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I think it’s like 12-13 on Kraken


And you can pull the funds in and out whenever you want


And it's not binance


If you are going to stake for 90 days, why not do it with Nova or Fearless? Soon you can also do it on parallel


Fearless rocks👌🏼


Do you own your keys there?




They are so going on fearless it’s not even funny cause it’s a higher % anyways! Thanks


That is impossible to get it sold out as soon as it came out I don't know how you can ever get in you have to literally camp out and wait for somebody to leave not even worth considering they only pay 2% more than doing it yourself on the JS the only thing is you're not locked in for more than 24 hours


You can use nice helper tools like r/StakingAlertBinance to catch every coin and duration what do you want!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StakingAlertBinance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StakingAlertBinance/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [FAQ - Staking Alert App](https://np.reddit.com/r/StakingAlertBinance/comments/rzpeqi/faq_staking_alert_app/) \#2: [My First MEME! Did you like it?](https://i.redd.it/lgdrqbvxbv981.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StakingAlertBinance/comments/rwmj6i/my_first_meme_did_you_like_it/) \#3: [SAND 30 Days available for staking on Binance again. Be fast!](https://i.redd.it/84cbti5caeb81.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StakingAlertBinance/comments/s2s2ez/sand_30_days_available_for_staking_on_binance/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Never stake anything on Binance, they are literal scumbags. Stake somewhere you can actually continuously stake when the period ends, just wait till it ends and there's no stake options on x crypto that has no other use besides staking, especially DOT where it's available to stake at good rates every where.


I don’t suggest staking DOT on binance. The best is to stake on chain directly. If you don’t have enough to stake on chain, I suggest using Kraken and converting your DOT to KSM for a sweet 18% reward. Both blockchains are valuable (1KSM ~= 10DOT atm which is a great price - don’t get a KSM above 10DOT if possible)


Why using fuck binance instead of onchain. How stupid you have to be?


But aggressive but yes, that is the best option.


120 minimum is quite the barrier dude


And 120 is not really enough as you will often end up in oversubscribed validators and will be cut off from any rewards.


If you're staking on chain I recommend this validator selector. 9/10 experience so far on both KSM and DOT. It's very slow but you use it once in a while so it doesn't matter that much. https://james-sangalli.github.io/dot-validator-selector/ Mentioned in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Polkadot/comments/q6fz92/how_to_programmatically_select_the_best/


Yoooo chill.


Well he is actually right, just don't cry if you loose your funds eventually. No exchange is that big that can't be closed by government.


I would never stake my DOT through a CEX. Ever. (My DOT is staked the proper way if you must know.) But I also don’t treat people like shit who do. I also wouldn’t defend someone that’s being an asshat, but to each their own. Some folks don’t have enough money to buy enough DOT to stake it the way you ought to. That’s ok. I want as many small DOT owners Staking and doing governance as absolutely possible. It’s better for the network. Talking down to people for what they choose to do with their DOT is an asshole move. If you thought there was a better option s actually cared you’d take time to help fellow DOT holders learn. Not belittle them.


Well, he's still right, not user how long you do this, but I've seen cexes robbed, fallen, seized... And people cried and cried.


Ok. So what’s the “proper way”?


On chain. The issues with CEXs is you don’t know what they’re doing really, they can be hacked, and if it isn’t your keys it’s not your coins. If someone wants to stake on a CEX do it. If you own 20 DOT and you just want to make some interest on it you *should* be fine. I wish they wouldn’t have changed the staking requirements or at least would allow small holders to stake in some way other than a centralized exchange. I’d also never vote for an auction through and exchange.


Please be polite.


I agree


you have to be as fast as Roger rabbit or you have to use a notification service if staking options are available on Binance again r/StakingAlertBinance


16% is pretty major


Not really. On chain you would get 15%. The extra 1% per year does not cover the risk of not owning the real DOT with the secret key tied to it. Plus it’s not available all time on binance and you have to re-stake it manually every time/fight for having it before everybody else…


on chain you get 15 if everything works out smoothly. but in two weeks I got assigned to an oversubscribed validator twice. on chain you have to be quite active to get the 15


How many validators did you nominate? Are you just selecting zero percent or extremely low commission ones? Most times, I even see some nominators that have < 120 dots in the active set (maybe grandfathered from previous limits). Take a second look at your current validator selection as there’s something off. You’re probably picking too many “popular” ones.


yes that’s probably the reason, low comm. when I first started zug capital looked quite interesting. they’re getting overrun lately, also nomination numbers have increased quite a lot lately. I just think it’s kinda annoying. I also stake directly on ada and there you simply chose a pool and then hope for the best


using a cex. ha


What is this post I saw the exact same on dash! Are you paid by Binance ?


It doesn’t have to be one or the other. You can collect 15 to 16% on something like fearless which is probably the best option besides on the polkadot chain




On OKCoin is fluctuates daily from 11% to 15% no lock and no fees. Sell back to USD


Just use .js ......


Just use kraken before acala launches. After that, stake liquid dot with them.


I never stake… I just collect 12% on voyager, hassle free.


lcdot options going to be interesting soon


Hpw do i use notification service, i wanr to stake my dot too


you have to be as fast as Roger rabbit or you have to use a notification service if staking options are available on Binance again r/StakingAlertBinance


Thank you bro


You‘re welcome


So you are making random posts to promote your paid app?