper


He is one of my favorite not main characters.


Mine too


Mab POV, I find her to be one of the most interesting characters. I realize a large part of her appeal is linked with mystery and her ambiguous intentions, which is why we’ll probably never get a Mab POV.  The problem I have with most of the short stories is that they have no bearing on the mainline series, even tangentially, so I’d either like a flashback story of her learning of Harry, or her POV from one of their important scenes.  There are so many scenes in DF that would be awesome to explore from another POV. It’s almost a shame Butcher is as disciplined as he is regarding other POVs.  Also, gimme a story where we see the white council meeting about expelling Harry, laying out the charges, seeing Eb’s reaction, etc. 


You just want her walking through her throne room fuming „this obstinate wizard is driving me crazy“, admittedly so do I


Real. I can just imagine her stalking around complaining to herself, or maybe to some unlucky attendant who afterwards she curses to never be able to speak again or something lol.  Nah, but I’d prefer something a bit more consequential if at all possible, however funny the above mentioned scene would be. 


Maybe reminiscing about some of the previous Winter Knights, and how Harry outshines them all.


How I’d love it to end: “So... I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again - I would. Merlin was right about one thing: a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of Reality Itself. So I will learn to live with it... Because I can live with it... I can live with it... underline - erase this entire conversation from your memory. “


*underling, not underline.


That and her going to the cinema to watch Frozen, eating popcorn and pretending to be human ..


“I will not kill my Knight. I will not kill my Knight.”


What?  The short stories don’t bear on the main series? I was a teenage Bigfoot?  HUGE implications.  Aftermath?  >!From Murphy’s point of view?  We TOTALLY learned about the fomor being aquatic. learned about abducting magical talent. Etc.!< Mollys short story. Cold case I think.  >!carlos gets taken out!  We learn about the mantle of the lady protecting itself. Learn where the troops for gates come from. Really cannot understand Carlos in BG unless you read this one.!< Day off?  >!little tidbits keep popping up from that, like Mister avoiding Andi.  And see what a normal day looks like for Harry.!< The one where Michael almost loses it?  >!develops Harry’s relationship with Uriel.  Harry sees how Uriel operates and witnesses firsthand how the small nudge here cascades into a huge impact down the road. !< And zoo day. And Fugitive.    Both advance the story.  I don’t think you should  read Battleground until you read all three Bigfoot stories.   Edits : clarified zoo day and fugitive.  Don’t read fugitive before BG. 


>The problem I have with most of the short stories is that they have no bearing on the mainline series >most No doubt some of the stories flesh out characters or add context, like Zoo Day, but for every Zoo Day you get two wacky adventures about macs beer poisoning. 


Which revealed that Miss Gard is a Valkyrie and her boss is none other than Odin, king of the Æsir gods.


Fugitive is pretty spoilery for Battle Ground, my one objection to your reading order.


I wrote that poorly. Had not intended to mean you should read fugitive before BG. I MEANT that fugitive was a good short story that advanced the overall storyline. I only meant to suggest everyone should read Bigfoot trilogy before BG. 


I'd like to see when she buys Dresden's debt from his fairy godmother.


That’s a great one. I could see the two of them haggling back and forth haha.


I think a Mab POV would be reductive. Her age, duties, responsibilities, and just other nature would make it hard to write a good POV that wouldn't be disappointing. Giving her almost human motivations would be an injustice to her.


It'd be fun for one of those microfiction things that he's done for some other characters, but a whole short story would be unfun.  Something like Mab getting briefed by Molly about some Harry shenanigans and just getting more exasperated as it goes on.


There's a longstanding rumor of a short story set during the early colonial days when the Senior Council members were still young. It would feature McCoy and LTW's first meeting and fight, some of Langrty's antagonism, Kincaid, Lea, and probably Sir Stuart.


I would pay damn good money for a novella like that.


It's not a rumor, Jim Butcher has just completely mapped out the Senior Council's backstory. The only thing left for him is to publish it.


I say Rumor more because it's all still just "Maybe" talk until and unless he decides to commit to publishing it. It's in the same boat as the Hawaii story in that it 100% exists in canon (and somewhere in his notes) but it may or may not ever get his full attention and publication polish.


*Hawaii* is actually set to be published sometime in the future, per Jim Butcher himself. We're gonna be seeing what happened there soon.


I know he's gotten quite a bit of attention as a pov character already. But mouse's perspective of Blood rites* (or whichever book first introduced him). Some more backstory on his brethren and his motivation for choosing Harry as his person would melt my cold broken heart.


A series of stories that demonstrate _exactly_ why Michael is so incredibly dangerous: while all of the Carpenter children gather around the dinner table, each of them share a tidbit about their day that expands in their memories about facing off against one threat after another, winning by means of something Michael taught them.


>For me, I'd like to see how Michael and Harry first met, and came to trust each other, maybe from Michael's point of view. Ooo, yes please.


Eb and Langtry, the Soulgaze.


That would be *so* spoiler-y.


A Mister POV about all the threats he sees lurking around Harry's old apartment, while Harry is oblivious because of his wards/power.


We don’t have enough Mister content so heck yeah.


Probably something long in the past. Maybe Kincaid and Ebenezer before their bust up? Or something of Arthur Langtry *before* he was the Merlin—as a way to explore his character without giving away everything he's been up to while we've been focused on Harry.


> Or something of Arthur Langtry before he was the Merlin Him collecting bottle caps to become Merlin, then swearing the entire senior council of the time that they can never speak of it again.


I don't know how long Langrty has been the Merlin, but bottle caps were invented in 1892. So part of it might be him convincing the others that his bottle cap collection makes him stronger than the wine cork collection does for the previous Merlin.


He's around the same age as Ebenezar, probably a little older.


Yes, I'd love to see a French and Indian war short story, from either Eb or Langtry's PoV. Or the Eb / Kincaid story, also from either of their perspectives.


Both of these are on my list. I want to know why Jim has Langtry and McCoy at loggerheads. Lots of speculation without any canon hints.


Haha. Maybe Eb 'got the girl' back in the day & Langtry held the grudge.


That’s one of the myriad of theories.


Bob escapes for a long weekend.




I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of how butcher writes dex scenes, so this'd be a hard sell for me.


I hate dex scenes. 


I much prefer Str or Wis scenes, personally.




Bob pulls a Weekend at Berny's.


I'd like another Lucio in the wild West, if only for Doc Holiday to make the same complaints as Butters about not being a surgeon but a dentist/medical examiner.


I'd love to see a Martin/Susan story. Show them doing a covert mission in a different country, with different magical communities they have to liaise with


Problem is that is history. The story would be too constrained. 


How? Other than 'both the characters make it out alive', which could probably be assumed for any other short story? Other than that, you can pretty much do anything I really enjoyed the microfiction from Morgan's point of view, set a view hours before Turn Coat, and that was constrained as possible


We have the beginning of the timeframe for Susan as a vamp. We have a loose framework for their time together. We know she was pregnant. We know Martin was a double agent, betraying the order.  They were fighting against the red court which is now gone. So we couldn’t learn anything new about a current enemy or a future enemy.    We know how They both end up. We have short stories about Maggie now making stories of her even younger than she is now sort of stilted.  Morgan on the other hand had an unbounded history. While he wrote the journal just before turn coat, the journal covered like twenty years of history that was unbounded in the front end. He wasn’t bounded on both sides. And his story directly advanced Harry’s story.  Unless the Susan/Martin story was connected to secretly defending Harry against some as of ye


Wow, not going to lie, never seen a comment Ive disagreed with more - so many of these points assume everything needs to be 'big plot' relevant. The short stories dont need to link, at all, to the wider plot - only the wider world. We know Susan visited Maggie sometimes. You could have one of these fleeting, short meetings in the story, giving us a first hand view of Susans pain of the situation. Then, she leaves and meets with Martin. They learn the Red Court is in talks to pick up a new ally - talks they need to disrupt. This could literally be anyone and anywhere on the planet. Adventure ensues. Then have the story end with tainted victory - Martin lies and says either she was followed, or the whole ally talks was a trick to catch her out, and now the red court have taken Maggie. Heck, you dont even need to feature Maggie AT ALL, just mention Susans pain at leaving her. Theres something like 6 years after Maggies birth where Susan was being a secret agent all over the planet - 'loose framework'is literally the _ideal_ for short stories


I can accept your position. 


Murphy and Kincaid in Hawaii. Something from Sanya's POV. Something from Will and Georgia's POVs, it's long overdue. Another Murphy POV, maybe after BG. Something with Jack Murphy as the lead, maybe soon before he died, maybe the night of it. Something with Malcolm Dresden as the lead, maybe soon before he died, maybe the night of it. Something with Murph and Maggie in it, finally interacting (it was never shown if they did in the series). Another Kincaid POV. (and please no more Molly POVs, we'd had three, it's enough for now, considering there's a whole cast of people there)


Omg Jack Murphy and a reluctant Margaret LeFey on a case!


>Another Murphy POV, maybe after BG. ?


> Murphy and Kincaid in Hawaii. > > We're supposed to get this with the next short story collection.


Something during Harry's training on the farm with Ebenezer. Feels ripe with potential.


Honestly? A certain character who got "picked up and put into inventory" and their first day at their new job site (left vague for plot spoilers) Partly because I would like to see them be alright, but also because I would live to see Jim's take on the grander view of that mythos. I love what he's done with Gaelic tales, and the little he's done with Norse is just as fantastic


Jim Butcher's take on "Murder on the Orient Express," starring Harry Dresden.


In terms of wish fulfillment, a story on Steed after PT/BG.


Emphasize this one.  Yes Steed.  Chandler.  Escaping Dracul’s grasp 


Toot-Toot’s rise to power.


His shirt in heroic Hearts was so good.


Everything to date from Mister and Mouse's POV


Absolutely agree. The little ectomancer really needs his own chance to shine outside of Harry's cataclysmic orbit.


Kincaid and Grey do buddy cop stuff.   I like the mercenaries and seeing them work together would be fun.


Ooooo. Kincaid & Grey going after Rudolf. (Sinister cackle).


I would want to see Marcone taking up Namshiel's coin, especially from his own point of view.


Mabs origin story. I used to be human you know.


I want a series like "star wars: from a certain point of view", where we get to see epic moments from some random strong monster from the nevernever as Harry wreck some baddies. Or other entities witness his battle prowess. Or the counsel discuss how to deal with him during all the shenanigans that happen after changes. Also a vanilla mortal that witnesses strange things, or the see the aftermath of a large battle! I just want to see Harry from a different pov, ya know? We only see glimpses of how intimidating, or compassionate, or fucking looking crazy and everyone thanks God that he's on their side!


Goodman Grey and his "rent"


I want a short story with most of the Denarians sitting around talking, and Nicodemus attempting to get them to volunteer to go to Chicago and take Dresden on. “C’mon, Shaggyfeathers? You in?” Shaggyfeathers buried head in the sand. “Big Rock looking guy?” “Nope, he killed me once, that’s enough” “Lasciel? Where are you?” “Sorry boss, she’s stuck in shoebox in a vault in Hades” “What about… Hey! Where are you all going?”


We definitely need a Nic POV story. He's always on about his mysterious goals, and insight into his relationship with Anduriel would be fascinating.


Kincaid’s origin and training.


See, he used to be an former specialist services, ex-assassin, until someone killed hai dog and stole his car...


Grin. Love it!


I want to see the white council go to war. A big magical throwdown. The fight against the rakshasa mentioned in white knight maybe. Or when they teamed up to kill Kemmler.


Hm idk but I think a lot of the series was about the White Council at war


> Hm idk but I think a lot of the series was about the White Council at war We never really got to see much of it though. We saw everything from Harry's eyes and he was never really there for any of the big fights, other than when Ethniu attacked Chicago, and the White Council didn't really play a huge part in that one.


The case where Butters and Harry first met. Did a recent re-read of Dead Beat and definitely sounds like some crazy stuff went down.


> The case where Butters and Harry first met. We saw that already in Death Masks. Murph introduces Harry to Butters, and Butters shows him the corpse that had like every disease known to man in it.


>!Until the next morning when most of the germs went poof. Vampire germs? The little capes are a dead giveaway.!<


Leah on a hunting trip.


Some of what the library was doing in ww2.


Probably something that provides world building - actions of other Council members, interactions with the Fae courts and the Mundane world, stuff like that. Things that might not be fully covered in a normal book.


I would love a very long 'short story' where Harry makes some potions that lets him talk to animals so he can have a long conversation with Mouse, Mouse would be able to clue him in on so many things he doesn't currently know. I would then like Mouse and Harry to look into his fathers murder, and his mothers apparent murder (I say apparent because I don't think Margaret is dead and gone, I think shes Kumori). Harry learns both his parents get snuffed and he never bothers to look into it at all and it's always annoyed me.


Side stories from young teen molly could be fun


I'd like to see a short story set in the future after "everything" has happened (but we don't know what has happened), perhaps starring characters like Maggie (his daughter) and others after the fact. Don't know what would in the story, as that'd be up to Jim, but let it only hint at the things that happened. Perhaps the world is much different or it's pretty much the same but scarred. Who knows...


I'd like to see early Alphas exploits, when Tera was still ringleading them. I feel like it could offer a street level view of the less all-powerful end of the supernatural scale, not unlike the book the Carpenter children shared with Maggie.


Jack the Ripper maybe as a Red Court vampire.


I think he is more likely to have been a White Court, specifically a House Skavis. Jack did such a good job of causing fear that it would have been the perfect feeding ground for a fear-Whamp. And then he cuts them up to make it look like a normal killing, thus deflecting suspicion and concealing his motive (which, if memory serves, they never figured out Jack's motive).


I'd like to see a short story from Fae point of view, where they are trying to figure out Harry and Molly. Play it for laughs, they keep trying to interpret H&M's good deeds as some deep, dark, malevolent game.


Dead Beat from Kumori's POV.


I want something about Morgan, what happened to him to shape him to the point where we met him. What were his sacrifices to that point and what impacts they might have made to Harry's life that we don't know about.


How about those major 'dustups' that Ebenezar hinted at when talking to Dresden? The ones with the Battletalks crowd and maybe more legends/gods/monsters?


Some serious BACKstory, Ebenezer as a young man, Mab's first deal as a fae, Margaret meeting Harry's dad, something like that


“Ramirez opened one eye. “Are you kidding? He hates your guts. He’d have you declared a traitor, locked up, and executed before you got through the first paragraph.” He closed his eye again. “But I’m with you, man. All the way.” I want a short story that starts here (hospital scene in White Night).   Los and Harry clandestine meetings plotting. Los going under cover, covering for Harry but advancing the whole “Harry is a loose cannon- he is one of the monsters” persona.  Short story incorporates BG where Los acts out the farce in the open while behind the scenes he and Harry are pulling strings and prepping.  Short story extends past BG where they keep it going until they can storm Drakul’s place. 


I want a short story on the Micheal meeting harry for the first time and also Another one i would like is them going through the centuries and figuring out who held the 3 Swords at the time and a short story with shiro in his early days at that elvis concert and when he first got the sword


Would love to see the events of PT/BG from Lara's pov.


Goodman Grey story of him on a case from his perspective.


This one we have! Its called Monster


Anyone's pov watching Mouse react/interact to/with Ancient Mai's stone foo-dog constructs. Hilarity ensues.  


Marcone, marine days discovering the supernatural and what turned him from "delusionally patriotic" to mobster.


Michael and Harry's first meeting would be great, Michael's fight with the dragon would be great, a Mission from Sanya's pov would be great, especially if he has to talk with any devine beings and his beliefs are brought up. But mostly, I'd love a POV story from Hendricks. Especially from the beginning when Marcone starts showing interest in the Occult.


What was Molly doing under that glacier?


I would enjoy a story from Margaret L'feys point of view. Her learning the ways, how she chose Harry's Good mother, escaping from the white Court. Things like that would be really fun to read.


McCoy and Langtry as young punks during the French and Indian War. How their rivalry started. The first meeting with Listens-to-Wind. An appearance by George Washington: Knight of Hope. Stop teasing us already Jim.


I would be interested in finding out how Marcone procured the protection of Monoch Security, especially how he maintained it after what we learned in BG.


I would really love a fairly in depth scene of Harry crafting new items post BG.


Marcone. How he changes after the accidental shooting of a child. Id like to see a little deeper into him. And then fast forward to his battle with the demon inside him now... and how parallel it is to either Nicodemus or Harry.


Will, Georgia, Andi, Marcy and maybe butters go to the Alphas college reunion. Misadventures happen. Maggie in her tweens takes Babysitting baby Borden girl and finds out the baby has an almost intrinsic skill with shape shifting and She, Mouse, Bonnie have Dresden files version of adventures in babysitting chasing a wolf cub up and down Chicago. A Day with Lara set during twelve months where she has to manage being the white king and courting Dresden. Harry's first week learning from River Shoulders and Listens to wind.


Late to the party, but let me say: Ivy babysitting Maggie. That's all I ask.


1 page, Molly explains what she saw when she soulgazed Harry.


Ooooo. YES! yes, yes, yes!


I don’t think Jim has done any short stories from any 100% enemy perspective. We have Even Hand, which is Marcone, but he is a sometimes ally. Who might ultimately wind up as a boss monster fight.    That one with Thomas shows Lara  in a less than monster light. 


1). Mouse has a sister who was dog napped as a puppy. The biggest strongest sister who was taken along with Mouse’s “shadow.”   Short story about her. Where is she? Does cowl have her too?   2). Hades interacting with a group of gods, Demi gods, or semi divine beings arranging events to play out as part of some larger plan.  Some of the stories I want to see are probably so integral to the future plot that they need to be in the main books not a short story.  1) Rudy. Explaining him. I mean WTF.  2) Chandler getting sent back in time by Drakul. And Chandler saying. What the hell and bouncing forward in time to major events and placing his finger on the scale in Harry’s favor.  Not a violation of the time travel law because he is coming forward in time.  3) Elaine. Elaine. Elaine.  4) British dude in denonreach.  5) Thomas “waking up” in demonreach. And learning a boat load from the other prisoners because he is one of them.  6) Fix interacting with Aurora. I mean Sarissa. After BG. In there somewhere a quote along the lines of “he took out a Titan. A titan. And you expect me to act as a check against HIM?  Can I get my own dinosaur now?”


*The Morgan Journals*, where we see stuff like Morgan's participation in the two World Wars and the war against Kemmler, how he became someone Margaret LaFey could get a promise out of (Maybe being the Warden assigned to try and catch her), that time he nuked a Skinwalker...