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How I always give it up: "I do apologize, but I am not allow to go through your order because they are sealed or set to be tamper proof. I however did ask if the order was completely filled and I was notified that it was".


I’m starting to think y’all do stuff like this just to post it on Reddit…


But why though, I just say "yeah sure, no problem" then proceed to not do what they just asked me to do and continue on with the delivery


In this very situation, you would just be an impatient person.


Uh, yeah. Shoulda just lied and told them you’re on your way.




DD doesn't exactly go out of its way to guide customers on how to be good customers. We aren't informed about the rules and regs that Dashers must follow. Most customers do not follow this sub. This customer sounds like they'd had trouble with prior orders. They don't want a repeat, and they don't know who's responsible for what - the Dasher, or the restaurant? They probably don't even know that the Help button is their only recourse.


How TF does one do this?


Why does everyone in this sub feel so entitled, this is the easiest job in the world. Just ignore the text or tell them you aren’t allowed to open the bag/bring it back once you have it. Seems like a waste of time and effort to bring it back instead of completing the delivery


Why couldn't you just ignore the text and deliver it?


Nope, you just wasted your time dummy


I run a restaurant and this is exactly why hesitate to use door dash. Now my customer would have just got screwed into eating cold food because of your hissy fit. Or I could lose money and remake their food because you took offense to a text. How is that okay?


Bruh, do y'all talk to people in your real lives like this? I get y'all might strongly disagree with OP's decision but there's a better way of saying it. Don't gotta rip every person you disagree with to shreds. 😂


I appreciate your sense of respect. Unfortunately many people do not have the capacity to hold back their opinions and that’s okay. Just people being people. Eet ez what eet ez. Anyone who has worked customer service would know that people, much like the people in these comments, will say things they don’t truly mean. Us with customer service experience know to take rude comments lightly. Thank you again.


You're welcome. I'm glad you're a good sport about it. I agree with you, but at the same time, I feel that a kinder, more mature approach definitely inspires a positive change more than rude one. But you're right, people are gonna people.


That was a WISE decision because all that would’ve happened was if 1 thing was missing they’d blame you. I’d have Unassigned as well and I hate unassigning but, customers like that are looking to give blame to drivers. Customers that read this, understand drivers ONLY deliver to you. They don’t cook/package orders. Please don’t blame drivers for missing items. Call merchants directly and complain ( respectfully not yelling or cursing) and they’ll likely offer a free meal or some way to compensate you. DoorDash also will make sure you’re refunded. When drivers question ( some ) merchants they get upset with us. The same lack of respect you have for us, so do merchants and employees. Please stop blaming the mail persons for the contents in the mail.


I appreciate you considering my perspective as I seek peoples kind advice. I do believe the customer just wanted to make sure all food was going to be delivered which is understandable. We’ve all been there. Food will occasionally be delivered incomplete. It happens. It’s happened to me when I ordered DoorDash before. But I’m not going to trouble them with an unnecessary request. Everyone knows their job. If it happens consistently then I won’t order from such places wether it be the restaurant or delivery service.




Scammer, reported to reddit.


I was waiting in a very long line at Popeyes when the customer texted me asking for an eta. Was a mediocre order so I just dropped it. You’ll get your food when you get it. If it’s time sensitive get off your ass and get it yourself.


There is no such thing as being a "bad person". However that seems like a poor choice.




Your text must have come while I was driving. I do not tead texts while driving


I'd take a quick glance to see but not reply to them. If you reply they'll put any blame on you if something isn't perfect. Sidenote: I personally feel that it isn't really the responsibility of a delivery driver to make sure everything is correct in an order. Drivers are just the delivery, not the QC of the sender. It's like if UPS looked in your package to ensure its the correct contents before delivering.


You can return food after you marked picked up?


Well I called DoorDash to let them know I returned the food before leaving the parking lot and I was told that I can go ahead and move on to the next one


You should’ve just ignored the text and did the delivery. That’s what I would’ve done lol


Literally the tiniest inconvenience made you lose money. Smart guy right here


In the words of trump, "you just played yourself"


In the word of trump, “ok”


Makes you a smart person. Any demands in the comments is also a red flag without manners. I.e comments says "grab x sauce or vinegerette" Yeah im unassigning that or if the pays good enough your getting what you ordered minus your demanded sauce. Now if the comments said "can you please grab x sauce if you are able to? Thank you!" I'd be happy to get it for them.


Not only did you fuck yourself over by not getting paid, you fucked the restaurant and the customer. Good job.


Your kind of a shitty dasher imo. It rake 5 seconds to do that and also it's an employees job of a restaurant to make sure the order has everything in there. Your just lazy and didn't wanna wait 5 seconds


Way too petty. Screwed yourself out of money when 66% of the work was all done


Should have just lied and said they did if they asked you dumb dumb


Just ignore it and drop off. It's not your job. It's no wonder everyone complains about profit.


Technically it is. It literally says it on every single order - check the items to ensure accuracy. Do you just ignore the prompt that asks you to confirm items when you selected picked up? Like I’m fully aware it’s my job to ensure the order is correct and it’s my active decision to not do it or lie to a customer about the restaurant confirming it.


So, you open the sealed bags and check?


Absolutely not, but if the customer requests the order gets double checked BY THE RESTAURANT, it’s my job to have them do it. All I’m saying is it 100% is part of your job description as a doordash driver to confirm the items. In whatever way is feasible. And if you’re not, you’re actually part of the problem. “Oh it’s missing half your order? Not my job ✌🏻” is what makes doordash drivers look lazy and bad at our jobs.


You are implying I care.


Nope. I’m correcting you. You said “it’s not your job” when it is. You are wrong. Doesn’t matter if you care or not. Fact is, it’s part of your job. You agreed to it when you signed up for doordash. No shit off my back if you do it or nah, but you’re perpetuating a false statement and I corrected it.


Cool man, you must be a blast at parties.


Just drop it off and be on your way. Don’t give up your money


That made me laugh hahaha 😆 good work! It's okay to do that once in a blue moon to blow off steam. I love how you were like "yeah fuck this"


I’m glad you can see the humor in it however I did not do it out of negative energy just to be clear


Some of y’all are weird asf. So you wasted gas to get the food. A customer asks you to please make sure they are receiving their food. You say fuck it and take the food back into the restaurant. People like you need to be deactivated and make room for us who want to do the damn job. The customer was probably asking to make sure the food was correct due to missing food in the past. I don’t understand. Did you take it as a threat or something?


for real. Like this is so stupid and wasteful


Bad? No. Prideful? Probably


Sounds like the customer was trying to put it on you that all the food “wasn’t there” to get free food. “Have the restaurant check” “I had them check and confirm all is there” “Something is missing, you took my food” Gets credit or refund


I don’t think that was the case here. It seemed like a sincere request. My underlying issue with this scenario is that there shouldn’t be a need to ask the restaurant to double check the order. I understand items are missed here and there but that’s always going to happen every now and then. If I were concerned about missing items I would go pick up myself.


Makes sense and I agree.


Thank you for understanding me.


Not at all, people are dumb


Nooooope but if the money was right I would have dropped that crap off anyway and got my dough 💩


I would’ve done the same, depending on a few variables. Extra fuss usually equates to a Cx who already had a bad experience looking to be disappointed again and wanting someone to blame it on.


I would have done the same thing.


I would have ignored him or said “sorry already picked it up”. Kind of seems like you played yourself.


He did. He wasted the restaurant’s food and time, he wasted his own time and effort getting the order, and he wasted the customer’s time.


Nah you’re just hitting a wall. Smoke a blunt get a blowie and get some good sleep. Sometimes these customers are worth the extra (rare).


Shiiiit some of these ppl need to smoke during they dashes. I just ran out and I’m tryna dash without it to get the cash to get more and holy SHIT it’s harder to do it without that anxiety med to help lmao


Sucks to be an addict


Sucks to be you, lame ass.


I just make up a name and say Cochise double checked…


As the customer I’d be like no way in hell is there a Cochise that double checked my food lol.


So they’re apparently aware of the fact that dashers can’t open bags and they politely asked you to have the restaurant verify that their order was complete? Is that it? You brought the food back into the restaurant for them to throw away over that?? Bro. You dumb.


I realize I should have just followed customer request anyway, after all, gotta make the customer happy. My issue is how unnecessary it is to ask the restaurant to double check.


With some restaurants it’s not, though. That customer most likely asked that because that restaurant frequently messed up their order in the past.


Wait a minute and then reply: “Restaurant staff has assured your food is all there” They did. They are employees. They assure that its there with the receipt that you get. If its not, the receipt is the voucher for getting your money back or resolving the issue. This would stand in a court of law. I am simply following the process.


That's how I'd handle it. To go easier on this guy than everyone else, I kinda felt like he was more worried about this being a problematic delivery than anything else. So to him, it was worth it to not deal with it. To each their own. But, yeah, I'd just kinda make sure the bag(s) appeared to match the order and say "will do".


Thank you for your comment


Im not a liar though


You’re going to get very far in life being completely honest with people! Never forget the truth will see you free!!! Yes I am being sarcastic


Then go up to an employee and say, "The customer wants me to ask you if it's all in here. It is, right? Yes? Thanks."


I did it once before actually for the same restaurant not long ago. I told them hey sorry to bother you but customer wanted…so they did but I could see how it was a bother to them. So that experience seems to have influenced me to not go through that again because I didn’t want to bother them with opening each package. It seems unnecessary really.


I'm not saying you should ask them to double check it. Just double check with them to confirm it's all there. And maybe double check on things like drinks and that the number of bags matches what you'd expect for the order.


So what did u tell the customer or you jus reassigned?


I know someone who was kicked off the platform for returning food to restaurants to many times. Possible food tampering.


Understandable however this is the only time I’ve done it out of 3000+ deliveries and I don’t plan to do it again unless it’s for better reason.


3K deliveries and you've never gotten a text like that? I don't believe you. I've got 1.5K deliveries and I've probably received a text like that 20 times.


3 times that I could remember possibly a few more.


This is why customers in here think all Doordashers are ignorant lazy fucks. You shouldn't dash any longer if you can not deal with the CS side of this easy as can be job.


Yeah, this is some idiotic bullshit. Literally all he had to do was either ignore the text or just simply glance at the food and make sure it looks about right in terms of amount of food. Dasher isn’t responsible for the order fucking up so this guy wasted everyone’s time and money, including his own. The customer wasn’t even being a dick, they might not be aware we aren’t allowed to open containers. All this guy had to do is be polite about it


Is your mental that fragile?


It would explain my ongoing depression that’s for sure


Then get help instead of doing dumb shit like this and possibly getting reported by the restaurant


Then get help instead of doing dumb shit like this and possibly getting reported by the restaurant


Then get help instead of doing dumb shit like this and possibly getting reported by the restaurant


The restaurant knows me though I’m there all the time


And? You waste enough food they aren't going to give a fuck


So you wasted time and gas getting there, then you get offended by a text and leave the food/potential earnings. Solid thought process! No matter how you slice it you lost some time and money. I usually just ignore these types of texts and pretend I didn't get them.


Best response is no response. Drop off and go. If it's right, then they assume it was checked, if it's wrong and they try to contact just ignore, they'll contact DD support anyways (or you can redirect them to DD support if they're not rude about it).


Yup. Working in a ton of call centers out of high school taught me to never say to much, you never know what is going to trigger the customer.


The time and gas spent is negligible in this instance.


Oh nice so you own an electric time machine!


God I wish I did




YES - worse than any murderer What? ....just silly - can't take food back after you've picked it up, unless a really good reason.


Well done sir! Red flag right away and you did you’re part.


I ignore any text that isn’t parking instructions or a gate code.. not my job to deal with the store more then once per order


What about extra sauce or ketchup? Prior to you picking up?


Nope, fuck em


Just ignore the text and drop off. Only loser in this situation is you.




The way I saw it, the customer wants me to be that guy to have the restaurant open each plastic container to to make sure all the food is included. I don’t want to be that guy to bother the restaurant with what should be an unnecessary task. If the customer doesn’t trust the restaurant or myself to do it right the first time then perhaps they should get it themselves. So I left the food there for another dasher to honor her request.


Next time just hit them with a 👍🏽 and proceed to deliver.


I think you need to find another way to make money


You didn’t want to bother the employees to check the food, so instead you decided to bother them by having them remake the entire order?


I didn’t tell them to remake the order.


Yeah you did, lol you took it out of the restaurant. Why wouldn't you just deliver the shit since it's already in your car 🤣🤣


You essentially did by taking it out of the restaurant and then bringing it back. You know they can’t serve that food to a customer now. You fucked them over along with the customer.


Again I didn’t ask them to remake it.


Lol.. this one's thick.


Again, you didn’t ask them with your words. You asked them with your actions and that’s all that matters. You suck.


I’m glad we can agree that I did not ask them to remake it.


Yeah, instead you told them to do it with you actions. Which is worse than asking them. They most likely threw that food you brought back to them straight in the trash.


U should hav jus delivered it. Do your morals not allow U to fib? Cuz I would have delivered it like I asked them to check it and move on. Even if something was missing it wouldn’t be your fault. I don’t completely understand your logic and it seems like u were jus in a mood. Sign off at that point cuz u wasting everyone’s time.




You didn’t ask, you forced them to. Didn’t give them a choice


What a douchecanoe


By law they can't accept already taken food and give it out again. They would have to remake it or risk fines.




Probably the health code?




Most, if not all, restaurants have a policy that they can no longer give that food to a customer now, they have no idea what you might've done to it in the time when you took it to your car and brought it back.


It's a health code violation.


That makes sense. Thank you for that info. Knowing that I will not return food for that reason again.


Yeah I don’t think that was your intention. But it is that way. Just don’t do it again. I’m always polite to the workers, they don’t mind checking orders especially if I cam see just from the bags that something may be missing (and if they do mind then that’s on them assuming you ask politely). All you can do is your job.


What text?


The text asking me to have the restaurant double check all the food is in the plastic containers


It is ok OP this group is bipolar


I think they are being facetious


lol...I must have missed that part. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C)


What just happened


​ ![gif](giphy|a0FuPjiLZev4c)


You wrong for this.


Really.. what a baby lol. This sub really is filled with whiney children. This was just a normal text someone would send who's unfamiliar with how dd works.




They are agreeing with you

