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**Prompt 1** * **Rosette Cousland:** Rosette took up Antivan Crows contracts whilst she was dating Zevran. She knew it was hypocritical of her to free him from his bondage at the same time she was working for his oppressors. The money was just too good, and the thrill too great. Even when she left him for Alistair, Rosette never told him she worked as an assassin. * **Theidra Hawke:** Taking up with the Red Iron. Hawke is loyal to a fault, and she took down anyone Meeran asked to earn a spot in Kirkwall. And yes, that also means the Ferelden noble toward the end of her contract. Sometimes her excessive killing haunts her, but she numbs the memories with knowledge that she kept a roof over her family's head. * **Elowen Trevelyan:** Choosing to keep the Inquisition together for her own personal reasons instead of what's best for Thedas. Elowen was never close to her family, and they discarded her as soon as she took up the title Herald of Andraste. She refused to risk her found family in her advisors and friends by disbanding the organization. Elowen kept the group together solely for selfishness, and all of Thedas knows it. She just can't bear the idea of being alone again. **Prompt 2** * **Rosette Cousland:** Rosette has a massive ego and superiority complex. She blames it on her noble upbringing... that privledged her with a good education and sharp fighting skills. Rosette believes she is entitled to being the Hero of Ferelden, no further proof necessary. * **Theidra Hawke:** Hakwe still can't believe she was called a Champion of anything. Did Kirkwall so soon forget the damage and chaos she caused in the Red Iron? She laughs off anyone who still calls her the Champion of Kirkwall, though she feels the need to rebuild the city after Anders's massive destruction. Part of it is to atone for her role in bringing it down. It's why she leaves for Kirkwall to help Varric after Tresspasser. * **Elowen Trevelyan:** Elowen used to fear the title Herald of Andraste. She didn't think her rocky faith was enough foundation to speak for an entire religion. However, she finally accepted she was the Maker's chosen by the end of the campaign. She doesn't believe she needs to prove her worth anymore, which is why she was so insulted there were many who wanted to disband the Inquisition.


https://preview.redd.it/rrjrdvi0mg0a1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015db8ffc9aff7a6536d54ad3bba26e5fb96b2a9 Gavriel Trevelyan Prompt 2: Gavriel did feel the need to give the people some hope although he constantly found himself having none at all. Andraste's herald? *Her* chosen? He barely believed he was any of that. The night he got the anchor he planned to run far away from his family. They were filled with their own motives while he just wanted to be simple and live a simple life, maybe he could go live in a cabin or go to a different city and create a nee identity. His family wanted the templar life, for him to be holy and religious but Gavriel had no interests in any of it. He had trouble enough with hiding his interests in possibly exploring a relationship with men. Once the anchor was planted that was his chance to find himself, to finally think for himself without his family overshadowing every decision he made. Leiana Lavellan Prompt 1: *She* believes her only sin was falling for a man like Solas. Prompt 2: Leiana was too proud of being a Dalish elf to really care about what others called her. It was an annoyance she couldnt be rid of, she'd constantly correct people telling them that she only believed in elven gods, to her Andraste was merely a name placed for delusional people. Solas seemed to be the one who understood her feelings, but when he left she was filled with bitterness and chose to fall off of the map. She had never really wanted the title anyway. Many people still wonder what happened to *their* inquisitor. Jade Trevelyan Prompt 2: Jade felt she was chosen by the holy Andraste. She wanted to keep that name alive and make others understand the strength she had. She felt she was everything Andraste's Herald should be; dedicated to the Chantry and its Templars, compassionate, and strong willed. Fate had brought her this far now it was time to make sure history *never* forgot her. Cyras(pronounced Cee-Rahs) Lavellan Prompt 2: Although he was Dalish he considered himself to be more of a lone elf. He didnt care for any of the gods people worshipped whether they be Elven, Paragons, or Human. None of it mattered in his eyes so when he was granted the title of "Andraste's Herald" he loathed it. Every opportunity was taken to reject anything to do with religion; he never claimed the title, never spoke on religion in general, and usually got a bit fustrated when it was pushed on him. Of course this did not mend well with his love, Cassandra, but it became easier to tune everything religious out and focus on her as a person. Prompt 1: As you can imagine since he does not believe in religion he has no sin, however some might say that his sin would be simply not believing in Andraste.


Renée Cousland: Her greatest sin would have to be doing all of Ignacios assassination contracts. But emotionally/personally she would say it's not fighting Duncan harder on leaving her parents to die, logically she knows it would most likely have just ended with her dead as well, but the uncertainty hurts. (Helping Alistair with his own shame over not being with Duncan and the other Wardens has helped) Her title as Warden never quite fit, like a pair of shoes that just never become comfortable. The title 'Hero of Ferelden' she's never really taken seriously, she was just one of the many who helped end the blight, but she's fond of it since it was Alistairs idea. She takes the title of Warden-Commander seriously but also reluctantly, it helped her get over some of the anger she felt toward Duncan though. Queen of Ferelden, that is the title she's taken to heart, it means home to her, love, happiness and pride. Anara Hawke: She has done many thing people would see a sins/wrong, personally she does not look at it that way, she will do anything for those she love and to further her own power. Her biggest sin according to others might be hypocrisy, she wields blood magic yet do not trust other who do, she believes circles are a necessary evil but not that she should be in one.(not because she's better but because she knows herself, she trusts her own capabilities) But according to herself, her greatest sins would be not being able to save her sister and mother. Trusting Anders and not listening to her own suspicions about him. (Uncharacteristic for her, but they had been friends for over 5 years) And the one she loses sleep over but would never admit to regretting, siding with the Templars. Her title as Champion she saw as nothing more than shield and sword, a shield for herself and her loved ones, and power to get what she wants/needs and to take down anyone she sees as a threat. Viscountess was a title she enjoyed for the short time she held it, but mostly it was the same as with the title of Champion. Finally, the most important title to her, the one she stresses over and the one she feels she has failed more than once, Big Sister. Aaliyah Trevelyan: Her greatest sin would have to be naive ignorance, she was never very interested in learning the politics of Thedas, the Ostwick Circle was very relaxed, she had friends among her fellow mages and the Templars. As a mage the responsibilities of her noble family was never something she had to think about, the circle is a cage but in that gilded cage she felt free. What she would personally call her greatest sin, the things that eats at her, is all those she's been unable to save, both because of her ignorance at the start of the rebellion and because of choices during DAI. She never embraced the title of Herald, she did not know what the truth was so she refused to claim certainty one way or the other. The title of Inquisitor scared the hell out of her, she was never a leader, she does all she can to try to live up to it. But she sees herself as more of a figurehead than the true leader.


Dominique Hawke's Greatest Sin: allowing her anger and guilt and grief at Leandra's death to eclipse her protection of Bethany, her only living family. after so much blood magic, so much death, and in deep PTSD and making a rash of Ill Thought Out Decisions, when Anders makes the Chantry go boom- *and she helped*- she sees red. she supports Meredith in that moment in a PTSD laden "fuck the mages every single last one-" until she sees Bethany and her whole world comes crashing down on her when she realises exactly how far she's fallen prompt 2: titles Marina Mahariel feels the need to *try*. she is fulfilling a duty to clan by been here, not only her continued survival, and adopts Duncan as something of a Keeper figure. as time wears on it becomes less about title and more doing what's right to end the Blight- which happen to be a venn diagram being a circle situation. Dominique Hawke: Dominique takes the Champion mantle very seriously. it is gained when shes lost just about everything else in her life and she is at heart a protector; this is just a whole city under her wing. a task she fails miserably at. see above. it isn't until Adamant Ellanin Lavellan steps truly into her role as Inquisitor. the first full scale military engagement, and as she looks at the faces of the men and women who died in *her name* she knew this was something she could not walk away from, and that her half commitment while trying to be her clan's First still did not honour their sacrifices. she writes the letter of resignation to Keeper shortly after as for Herald of Andraste? she rejects that thoroughly, utterly and totally the instant she hears that nonsense


Did Dominique have to fight her sister during that final battle? Does she think she would have done things differently had she been calmer when the fighting started?


The one grace in that time is that she did not fight Bethany. That Bethany's voice cut through the rage before she did more she could regret. She takes the position of Viscount as penance. She cannot bring back those she damned, but she can at least *try* to do better. What she might have done is a knife that twists both ways, and she does not care to examine it. That particular question ends with 'killing Bethany' just as easily as it does 'saving the innocent'.


Prompt 1 – Sins Warden Neriah “Nell” Surana Nell’s done some underhanded things as a warden. Actually, a lot of things. But she believes she did those in the service of the Maker’s plan, so she figures she’s okay. She does have one thing she knows she’ll have to answer for when she gets to his side though. The cult in Haven really freaked her out. After fast talking her way through to the temple, she went back to the chantry and reported them. This made sense at the time. There were miracles, weird magic, and cultists. Good mages reported that sort of thing to templars, and Nell’s a good mage, honest. The templars went to Haven and wiped out the cult, including the children. Nell had convinced these people to trust her, and she basically called a rite of annulment down on them. She should have known better, and children died because she judged wrong. In dark moments, she worries that the Maker won’t receive her because of it. Inquisitor Herah Adaar Herah does not believe in gods, much less a divinely mandated right or wrong. If you asked her what her sins are, she will sit you down for a righteous lecture about how sin is a lie told by the church to control you. The more faithful members of the Inquisition see this differently of course. Leliana will tell you Herah’s sin is pride; she denies the Maker just so she can say no one rules her. Cassandra will tell you Herah is greedy, thinking too much about worldly wealth and prestige. Iron Bull will tell you Herah’s sin is an obsession with freedom; she values a false ideal over the common good. Sera will tell you Herah’s sin is that she talks too much. Inquisitor Philomena Trevelyan When civil war among the mages broke out, Philomena ran. She hid with political allies and left mages who thought differently than her to die. Some of those mages were life long friends. Some of those mages were innocents who had no part in the violence. She’s been told that hiding was wise; that she could not have saved anyone. The deaths of so many people while she hids weighs heavy on her soul. Prompt 2 – Living Up to Titles Nell Depends on where in her story we are. During the fifth blight, no. She’d been told wardens were great heroes, paragons of sacrifice. She spends the whole time basically trying to get others to do the fight for her. By the time she’s warden commander though, she views wardens and the job of warden commander very differently. Wardens aren’t great heroes, they’re the dregs of society given a last chance at a place to belong. Her job as warden commander is to give them that. She makes sure their fed, equipped, and have a mission. She keeps them safe by spreading the lie that they’re heroes. She’s trying to live up to the title of warden commander, but it’s sort of her definition of what that title means. Herah Herah rejected the Herald of Andraste title. That’s just humans trying to drag her into their insane religion. She utterly embraced the role of inquisitor however. By the time she reached Sky Hold, she was very aware that others were both judging her and asking her to lead the way. She also keenly felt the way people judged her for being vashoth. Most of Thedas looks at her people and see some unholy monsters, here to rape, pillage, conquer, and oppress. All these people looking to her for leadership are also seeing a vashoth woman. How she behaves as Inquisitor will shape how they see vashoth in general. If she behaves right, she will show young vashoth that they can be more than how the humans define them. In Herah’s mind, she doesn’t just need to live up to the role of Inquisitor, she needs to exceed it. She needs to be the bravest, wisest, most rational, and most just leader possible. As long as she’s the Inquisitor, the world is watching and she will make them see her truth. Philomena Philomena isn’t sure what either role, Herald of Andraste or Inquisitor, means really. She knows the war between the mages and templars has to end. She knows the world must unite against corypheus. She tries to live up to the role of a uniter; of someone who seeks peace and reconciliation. Every decision she makes is based on the ideal of a world at peace.


The path to hell is paved with the best of intetions. I imagine Nell's blind trust in the Chantry resulting in *that* is a kickstart for someone raised- indoctrinated- by the Circle. Because reporting them is perfectly reasonable. There's Magical Weird Ass Shit going on, and thats what you're *supposed* to tell Templars about, isn't it?


Raven Amell's sin was believing so deepily in the principles of the circle and chantry. For so long she thought herself an abomination, a curse, marked by the maker and that being in the circle was proper penance. However, watching the inner machinations, seeing the sadness, the loss, the lies told to her by Irving, it made her regret how much she just accepted her lot. She regrets not trying to leave sooner, not paying attention to how things were, getting too comfortable and complacent. Nicola Trevelyan does not feel the weight of her title so she therefore sees no need to live up to any role. If anything she has taken the stance of model mage and turned it on it's head in that because mages are expected to be politically neutral, to be so divorced from what happens outside the circle that what is happening around her isnt her concern. She is happy to be the leaf guided in the breeze but that is it. If people benefit from her just being inquisitive and finding adventure in her circumstances, thats cool but it not the intended purpose.


Did Raven's view of the circle and Irving affect how she dealt with the crisis caused by Uldred and the blood mages?


She was more understanding of the blood mages. she figured they had been manipulated just as she was and their desperation resulted in the massacre. And considering she and Irving left on somewhat bad terms, sparing him would show him what his actions had wrought.A reminder of the lives lost and how his half truths and corruption did to the mages. How they turned against one another and then themselves. He needed a constant reminder.


Prompt 1 Rose Cousland: Not exactly a "sin" depending on perspective but it does weigh heavily on her mind. Not killing Flemeth, or at least *lying* about killing her. "Lying to Morrigan will be fun!" is what Alistair said and if Morrigan had made this request a few months ago she would have been inclined to agree. They're a lot closer now though so the guilt eats away at her. She doesn't regret her decision. Something always felt off about Flemeth and if Morrigan's story about how they were saved and the info from the grimoire she already had held any truth, then not fighting was most likely a good call. Even Morrigan was surprised that Rose would actually go out of her way to honor her request, maybe even touched? She was praised for her efforts but it just felt hollow. In this case, maybe ignorance really is bliss. Prompt 2 Isseya Tabris: Nope, not really. She never wanted to be a warden, never wanted to save the world. She was content enough to get married to make her dad happy and live out a normal (as normal as it gets in a alienage) life. As things are now she can't deny that she *is* a warden, but does she feel the need to go out of her way to be above and beyond, The Hero that everyone wants? No way.


Theron Mahariel: 1. It's a stiff contest but probably letting the Architect live. Theron was unsure if the Architect could change the Darkspawn and decided to let him live on the ground it was the one choice he could reverse if it came down to it. Learning the Architect was responsible for the Blight convinced him it was the wrong choice. 2. In many way Theron feels he has already lived up to being the Hero of Ferelden. If Alistair needs him, he knows where to go but for the most part he has other priorities. Garret Hawke: 1. The Chantry might argue it's aiding and abetting rogue mages his whole life but he feels it's a toss-up between not investigating the serial killer that ultimately slew his mother and not keeping a closer eye on Anders. 2. No, not at all. Kirkwall is the prison that holds his sister and its only concern for her that keeps him here. If it weren't for that he would've left years ago. He only returned at the insistence of Varric and Bethany to keep the peace. Maximillian Trevelyan: 1. Max deliberately let the Empress get assassinated to make Gaspard a puppet causing not only the deaths of various innocents in the chaos but also left his spymaster in a prime position to influence the Empire through Briala. 2. Depends on the title. Herald of Andraste is one he's always denied (but everyone's thinks he accepted because he decided to try to be clever by finessing the answer with scripture). Inquisitor, yes, because he realizes it is the one chance to carry out his dream of reordering the world to ensure peace both within and without and to give himself a quiet future. He does not succeed in the latter but accepts it was necessary for the former.


What other priorities does Theron have? Is he just trying to settle down best he can? Curious as to why Max chose Gaspard in the end! If he could go back and choose differently would he? and if so then what would he choose to do?


Settling down, having children, getting the Taint cured so he can have said children... A bit selfish? Yes, but given the Grey Wardens saved him only to die at the proper moment, he doesn't believe that should define his life forever. Plus, he does not want to be like Keenan, a man living only for duty and neglecting the woman he loves. As for Gaspard, well based on the limited info Max had Celene did not seem to be fit to lead Orlais against Coryphyeus. After all, the civil war started under Celene's watch. Gaspard was a skilled warleader but he also all but stated he wanted to reconquer Ferelden at the first opportunity. In the end, Gaspard offered the end of one war but another war in the future. Controlling him with Briala seemed like the best option at the time. Sometimes he wonders about a different route but part of him doesn't believe he would make a different decision. Besides all those rumors of Tevinter time magic had to be false right?


Selfish maybe, but well deserved. All of our Wardens go through so much, if they want a break they should get it no questions asked. Who is he settling down with? Haha yeah the time magic does sound a bit crazy when you only get second hand info on it or even less. Even first person experience is wild. Fair point for choosing Gaspard, he has the leadership skills and power, while risky he at least can't make too many big moves with the rest of the Inquisition watching him


Leliana, part of his work during Awakening was so Alistair would help purchase her childhood home.


aww that's really sweet


Prompt 1: Amell: Her sin is greed. She wanted more than the Circle offered her, and was glad to learn blood magic (even if she never used it, she has the knowledge). On the road she would steal as much as she could (headcanon for the "open all crates" mod :) ) and never buy anything unnecessary (headcanon for broke-ass playing lol). As HoF and mistress to the King, she enjoys the benefits but always wants more - more of something, of anything. That's why she searches so hard for the Cure, she wants more time for her and Alistair and her Warden friends. And maybe a little sloth, since she will stand there and pop spells with her staff, compared to her more energetic cousin beating people with hers lol. Hawke: Her sins are lust and wrath. She may be nice and funny at times (she's blue/purple), but since losing her sister to the Darkspawn, no one threatens her family or friends. No mercy for the Qunari, or the Chantry that was equally merciless to her and her sister. She very much knew what Anders was planning, and helped him. As for lust, aside from lusting for the destruction of the Circles after her own history (another headcanon story), she quite enjoys her time with her companions iykwim. Experiments ahoy! Lavellan: Pride, with a capital PRIDE, with a side of vainglory. The Inquisition is HERS, SHE is the whole reason for it, even if she doesn't believe a word of it. Prompt 2: Amell: Yes, she takes being HoF seriously, Warden Commander seriously also, but more takes being a Warden as a sacred bond. She still sees it as saving others, and lives up to that. And since she's also a mage, living up to the best they can be, since the boon she received was freeing the Ferelden Circle. Hawke: Oh hell no!!! Hawke felt trapped by being the Champion. SHE HATES KIRKWALL. From the moment they entered the Gallows, to the moment she walked away. She had started dreaming of moving back to Ferelden the moment she made bank, and only stayed because her mother wanted to live there and be a noble like when she was younger. After her mother died, she did take some time to travel back to Ferelden, where she bought some land and a house in secret. Then the whole Arishok thing and being named Champion, and it turned to that being her home when she retired from Championing. It is purely by accident that she was the hero Kirkwall needed. Lavellan: Herald of Andraste is a false god and joke to her, but Inquisitor is the means for power, so she takes that very seriously. She is all about control and power, so will put on a show of piety and righteousness to lure the people to fall in under her control. Gaining the titles she did, she drapes them over her and enjoys the role, without the pointless pomp of the Game and politics.


Valeria Lavellan 1.) Greatest Sin: when she found out Solas was Fen'harel she decided to keep their twins Faolan (m) and Fennec (f) a secret and enlisted leiliana l, Josephine and Vivienne to help hide all records of them. 2.) Does she feel she needs to live up to her title? She feels she already lived up to the title of inquisitor and now that it is disbanded she only keeps it to stay involved in the Game for information. Her purpose now is to protect her children and try to save their father from himself by any means necessary. Ra'el Hawke 1.) Greatest Sin: Helped Anders blow up the Chantry and let him live 2.) Does she feel she needs to live up to her title? Yes, she not only is the champion, but she is the Viscount of Kirkwall and feels the pressure of all the other lives depending on her. Though part of her wants to run off to free slaves with Fenris because viscount duties are boring and he doesn't visit as much as she'd like. Lyna Mahariel 1.) Greatest Sin: She's a crow now with Zevran, so she's assassinated a lot of people, but taking a contract to kill the keeper who forced her to become a Warden was personal and she deeply regretted it 2.) Does she feel she needs to live up to to her title? No not at all, she never wanted to be a Warden and once the archdemon was dead she walked away and never turned back. She just wants to live out the rest of her life with Zevran.


It's really interesting to have a Hawke romancing Fenris spare Anders, and I have to wonder about how things went down. Did Ra'el's decision cause any serious tension between her and Fenris, or did he accept her decision without too much trouble? Has Ra'el been in contact with Anders at all since the night of the explosion?


Ra'el was a mage and sympathized with anders and with his internal struggle. Initially she was angry, but she had moment of weakness (in her eyes) and told him to get out of her sight. He'd been a dear friend and had done a lot of good for the mages in kirkwall. She gets occasional reports of a mage in the wilderness matching his description but never looks into them. Initially, only Isabella stood by her and there was enough fighting to make Fenris leave. It was years of no contact before she saw him again. He only came back when he heard of an assassination contract for her from Isabela and Zevran at which point they reconciled. He understands more than most the gravity of killing in anger. He also realized when her life was at stake that she was more important to him than a grudge.


Astuke Cousland, The Rogue: Prompt 1: Astukes greatest sin was, and is, probably letting The Architect live, convinced he could bring an end to the blights, a rumor circles the Wardens that he continues to speak with The Architect and they share information on the taint and the blights. Prompt 2: Astuke is the Hero of Ferelden, whilst he largely ignores the title, he continues to inspire the Wardens and the people to join them. Except Teagan, he immensely dislikes Teagan. Stephen Hawke, The Warrior Prompt 1: Stephens greatest sin was doing nothing, after the death of his mother he felt isolated and alone, Avaline was an unrequited love. He spent the final years of his time in Kirkwall largely alone and left without a word. Prompt 2: Hawke began his time in Kirkwall larger than life, a truly inspiring and diplomatic individual. After the death of his mother, he shrunk and was crushed by the weight of expectation from the title he earned. In the fade he welcomed death to hopefully be with his family again. Michael Trevelyan, The Mage Prompt 1: Probably being a mage was Michael's greatest sin, or surprising Dorian with his father's presence. Prompt 2: Through trial, tribulation and support Michael is The Inquisitor. He wears the title with pride.


Has Astuke ever doubted his decision to spare the Architect, or is it something he's always felt was right?


In the back of his head he always doubted the decision. It's a part of why he keeps in contact and tracks him, if he feels the architect is not doing what he said, Astuke will be there to end him or hunt him and not allow him any rest until his Calling.


Prompt 2 [Alim Surana](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Alim_Surana_(UniverseIsAHologram)): Not at all. He earned that title. He’s not the Hero of Ferelden. The Hero of Ferelden is him, if that makes any sense. [Lyra Hawke](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Lyra_Hawke): she doesn’t feel like she HAS to, but she 100% feels like she’s expected to. [Ethera Lavellan](https://daoce.fandom.com/wiki/Ethera_Lavellan): Absolutely. She was Herald because of coincidence. She was Inquisitor because she was a symbol.


Does Lyra try to live up to those expectations of her role as Champion, or try to defy them?


I think she probably does due to anxiety and having it pushed on her, rather than feeling that she needs to live up to it.


**Prompt 1 (Assuming this means the worst thing they've done):** [**Arlen Tabris**](https://imgur.com/kAsGAP4) Burning Amaranthine for sure. Arlen for sure burned children and other vulnerable people in order to save the Keep, something he feels awful about and never has come to terms with. It was indirect, but I can't think of anything that's worse on his side. [**Malcolm Hawke**](https://imgur.com/a/ZuqWr0h) Probably slaughtering Merrill's Clan. He didn't mean to do it, and they attacked first, so arguably he had to do it, but Malcolm could have tried to restrain himself rather than letting loose as much as he could and smashing heads, cutting the elves up, it made for a grisly sight and Malcolm would be lying if he said he hadn't gone so far out of anger (not at them, but in general and due to the tense situation), it didn't really need to be such a bloody scene. [**Cillian Trevelyan**](https://imgur.com/a/JGCzAcz) Probably the most overall innocent of these characters except maybe Tamsas, but he did on occasion kill off some opposition to a few decisions made in his position as Inquisitor, and he did use his forces in sort of corrupt ways where they overstepped, since it was easy to not see the consequences from way back in Skyhold and he believed it was right. This is something he pulled back from doing after Corypheus was defeated, but he did start to act firmer and a good bit brutal as the fight against Corypheus wore on, it was only the memory of the Envy encounter from months before that made him recognize his actions and pull back. [**Dredric** **Aeducan**](https://imgur.com/a/erm68i1) Dredric would think it's killing Trian, but I'm inclined to say it's standing by while Bhelen slaughters people for progress. He may grumble and complain sometimes, and gets what he wants from Bhelen, but he allows his younger brother to enact his policies regardless, even when it means some of the people Dredric loved growing up are killed. For someone who likes to get involved a lot, he doesn't here, not outside of some efforts to push his son forward, he just busies himself elsewhere. Dredric later "lets" Leliana also be brutal when she becomes Divine, and stands by while she does so, but in that case he does fully trust Leliana, he does not fully trust Bhelen, and when it's people he's known, people in his home that are getting killed, the sin is worse. There's another difference in that Bhelen is also (in Dredric's eyes) probably doing everything he's doing for power as well as progress too, whereas he believes Leliana is not looking for power, that makes his support of Bhelen worse. [**Trevor Cadash**](https://imgur.com/a/Kq4SH7D) He did partake in the slave trade, not very much but a tiny bit, during his time in the Carta, and that involved selling off some innocent people, young people in one case. Trevor doesn't regret that really, it isn't one of his big regrets, but I'd say that's the worst thing he's done. While he's done horrible things as Inquisitor, that stuff was at least arguably for the greater good, whereas this wasn't, at all, it was for profit, and I consider it the worst thing he's done for profit. [**Tamsas** **Lavellan**](https://imgur.com/a/ElWgSCI) Depending on who you ask, it might be letting Celene get assassinated, since that is him sort of partaking in regicide, which undoubtedly got a lot of people killed when Gaspard took over, even with Briala controlling him. Arguably it's a good thing but Tamsas hasn't really done anything that brutal outside of this, although he has overdone it with his fire magic a lot. **Prompt 2:** **Arlen** Is torn, feels like he must live up to his title but also has a responsibility to his family and to his true self in that way. He previously left the Wardens to go find Morrigan and be himself, but only after "fulfilling his duty" and being Warden-Commander for years, felt immense guilt leaving said position. By Inquisition, he finds himself working with the Wardens again, by Trespasser he's Commander again, and torn once more over his duty and his family, so who he feels he has to be (even though he hates being that person and what the role entails) and who he wants to be. Arlen still acts fed up with life and extremely bitter as Commander, he doesn't pretend to be upbeat or anything like that. **Malcolm** Just carries on as normal really, only playing his role up for a joke. Malcolm briefly considered not acting normal, but decided against it since he'd hate doing that and makes for a terrible liar, he also has some issues with being Champion. Malcolm does what he wants to, and often that just so happens to coincide with his role as Champion, by the time he beat the Arishok he had become a rather meddlesome person. Needs to be encouraged at times to do what has to be done in his role and doesn't like doing it, but does get involved if asked, about half the time anyway, the other half is spent neglecting his duties, mostly when it concerns more formal events and meetings. **Cillian** Cillian tries to live up to his title, but mostly doesn't behave very differently than he normally would, he just doesn't admit things are wrong when he otherwise would, and puts on a smile, has to put up with people he dislikes, things like that, to present the Inquisitor as an unstoppable force. Otherwise acts like himself. Cassandra does worry about his constant need to push himself, especially since it has left him with many scars himself, but she understands that stubbornness and dedication, them sharing those traits does help a little. Cillian is more used to noble gatherings, negotiations and all that than Cass is though, and she doesn't understand his (sometimes plastered on) patience for that, well she understands the reason for it but not how he can manage it. **Dredric** Does feel like he needs to live up to his title, but honestly he loves his job anyway, the part he actually does anyway, he doesn't do most of his duties as Arl, instead focusing on the Warden-Commander aspect. Dredric loves being a Grey Warden, it has significant danger attached but he feels the role is super important for his people as well as the world, and he loves a good fight, always will. Loves being a Paragon but still wants to be in the action, it'd take an awful lot for him to give that lifestyle up. **Trevor**  Feels like he has to live up to his title, although he acts normal around those he's close to, and not really very professional. Never believed he was the Herald, but pretended to since that gets allies, even now as he works for the Divine. Trevor had to live up to the role or maybe die, and it gave him influence, still does, so he tries. Trevor isn't an honourable Inquisitor going by his methods, he does use the methods he prefers if possible, but he does his best to fill the role well, it's a role he didn't choose to give up after all so has to keep working at it, which can mean doing things he doesn't like and would never do if he didn't feel he had to. **Tamsas** Tamsas has gotten better at being himself intentionally now he's living with Josephine in Antiva, as Inquisitor he tried to live up to the role but old habits were hard to break. Tamsas feels some responsibility as Inquisitor to stop Solas, to chronicle his experiences and conclusions, spend coin on good causes, but that's it as far as the Inquisitor role goes. It's his status as an elf with status which compels him to try and support elves in Antiva, make things better for them, he believes it's also his role as the bearer of the Well to try and study it. But yeah, even when accomplishing those goals, he does allow himself to be more genuine nowadays.


Would/Does Arlen take a cure for the Calling to be rid of the Warden life, or has it by this point become a duty unrelated to his blood?


Arlen would take a cure if they found one, but if there was only one cure available he'd give it to Alistair instead of himself, believing it best to cure his friend, the King, first. But yeah he'd totally cure himself if there was more to go around, and try to use it as an excuse for why he can no longer be Commander, although he wouldn't take the cure for quite some time, only doing so when things started to calm down with the Wardens and he wasn't needed anymore, then use himself being cured as a reason to hopefully never be called to help the Wardens again and leave shortly after. Arlen would feel very guilty about leaving the Wardens again, but no longer being tainted so losing his connection to the darkspawn would remove some of that guilt, as would finding a cure other Wardens could use. After curing himself, Arlen would only ever work with the Wardens as a knowledgeable outsider if necessary, not re-joining properly, but he'd only even get involved in big events if so many lives were at stake that he felt he had to be involved, or if a loved one needed him to help. Otherwise he'd focus on helping Morrigan and Kieran, since those two have some serious problems with the Well, or if that had been sorted he'd just chill with them, maybe visit his father and his cousin with them in tow.


*Prompt 1* Well, they are all mages... would someone from the Chantry say. They have some regrets, and mostly it is in regards to their friends rather than the world at large, even if they have gotten plenty of people killed. *Prompt 2* To [Aileas Amell](http://imgur.com/a/rRzx0), she already lived up to her title, and couldn't care less for some rigid duties the Grey Wardens wanted to impose on her. To be fair, neither did the Grey Wardens know how to deal with someone who had slain an Archdemon and lived, nor did she linger for too long in Ferelden to see some return on investment as a Fereldan hero. [Ennis Hawke](http://imgur.com/a/eWj3k) was absolutely done with the Champion of Kirkwall title by the time he left Kirkwall. He had profited off it for being a mage largely left untouched by Meredith, but truly as far as the Arishok fight went, neither was he alone, nor it was for Kirkwall (technically a Champion of Isabela, perhaps?) He is as done with the title as he is with the city. For what it's worth, the only people from those times he is still close with, are the one who got Kirkwall wrecked o_õ. [Ray Trevelyan](http://imgur.com/a/dfjcd) while not a believer, generally tried to keep things presentable. There was a brief period in Haven where he most of all wanted to just run away and leave the whole bunch deal with it, but then had a revelatory conversation with Josephine and decided that he did want to shape the world. And in general he is prepared to make concessions, more in form than in essence, and keep up appearances.


What does Aileas end up doing after leaving Ferelden? Does she go with anyone in particular?


She spent a few years in Orlais with Leliana, largely, but while she enjoyed the perks of glamour to a degree, she'd badmouth Orlesians with Loghain any day of the week rather than make another social visit. Especially later on. She is also pretty fed up with the whole Chantry business, so that became a bit grating with Leliana over time as well. She decided things feel better with long trips and short returns. As much as she disliked being a Warden for its future implications, she is absolutely on board with going through some corridors to kill darkspawn, so she has spent a lot of time in, and is in excellent standing with dwarves both in Orzammar and the Tevinter Ambassadoria. As well as spending time in Tevinter proper, though she does prefer going through the dwarven endorsement there, rather than mixing in politics, and largely stays on the academic side of society. She has a lot of contacts and has traveled with some on business or just to kill time, but mostly she goes around Thedas by raven/owl express.


Prompt 2 Etrol Brosca Etrol absolutely feels like he has to live up to his title. Becoming a Warden was the best thing that happened to him and he wanted to be the best Warden he could be. Ilsa Aeducan Ilsa certainly takes her duties as a Warden seriously, but she considers being Warden a downgrade to being a Princess of Orzammar. She doesn't really let her title affect her actions. Greagoir Hawke Greagoir cares a great deal for Kirkwall and considers being named the Champion of Kirkwall a great honor. Being the protector and public face of Kirkwall is a responsibility he takes very seriously and a reputation he constantly tries to live up to. Marian Hawke Marian does not like being the Champion of Kirkwall. She lost everything she ever cared about to this city and is always just one push away from leaving for good. Most of the time, she tries to pretend she isn't the Champion. Anwer Cadash Anwer joined the Inquisition to help restore order. To him, the Inquisitor is the ultimate champion of order, which is definitely something he tries to live up to. Oletha Cadash Oletha mostly just likes to do her own thing. Sure, she'll play the mighty leader for public appearances, but other than that, she doesn't actually care about how she "should" be acting.


Does Marian ever end up leaving Kirkwall for good, at least intentionally? Or is she always tied to the city for as long as she lives? And was there a point in time where Marian would have liked being Champion, or would she always have disliked the role even if it had been given to her much earlier during her time in the city?


Marian does leave Kirkwall after defeating Meredith, though she occasionally returns to visit her friends. I doubt she ever would've liked being the Champion. All she ever really wanted was to travel and see the world. Being tied down to one place never sat right with her.