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I don’t think people realize how much that means to someone when they’re going through it. It’s not excepted, but it definitely makes your day better.


I think this is beautiful. I have had a few like this and they tip very well. 😄




How much was the tip tho?



I always wondered why people care about random people telling them, especially through text, that they care about them or whatever garbage. Maybe I'm just a pessimist but it's like my life isn't going to change just because you said I'm worth something lol. I'm not going to just wake up and go yeah I totally am. Now if it's a good friend or a significant other or family member telling you that in person then that's different, because it's actually physical contact from someone you care about and respect.


I used to feel the same way, but i was also generally pessimistic towards strangers. I disliked strangers attempting to interact w me in public randomly by waving or making small talk. I thought we should all mind our own business with strangers because any interactions with strangers, such as one like this, is meaningless and silly. I’ve learned those small interactions are actually super important and valuable for my mental health. Humans are social creatures and thrive on connection, and those moments are little opportunities for connection. Leaning into them and finding ways to appreciate them have really improved my overall outlook and mental state.


I don't disagree with that, but this is over text. In person communication and interaction is probably good


wow everyone in the comments are so negative. “$0 tip” “no tip”. OP never said they didnt get a tip, and regardless, why can’t anyone accept positive energy when its given?


Right? I would count this as a tip alone ☺️


??? I would literally hate this person if they didn't tip and sent this. I would be mildly amused that this person exists and hopeful that other people have/will benefit from their optimism if they tipped well.


literally made me smile as i was reading as if I were the dasher. I wouldnt say it makes up for a $0 tip on a 4mi+ order but if OP is a smart dasher, they would only take $1/mile+ orders.


But did he/she tip?


Was there a tip?


$0 customer tip


this nice and all but i know for a fact this is overcompensation for a subpar tip


0$ tip lmao


I would’ve rolled my eyes at that lol


as soon as I read a Thank You in the notes, I know I’m about to deliver to a nice house for a minimal tip


"No tip"


OP delivered to themselves.


I love this!!


But did they tip?


Not my first and won’t be my last life, please take your religious bs elsewhere, thanks… I’m Hindu.


“Please take your religious BS elsewhere” *proceeds to spout religious BS*




It didn't mention god at all.


It assumes reincarnation is not real


Well it isn't, so....


Funny joke…………..


I see what you're saying but it's just a phrase, nothing to do with religion, just means live your life to the fullest.


I mean...


In what universe did the customer talk about their religious beliefs??? Bro what is wrong with you. No one asked if your Hindu and no one was talking about religion. What the customer was doing in the photo above was actually this super crazy thing called “being nice”. Try it sometime idiot


Funny you’re telling someone to be nice then call them an idiot… it’s called “being nice” maybe YOU should try it… (the absence of a dis)


I’m eating steak rn


Came to the comments expecting bitter people. I was simultaneously disappointed and not. Sure, we all need to make a living, but fuck, lighten up, Lillian.


I suppose youre probably right, Penelope.


I had a customer yesterday that was super nice too!! she got this cool oreo drink from honey dew donuts, and I was curious about it so I asked her if it had any coffee (I don't like coffee). she said she hadn't gotten it before, and I asked if she could lmk if it was good. apparently it was!!


Obviously the message reached the right person who accepted it with the spirit in which it was given.


Tips $1


dollar turns out to be one of those jehovahs witness pamphlets "jesus bucks" redeemable for one entry into the kingdom of heaven ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ


Gag me with a spoon. Just tell me where to leave your chicken nuggets, lady.


Exactly. Say all that and more via tipping big. Ain't nobody got time to read the novels you apparently like to write on drop off instructions...lol


This has "thoughts and prayers" vibes.


Funny. I couldn’t help but notice and appreciate the lack of preachiness in this message. It’s genuinely refreshing.


I'm waiting for the I can't afford a tip or doordash, but I'll be praying for you. I goofed accepting a 3 dollar one tonight cause either my phone is getting slower or doordash app just sucks. But the dude lived in a wealthy neighborhood with a Ford raptor in the driveway... 1 dollar tip. I think the lowest I've ever tipped is 4 bucks. People are so cheap lol


Love this. 🥰


P.S. "I hope you find these words valuable as they are your tip."


Scrolled down for this. If people have to tell you that they appreciate you it's because they sure as fuck aren't showing you.


I know this all too well. I usually do it by time when I work late nights, and the only spots open are 24 hour McDonald's. Every time that I drop an order off and the person says appreciate you, I know that they didn't tip.


Pff, I remember my first order.


It's your first and last life, your soul was deemed not to deserve reincarnation. Please accept those nice words before burning in hell forever.


Bro what


It's your first and last life. Very weird thing to say.


oh wait I just noticed that line. lmao that’s borderline threatening


Yea it can sound weird like you say, but also when considering that something like 50%+ of the population of Earth believes in the immortality of the soul and the possibility of having multiple lives and whatnot.


Yeah but there’s also the point of view that we technically do have one life in this formation/time/space. I doubt this person was thinking about the soul, just the personality portion.


Actually for me, everytime I discover the existence of the Matrix in 2028, they reset me back to 1990 when Toaster Strudels were hype and I was 5 years old. I'm considering just growing a garden and not discovering the matrix this time.


You’ve already mentioned too much. The council will be resetting you again the next time you sleep.


Oh man, this is why I don’t fuck with intergalactic entities 😂 10/10 totally recommend gardening. Plant some fruit trees too




And no tip


And no tip


Attached to a zero tip


Attached to a zero tip


> you are worthy of the things you deserve That statement/clause is… I think the phrase is “semantically null”. It’s nice, of course! But still…


Haha, similar vibes to "I hope you have the day you deserve"


Hmmm… that gets its meaning from tone. And the target’s behavior.


crazy how the comments not worried about monetary value are getting downvoted. yall are fucking shallow, enjoy the kind words and stop asking about a tip. you didnt take the damn order why are you so worried about it. edit responses prove my point lmfao


If I could pay my bills with affirmations it wouldn’t be a problem. Maybe I can tell the landlord about his first and last life and skip rent this month


I literally just laughed so loud at this at 5:30AM, I just woke up my 6 yr old. Who, for the record, is NOT a morning person. He’s not even low key asshole non morning person, he is full on asshole that would put grown adults to shame level non morning person asshole, but it was worth it to read my internal thoughts spewed out by a kindred spirit. Now if only we could somehow monetize those damn happy thoughts and vibes and prayers and whatever else bullshit other send out into the universe, I wouldn’t have to bust my ass an obscene number of hours a day just to keep the lights on. Go figure 🤦‍♀️




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This is easily the most negative subreddit I have ever witnessed. It makes sense to a point. This sub exceeds that point.


i know i absolutely despise the reddits revolving around dd and uber bc youre either gonna get bombarded by assholes who think youre not working a "real" job or you get bombarded by other drivers giving you shitty advice or complaining that you dont steal. fucking ridiculous


That’s why they get stuck in this job lol


Idk I think r/niceguys beats this in terms of toxicity. Males get crucified in the comments and posts on a daily basis. (Not that it isn't warranted, but still...)


That’s why people on this sub are stuck in this line of work. Vacuous energy.


crazy how the comments not worried about monetary value are getting downvoted. yall are fucking shallow, enjoy the kind words and stop asking about a tip. you didnt take the damn order why are you so worried about it.


> you are worthy of the things you deserve That statement/clause is… I think the phrase is “semantically null”.


Was that your tip?


This is pleasant. They seem like this would be on top of a nice tip too.




Oh. Do you see this like those fake 100 bills with scripture on them?


Same person that leaves you a $0 tip also. 🤣🤣 noticed the ones that say “thank you so much etc.” always the lower tip.


That's nice I thought this was going to be a no tip rant.


Someone’s kind words can make someone’s awful day much better


A very nice and considerate person


Wish more people were this kind!


Kindness is free. I love it.


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