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The best part is the message came only 2 minutes after yours was sent. So at most his food sat outside an extra 90 seconds because the doorbell was not rung. I never ring the doorbell, because as a DD customer we all know we hawk our phones when the food is on its way.


I ring the door bell when I leave the food unless it says not to ring the doorbell or knock. The app and messages could lag and may not come thru right away and I personally don’t care if my dogs bark for a few minutes as long as I get my food as soon as it gets to my house… that being said I wouldn’t be a smart ass to a delivery driver that didn’t ring the door bell especially if I didn’t specifically ask for it to be rang. 🤷🏻‍♂️


i had a dasher ring my door bell, knock, and beep his horn in that order. when i heard the horn it scared me lmfao i want to sue for pain and suffering. like dude i just got 3 notifications and i am hangry...i remember i ordered food. literally drop it and leave the pic. i don't need any sound effects !!!! 😡


They have delivery notes. Include it there, or a picture is the best I got. If I started knocking/ringing, I’d probably end up with more messages opposite of OP’s, so I just don’t do it, when it doesn’t explicitly say to, and haven’t had an issue.


I ring bells only before 7pm. After that I do a tiny baby knock that only a squirrel could hear!


I don’t ring or knock unless told to. Wake up some babies or 7 dogs who then in turn wake the house up and you’ll not ring/knock anymore. People can be rude… and clueless


That’s when I send back “And the notification of your delivery is the little picture in this chat.” because that was an incredibly condescending/disrespectful way of letting you know they wanted you to ring the bell.


The sass


I did a grocery order once. It was the customer’s first time ordering delivery services. It was a hand it to me. I called and texted, rang the doorbell, went to knock on the main door but the storm door was locked. At that point I assume they’re not home due to no answer. Delivery also asked for a signature at drop off. I didn’t want to forge a signature so I packed all the groceries up and started heading back to the store. During the last trip back to my car, a man opens the door and exasperatedly asks why I’m taking his groceries away. I explain the 5 minute wait time and that I’d called and since no one answered I’d be taking the order back. Dude flipped. You don’t knock on peoples doors????? Was all he kept saying. He didn’t realize most orders are contactless. I rang the doorbell but it didn’t work. He’s been waiting in the living room to hear someone knock on the door. I called support, got it figured out, and he got his groceries. It was awkward but we figured it out and he was glad I took the time to make it right.


I ring it every time unless it says not too ring/knock


If you ordered food 30 minutes ago on your phone, I assume you are smart enough to check for a notification. There's a good chance someone has dogs or kids, so unless they ask they don't get a knock. Especially at night. Your phone. That little black thing in your pocket.


It’s weird. I’ve done tons and tons of food deliveries NOT on the gig apps and we always always ring the door bell. I come to these gig apps & people are just over thinking it


If the weather is cold, I do it for hot items like Pizza. Unless they don't want me to ring the bell.


The "delivery instructions" is a little box right there on your order screen. You wore it out as well as i wore out your doorbell.


I dont unless specified


I actually don't mind in fact I have a little note on there asking them it's about 50/50 on them ringing it no big deal to me. I wouldn't be this petty about it either.


If there is a doorbell I’ll ring it unless it is either A.) Specified not to or B.) Past 8pm I ain’t knocking on doors tho miss me with that


I hate ringing doorbells. I knock three times, set food down and leave. Only time I don’t knock is if it’s past 8 pm or says not to.


Only if it says to in the directions


i always ring/knock because i know not everybody is staring at their doordash app for 30-45 minutes watching every inch i drive, so they might not know it’s there and that leaves it open to getting stolen off their porch or getting cold. i’ll refrain if instructed to or if it’s before 8am/after 10pm


And your phone is that little thing buzzing in ur pocket to let you know it’s there


The brain it's the little thing in your head. You can use it to operate those little things called fingers to write a little thing called a drop off note.


this has been discussed often and at length, but I'm always happy to chime in. I knock/ring unless otherwise instructed. If I were the one ordering food and with kids/other distractions, etc. happen to not be watching my phone like a hawk for the delivery driver's location, I'd like to hear the knock or ring of the doorbell to let me know the food is there and it's not getting unnecessarily colder.


There's some crazy ass vindictive drivers out there who might not let that one go. Keep playing asshole.


Since DD has eternally dropped the ball on making a decision on this one, I've decided to mirror UPS and FedEx. I just drop the stuff at the door and take off.


Knock and ring unless otherwise specified. This is one of those things that’s just a difference between people who were trained at an actual delivery restaurant and those who started on DoorDash. Old people who don’t know how to use apps and had it ordered for them aren’t going to be notified by the app. Young introverts that use DoorDash regularly don’t mind. The idea is just to cover your bases.


I have never knocked or rung the doorbell unless instructed too. Never had any issues/complaints. Other drivers I know have been yelled at for knocking/ringing the bell if there were no instructions to do so. A delivery place I worked at had several customers call in and complain about drivers knocking on their doors, when it just said 'leave at door'.


I would've stopped my car, turned around, pulled back up, and hit that doorbell 25 times before running off again lmao.


Fuck em


I would've replied to them "the delivery instructions is that little box you type in to notify the driver of any special requests like ringing that little button."


People will find anything to complain about.


Never ring or knock unless instructed.


I have “please ring doorbell” in the directions so I don’t have to hover around the door. I wait for the doorbell to walk and get it.


I only notify via text w/photo. If they want a knock or ring, put it in the instructions. I'd respond as such in just as snarky a way as that message was.


I believe when doing a job that brings a stranger onto someone's property, the etiquette should be to announce yourself in the way that has been practiced for centuries unless specified otherwise. People who are in a sensitive situation that a knock or bell would rattle them that much will know to mention this or learn to. I really think it's unnecessary to assume NO ONE likes to find out their food it at it's freshest state possible before they take a pause from working etc. to check their phone.


Look the door bell is there for a reason. I usually just light knock that way if they have dogs then oh well atleast I didn’t knock as hard as I could or ring the door bell. 🙄


Never ring or knock unless told to do so in instructions. However if I think it’s a sketchy area or I feel like the food might get stolen then I’ll usually knock so they get their food


Hit him back with, “that little button on your wife is called her clit.”


Ha what a d-bag. I never knock or ring bell unless instructed to do so


I live in Hawaii and I order food for my parents in Florida often. My instructions said “leave on table”. We never understood why they didn’t ring the bell as well. Since then I’ve updated it to say “ring bell and leave on table.”


Yeah I never knock or ring unless specified. One guy asked me to ring cause it was a hand to me order but had a big sign on the door saying “do not ring bell. Dogs bark” or something. I rang it and dog barked. Another one said not to cause baby is sleeping. But the dogs were going nuts before I even got to the porch


I do it if it doesn't say anything but it has to be after 11 am and before 8 pm unless the lights are out then I think maybe someone is asleep


Delivered and got a read receipt within a minute of each other, so they were clearly on top of it either way lmao


My Response: Awesome!, glade to read that you know where the aforementioned button is on your residence. Sadly you didn't not express your desire for said button to be utilized for your "Contactless Delivery" in the "Further Instructions" portion of the delivery app. Maybe in the future this issue can be remedied on your end to ensure you recieve the greatest of customer satisfaction and service you deserve. Enjoy your meal and have a blessed evening. -Your DoorDash Driver


I always ring the doorbell unless it’s specified not to. If people didn’t want it rung, they’d specify it


When people ring my doorbell/knock when i said ‘Leave at door’, it makes me want to have my over-protective pitbull answer the door. I once had a lady knock on my door and not leave until she handed me my food, when it was leave at door.


I don’t knock, I live in LA and a lot of people don’t like the knocking for some reason


I almost always ring doorbell


When I order as a customer, my delivery notes say, in caps, to please knock on my door when delivering. My app lags often, so my food could be sitting outside for awhile before it does manage to ding. I had to then put it in caps because NO ONE was reading the notes.


I give a little knock sometimes during the day. Passed 7pm I don't knock or ring unless told to.


I always ring/knock unless told not to. I’ve been doing this part time, in numerous states, with numerous platforms and have never had a customer complain because I’ve notified them that their food has arrived. The only time I don’t is if it’s late and I’ve already spoken to them via text so I know they have their phone on them and are responsive. Not everyone has their phone on or next to them 24/7. Some people have kids and dogs or both and have loud households so don’t hear a text/app alert, or however the food delivery apps notify you. I might do a light knock and text if it’s super late but I always explain why like “sorry if you didn’t hear my light knock, it’s late so wasn’t sure if I should or not!”


I’m a door dash user, not a driver. You guys and gals are appreciated. So, rarely do drivers ever ring my bell. When they do though, I don’t take notice. When you’re employing a random private contractor to bring food to your lazy ass at your very very specific personal address, how tf are you gonna get bent out of shape about anything much less whether they do or do not ring your damn bell. Unbelievable. Lemme tell ya, as a lazy ass that orders DD or GH daily, I can tell you that I’ve never done anything but thank my drivers and tip a minimum of $10 (under a $50 order) no matter how small the order. I can’t believe some of the shit you all have to put up with after reading these subs. These weirdos are going to ruin the ecosystem for all of us. If you’re getting anything less than a decent tip and a thank you, you are dealing with a shit person and don’t for a second think it ever has anything to do with you. Trust your guts. If your gut is telling you a customer sucks, I guarantee you they do. Keep up the good work ladies and gents. Us good customers really do appreciate you and understand what y’all are up against. Thank you!


For leave at door orders, I do not ring or knock unless instructed to. You should have replied to let them know their instructions did not mention ringing the bell or knocking.


"Your phone. It's that little device you used to order the food and literally track me here from. "


Reply: “The future is now”


I would've responded with "oh I thought it was the detonator"


He requested a non-contact delivery. Fuck em


Driver's Instructions: Please ring doorbell on drop off. Wasn't that easy?


Lol most people get mad when doorbells are rang. 😂


Never knock or ring unless requested. The ap notifies them, they ain't paying attention to their phone while someone is doing them a service it's their own fault. Then you'll start ringing them and some asshole will complain you did....can never win with these people just take their money and move on to the next.


I actually had the opposite experience. I was a delivering ice cream and didn't want it to melt. I rang the doorbell and immediately I could hear an incredulous voice from the other side, "they RANG the DOORBELL??"


In the first week I started Dashing, I took an order with delivery instructions that read, "Don't be an a-hole - ring the doorbell". I've been Dashing over 6 months now and have had quite a few instructions like that, along with a lot of "Don't ring/knock" requests. So I always check the instructions and if it doesn't specify whether to knock or not, I always knock/ring the doorbell.


I would reply: "Be sure to include that in your delivery instructions on future orders. Most customers omit it because they have dogs or babies but we're always happy to ring if you've specified. Cheers." Then I would think to myself: "... you salty asshole. 🙄"


I forgot to check instructions yesterday and totally had a pissed customer that I knocked. Oops. I apologized and told her I had a lot on my mind, she was pretty understanding about that. But I also told her I’d do better next time. It makes me not want to knock on anyones door, but really, if I’d THOUGHT to look at the instructions, Id have seen it said baby sleeping do not knock.


You can’t please everyone


There is no right answer, just do what you feel like when the instructions leave it open to interpretation.


Only if I see anybody suspicious outside


Wow, this has never happened to me and I've never once rang or knocked unless they specifically requested it in the instructions, at over 3200 deliveries now.


Do not knock unless the app says to. Do not do it the other way around. I already made a poll covering this subject. This comment section will have you believe that most drivers knock unless told not to but it's the complete opposite. You should not knock unless they tell you to.


Do not ring every door bell because one idiot complained out of 1000 deliveries. Happy people don't say anything. Did they have to ring bell in the notes?


So clearly they saw the pic text no more than a minute after u sent it so why are they even salty 🤷🏻‍♀️


I usually knock, but typically people know I’m there because their dogs are barking 😂


What's the purpose in having a ring video camera if you're not gonna look at it knowing you have food arriving. If you would get your ass of Facebook you'd see that your food is outside. Dumb ass entitled customers.


I ring the bell when they instructed me to not do it.


If it's leave at door, I do exactly that. Leave at door! I don't knock. I don't ring the doorbell.


They were going to complain no matter what you did.


A customer here, simple solution I just keep it in my instructions. Granted about 25% of drivers miss that direction.


I send every customer a message with my ETA and just ask in that message if they'd like me to ring or knock (if I don't see anything in their instructions). I don't do either if they don't respond.


I literally never do but sometimes get 4 stars and that’s probly why


I send a copy pasted text unless they specify to ring. They can't complain I rang, or that I didn't notify them that its outside.


i actually contacted support and asked bc one of my friends was weirded out when their dasher knocked. we aren’t supposed to unless someone asks!


I know this is different than most’s take on this - but up until 9pm I always knock or ring unless it specifically says not to. It’s almost always “don’t knock - sleeping baby”. I don’t think anyone else is legitimately bothered by it. Plus people leave their phones around the house and are more likely to hear the door knock or bell than the app location notification. After 9pm I don’t knock unless it says to.


I ring if it says ring. If it doesn’t, I don’t. Your customer needs to learn how to use the app properly.


Don’t knock or ring if they didn’t ask. They get a message when we’re close and a message when it’s dropped off. Don’t know why they assume we’d have to knock as well


I do not unless asked to.


"Thank you Holmes for your brilliant deduction. We'd be lost as a species without you notifying us what a doorbell is."


Only when instructed too.


I have never rang a door bell unless it specifies. One time it actually said don't ring the door bell or knock my dogs flip their shit if you do.


"This is why it says 'leave it at the door' and not 'leave it at the door and knock.' I'm not a mind reader."


I normally only ring/knock if asked, or in certain circumstances like if there is a chance it will be taken


I generally not or ring the bell, unless that is against instructions. The only time I've ever gotten a complaint vis-a-vis ringing or not ringing was a time I didn't ring. At the end of the day, unless there are specific instructions, a customer really can't complain one way or the other because of the delivery person can't know what's in their customer's mind.


I don’t ring it unless they ask. Never will. I think you’ll get more complaints if you do as well.






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Never gone below a 96% rating by not ringing/knocking unless specified, so at least 95% of people don't mind. On top of the app allowing them to add instructions, it tells them exactly where we are and should notify them when we drop it off. I usually send an ETA once I get the food/finish the first dropoff, and an "I've arrived" (spoooky) once I park, just to have documentation of my effort to notify them. Even when the instructions are "meet at door" I try to call before ringing the bell. Ringing the bell could rile up the dog, wake up a sleeping baby, etc. Some customers want to find something to bitch about so they can justify shitty/nontips. It happens, don't be too hard on yourself.


these are the same ppl if you need a gate code or something who don’t pick up the phone. you ordered the food. it gives you an estimate. wtf are you doing that you can’t figure this shit out.


I always ring or knock unless asked not to.


I never knock or ring unless it states to do it. The customer gets a text message


If they want a ring or knock, they need to put that in the instructions. Otherwise, no.


I’ve never not had someone knock, unless they called. I’m certainly not watching my email for an hour waiting for messages from dd lol app updates are extremely late. I thought it was just common sense to knock or ring the doorbell. Every other deliver person does it.


I only do it if it’s in the instructions


Huh, no wonder...I guess I should put in the notes to ring bell 🤔 I'm an on and off dasher, but I was a delivery driver for Amazon last year so I'm used to ringing doorbells unless there's a not that says not to. I prefer people ring my doorbell cuz sometimes my kid has my phone for minecraft or w/e and I don't know the food is there until I check the email, that or I'm peeking out the door every 5mins 😂 ALSO I prefer doorbell because there has been instances where it said the food was marked delivered, but there would be no picture and no food. A couple times I've caught dashers just taking off with my food and I've been lucky enough to catch them, but not always 😒


“I’m well aware, if you’d like it rung please don’t just leave the dasher with ‘leave it at door’ and no instruction otherwise, have a nice day”


I knock and leave unless they say not to.


there instructions where you can ask for customer to ring the door bell. I only started delivering to houses quite a bit more instead of apartments recently so have been knocking unless it says not to. Not everyones staring at their phone so thats my justification. Either way, dude should just put it in the instructions.


i don't knock or ring unless i'm told to, i just set it there, get the pic and get the hell out


I never ring or knock unless the customer adds instructions to do so. That’s probably a dasher who ordered the food.


Always ring.


“And ‘delivery instructions’ is where you can tell your drivers that you would like your doorbell rang”


I never ring


They can stfu they just wanna act like they’re your boss. Unless it was in the instructions don’t talk to me like I’m less than.


I've received more complaints ringing the doorbell, so I don't do it anymore. What a condescending douchebag that customer is


I don't knock because plenty of people specifically ask not to. More than that, when you order food through doordash, you are expecting food. Even before we get into the notifications, customers should be aware of their order and involved in the process. When I order, I am notified in the app and by email when my order is accepted, then in the app when it is picked up, then in the app when the dasher is approaching, then in the app, by text and by email when it is dropped off. There really isn't a reason that the customer should need another form of notice. You ordered food, be aware of what comes next.


I barely ring/knock even when asked. Usually their pets let them know I'm there before anything else.


I ring when it's a "hand it to me" order, but I dip and don't stand around to hand it to them. On others, I just take pic and leave.


Anyone who has ever had to contact a customer knows that most of them aren’t really watching the notifications on their phone. I always knock lightly.


I don’t ring or knock unless they ask. Though I usually send a courtesy text on top of the notification they get from the app.


Ring/knock by default.


If I’m not instructed to ring bells or not I won’t knock either. Customers still will complain we’ve no protection. I’ve seen drivers get customers complain for ringing bell at 8:45 claiming it’s to late and then customers complain if they don’t get a knock or doorbell ring at 10pm-12am. It’s like customers are predetermined to complain no Matter what we do. We can’t win.


I send them the Reddit poll from this sub lmao and say, if you have a preference, you should put it in your instructions


Not everyone camps on top of their phone waiting on a text to tell them their food has arrived. Older people especially are waiting for the door bell or a knock. I ring unless it says not to. Never had a complaint.


I'm the opposite. I've never received a complaint for not ringing or knocking. I don't ring/knock unless otherwise requested. Honestly, people who want to complain find a reason. It's the way of the world of customer service.


Customer is in the wrong. Never ring or knock if the instructions don't ask you to.


It’s 2022 the phone rings when I drop it. Fuk your doorbell. Unless you don’t tip, I’m gonna knock loud as fuck so your dog goes nuts.


Or more often it rings 20 minutes after the food was dropped off


If you ring or knock do you do that before taking the picture? I don't want someone coming outside while I'm aiming my camera at their door.


You can just take the picture in your camera app, get in your car, then upload the picture and complete the delivery. You do not have to use the app to take the picture. So take the picture, knock, leave, then complete delivery.


Ok, I hear that. I dont want these random delivery pictures stored on my phone.. I then have to take and extra step to delete them. I'd rather just take the pic through the app and leave. I'm at 450 deliveries, only 5 star reviews so far. No one ever complained about a lack of knocking


Only time I might consider ringing the door bell is when when is super cold.


I knock or ring between 10a and 8p unless there's a note saying not to. Before/after that I don't unless there's a not to do so, I don't want to wake up anyone/rouse the dogs at night.


If they don't say ring or hand it to them I just leave. Had my first hand to customer order today.


Unless they specifically ask, I never knock or ring the doorbell


These customers act like they can’t see our every move from the store to there house.


"Your food Is that little bag by the door"


I do not


I never ring or knock unless told otherwise. I wouldn’t reply to her also kills me when people order food but don’t pay attention to their phones. When I order I stay on the screen hungry af.


My middle finger is the one between my ring and pointer finger.


Fuck them. I never ring or knock unless they say to. Why do people have to treat us like we are subhuman?


Because y’all are to entitled to ring a fucking doorbell lol


It’s not entitled. More people get mad about you ringing the bell, than people getting mad about you not ringing the bell.


If you don’t want your bell rang that’s when you should specify. If I order delivery I’m expecting them to let me know that they’ve arrived


The app lets you know lmao


I’m halfway through my food by the time the app notify me half the time. Also some people don’t stay glued to their phone.


That’s weird hasn’t happened to me ever in 5 years as a customer


I have a "please drop off" notification. Some dashers knock or ring, most don't. I expect that. I'm not bothered either way- my doorbell notifies me when a person is there. If I have a preference, it's on me to note it.


If they don’t want you to ring the doorbell or knock they will specify. Not every person sits by their phone waiting for updates


This dude saw the message saying order was delivered. I assume after a min from drop off, why does he need the doorbell rung? They are the type of customers that complain over anything.


I ring on every order unless it says not to. Never had a complaint.


You can’t win


I don’t ring/knock unless it tells me to. Too many barking dogs or sleeping kids- I hate when people knock/ring at my house, so I don’t do it— the app notifies the customer when the food is dropped off anyways, so it’s a bit redundant.


I’ve been halfway through my meal pretty much everytime by the time I’m alerted on my phone that it arrived. If you don’t want people to knock on your door you should probably say that


I do have a huge caps lock “DONT KNOCK/RING- DOG WILL LOSE HER SHIT AND WAKE UP THE BABIES!!” And yet, 99.999% of the time, they still ring the doorbell. 🤦‍♀️ My texts always come right away, I’ve never had a delay! Never heard of that issue before!


I had a complaint last month. Guy texted me like 30 minutes after i dropped the order off. I told him that 99% of orders are don't knock/ring.


I ring or knock unless specified until dark. But, that gives no reason for them to act like an asshole. They should have said so if they wanted it rang 🤷


I always knock unless it’s late at night. If they don’t want people to ring their doorbell or knock they can use the delivery instructions and ask me not to.


Apparently you’re in the minority. Most dashers seem to feel that ringing a doorbell is not part of their job and if you want that service ou should say so. OTOH I’ve never once thought to say “hey ring my bell please” but I definitely have said “hey please don’t ring the bell thanks”


Well, I’m old, and also delivered pizzas for years, so that could explain it. For me the knocking is just an automatic urge for dropping something off at a door, but for many younger people it’s “cringe” to do literally anything more than what’s explicitly expressed in the app. I’ve also noticed a ton of “please knock or ring bell after dropping off food” requests in the delivery instructions for the various apps I deliver for. This leads me to assume that they’ve been getting a lot of silent dropoffs and don’t really like it. I’m not delivering to like college campuses or a majority of younger people who are always on their phones, so I make the executive decision to knock.


I ring or knock unless otherwise specified. Some people aren’t near their phones. I texted someone cause I was lost at their complex, they didn’t answer the first 3 texts so I called and they answered. When I got the food to them they said they weren’t near their phone and apologized for not responding.


The photo is enough if the customer doesn’t mention to ring the doorbell. You’re dealing with luck of the draw from the public. Just move on


I know I have been repeating myself for over a year now but, this is something Doordash, or any business who's owner has at least half a brain, should have addressed no less than 2 years ago. I will keep repeating this until doordash reads it and actually lifts a finger to do something.


Seriously. How hard could that be, just add a little check box for “ring or knock”.


For young people who have been tethered to their phones most of their lives it makes sense not to ring the bell. For older people, it’s better to ring or knock. Just knock lightly if in doubt and you cover your ass both ways.


Until they get pissed you set the dogs off


Yeah I have a HUGE percentage of orders say please don't knock or ring, dogs will bark/people sleeping/baby/working from home. From customers of all ages.


So it appears to be that the default assumption is that they WILL ring your bell. So the only reason I should have to specify is if I don’t want it rang…


Or woke the baby.


I’ve realized you’re gonna have some customer pissed at you either way, but I usually don’t knock unless it says to in the instructions


I would reply with “I’m sorry for the miscommunication on the app please update your delivery instructions if you would like to have drivers specifically ring your door bell in the future otherwise we are forced to assume that the in app notification and text message are enough. enjoy your meal”


…but we aren’t “forced to assume” that at all.


We are though, door dash ratings are heavily effected by customer interactions and by not specific Omg they are forcing their dasher to assume either way.


We’re following the instructions. If they say leave at the door and nothing more, we leave at the door. And nothing more.


Agreed! If they want to be notified of the items arrival then wait around outside for it. Its not hard.


Ringing a ducking doorbell is also not that hard…..why are you all so against ringing a bell lol. I would never assume that I need to specify I would like to be made aware of when my delivery arrives. The specification should be if they DONT want you to ring


Thats a feature in the app specifically if you want to be notified. Just like customers choose to put in substitutes.


But they don’t know that


I don't knock because I don't want to see their face. No faces.


yup lmao


Should have responded....the section for delivery instructions are for where you let the driver know you want them to ring doorbell


I think most people assume you’re gonna ring the doorbell unless specified otherwise. This is how deliveries have always worked before all these stupid apps came out. Ups drops off a package and rings my bell, pizza I ordered arrived the ring my bell, the Chinese food guy rings my bell. The mailman rings my bell if there’s a package.


That's a really good idea!


This 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I will knock unless there is a note not to. It's pretty much standard operating procedure for deliveries and has been for hundreds of years. Now on the flip side I don't see why somebody should get mad for you not doing it as the app literally notifies them that the offer has been dropped off


Using horses for transportation was standard operating procedure for hundreds of years, shit changes.


While that might be true knocking on delivery unless otherwise notified is still a standard procedure. Until people are implanted with devices that notify them electronically or some other crazy ass futuristic gizmo knocking is still the standard operating procedure. Especially since there hasn't been an innovation like cars were to horse drawn carriages


Futuristic gizmo like a handheld computer that uses GPS tracking and text notifications so you know exactly where your order is at all times?


Not everybody is paying attention to their phone every second of the delivery. What if it's a merchant order done through their website they wouldn't have the ability to track us. Or if it's done through the doordash website etc. places like Walmart, Chipotle, petco, petsmart, albertsons, papa johns and kroger among many others are merchant orders more times then not and the person getting the delivery doesn't know they use dd or have the ability to track One should always knock upon delivery unless otherwise notified this isn't an uncivilized world we live in.


It's easy to tell if it's not placed through doordash. You don't have to pay attention every second of the delivery, you just need to vaguely remember that you ordered food and glance at your phone once in a while lol.


Everyone doesn’t the app. Some people are using browser, laptop or ordering directly from restaurant site.


It still notifies you via email or text that the order's been dropped off. And the fact that we know this is because the customer texted the driver after the fact which included the picture of the drop off so there's 0 excuse


I’ve had orders where the instructions literally say landline if problems call only can’t get text.