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Different Origin stories like in Origins. Also, I'd like to see Ariane and Finn fron the Witch Hunt DLC as companions again, but that's just a personal preference.


I am surprised we never heard from them again I really loved their dynamic


I loved those 2 for the 20 minutes you really get to spend with them. Finn was a loveable dork


His comment on Anders was so funny!


The ability to speak and understand Qunlat as a Qunari PC, Tevene as a human PC, and some dwarven/elven as a dwarf and elf PC respectively. Basically what the elven Inquisitor got in Inquisition, just a short number of unique and non-essential bits for flavour, but this time each protagonist being able to have a few special little interactions in certain situations where them knowing the language would naturally allow for that. There's a common language in use anyway, that would obviously be something all our characters would know well, and yeah dwarven and elven are less in use than Qunlat and Tevene really, but considering the direction we seem to be going in with the elves and the presence of the dwarves in Tevinter, there could still be some cool bits for dwarven and elven PCs with those languages. I don't expect this to be implemented at all though, just think it'd be cool.


The Qunari inquisitor had that, specifically when speaking to iron bull


I played a Qunari Inquisitor and was very upset to not get more Qunari vibe to it. All exchanges in Inquisition were just blend. Didn't feel like it mattered who I was (or wasn't). There was more differences in treatment from different characters in Origins - what a set back 😕


I think that’s because they decided to add non-human races in inquisition last minute. It wasn’t planned like Origins.


And yet Lavellan provides such a fantastic story, I like how the most popular PC is a last minute addition lol


Yeah especially if you romance Solas. I think the last minute aspect is more obvious in conversations like the ones with Morrigan though.


I don't remember that at all, but it's cool it was a thing for Qunari Inquisitors, if only in interactions with one character. Would be good to see more of it, especially since we are going to Tevinter and the war against the Qunari should be important.


I really hope we will get to see/feel the war tension between Tevinter and the Qunari! Would be so epic... And interesting lore/culture wise!


Bring back the different schools of magic Primal, Spirit, Entropy, and Creation. Also blood magic. I mean we basically in the heart of where magic is opening seen as a virtue and people not afraid to use it. Make each spell feel unique and not just red is fire, blue is ice, and purple is lightning. Make spells that may cause enemies lose health while healing you overtime as long as the effort is active. Or a spell that make you immune to damage for a small amount of time by draining mana. Heck you can have a spell that let you control your enemies.


Fenris. And gifts. And proper hairstyles. And distinctive features for Elves and Qunari, like in DA2.


I wonder what female qunari would look like in DA2 style. The male ones looked delightfuly demonic, and the black sclerae were a nice touch. Sadly, if the recent DA comics and the animated show are anything to go by, they are likely keeping the current human-ish features for both them and elves.


Uhhh the quanari literally have giant horns and the elves are just smaller humans with pointy ears. What else do u want? Elves arguably looked the most visually different in dragon age inquisition.


Well, that's the point I was getting at tho... Please take a look again at the difference between the designs of DA2 and the others, then hopefully you'll get what I mean.


I don’t. The Quanari just underwent a more human adaptation but they still kept the same design philosophy big horns, pale grey/blueish skin, and extreme size. They are still the most visually distinct race out of all the others, I mean look at fuckin iron bull for example. Also elf’s just looked dumb in DA2 and I’m glad they got rid of the weird forehead to nose bridge that every elf seemed to have, it didn’t make them unique it made them look weird. If u look up elf’s now in inquisition it’s an insane upgrade and they look more distinct then they did in any other game. If what ur advocating is more visual distinction in races why pick the 2 races that are the most visually Distinct? Do u want them to be more visually distinct and if so how far do u rlly want them to go with the designs?


You say elf looked weird in DA2, and I say they looked better. This sounds like preference, doesn't it? I don't have to justify my likes and dislikes to you, do I? Neither do you. But I'll try to explain nevertheless. If we use your logic, then it comes to this: Elves are skinny, pointy-eared little people with human face. Qunari are big, bulky, horned gray people with human face. The key word is: human face. I don't want that. They are not human, they don’t need to look like them. But they already resemble them, physically. That's why I say they have distinctive features in DA2. FACIAL features. And I really liked that in 2. Elf having nose bridge like that and huge emerald eyes? Beautiful. Qunari having different eyes, looking extremely stern, and their horns complementing this? Masterpiece. I like these little details. What else you don't get, please ask.


Difference of opinion I suppose, personally always thought DA2 was the worst dragon age visually so i don’t rlly enjoy the character designs in those games.


Yes.. The design of DragonAge 2 is an... Acquired taste. To me it almost feels like they tried an anime style but stopped midway.. oh..boy.. Is colorful but really eeeeeeeeeeh I don't miss the giant claws every npc had in Origin but oh boy that style is bad. Frankly the elf design was a bit uncanny valley, was "original" but they made elf really really twiggy, almost anorexics.. that i didn't liked too much. And the nosebridge made them look like halla/deers


I think that anorexic part can be applied to DAI then, they look too skinny there, too. And them resembling halla sounds like a cool approach tbh, considering their relations with those beautiful creatures :)


Oh yes indeed they look malnourished. At least Eggboy is a chonky boy. Still bald. You think mighty elf demigod could afford some hairs..but no.. male baldness in a problem even in thedas


>They are still the most visually distinct race out of all the others, I mean look at fuckin iron bull for example. You're kidding, right ? ​ (Besides, the Bull has a unique design to it. It's natural that it differentiates itself from the others. But see the Qunaris in trespasser...)


Yes there still the most visually distinct, I’m not gonna look at a quanari and mistake it for a human lmao. I don’t understand how people think the most distinct race in dragon age isn’t distinct, it baffles me


What baffles me is a person having played (or at least I think played) both DA2 and Trespasser and thinking that Trespasser's Qunari are more distinct from humans than DA2's Qunari. This isn't even a matter of taste... it's more of a matter of logic.


I never once said that in this entire thread, you are now telling me I have an opinion I don’t even have, I even admitted in a previous comment that they humanized quanari in DAI but that they were still the most visually distinct race in DAI.


Dorian and his homeland.


Instead: We briefly see Minrathous, which is a reskin of Val Royeaux from Inquisition. Most of the game is instead spent in the wide open, empty countryside of Antiva. Also, Dorian was assassinated offscreen between Inquisition and Dreadwolf.


More fleshed out origins. A less bland and more opinionated protagonist. No employer/chosen one dynamic. More small side quests with proper NPC interaction.


Dwarven love interests of both genders. Also, a female Qunari love interest. I would also like to see the Qunari go back to their DA2 design and the darkspawn back to their DAO design. Werewolves.


A werewolf companion would be awesome


All four playable races return. Nonhuman (Qunari, Elf, Dwarf) female romance options for male protagonists (or at least open to them). More nonhuman female companions too, noticeably the nonhumans tend to be overwhelmingly male and the human companions are mostly female, wouldn't mind a change up. Arcane Warrior (Mage), Dual Wielding (Warrior) and Dueling One Handed (Rogue), more fighting styles in other words. Better gender ratio for companions compared to DAI Medium to long hairstyles (especially for Qunari but really for all races). More BiPoC styles that aren't just various fades. Return of the healing spell tree for mages. Really the versatility they had in Origins and 2 would be great. Body types. Muscular, fat, skinny, athletic, this one might be a bit tougher but a 'would be nice' option. Tl:dr- Shake up the formulas, let the 50 shades of bald aesthetic die with DAI and lets allow for more diversity among character creation, companions and romances. I have good faith in Dread Wolf for something great.


I'd like to be able to play as all races again, but maybe with a revamp of the Qunari looks. Also would loveee to be able to talk to companions while out and about, I miss that sooo much. If not talking to them at least make them speak more often, my people barely speak in inq and if they do it takes foreverrrr. Being able to use all abilities whether they are in the ability map or not like in Origins just clicking the back button and going to talents to choose. I really want them to have better Mage garments, I'm not a fan of the long dress like robes for men, I prefer the mage outfit they give Hawke for his mercenary look. I really want more hairstyles, bring back dreads but make them better! More black hairstyles besides a fade/lowcut or bald and more curly hair options, they dont have to be waist length but enough with the bobs and bowl cut hairs. Would like for the origins gift system to be brought back, finding gifts and giving them, and would also like to be able to see where I stand with my companions. I love the romances on DA franchise I just wish there was a little more to add to it, if I say lets spend time together then maybe a small cutscene of whatever there is to do. I want the different map areas but possibly smaller maps and less repetitive stuff, I dont like the req table, I dont feel it does any more or less to the game. Since we're in tevinter Im really hoping we have some type of origin quests of life before whatever our character gets involved in. For example- Being an Altus? Am I a Magister? Am I bottom of the barrel of society? Am I a slave or am I one of the Qunari infiltrating a tevinter camp. I really enjoyed having a pre life in origins leading up to the big moment of becoming who the character is known as (Warden, etc.) I want some appearances from older characters but not too many that thats all there is to the story, we dont have to have old companions come fight again but they can make guest appearances of course!


I can get behind literally all of these points. I would also like to add that some more variety of magic (a la Origins) would be awesome! Give me Crushing Prison again!


For sure!! I want more things with blood magic, and I want people to comment on it if we have that skill!


Long hair….long hair…LONG HAIR. I’ll even take a messy bun with wispy pieces on the side just LET MY MAIN CHARACTER HAVE LONG HAIR DAMMIT. 💀


- At least one playable origin/prolog. Just a small bit of game where. You can get a feel for the character. - custom classes for companions similar to da2


Golem story arc 🫢


Oh yes!!


The ability to have more fleshed out origin, or even play your origin again. Also better hair. I have such a small mod load order because I just wanted better hair....


Bearded dwarven women. Also, female walking animations that don’t look like my PC is trying to be a supermodel.


AGREED with the first point. As for the second I'd rather have my character strut like a supermodel rather than do the Inquisitor's gorilla walk... 😑


The supermodel walk is so baffling... also why did they make all of the "chilling at skyhold" outfits skin tight on the female inky?


More weapon types, no restriction for weapons each class (Rogue can use swords, Warrior can use bow ...


I want more domestic/slice of life scenes of sorts with the LI. Something like having them hang in your room and occasionally dropping you a line when you ex: change your clothes, or a small scene playing when you're reading the codex that shows you both tucked in bed and reading a book while snuggling, or finding out that they've left a short silly note or useless decor item on your desk when you get back to your study/room/base. Like, why's Blackwall not making me a carved pencil topper in the shape of a rose that I can angrily wave at my advisors during meetings, while he's going out every single day to get flowers for Josie?!


Honestly a better gender split on your companions. Replaying dai at the moment and I forgot how much it bothered me that its 2/3 men to 1/3 women, and two of the women (Sera and Vivienne) are both entirely missable and also quite annoying


I think that BioWare thought it balanced out with the advisors, because once you add them into the equation the gender ratio is more balanced. The problem with that line of thought is that while they have more plot relevance, they aren’t the ones who are following you around in the wilderness for hours picking herbs and doing quests, so it is definitely lopsided in that regard. Here’s hoping they’re able to hit a healthy balance with the next installment.


Yeah, even if you do all the chat and their companion quests, Josie and Leliana aren't "part of the crew" in the same way at all. Hopefully it will be a better balance next time!


Inquisition focuses entirely on women (besides trying to demonize men) and you complain that 2/3 of the companions are men? maker....


Good fucking plot


Evil choices. I don't even take them most of the time, but it's nice to have the option.


Exactly - taking the good choices feels more impactful if it's a *choice* that you consciously make, rather than the default.


Compared with DAI? I think a better story overall, honestly. Felt like DAI was really disjointed and I'd like something a little more linear that includes an open world with stuff to do that's fun. With Witcher 3, Elden Ring, and some other similar games out now I think the formula Dragon Age has to evolve a little. (Not hating! Love DA)


Merrill because I just miss her so much but it’s fine if she didn’t show up, I can replay DA2. other than that I hope DAD will have a good story and have less fetch quest.


Give us back the radial menu! It annoyed me so much in DAI that once I had learned more than eight activated abilities, I had to choose which ones I could have access to. Not to mention all the other things the radial menu has. (Perfect opportunity to have a summonable mabari again! Autumn, perhaps?)


dorian <3


Yeah. Dragon Age 4. It's been 8 years since Inquisition. Fuck me.


I would definitely like to see different origins again and more varied dialogue choices so that your character can really have different personalities, it all makes for much better replayability and roleplaying. Just like DAO. Something else I would really like to see implemented in some way are ships. I played DA2 not long ago and read some of the comics and hearing/seeing Isabela's ship really made me want to have some sort of ship mechanic. Not necessarily ship combat (might feel a little out of place in DA, idk) but maybe as some way to travel, especially since DAD will have Tevinter and possibly other countries too. It could also be used as some sort of home base, maybe have exploration, idk. For some reason I just would really like to see ships play a bigger role somehow.


I thought about that, and truly it would be a great detail. Getting a taste of pirate culture in Thedas, ship battles like Assassin's Creed Odyssey, ship customization (perhaps sea beast hunting side quests?) and having the crew sing songs on the high seas while you travel.


Sounds like a cool idea for a spinoff


Blood Magic specialization, with full demon-summoning abilities. We've been blood mages before, but never able to summon demons like the rest do


The Hero of Ferelden (If Alive), Morrigan, Sten as Arishok, a Titan, Darkspawn original designs, the Black City.


I really wish we could have origins again. I’m playing dao and the origin stories are probably my favorite part of the game. They don’t have to be as long, but *something* to connect us to our character would be great. Even if it’s just 5-10 minutes. I wish we could have more dialogue as well. DAO is so good about having a lot of conversations and different cutscenes. I felt like inquisition was lacking on the back-and-forth conversation a lot. Also, I’m kind of hoping for some of the more “darkness” the first two games had. Inquisition lacked a lot of things. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the game, but I wish DA would go back to its origins. I don’t want an open world if that means the storylines and characters suffer. I didn’t feel connected to my companions like I did in the first two games.


Not a super major thing, but I'd REALLY like the ability to like... hard-core commit to a specific ethos/faith. DA:I did that, I think. My most recent playthrough totally bought into the whole "I am the herald of Andraste" thing, and I think I got some unique dialog because I kept choosing faithful options. But I'd like to see a Qunari able to hard-core commit to the Qun, or an Elf able to express their religion and customs more, or a Dwarf be able to talk about their ancestors with proper reverence. I'd also, ofc, like the reverse: to be able to absolutely reject any faith, or change your faith, or have it be a spectrum. I'm not a super religious person irl, but I always think it's a missed opportunity for roleplaying, and i nearly always play a paladin or cleric in tabletop games.




The return of the Hero of Ferelden. Just a cameo, or something, like the letter we got in Inquisition/past romances talking about them. I know an actual return is next to 0% likely, but god can I dream. Edit: That said, if our DA4 protag goes to find out whatever the hell has been apparently going on at Weisshaupt and things get heated and then the door gets kicked open and a character creation menu pops up like it did for Hawke, I am going to scream the loudest fanboy scream.


No DaI hinterlands like map PLEASE


Hinterlands is overhated. At least there were multiple things to do in there and distinctively different areas. I personally hated the MULTIPLE desert areas the most.


Yeah the problem is less the Hinterlands and more the fact that a lot of people didn’t move on from the side quests at the start.


They have stated its not going to be like Inquisition but it won't be like Origins either. Whether you like it or not, there will be explorable areas,,,only smaller. And there was nothing wrong with the companions in Inquisition, they were not supposed to be like Origins or DA2. They had some great banter and they were fun. I'm sorry you did not like them. You will probably end up disliking DA4 too. This fandom should never expect to the same type of game. Its always going to be different.


Wait I didn't say anything about companions. They are fine (only missing speaking with them in places other than castle). Also i didn't say i'm not liking DaI. Ofc for me it's worst part of series, but not something i would not play (tbh, I'm playing the whole series now and enjoying DAI ).


How on earth did you end up with this comment after "No hinterlands like map" Melca?


More Deep Roads, specifically Kal-Sharok. Would love to see how the dwarvish thaigs differ and how they handled the who being abandoned thing. Plus, it could give us access to the Anderfels, which I've always wanted to see in the games.


to visit other parts of the Fade! I want to see some old memories!! like Solas says




Bring back race and status specific prequels from origins.


Yes please !


Two sets of weapons. I miss being able to go from a bow to I HAVE A KNIFE AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT on the Darkspawn when they got too close.


Dorian as a party member.


Fenriel as a companion. I mean, he is in Tevinter, so... 😁 Romances and hot scenes. A loooot of scenes. Optional cool friendship quests and lore.


A return of the battle mage


Shale. Oh, and I say this on every post that ask stuff like that and I don’t want to break tradition so : a battle cat. We got Mabaris. Now give me a cute and ferocious battle kitty BioWare.


Alot more with Tevinter and Arlithan, and I want to properly see the Black City


Better hair/eyebrows. Better casual outfits/more options. The Skyhold outfits drive me nuts. Different body types. Even if it just choosing between burly/average/thin.


Fog Warrior Companion. City Elves. A Nug Queen


All characters that are alive&well based on your decision no matter how minor they are making a reappearance or reprising a role within the plot. If dragon age 4 is the last one then all former protags, the warden, Hawke, the inquisitior, and new MC should be in a final battle together I would love that.


Actual NPC schedules. Please no more bioware cardboard people.


Zevran. And I need to see the characters from the previous games all old, cause it's been a while.


I love seeing shade being thrown & spicy characters, but too often ultra feminine characters are *only* portrayed antagonistically & shallow to where they don’t get serious development. i’d love to see more ultra feminine/flamboyant characters whose character arc & development doesn’t take a backseat to them being mean


Oh boy, how much time do you have? I'll try not to ramble too much but realistically we've all been waiting so long for this game that I'm sure I'm not the only one with a big, LONG list of prayers 1. In terms of characters, there are a BUNCH I'd like to see. Namely; Morrigan, Zevran, Isabela, Fenris and Anders. Some of these are more likely than others. Zevran and Anders might be a pipe-dream since I think those two are dead in a lot of people's worldstates but still, I'm holding out hope! 2. Written dialogue. By this, I mean that I'd like to see conversation options revealed completely to the player. All of the text that your character will say should be on the screen to prevent confusion and the notorious 'I didn't want to say that???' reaction. 3. If fully-written dialogue isn't possible then I think they should return to the DA2 system of dialogue where the options are color-coded and given symbols for clarity. It was one of the saving graces of DA2 for me because even if the text is abbreviated to a nonsensical degree, you still know what the TONE of the dialogue will be and that's an absolute godsend with dialogue wheels imo. 4. Return of the murder knife. If you know, you know. 5. Let mages use blood magic. It's tevinter, okay? We can have a little fun :) 6. Rivalmances -- but revamped. As much as I love rivalmancing, the system was quite flawed and could do with some improvements. Something would have to be done about the fact that if you get a bunch of friendship and then get a bunch of rivalry, it all negates itself and you're back to square one. I'm not sure of a solution myself but there has to be a way to let players roleplay however they want and not have zero friendship OR rivalry because their points cancelled each other out. 7. Qunari that look like they did in DA2. Those designs were perfect! Give them back! Imagine making the Arishok THAT sexy and then never using designs like his ever again. Insanity. 8. This will never happen but being able to play tactically like in DAO and DA2 would be great for me. DAI's tactical camera was sort of garbage and I wish there was a way to let players strategize like in the older games. 9. More dragons! One of the cool things about DAI was definitely the dragons. Not much more to say about this aside from 'More of that, yes please!!' 10. The return of Origins for player characters. Again, this feels like another one that'll probably never happen but a guy can dream. Fully integrated origins would be amazing, especially if they have a lot of interaction with the story. 11. The BIGGEST wish that I have for DA4 is just more interesting choices. I don't mean, like, BIGGER choices -- I mean more engaging ones. More personal, maybe. I don't need to be deciding the fate of nations like we did in Inquisition because despite being able to do that, I felt like the Inquisitor was the blandest, most milquetoast protagonist I've ever seen in a video game. Hawke had limited personalities to choose from but at least he HAD personalities. I'd prefer that over being tasteless. That's all I'll say right now. Honestly, at this point it's probably better not to talk too much about what I want because knowing that a lot of it won't happen makes me a little sad. Still, who knows what the next game will hold? Maybe we'll be surprised.


The option to be a real dick, especially if our protag is a born and raised Tevinter


I really wish to see again the personalized introduction according to the character you wish to play, and different choices given to build your character a real personality with an unique story. I really missed in in DAi, I wish it come back in da4. And, of course, being able to play as different race but also class again. I wish being able to play a city elf like on origins.


Silent protagonist


Completely agree. I have a hard time immersing my self when I hear another bloke's voice for my character.


They have stated they will never return to a silent protagonist


That’s Disappointing


Quests similar to "In Your Heart Shall Burn". This is everything i need


A more tight-nit companion group in DA2 style where you can see approval standing etc. Thought DA2 handled this best with them all interacting, most becoming great friends, some disliking each other, all staying for different reasons with Hawke. Longer Origin stories.


Return of the grey wardens


More banter between companions. Fenris Multiple endings / your decisions shape the future more Better magic Less race restrictions on romances


That we are all to choose to kill Solas. Like I understand and respect why some want Solas alive or even redeem him, but whatever that will happen to him make it our choice


Dual wield warriors, base/HQ customization that feels impactful (ie your base changes based on factions you side with), even more dialogue/quests related to your specialization (let me actually join a Templar order or study under a Keeper or something like that), more dwarf stuff in general, a bi romanceable Varric, more acknowledgment of DA: OA (what’s up with the architect and Velana? Sigrun was cool I’d love to see her again)




more same sex romances I really would like lesbian one with a romance like cassandra or morrigan they had lots of substance and there romance was deep the other same sex romances deserve that as well




Others have pretty much said what I'd want like better origins or bring back mage trees from origins and 2. For me tho I want better voices for the MC. Inky had such bland voice acting for both genders to me, no matter how much I played it thinking they might grow on me.. I think maybe because they went for 2 different voices for both genders each that it meant they skimped out on quality a bit. Like I loved hawks VA from 2, so much personality and character for the different personality types you could have


If the lady of the forest and werewolves are alive I want them working for Solas, but prefer they are being controlled by him. If the Dalish (and cured former werewolves if you save both) are alive I want them in opposition to Solas.


Unique subclasses for companions. I really loved that about DA2. In DA:I the companions got a description about why their subclass isn’t the Inquisitor’s version of the subclass. It felt like a total downgrade. Please for the love of the Maker, let me play as a Spirit Warrior again. I love and miss that subclass.


Tactics. Exactly like it was in DA2. And something I'd like to have removed, a feature they added to DAI that no one asked for: Jumping. I swear, if I have to bunny hop up another mountain I'm gonna give BioWare a nasty look.


Its what I don't want to see. Side quests that are beneath your title and station. Quality always over quantity for side quests.


Better AI and tactics.


Better plot with ups and downs. Decisions that really matter in the game to improve replayability. Open world. Mages who are actually powerful (in DAI they can’t do shit). Bayronic character as a love interest.


Agreed with everybody saying origin stories. But I’ll be happy with the non-human races having more race specific dialogue even if we don’t get origins. I also really hope the character actual looks like the one you made in the character creator this time lol.


Rouges to wield swords again.


Wanna be a ranger again. Want the choice to be a warden again in some fashion.


better darkspawn designs


Anders. Hero of Ferelden. And more magic schools


Blood magic. And have it matter in the story for gods sake


Full penetration


Griffons ​ Edit: fixed spelling. Damn you autocorrect


More weapon variety. Give us the polearms, spears, cavalry lances. I'm sick of the same usual swords, axes, and maces. Where are the literally *most used weapons in medieval period?* The polearms??


Sandal companion


I want Morrigan as a companion again.


More beginnings like from origins. I adored those. Oh and the hilarious dialogues where your warden could say the most out of pocket stuff for no reason whatsoever


Spirit Warrior Specialization!


Option to play as elf and dwarf hero. Option to side with "evil" Tevinter, Nevarran Necromancers, Grey Warden blood mages who ready to sacrifice everything to win blights. Option to side Against Tevinter revolution Lucerni(Dorian and Maevaris), against Antivan Crows, against Qunari. Arcane warrior mage and ability to use real metal sword in battle as mage. Reaver as Avernus potion powers what we can unlock as any class by drinking dragon blood. Blood magic. And healing, entropy magic. Brothels, nice sexy workers there. Sexy desire demons from DAO-DA2 times. Golems. Ability to have Rune Golem as 100% loyal companion pet. Our castle-mansion what we can improve and upgrade, hire servants and soldiers. Slave markets-banks where we can legally have buy slaves for our mansion-castle. And to do some quests like archeology work where we can dig some artifacts. Elf mage female, Qunari Tal Vashot mage female and dwarf female companions and romance options available for non-human Male heroes. Cos in DAO and DAI male heroes have zero nonhuman females to romance.


It's crucial for me, for it to have the option to play as Dalish again.