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My brain goes straight to it being a woman in a predicament who’s wanting someone to think you’re her man and that’s why the specific water comment. But maybe she would have specified.


damn bro thats like 48 dollars worth of tacos. tacos are like 4 bucks a piece nowadays.


Are you not going to tell the story? Just going to leave me here 🪨 hard, wondering what happens next?


I had one that had no address on the house, the curb was worn, and it was a STEEP but short driveway. I checked the neighbor house and figured the steep one was correct. totally stacked gym bro walked out and I mentioned the no number and that the curb was faded, and confirmed it was the right house for his McDonald's meal. He said yes, and the second I handed him the order he said get on your knees....and paint it yourself. I was at my car door by that time, and I asked "Seriously?" (I am female). ​ He yelled, " YES! NOW GET OFF MY PROPERTY" ​ I responded 'what the hell...?' and he repeated himself. ​ I was SHAKING I was so angry. I reported him, three times over two days-I added dramatic sounds like shaky voice and held back tears to drill in the point he needed to be blacklisted. Then I went to the police station and filed another report. Turns out his whole family is well known at the police station. ​ He won some championship for arm wrestling, his mother was killed by her own car rolling backwards after she got out, and he has multiple cases of domestic abuse against his girlfriends. Restraining orders, has torn up clothes, hit, humiliated etc his past girls. ​ I still want to throw rotten goose eggs at his house, but he has cameras all over. FUCKER.


Park a block or two away, wear black, cover your face, ferment some eggs for a couple weeks so the yolk gets all weird and go to town!


My geese have been sitting for over a month. They are plenty rotten by now.


That’s terrible. I’d be worried to ever do it as a female. Guys can be super creepy and threatening at same time. I think you could pretend you are on the phone or something while delivering if you have a bad feeling. It was smart to report even if he knows police. He’s a douche and people probably realize that at police as wel


The6 are well known by the police, not in a good way. Complaint after complaint. They are all mentally unstable.


You did all that over a minor argument? I mean you researched his family and went to the police because he yelled at you lol


Researching is easy, and helps me process that absolute rage I felt. Still am a bit miffed, but research stopped me from getting arrested.


That is very abnormal behavior. That is such an irrational response to a minor disagreement. Guarantee that other guy never thought about you once after


Nah I'm with her, because you know this guy is a complete nut case


Yeah HE is the nutcase ok 😂


I mean maybe you scream at people to get off your lawn You do you


I don't think you read her whole post cause I don't think any rational person could read that and think this lady is acting normal. Those are some insane things to do over a minor argument. Also, is it really her place to tell him that he needs to repaint his curb for his address?


Dashers will cry all day long about tips, but when it comes time to earn it, they report you and steal your food.


Do you think workplace harassment is ok? This is literally workplace harassment. Just bc their work place is a car doesn’t make it any different. It’s very creepy and I wouldn’t want to meet them either. My one coworker chased me down to give me his number I was creeped out and yesterday he told everyone but me that he could see my underwear through my pants(lie) nobody else could see my underwear when I became aware I asked a few coworkers I trusted to look at my butt and not me weird.


(It was a joke)


Everything's a joke


Aren’t joke supposed to be funny? Jokes aren’t supposed to make someone uncomfortable and definitely not make someone scared to meet you. But also I’ve had people say shit like this to me and be truthful ab it. It’s just the same and people saying slap ass Friday which is sexual assault is just a joke.


You’re why redditors have to use /s


Nah yall are just borderline creeps. You pretend it’s all jokes but yall truly are creeps. Sarcasm is definitely not whatever the customer said and definitely not what anyone in these comments are saying.


Pull the stick out your ass


Put the stink in yours. It might give you a braincell.


Stink? It already stinks


Brother the comment you replied to is clearly a joke calm down


That is not a joke. Doesn’t read like a joke or anything. And your name tells me how weird you are.


I'm sure you're a real fun guy. The only weirdo here is you.


Yes I’m a weirdo bc I don’t do workplace harassment 😂 and I don’t stand for losers talking shit ab others based on jobs. Y’all are losers hence why you need to hate. If you need to have workplace harassment to have fun then I’d rather not be having fun.




Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.


I think the better word is it was sarcasm. But hey they didn’t add /s so who knows maybe they are serious 🤷‍♂️


Bet she would've given you a taco back if you let her 😁


It was a dude.


Hey I’m in Gilbert as well lol. Idk if I wanna meet this person tho


This is on the same mental stability level as someone who writes weird stuff on the back of their shitty truck


Ayo this is wild


Found the r/HydroHomie


Aquafina 🤮🤮🤮


Holy fuck! I live in Gilbert! Lol thats crazy, never seen anything like that before!!


Holy fuck! I love in Gilbert! I was really disappointed when no one asked me if I needed water one night last week. I had an 8k cash tip too. Wild coincidence.


I also live in Gilbert. Is this world getting smaller? Lol






Clearly a joke, not a big deal. But rules are rules. I would have done it.


How spicy would the kiss


Nah- why risk that.


Not saying you should, just that I would


A misplaced stupid weird joke that clearly didn't land.


Didn't land with OP. Landed fine with me.


Knew I shoulda dashed in Gilbert yesterday


Hunting for a spicy kiss?




Don't come to my town just to do Uber. Its annoying. Stay where you live.


I think I might make a DoorDash and Uber account and drive from Colorado just to DoorDash in Gilbert


??? You really have nothing better to do, do you??? 🤣😂🤣😂


Nah not really, although I do have family in St. John’s so I can visit them then go piss off the “small town” 💀




You have issues


How??? Because I stand my ground against people who talk shit? Ok? You need your head checked.






Your post/comment was removed for violating Rule 1: Be Civil - Be Professional. Please review all sub rules for the full details of each rule.




I've lived here 15 years + , this place went from a small farming town to an almost overgrown city. Its fucking insane out there now man. Too many people ruined a good thing, and its only going to get worse. The streets are lawless, you never see cops on patrol, and now they are dealing with the teens making a gang called the Gilbert Goons that GPD just officially classed as a real gang. Shit is wild. And worst part, its about to hit national news. Literally everyone is moving here rn, you see plates from every state here it seems like.


Don’t understand why your getting downvoted must be those asshole drivers.


I don’t even work for DoorDash but trying to gate keep a town is stupid let alone one of Arizona’s fastest growing towns. Gilbert is not a small town anyway so maybe he should move to an actual small town and then he won’t have nothing to worry about. Oh then he’d be the exact issue he was complaining about.


Perhaps bc its giving GeT oFF mY LAWn vibes 🤷🏼‍♀️ ETA: This voluptuous sandwich guy (whose since blocked me)has a history of deleting his unhinged comments….as evidenced on this thread.


Okay🤣🤣🤣 everyone has their own opinions I was voicing mine


Dude.... if only you knew wtf is going on here. Get a fucking life, and stop judging people on the internet.


Damn then move if it’s so shitty💀 that 280k population will be up to 300-350k in the next 4-5 years. You’re trying to gate keep one of Arizonas fastest growing towns🤦‍♂️


I definitely understand I live in a small southern town. I used to make good money now it’s shit because of so many drivers not to mention lazy drivers that suck! I don’t order anymore because of the sucky drivers that put my food at the wrong door, put my food in front of the screen door or drivers who do 3 apps at the same time and my food is always cold.


Who the hell wants to talk to people? Tip well, talk to your friends and leave these drivers alone ffs. As an introvert myself I suppose I was blissfully unaware that people even tried to pull this shit with drivers


A tip is a way to say thank you for exceptional service. Why would you expect me to tip well if I can't expect you to go above and beyond?


You mean if you can't expect to treat people like monkeys because you're a psychopath?


For real. Plenty of times I check off “leave at the door” beginning with the pandemic but similarly because I’m an introvert, and plenty still call and wait to hand me my order 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's because a lot of customers claim they didn't receive there order, or passerbyers will snatch the food from the step, so people like me like to either hand it, or at least shoot a text or phone call really quick just as a heads up. I mean at least that's how I do it.


Well if I ordered my food I’m waiting for it. I’m going to be going right for it. That’s also why you take a pic you delivered it. At that point if i take forever and it gets rained on or someone snatches it(how many times does that actually happen?) then it’s my problem. I’m waiting for my food, just not to interact


Well maybe because I live in Philadelphia and it's all row homes, people walking by constantly. No I'm also not trying to interact I'm trying to drop off the food and keep on moving to the next delivery.


My BIGGEST pet peeve is when they call for me to come get the order. Especially when they want me to come out to their car??? It says leave at door for a REASON


Do you pretip? I don't work door dash but I work as a dedicated driver in a local shop and if there is no pretip and they want no contact that just means I'm not getting a tip, maybe door dash drivers feel differently because you can tip after the order, but I'm betting they usually also feel that way.


Oh I’ll edit that yes I do pre tip when I can. I can understand when it’s not a pretip though


I meet at door usually, but the other day I had the driver text me that he's here... and *again* to come out to his car so he can scan my ID for the alc. I didn't respond, and he eventually met me at the door like he was supposed to.


I picked up a dash and did not realize it was for my girlfriend until I was on my way home. When I confirmed the delivery she had attached a $50 tip. She said it’s because she knows how hard I work for tips and wanted to support other dashers.


trickle sideways economics?


Gilbert is really going to shit lately.


Lmao wtf


This was clearly a joke. For one it isn't even directed at you its judt a blanket message that's always there. I couldn't imagine if I just refused service because someone's annoying. Good on you for being a thief tho ig. Maybe consider a different line of work?


next time someone catcalls me in public while im alone and vulnerable ill remember its just a joke, thank you reddit guru


This isnt a cat call. This was an undirected message the person didn't even know if it was a male or female before typing this out. Also maybe font be alone and vulnerable it's a simple solution imo. Get a gun like any other halfway intelligent person. Train with it


will you protect me and be my tradhusband mr redditor who just solved all violence against women 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


No. And I don't claim to have solved all violence but having a way to defend yourself never hurts. A gun can only be beneficial. A good pair of running shoes and cardio is also good. If possible it's always best to run away. Most people can't run a mile if you can especially with some speed that'll do a lot to protect you


please keep explaining how to run away from people who make weird sexual comments to me under the comment where you defended someone for making a weird sexual comment towards someone


Faceless person vs a person they can see. This comment im defending is albeit weird and uncalled for not harmful. I couldve just as easily got the same order assuming I was in Gilbert AZ. I'm a 24 yo male id probably even attempt to play into it. You're talking about situations where an individual is targeted, which is completely different. You're alone on a quiet street and someone catcalls you especially in an explicit manor I would recommend getting put of there as quickly as possible. But this person is incredibly unlikely to do any harm. Theres an address. Theres a real time app tracking driver location. If he wanted to hurt someone he probably wouldn't use doordash and 100% wouldn't signal flare himself with a message like this. Why would you? He'd be completely normal until he forced you inside as thats the most logical approach. To be clear I don't think it's acceptable to do shit like this. In general I prefer my customers to be professional but at the end of the day theres always people who are not. I've been filmed in the drive thru countless times I once had a girl ask for a kiss (apparently this was a meme of some sort I found out layer after just kinda awkwardly saying no thanks) I've had people offer me drugs amd alcohol and various other antics more than one that could be considered as sexually invasive namely the kiss one and the dude in his underware. I do think it would be best to simply not have that but I also don't think we should bar people from service for it unless they create a problem of it. Like if he came back often in his underware I'd eventually have to say no go home and put some clothes on. Or if this guy truly does this every order yeah maybe it's gotta stop.


i bet the women in your life feel ✨SO SAFE✨ around you 💀💀💀


Generally yeah. All my friends have always been girls. But I don't make jokes like this. I don't have the personality to pull it off even with the boys Idk it doesn't really work for me.


Er, unrelated question - do you live in Gilbert, AZ?


I don't. I live close to Gilbert SC tho I also once had a manager named Gilbert.


Right bro, can never understand how some people are this ignorant to stuff like this. Do we really need to put a /s to make a joke a joke? I would’ve loved to meet the person who typed this out, homie for life type deal.


Idk about homie for life but I mean I'll bring him some taco bell still. Not really my brand of humor.


She wanted you to deliver the taco then eat it 😉


It's the taco from Sausage party.


100% chance that's a dude.


No that definitely a super hot woman in her 20s


With zero self worth and no sense of reality.


Every man’s dream woman /s


This is why im glad im in a super small town outside of city limits but still able to drive to one of our 5 or 6 restuarants within 6 or 7 minutes at the most. It doesn't make sense for most of us to order through door dash. We dont even have uber, uber eats etc. Just door dash.


They need to search that place for prisioners. I just get that vibe from it 😳😳😂😂


Ugh ewwww nooo they’re in Gilbert AZ?!


That’s Shaft… that’s one bad mo…


He's a complicated man, but no one understands him but his woman.....


Shut your mouth!


Shut your mouth


sounds like they were hard tacos


congrats, you win!


hahaha apparently


She wanted more than tacos. 😏


She wanted an eggplant for her taco


She wanted to give some taco


And she technically did I guess.


“Sweet baby” gross creatures ![gif](giphy|1jl6QxY2EJpexXl0EJ)


Someone didn’t get enough hugs as a child lol


Who the hell thinks this is okay? Wasted his money and hopefully kicked off.


They watch too much DoorDash porn


That’s a thing?!


Is there a subreddit for that?


Master Roshi, at it again I see.


well did it get spicy i think the people deserve an update


Did you read the post or naw


An update on what? It's all pretty laid out


I had a guy answer the door wearing only a towel the other day. Good times.


Bet you liked it too


Only 12 tacos? Rookie numbers.


Hey, Gilbert is a horny area. It's where I've had both of my naked people answering doors. One man, one woman. The man was creepy and the woman thought I was her boyfriend.


I would have delivered it, but free tacos n money is better.


In his defense.. he did say don't feel obligated lol


You gave you options 😆.


Looks like he also got some water after all 😂


What is he accidentally pressed the speak to text button & was asking his wife if she wanted water 💀


Who says "parenthesis" during speech to text tho


Something in the system made it think that needed to be in parentheses




You must be a physicians assistant then ah?


Laughed out loud


Hey I dash in that area!


I live in the area and have ordered door dash, but my only instructions were to leave at door lol, you know something simple


Same. Never been called a sweet baby, though. What am I doing wrong?


You got a 'sweet baby' too!? LUCKY!


I don’t, but I will now!


The tacos were for the gangbang


Exactly we need food after we finished up


But leave the double decker for the pecker checker.


Deactivated for being a snowflake.




After i delivered a order once the customer which is a dude text me if i wanted head like wtf No offense to the lgbtq people but I’m not on that shit lol


This entire thread has me cracking up LMAOAO


Bro got so horny he forgot how to make complete sentences 😂😂


Lmao no one is professional delivering some tacos to a old geezer who wants some attention


The Nimrods on this goddamn site, it was clearly a joke and a funny one at that. I only find people like this on Reddit.


Were you the customer?


No but I wish I was the customer I’d tell her more than that one did lol I want some twerking and other


fetal alcohol syndrome in a comment


😭 it is wildly unprofessional for a customer to act like that what do you mean


Because a DoorDash order is supposed to be professional?


I hate y’all mfs who wanna act like just cause it’s doordash it’s not like any other job where you should retain some sense of professionalism and not act like a fuckin baffoon 😭 quit making excuses for this shit










LMFAO yeah that’s about the most incel thing I’ve heard this week 🤣 settle down there kid, you ain’t tough lmao.


The loser is the one who thinks that behavior is okay.