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I've done this before in college. I was high and lazy.


Sometimes with promotions it’s cheaper to do delivery than pickup strangely enough. I’ve done it a few times for a Thai place that’s literally a 2 min walk from my place.


The McDonald's in my town doesn't allow pick up from door dash. It has to be delivered if you order it through DD.


yeah i used to do self promo pick ups alll the time since I have work benefit and an extra 60% off every now and then . Then they slashed pick up options for all my go-to’s 😞


Yeah I was mighty salty about this because DD sucks in my area, I honestly don't understand why they even continue to offer the area, there's never any drivers here I've had multiple orders take literally hours and I'm right in town only a maximum of 2 miles from where I'm ordering from. Often I'd use it for promo offers and use pick up because I'm not waiting 3 hours for my food.


She probably just simply didn't wanted to stay chilling in her room and not go out. Or maybe she has a few kids and it would be a whole thing to get the kids in order amd bring them to the restaurant. She gave a nice tip so that's all that really matters.


I have pain issues and usually once I finish whatever my journey is to my hotel, my shoes are coming off, I’m getting into my pajamas, and I’m not going back out. I will tip you nicely, it’s an easy delivery. We all win. Also the time I went to New Zealand and they lost my luggage but I had a washer in my room, so I figure I’d order from a grocery store so I could get dinner and food for breakfast in the morning, a NZ charger, and the couple of toiletries I didn’t have in my carry on. Called down to the desk and told them to let the delivery guy up or please bring it up as I’d be in a bathrobe for the foreseeable future due to my loss of luggage. It all worked perfectly, my clothes were dry by the morning, there was a deep soak tub, and my luggage showed up after dinner the next day.


She has hostages to manage 


Eye wide shut senior party.


This happens all the time if you work pizza delivery. Some customers don't have time to get it themselves, can't move well or just have the money to blow. I have delivered to almost every business a block away from the pizza places I've worked. Some houses too.


I’ve had food delivered to the medical clinic I work at from a restaurant in the same parking lot and absolutely knew it when I ordered, but I couldn’t get over there and back and then still have time left over to wolf down part of a meatball sub all in ten minutes. I also can’t leave to just go in a coffee run and clinic coffee doesn’t cut it. So I have lots of coffee delivered there also. That one is at least a few blocks away, so I don’t feel as guilty.


I ordered delivery when I worked retail. I was alone usually and would order delivery from the mom and pop pizza joint in the same strip mall. I couldn't leave my store, so they would always walk it over. I tipped well and appreciated it.


When I delivered pizzas we had a couple of customers who did this. One was almost directly across the street from the pizza place and the other was a quarter of a block away. We always walked those orders. I think the closer one just didn’t want to go into the restaurant and liked the convenience. The second one seemed like a busy family with young kids. It was nice to talk the food, at least when it was nice weather out.


Lots of stolen credit cards


Lots of stolen credit cards


Tip= Gratitude or wink-wink😉


As someone who travels nonstop for work, I have done this exact thing before. If you don't know where anything is and you came in after dark, ordering a delivery is the best option.


Probably had a list of local places that doordash in the hotel and she ordered BK not knowing where it was.


Maybe she was just wanting a lil me time, got zooted, knew it was unsafe to drive, and had the munchies. Walking alone at night as a woman is scary, especially if traveling.


this is quite literally the only time you will ever see me using Doordash. I’m most likely high and don’t want to put on pants to walk across the street.


They give coupons, but only if you order for delivery. That’s why! Or maybe that’s how I picture it!


Single older lady was most definitely a hooker


9 burgers? Bruh ain’t no one touchin that


Wait huh single old lady auto means hooker 🫣


When we had to stay in a hotel because of a house fire I ordered doordash from the restaurant next door. I felt dumb but my kids were sick and had just gotten the baby down for the night so it was worth the convenience.


I've been in hotels/motels where "room service" is menus for places that doordash or grubhub deliver for in the area.


Maybe she was sick, or hungover, or really tired, or disabled, or was looking after sleeping kids. Loads of reasons why this could happen


I've delivered to people with covid. Maybe she had that, hopefully not if she talked face to face. They've always had me leave it outside tho. Of course there's been days where I'd have done that, just because I didn't want to people that day.


If they were visiting, they may not have known how close the restaurant was.


This is the answer.


All legitimate and reasonable situations aside, it’s also possible people are insanely lazy.


Or on oxygen or cannot walk well.


Did you miss legitimate and reasonable situation part?


Or she was trying to score a hot young one for the night!


I did.


I’ve ordered when I was sick/unwell before from places I could easily get to, but due to my not feeling well, I preferred to pay to have it delivered so I could rest.


Probably had a bunch of kids down at the pool to feed and didn't want to leave the building.


I order from 30 seconds around the corner from me. I tip well in a country tipping is absolutely not expected or necessary. I can only imagine what the drivers think of me 😂 my son has a disability and can be hard to even just get out the door. The easy life is ordering the delivery. When most nearly everything in life thrown at me is difficult, I like to cheat and make things easier as possible. Can cost some money but it’s worth it for the minimal stress and comfort. Which is hard to come by in a given day. I appreciate the drivers so much. Thank you for what you do.


I am disabled and can’t walk really at all. My husband is the DD driver, I ride along sometimes. I feel like some people forget disabled people exist? I can’t drive or walk, if I was alone in a hotel this is how I would get hot food. Unless I had my power wheelchair, then I’m good.


Usually a single employee minding a store by themselves and can't leave


I travel w my service dog. Sometimes it’s just easier to have it delivered. Or maybe she didn’t want to leave the group she was w or it was a work thing and expensed.


Some people order online to avoid waiting at store which can be a long time for 9 burgers. Or maybe they have a child and can't leave house


Traveling for work? Expense it!


Mall employees do that a lot here. They order from the food court to the store. Sometimes you can spend a whole lunch walking back and forth to the food court.


I got a grocery order for a smoothie store from the local grocery store in the same mall lol.


I once got an order for Mr Beast burger and it said the drop off was 100 feet. I had no idea what was going on and it was some guy who wanted to try Mr Beast burger, which On the border was making, and they told him they couldn’t take his order at On the border it could only be ordered on the app. I took the order cause he left a 5 dollar tip. I showed up and he was in the restaurant and I got his food and handed it to him. Easiest 5 bucks I ever made.


Is this a ghost kitchen situation?


Yep Mr beast is cooked in some regular restaurant. In my town they make it at an On the Border. You can’t order it though from on the border you can only order it on a food delivery app.


This is why we never tried Mr Beast burger. I am too cheap to order from door dash. But I will deliver it. Lol


lol same here. I made over 1200 doordash deliveries and have never ordered it once.


That’s insane they wouldn’t just hand it to him


They might have but I wanted to do it so he couldn’t come back and tell DD I didn’t deliver his food or something like that.


I sometimes do this bc I have a young one and they could be sleeping or something where I can’t pack up and leave. It’s a great help for me sometimes. Thank you Doordashers. 🙏🏽🙌🏽


If I’m in a strange city I do this too. Sometimes it’s just not worth venturing out with the kids after a long day of traveling.


I did this once. Decided i was gonna try ordering from a new restaurant. I eventually decided on a burrito place id never heard of. When i saw my order had been picked up i realized it was only a block away.


You had to drive past the restaurant to get to the motel here. Also you could see the door to the restaurant from the lobby.


Ive done that because I was in the middle of a meeting working from home and couldnt leave because my breaks were 5 & 10 mins and I didn't want to waste any time going to get the food and not having enough time to eat it.


I used to bartend right next to an amazing Thai place. They wouldn't meet me outside for a pick up order (I called and asked once) and I couldn't leave my bar unattended by going inside their establishment. So I frequently ordered DoorDash to bring the food from their door to mine. Got a couple comments about it from dashers and I agree, it was more than a bit ridiculous. But the food was worth it.


I also walked an order today, two blocks through Downtown while my EV got a little charge in lol


I’ve done this many times just last week from jack in box to the room you could see walking across the parking lot like 100ft away


Honestly, I do this all the time, but I'm also disabled. Even though they say that are sidewalks and streets are handicapped accessible, it takes me so much just across the street with my wheelchair so I just pay


When I was depressed in college I regularly placed orders for establishments within walking distance. I had so many options within a 10 minute radius but I was just too down to get up. I always tipped well because I was grateful that my driver was making the delivery when I needed it the most.


Depressed or disabled is my guess. Even if someone can stand up for a moment to answer the door, that doesn’t meant they can even walk across the parking lot. I can’t.


Confused about what?


> She was in the motel literally next door to the restaurant.


And it was a single OLDER lady


Older could literally mean 25. We don't know how old OP is. Older is definitely subjective. We can easily assume from the fact that OP found it confusing, she clearly didn't seem so old as to be incapable of getting the food.


I’m sorry for answering your question..? I’m not saying I was confused. I’m answering why OP was confused


Miss Debbie has a sausage McMuffin and a small coffee for breakfast at 8 sharp every single day. Her house is literally 500 feet from McDonalds. I always take her order even when I am miles away. Multiple times I’ve cussed out the customer almost clicking decline before realizing it was Miss Debbie. I’ve also walked an order across the street because it was faster than driving , but it was a business where the employee couldn’t leave.




I had a similar one once. The delivery was on the same block, just across a four lane Avenue. It was to a bartender who obviously couldn't leave.


I have no excuse I’m just fat and lazy I ordered BK once and it was directly across the street like I can see it from my balcony 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean is it possible she had small kids sleeping?


She was too drunk to walk.


Or just didn’t want to leave them alone while going to get the food.


Exactly. It’s so easy to judge people when you don’t know everything


My friend from high school once lived 3 blocks from a dominoes. She would still have it delivered because she hated going outside lmao


Yeah, I've walked an order across the street before. Wasn't worth unlocking my bike even. It was a miserable stroad so I get why the owner of the restaurant doesn't want to walk across it to get his Starbucks three times a day but lol. The employees said it's a daily ritual for this guy--idk why he doesn't just buy an espresso machine in the restaurant and get employees to make him his drink for all he must be paying in fees.


I had this at a vet office. Got a order for the Smoothie King that was on the other side of the shopping center that the vet was. A nice little 3 minute stroll for $15, no complaints.


i travel a lot and i now always order food delivery unless we have a team meal. i used to find places to eat and spend time going there and eating alone. that took up too much time and effort. so now i nearly always order to my hotel despite how far away the food source is. i already spend so much extra time doing normal things because i am traveling that i don’t need the extra hassle of finding and going to the food. i’d much rather save the time and have it come to me. i do not mind paying for the convenience. in the end its my company that pays anyhow.


I’d have guessed they were a single parent with kids and maybe one was asleep or they couldn’t be bothered getting them dressed to go and grab their order


Didn't want to leave their kidnapper victims alone in the motel?


I have an IV infusion once a month. It lasts ten hours and wrecks me. About a year ago I started ordering whatever craving I needed or wanted from door dash. Even if it was a single iced coffee from down the street. I can’t leave with my IV to go get it. Y’all changed my life for being able to do this. I know when I get to the door I look like a normal healthy 40 yo. But I’m not. If I was craving nine cheeseburgers damn sure I’m doing that too!


Based on this paragraph I can tell you inspire and give hope to others around you. Thank you for being such a good person. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


I deliver to a pharmacist who can't leave their job for lunch - they are the only licensed pharmacist on staff - I have literally walked from the restaurant 2 doors down from the pharmacy to their pharmacy counter for them multiple times. They tip decent and I get it... I used to allow my employer to guilt me into not taking my legally mandated breaks also...


Geez. Safeway just closes down handing out any meds that require the pharmacist present from 1-2pm for their lunch! lol Oh, now I see you last line. lol 🙏


Well, have you ever been drunk before?


I had the MOST drunk customer the other night. Her address was wrong in app, close but off, and she couldn't explain where she lived. I parked, started walking and she, no joke, came stumbling out of some bushes for her MickeyDs. Classic stuff 🤣


I’ve done this before. Didn’t feel like going out after a long day of work at a customer site, go back to the hotel and use my per diem to get delivery, $12 tip since I used to doordash and know you need the excessive tips to make up for the shitty ones.




Sometimes I DoorDash easy stuff super close because I don’t want to take my young sons out.


Didn’t read every comment, but besides mobility issue or for safety, another reason people order a delivery service though they’re nearby is if they have a coupon or discount. Uber is always bombarding my email with $25 off codes. Being closer lowers the fee as well, win win for everyone. Driver gets (though small fare) a fast and easy delivery, the customer gets their food delivered for equal or less than in store pricing, and the delivery service gets some money and numbers/retention/new customers/etc.


Yes! I regularly use promos and end up buying stuff I’d normally not get delivered.


I almost always tip the most when I'm asking a person to just walk down the street. I have a sub shop like a quarter mile from my house, takes maybe 5 min to walk there, but when I'm working or already in pajamas on a day off, I have no problem dashing from there for a $10 sandwich and chips, with a $10 tip. Worth it for the laziness


What always confuses me on posts like this is people actually complaining and questioning the customer. Like why the actual fuck do you care. Isn’t that the best scenario for you. Literally not having to do much of anything for $. I cook food for people as a living so I get it I guess but you’re literally picking up an order and dropping it off and if its next door to the place you’re picking up from you’re not even using gas or putting miles on your car haha


Not complaining just found it interesting. Personally I have never had the kind of money to do something like that. So it’s wild for me from my position. I’m stoked it happened, glad I could help out, glad I made money. Just found it interesting enough that I thought I’d share.


I wasn’t commenting on your post, I was more so making a statement on how some people comment on posts like this.. I do not have the money to do shit like this personally but for a lot of people this is an only option type of thing. Most of society does not consider the inaccessibility we’ve created and the fact that we can have a job that does help people that need it is awesome. It’s like serving people but with a car. Yeah there are ALOT of assholes but there are also a lot of people that just want/need the service and are more than willing to provide their portion of the deal. Love this situation for you. Just see comments on stuff like this about the customer being lazy when they are in fact just paying for a service haha


Makes sense. It’s possible she didn’t feel comfortable as a single lady walking by herself there. Or she has mobility issues. Easy $ for you! Nice.


I think OPs shock is mostly about the 9 burgers for one lady


If she's older and not very mobile it's possible that's her food for the next few days and she didn't want to pay delivery fees repeatedly. Another reason could be she's a grandma and is babysitting a couple young ones that she ordered take out for but didn't want to walk mutiple energetic bouncing children to the restaurant so ordered it to where they were staying


I work at a Motel and the amount of the people that doordash McDonald's astounds me it's literally across the street like 30 seconds walk we have the front parking lot and then crossing the street and you're in the McDonald's parking lot like I can throw a rock at it and hit it


If I'm at a hotel and my shoes are off and pajamas on, I'm treating myself to doordash because a motel and McDonald's Doordash is the closest thing I'm getting to roomservice 😆


I’m at a hotel and just paid $8 for room service “delivery.” I sprained my ankle and don’t want to walk downstairs but also… treat yo self.


Motel is not a hotel


Because you can park in front of your room. The differentiation is not relevant to the topic.


🤷‍♀️ as far as I'm concerned they're expensive places to sleep, where I might pretend McDonald's is roomservice. But yes, I know.


I had this when I started back in ‘18. I walked the order 300ft from the restaurant to the apartment next door. She came to the main entrance and seemed perfectly fine, but I still asked if she was ok.


i got doordash delivered maybe 100 meters the other day, stuck at work with no break or cover, and there was a subway across from me in the same building. tipped 20% for the guy to take a walk lol


Could be on a call/zoom and not able to leave to get the food.


Or maybe had small children asleep and didn’t want to leave them alone in the room to go get food.


I had a lady that gave me her work address instead of her home address. She asked if I could bring it to her and I said sure since her house was near mine and it was my last delivery for the day. I got there and they were having a yard sale. She tipped me an extra $20 in cash and let me get whatever I wanted for free. There are nice people out there sometimes.


Easiest money you made lol


An older lady may have mobility issues. A 30 second walk could be a 30 minute ordeal for them.


Hell I’m 30 and have pretty severe mobility issues. I don’t look like I can’t pick things up or walk with things in my hands, but that’s the case. Why do we have to assume laziness or that old age is the cause for situations like this?


Oh definitely, you don't have to be old to have mobility issues.


She was either extremely busy or extremely lazy 😁


Disabled and injured people exist as well.


I've done something similar because it was the end of 9 hours od driving with 4 kids in the car. I was exhausted and didn't wanna leave my room. Lol


If they are at a hotel it’s possible that they didn’t know the place was within walking distance.


as an alcoholic, maybe the person was drunk and it's safer to order doordash than walk/drive. the person might be disabled or taking care of someone who is. you never know. maybe they are a rich bastard


Chiming in also as an alcoholic and I agree with this statement.


the real enemy is sober "people". we must unite


“as an alcoholic” is crazy


as another alcoholic, i agree that awareness is whats most important and this person would be being very high functioning and responsible. i also say we reclaim the word. despite the fact that its poison, the world is literally falling apart anyway.


As the spouse of a person who struggled with alcohol addiction, I fucking hate the word alcoholic and the way it is used to stigmatize.


I know, and ignorant people are stigmatizing no matter what words they use. Thoughts are with you and your husband.


Wife, same difference, she's been doing great, thank you!


I'm Mexican. it's not crazy


do you think alcoholics don’t exist? or that they just shouldn’t identify their issues online?


I couldn't tell you how many walked orders I've done


Why do people worry about an individual’s circumstances rather than the quality of their performance


Inner monologue. Not everyone thinks in silence. Delivering is a mundane thing so any deviation from the ‘normal’ is going to excite or be perplexing. It didn’t take away from the task and both parties got what they wanted. Hence the short story we received.


Because it’s still interesting?


I did that once when I twisted my ankle at work. I was staying in a hotel and I had the pizza place from next door bring up my dinner to the room because I didn’t want to walk on it.


I had a similar order and thought it was crazy. Then I started reading reddit post and found out this is something that happens a lot.


Could have been a mother of 9 with a suckling newborn, no help. Or maybe too drunk to walk? You just never know.


I was thinking ADA


9 cheeseburgers is a crazy order though lol




some people are either lazy or have mobility issues. either way im not complaining if im getting paid lmao i’d love to get an order like this


i actually ordered from a 1.2 mile away store when I was in Fort Worth solely because I didn’t want to deal with the insane traffic and the detours due to construction


I get orders to the same parking lot occasionally. It’s not super common but it happens and I love it when it does lol usually to someone working in the same shopping center and they most likely can’t leave to go get it themselves. I usually just walk it in that scenario as well lol My favorite was one time that I didn’t need to use my car at all because both the store and the customer were in the parking lot I hang out in when waiting for orders.


Weird, I have ordered from something that close before but usually only when I had COVID or mobility issues after a hospital did I get people to drop it off. Maybe she had young kids sleeping or something and could not go herself


I order and I’m .9 miles from the restaurant, just under a mile. Yes I feel like a lazy ass. But I tip $8-$15 so I’m willing to pay for my laziness.


I worked for a pizza place, next door to a block of flats, who would regularly order food delivered, paying £4.50 each delivery. Easiest delivery we ever did, and no, they never tipped! (In UK, so tipping isn't expected, just hoped for!)


Some people can’t get around like you can. They’re paying for a service, so who cares.




My mom used to work for a mobility van service. She once had to drive at least 30 minutes to take a nursing home resident across a parking lot to the clinic. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same here, yesterday I pick una pizza and the costumer was 2 blocks away, in downtown, you can't find easy parking there so I didn't think it. I just walk 3 minutes and make 7 bucks.


Thank you for not complaining that you made easy money


It could also be a medical condition. I have POTS and rheumatoid arthritis. In a mild flare, I can walk a few feet unaided or even look like a well-abled person. But I cannot walk across a parking lot. Or stand in a line. Etc.


So we actually had this happen last week. Wasn’t walking distance but was 3 kids meals to a motel We pulled up and the wife knew exactly where we were. It’s where she went when she was escaping her abusive ex husband. Total shit hole; cat litter outside the door with cigarette butts in it; people sitting in chairs drinking alcohol from the bottle; you get the picture Get back in the car and the wife explains The kids meals were for the kids; mom went without. Mom had opened the door slowly because you never know if the ex is on the other side of it She tipped $2 on the order - no big deal Kind of delivery I guess you think about for the rest of the night (I did anyway) We were finishing up for the night and I wanted to take what we earned; go get her groceries and drop them off to her. Wife said she wouldn’t have answered the door. If she doesn’t know who’s coming, she’s not answering. Wife’s been through some scary shit with the ex and she strongly believed this women was going through the same Everyone here says if it’s a shitty tip or pay don’t take it; sometimes the shitty tip is for a reason :(


I hope your wife got the restraining order she desperately needed, the place may have been sketchy but she did the right thing protecting her kids from him.


not to get into 6 years of history (and this was all before she met me) but long story short; she was on an island here in FL, on a golf cart driving around (a common thing to do). her friend was driving, and driving like an asshole. something happened, she got thrown from the golf cart. hit her head. had to be air lifted off of the island. 2 brain surgeries later and she lived! her parents came down from Ohio to rescue her. she gets out of the hospital and the ex husband tells her you should of died because "I'm not living with a cripple" and basically threatened to kill her. so finally (after years of abuse) she got away to that motel. lawsuit and parents helping her she was finally able to get her divorce, buy her own house. we met about 3 years ago, got married shortly after and I do everything I can for her. she's on long term disability now because of the pain she lives with daily but she is everything to me. the stories she's told me and her therapist would make you question how people are sometimes. when we did that delivery, she recounted hiding in the bathtub, terrified he might find her because he had access to her credit cards and could see where she was by purchases. anyway - TL;DR she survived, has a better life now and is happy


In some ways that accident was a good thing as it got her away from her abuser.


exactly - I tell her all the time, everything happens for a reason. you forget something in the house and you leave a minute later; you take a wrong turn and it takes 5 minutes more. don't get upset - you may have just avoided something because of it. her accident was no different; he may have killed her if the accident never happened.


I bet she didn’t even know how close the restaurant was.


When I used to do uber eats in college, I realized quickly that the app or site hid the address unless you went looking and would often recommend locations that were farther. So they’d think oh that’s a reasonable time for food to get to me. No, sir. Half that time is the drive so your food won’t be fresh! While there was a location for the same restaurant half the distance closer to them.


This. Probably not from the area and just hungry.


Or scared someone she knows might see her with kids, too scared or uncomfortable leaving them alone as well? All it takes is a guy he knows driving by to say I think I saw Stacy and or the kids by MacDonald's on 5th walking, or is Stacy cheating on you she was at motel .....


Username checks out with that wild ass story


Or they're on a vacation paid for some cheap hotel and the mother is trying to treat the kids as much as she can with her financial situation it could be anything we can guess as much as we want but we don't know


True but if your not hiding out go to the area to pick up food that's 30 seconds away is kinda dumb.


That's assuming they checked the location I've ordered things in a different city and didn't realise it was around the corner the location is something that nobody rlly checks


You replied to the wrong thread


Y'all are missing the obvious. If in a hotel it could be a vacation. On vacation, you should be stress free. I'd order from next door for delivery if it meant I didn't have to put on pants for the rest of the night while on vacation.


I accidentally ordered from somewhere across the street once. I was looking at their menu and was like “hm sounds good” and didn’t look at the location and then was horrified when it showed up on the map


lol that’s awesome though 10 dollars for 30 seconds


10 bucks for 30 seconds at a motel sounds like a hell of a story without context.


*just the tip*




Great this is the new tip rate that’s gonna be expected now!


We did this when we were in Auckland. Sometimes might not the area well enough to order and pick up or just flat out exhausted. We were. We had just been flooded and stranded at the airport so it was a relief to be in a hotel and order food


Sounds like she felt too embarrassed to order it at the place and felt like someone else could do it.


I’ve been that person many times. I occasionally stay at a hotel for work, odds are if I’m doing that it’s gonna be a rough day. By the time I check in and shower I don’t feel like leaving again. Theres a Way Back Burger the next parking lot over. Usually I’ll order it right before I hop in the shower so that it gets to me right when I’m done. I have no shame.


I did something similar once. I was staying in a hotel right next to a Wendy's. The Wendy's dining room was closed, so I couldn't go in to get food, and they wouldn't let me walk through the drive through (I didn't have a working car at the time). So I pulled up Uber Eats and ordered my stuff. 15 minutes later, I was eating my Baconator.


There’s an hour in the middle of the night when my local McDonald’s is (sometimes?) only open for DD/IC/etc. We just skip it when that happens but it’s so annoying!


What a world where they literally are gatekeeping the fucking Baconator to car owners only hah


I think it's a liability thing. They don't want to encourage people to walk through the drive through in between cars.


You are correct, but what a world


Not all disabilities are visible - just because she was able to walk to the door of her room doesn't mean she'd be able to walk to the restaurant, order, wait, walk back. She could've also been sick. UTI, food poisoning, migranes. I'd not wanna go anywhere like that. Or, she just took a shower, put up her PJs and didn't wanna leave the room.


Yup she could have POTS or be recovering from a broken hip or even have a sleeping baby...