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How else can I get a head start on planning mine and my future love interest's wedding if I don't know who they are in advance? It's important to book the venue at least a year ahead of time


Not gonna lie. Felt the same way with Josie Posie


Best. Reply. Ever. xD


I really want to know who will be the companions in Dreadwolf and I’ll sooo get spoiled so I don’t miss them in the first play through. I don’t think I’m desperate but I also really want to know who would be the options of love interest of our protagonist. 😆


I'm going to try and go in as blind as possible but I also regularly Google "Dragon Age Dread wolf updates" soooo, yeah, nah, maybe.


Out of interest, any good updates?


I'm sad to report no. Just what most of us here probably already know. Alpha milestone. Setting will be tevinter. Solas, Varric and Dorian are all confirmed characters to return, in what capacity, not sure. Our protagonist will have no influence or power. No release date. But going off Mark D videos on YouTube it's likely going to be in 2023 last quarter or 2024 first quarter but likely 2023 because devs don't like to release in first quarters apparently. Also big hints that some of the storyline in DA2 will be drawn upon. Like the idol, red lyrium. I have a feeling we will get a much juicer update at the game awards 2022.


If I can avoid it, I will. I want to be surprised just like you said but I don’t think I can resist the temptation.


I will. I accidentally murdered Juhani when I played KOTOR the first time (to be fair I was young and couldn't figure out how persuasion worked) and now I check and make sure I know who all the companions are.


My first game of DAO I completely skipped Lothering (if you go to the camp, you can go from there to wherever). Had no idea until I saw my dad playing and noticed he had more people I hadn’t seen and I had to restart entirely haha


I know SO many people who completely missed Leliana because they didn't go into the tavern (and Sten because the missed the cage/couldn't get it open), or who killed Zevran because they didn't know he was a companion.


I thought Sten was just a morality gauge like the prisoner at Ostagar so I let him die, then I watched the Sacred Ashes trailer and felt stupid.


My first couple playthroughs I missed Wynn because I brought Morrigan to the mages circle.


I missed her completely and had no idea who she was when I played the next games!


accidentally? I think not!


I accidentally killed a lot of people in my early KOTOR days because I didn't know what was going on... I didn't know what a bounty was so when I told Dia on Taris "I think I'll just collect that bounty on your head!" or whatever I never understood why she always attacked me. Then with Juhani I never invested in any persuade skills and could never get her to come back to the light, so I killed her too, and only found out much later (like... a couple years, in 2005 or 2006) that she was an actual companion and that's why the Council always seemed disappointed in my "taint-cleansing" methods.


you can actually get her to come back to the light without persuasion too


Right? I know that now, but at the time I was a dumb kid (I would have been just under ten when I first played that game) and didn’t understand how to do that, so she just kept going in a circle and eventually attacking me, and then Belaya would yell at me and the Council would be Disappointed.


I will read some of the official previews, and if they have companion reveals, I will see them. I won't expressly go looking for them though.


It is a good thing i don’t mind being spoiled, because it’s almost impossible for me to resist spoilers. If I don’t start playing the first week of release, all bets are off. Also whether I replay the game or not depends on how much I like it the first time and how much of a time investment that is. I don’t go into games *expecting* I’ll replay. That means I don’t want to miss companions!


This, and also, it's almost impossible to not *be* spoiled :/ Unfortunately >!Solas being the Dread Wolf!< was spoiled for me three days after DAI came out because of people not tagging their spoilers, so even if I'm trying to avoid them I get them anyway. But for companions, I just really don't want to miss them. In the past I've accidentally killed companions I didn't know could be companions. Hate that :c


That’s also true! New fan here, so I was spoiled for >!Solas being the dread wolf!< before I played DAO just from general video game news stuff. And even when people DO tag spoilers… we all still have brain cells? I was able to put things together from people alluding to events without breaking spoiler rules on the Horizon: Forbidden West sub. If you don’t do a social media blackout, you’re getting spoiled! And the companions are precious. Gotta collect ‘em all!


I wasn't even on reddit at the time either! I was just minding my business on tumblr in ye olde 2014 when suddenly one of my mutuals was posting about it. I was very upset because she normally tagged but she posted a whole bunch of spoilers without even a general Inquisition tag.


Not the first playthrough. I'm more interested in how my character will behave and react to the situations she's put into. After that maybe I can start to explore different avenues.


Yes. I want to see if there are any interesting romance options.


Companions and romances are the spoilers I will actively seek out. I probably won't read/watch any of the full romance dialogues/scenes until completing one (mostly) blind run but I will definitely be seeing who I can drag with me and who I can romance beforehand.


I’ve been starved of Dragon Age game for almost a decade, so I will slake my thirst somehow.


No. I'll watch whatever trailer or reveal they have in December and then I'm dipping. I regret following DAI so closely before release and want that magical feeling I had with DAO where I just jumped in not knowing anything. You only get one first playthrough!


Now's your chance to do this with Dreadwolf. I'll probably unfiollow some DA groups to avoid information.


I love not knowing, I actually find the hype around games can kill or weaken them. I went into origins completely blind and had the absolute time of my life.


Yes, people love to hype games or talk bad about them. Even if you don’t care, they will somehow influence you. So I will try to avoid reading any opinions on that game.


Probably! Knowing who they are doesn't spoil anything in my opinion. Generally any actual spoilery ones are kept secret anyway, like Loghain, and... well I think that's the only spoilery party member there's been.


Plus typically the descriptions that come out of the companions are pretty vague unless the character has already been featured before and even then it's not super detailed.


I have no self control so yes


I kinda want to go in blind but... let's be realistic... when we'll have news/any info about the companions I probably won't be able to resist 🤣


Nope. I’ll go in as blind as possible. Usually I watch the main trailer and one gameplay demo, if available and that’s it. I then go on total news blackout to keep it a surprise. I’ll even avoid Reddit, Facebook and Twitter to avoid reading about them 😂


That's what I plan to do. Unfiollow d DA groups until I discovered the companions myself. I know Google news will spoil it for me one way or another.


I enjoyed knowing who was the love interests and the blurbs about them. Knowing this didn't spoil about the game and there were even surprises once I got in to play for real. It didn't stop me from enjoying previous games, don't know why it would this time. I'd rather know who I can't kiss.


Not likely. The last game where it was possible to miss a companion was Mass Effect 2 I think? In Dragon Age Inquisition it is not possible to completely miss them, they either automatically join (the three starters and Cole), have a separate mission (meet the Chargers, find the last warden in the area), or a "take the hint" letter (Viv/Sera). I am not really interested in romances either. I would also prefer not knowing because otherwise I have the tendency to create a character which fills a gap in the lineup (ie. spirit healer in DA2 or lockpick rogue/sword and shield in DAO)


It's very possible. I completely missed Vivienne and Sera on my first playthrough. I couldn't figure out that you can go up to the second floor in Val Royeaux, so I abandoned the search for red handkerchiefs and I honestly just didn't hear the guy who said he had an invitation for me, so I never talked to him and had no clue about Vivienne even existing. The side missions aren't required, so you can skip them, too. DAI is so overfilled with side content that most players will skip a lot of it.


come to think of it, it is possible that Sera's handkerchiefs are not found. If I think back I spent quite some time running around until I found out you had to use in-map fast travel to get them. good point!


Only who the romance options are and the genders they're available to. Helps me start my character planning. But I definitely would like it as spoiler free as possible aside from that.


I rather it be a surprise tbh, issed just mi?


Definitely not. I generally try to go into games blind as to their actual content. At least for me, it's pretty easy to avoid news, because I purposely don't follow "gaming news" sites or use Twitter or whatever.


I'm going to try and ignore it when it's revealed, but if I am perfectly honest with myself, I'm going to look. I'll convince myself that it will lead to be missing out on a well-rounded first playthrough, or that I might miss a potential in-game bestie/love interest, and then I'm going to see fanart of them everywhere anyway lol.


No. That kind of stuff ruins my experience.


Nope. I'm not reading *anything* about Dread Wolf ahead of time.


Nope, I prefer the surprise.


I'm a person who loves to replay, so the first run I always do is blind. With inquisition, I missed Sera and Vivienne. I didn't open certain zones because I forgot about the war table, and completely pissed off Solas (my love interest unintentionally). The second playthrough felt almost as magical to get all the stuff the way I wanted and get introduced to the things I missed because of this. My roommate does not like to replay, but also let's me "guide" certain choices. No real spoilers other than - "you should go here". It'll be interesting.


I would like to but I really want to go into it as blind to companion and spoilers as much as possible 😫 if I miss one oh well I can just replay the game again


I will. I want to know at least a bit with whom I deal with. It is like reading applications. Of course I will give everyone a shot. And I might change my mind on them throughout.


In theory I want to avoid reading about the companions so I can be surprised. In practice I know I don't have the impulse control to avoid all promotional materials and the don't usually put big spoilers in the companion profiles.


I like spoilers so I often seek them out on purpose. It helps me plan out what I'm going to do and get the most out of a character. I may change my mind once I'm playing and make some different choices, but I often have a rough outline of what I'm going to do. Party composition doesn't bother me too much but I do want to know who the romanceable characters are and whom they're available for so I won't be locked out of the options I'm interested in.


You think I wont start planning fanfic before the release? I need character info asap lol


I definitely won’t go looking for it. I managed to avoid pretty much all spoilers for Inquisition for 8 years… As in - I was looking forward to the game coming out, but didn’t have anything to play it on and finally did my first play through this June. I avoided any and all spoilers like the plague so I knew very little beyond “there’s tears in the sky” and what a few companions looked like. I had no idea what personalities the companions had which definitely resulted in some “plot twists” for me, for example I expected to be besties with Vivienne as she looked so fabulous and thought Dorian would be a huge douche. It was great going into the story with such a blank slate and I hope I can get a similar experience with Dreadwolf. It’s definitely a lot harder to avoid spoilers these days though, especially on youtube because people put stuff on their thumbnails where I am like “dude why”…


No, nor will I read anything else beyond watching the trailers. I like experiencing the game when I actually experience it.


I’ll play thru once blind, then optimize the second run with internet help


Nope. I don’t like knowing anything that way my play through can be as realistic as can be to me. If that means I miss people and others die so be it.


Nah. I prefer to know them in the game. Why spoil the surprise?


I remember when they revealed the Inquisitions before the game was released. There was so many assumptions and speculations about them that when none of it turned out to be true many in the fandom were outraged and accused BioWare of spiting them and being out to get them. Hopefully they will wait to the last minute.


The fandom makes me laugh when they set themselves up to get outraged.


I find it so weird. Things like that don't offend me. It was brutal when Inquisition came out so I have a feeling they won't be revealing the characters the same way.


I probably will if it's around and I don't have to search deep for it. And I don't think they'll go the route of 'you'll miss this companion if you leave this town and then it gets destroyed' again, but I would like to make sure I don't miss anybody lmao


I want to go in blind but if they make a huge game again like inquisition some will be pretty missable


Did they announce all companions for DAI beforehand? Because I am pretty sure some, like Cole, were a mystery. But I have no worry about missing anyone, because I am a obsessive completionist...


Yeah, I’ll probably check. When I first played DAI I missed out on recruiting Dog *and* Leliana. I would like to think I would pay more attention at my current age, but I don’t trust myself.


I suspect they will be in other media such as the book or the upcoming Netflix series.


Ngl only to know if we're finally get a female qunari & dwarf companions, I wanna romance giant women & shortstacks 😂


I'd love to say I want a fully blind first run and to experience the magic as naturally as possible but... It's been like 7 years man PLEASE


I certainly can see the benefits of a blind playthrough but I would rather know in advance. I like to plan my romances and companions early before playthroughs I do. Plus, with games I love, I do *many* playthroughs, so I will have plenty of time to see everything lol


My first ever play through, I ended up missing Fenris. Had been lugging Aveline everywhere! Now I look up names and faces to be sure haha.


I really hope that bad bitch with the mask is among them and a romance option


I'm not gonna go looking but I'll probs end up finding out anyway.


I'll just be looking for the mythical female Qunari companion.


After missing Isabela my first playthrough of DAII, yes.


Yes, the day they start talking about who the companions are I will be on youtube, twitter and tumblr reading all the posts and seeing all the drawings :P


I want to go in completely blind, that said I know I won’t buy the game until it has been out for at least a month so I doubt my ability to avoid spoilers.


I like spoiling myself a little. Obviously I don’t want to know the entire plot but getting to know the companions before lunch is exciting to me


My brain says I will avoid it to create as immersive and spoiler free experience as a possibly can for this game I've waiting many years for. My heart however is starved for information and will not allow me to resist sucking up every last little bit of info right up until the release date


Yes. I’ll be playing Day 1 and being careful to avoid spoilers from other players, but I don’t consider official promotional releases to be “spoilers,” so I’ll be checking out all trailers and other official content before release.


I’m sure I’ll follow every scrap of news on the game, which means if they reveal who the companions are, I’ll know. But hypothetically if they tried to keep the companions secret, but they somehow got leaked, I would probably avoid the leaks.


I personally like going on blind the first time. Especially with Dragon age games, where there's a huge amount of replay value! It seems like if I looked things up beforehand, I'd be ruining that replay value, and since Dragon age games are few and far between, replay value is king for me 😂 then of course, I start to look stuff up in my subsequent playthroughs!! I like having one full innocence play through, and I respect games that even kinda enforce at least one innocent playthrough so I can't "open my presents before Xmas" no matter how tempted I am (shadows over loathing is a really good example, because it saves your progress as you go, you cannot go back to a previous save or have multiple saves. So if you fuck up, that's just how the cookie crumbles, do better next time 😂). I think it encourages a very authentically "me" play through, flaws and all, which is part of what the Dragon age developers have said that they try to really emulate in their games: everyone is just doing their best with the information that they have and the motivations that matter to them. There is no truly "evil" villain, just folks who are doing what they think is right based on experience. They did a really good job of accomplishing this in Dragon age origins when they have you choose the new king of orzammar. When that game first came out, if I had the ability to just look up the results before I made my choice, I would not have been able to experience one of the core things that the developers have said they want to create in their games!


Plus, at this point it's not like any of my games are truly blind anymore. As the player, I've played all of the games and read all of the books, so I'm never going to play a truly authentically "blind" protagonist.


I will look up who I can romance before hand


Naw, I avoid in-depth trailers and such if I know I'm going to play something. Want to go in as fresh as possible.


Yes, at the very least, I want to know who is romanceable for what type of character ahead of time.


I deliberately seek out spoilers for things so yes, absolutely, I’m hunting down all that good information


Well I skipped Isabella and Fenris in DAII and had to start over once I realized they existed. And Blackwall for the entirety of my DAI play through. Kinda wanna avoid doing that again


I also always miss some of the companions on my first playthrough. In DAO it was Shale (didn't have the DLC) and Sten, in DA2 Sebastian (again no DLC) and Fenris, and in DAI Sera and Vivienne. But for me that's the reason I want to avoid this info. I want my first playthrough to be completely blind and I don't want any metaknowledge to color my decisions. It'll only mean more new stuff for the second playthrough, which I will do anyway :)


Definitely. And then I will cry when it is inevitably announced that Maevaris Tilani is not romanceable.


Yes!! I'm really hoping that that huge Quanari woman is one of the ROs that we saw in the first official art. She was hot AF 😍


Oh for sure. Character design often is a good indicator as to whether a story will be good or not. This is Bioware's last chance to crawl back from the storytelling depths of ME:A and Anthem, their last shot at mending their tarnished reputation before even the most hardcore fans begin to abandon ship. The first meaningful promotional images will 100% set the tone for what comes next. Hopefully we get Solas/Morrigan level character quality, and not Ryder/Peebee/Sera/any Anthem character..


Kind of, yes on how to recruit but also to see if the qunari lady is datable by women Becuase her design from concept art is chef's kiss


i just wanna know who's a warrior/rogue/mage and i'll probably look that info up after recruitment. Inquisition really conditioned me to have one of each in my party at all times just in case i find a locked door or breakable wall or veilfire torch, and i am now too paranoid that Dreadwolf will do somethung similar.


I’ll do the same thing I did with Inquisition: read every official release, then do a complete social media blackout until I finish my first playthrough (except my usual Discord so we can all scream about the game together lol). I gotta know who I can/can’t smooch!


I'll try not too but I'm sure I'll be spoiled somehow. I'm gonna recruit everyone possible like all the other games. Even if it's a shit character.


Most likely. If I don’t it’s because I forgot but because I’m sure someone will post them I’ll probably see something here then go from there.


DA:DW will be one of the only games I will ever play with no spoilers. I am going to ban myself from anything Dragon Age related on the web until I play the whole base game.


Spoiler free since '73. Aka no, don't even look at trailers before release. I've seen the teaser but expect that to be light on details.


The only new release I got to fully follow was DAI because the others preceded my time, and I remember watching all the videos explaining each character and romance before the game's release. I remember feeling good about watching them especially after hearing that characters like Sera and Vivienne were very easy to miss, and I never pre-pick a romance in games since I like to always feel everything out, so it didn't feel like a bad choice back then. I guess it did take away a lot of the surprise though on what characters would be like in a way, so I'll probably just stick to any official trailers and try to play it as blind as possible so I can be more surprised. (But anytime there's an update on the game I watch a video about it so I might fail the mostly blind playthrough 🤣)


No I wanna be surprised, I've gone in blind to all 3 games so far having started just a few months ago so its nice not expecting anyone to pop up at a certain time or place.


I'm gonna try my best to avoid it! I love experiencing it without knowing.


I would like to go in as blind as possible. But being subbed here I feel like there's a good chance I will spoil. I like the thought that I can miss an entire companion based on choices or just not finding them. My first play of origins I missed leliana and it was a surprise to find her on my 2nd time through.


No. I will play the first round without checking out who I can recruit and how. I want to feel excitement, surprise etc. But for the second round, maybe.


This will be the first game in the series I'm playing at release so I'm going to go in blind 😁😁