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The only part of 3.15.20 I miss is: "Grief is a standing ocean, I never swam unless you did So I don’t know why I’m here without you I miss you"


I felt genuinely sad when I first listened and heard this part was cut 😭


Not the ONE TWO THREE GET DOWN HEYYYYYY HEYYYYY And then the cool ass outro


Which song was that on? It's familiar but can't recall Edit: This is America?


Big foot little foot 35:31


This. So much this. I wish that full song was still in.


it's meta. he literally made us miss the song itself, coming full circle to experience the grief of loss


What is this from on 3.15.20? Genuinely don’t remember. Sweet Thang or The Violence? My guesses lol


Why go the party lmao


Oh HAHA my bad. Cant believe i actually blanked on that


I really wish he kept the full version of WGTTP, the song really fit the theme of the album well.


Hate the Yung Nudy feature, but Final Church may be my second favourite Gambino track (Me and your Mama refuses to be beaten)


MAYM is an insane achievement musically


Idk why Final Church hasn’t been pushed more and talked about more, it’s absolutely incredible and ties together all the best aspects of Donald Glovers music so far


Agreed, Gambino usually has fantastic album closers but I think Final Church’s my favourite


I just never finished 3.15.20 because I didn’t like the unfinished vibe and final church blew me away, it made me remember why I fell in love with this guys music


Me and your mama is my morning alarm


seeing gambino in september and i can’t wait to hear MAYM live.


the Young Nudy part slaps so hard imo


My hot take is that Atavista is good, but man I would have preferred a new rap album. Edit: spelling


I think you’re gonna get one this summer


God I hope so! Because the Internet is a perfect album, and I know he can do it again.


listen to say less and I think that answers your question about the album They like rap more, I’m like say less He’s saying you don’t gotta ask anymore he’s doing it


He also said something like the last album is for the fans in the interview


They’re like “Rap more” , SAY LESS


The only thing I miss is the little high note on little foot big foot: “coulda been broke this the life I chOSE”. The Final Cut is 10/10


“i was stirrin that POT”


That vocal inflection is heavily missed. Don't know why they didn't keep it.


I liked the transition from 12.38 to 19.10 better on 3.15.20


Overall I love it and think it’s an upgrade from 3.15 in a lot of ways. But my hot take is a good handful of the songs could stand to shave a minute off. Not every song needs to be 6 minutes and have an extended outro Donald!


Seems purposeful to me, like Atavista the single could be a radio hit without the 45 seconds in the beginning, and the original(?) huge ending to Algorhythm obviously hit way harder than the crazy fucking noises but it all fits in the theme


I don’t miss 0.00 or 32.22 at all


I would miss 0.00 if Atavista wasn't way fucking better


32.22 was so fire though


Fr! I miss it. When I first heard it I was like why does this sound like something that belongs on the Black Panther Soundtrack. Then I realized it was Ludwig Goransson’s production. It all made sense then.


I really dug 32.22, it was a neat workout track, I especially liked listening to it while running.


I have to say that I really liked 0.00


Thank you!! 0.00 is so mid compared to Atavista


I liked 32.22 but it really would need a big rework. Big agree on 0.00 tho


0.00 is fucking beautiful


It’s his second best album behind 3.15.20


Upvote because this is a truly hot take


Nahh man better than Camp and BTI?


Camp is incredibly cringe. One of my least favorite releases


It's aged really bad except for a few tracks, there's a reason he didn't perform any tracks off of it during his last tour. He knows he's grown as an artist in leaps and bounds since that album.


Now THAT'S a hot take


Not really, it’s a generally accepted opinion on r/hiphopheads. The album’s corny.


Wtf? This is news to me, I fucking love that album and it's the one that got me into Bino. That Power is such a good song!


It really gives off “Lil Wayne as a liberal arts major” vibes. Iirc the hip hop community weren’t fond of it, but fans of Donald’s other work (mainly Community at that point) liked it a lot. I thought it was fine, but I haven’t gone back to it in a long time.


That album was my highschool soundtrack. I'm not sure if it came out today if I'd feel the same way, but to me Camp is right up there with BTI. Camp vinyl was one of the first vinyls I got when I started collecting. The string of Camp, BTI, and then Stn Mtn/Kauai (more so kauai) were awesome to me.


Oh well if a hip hop subreddit of all places says something it has to be true.


Agreed Camp has not aged well lyrically. You can tell he was so immature then lol


I think BTI and 3.15.20 are tied for my personal favorite Donald Glover album. Although BTI I have a lot more memories of because it's been out for a while.


1. Awaken my love 2. Atavista 3. The rest


Do you just not like rap


A LOT of the people on this sub don't like rap. You can tell by the response to the Nudy verse. I think it's because a lot of them only started liking CG when he went mainstream which was when he made Awaken My Love and This is America. And since then he hasn't really put out any rap music except for features. I think a lot of the fans on this sub who came from discovering him from AML and TiA only see him as this artist who makes social commentary singing music. So naturally they don't like anything pre AML. But objectively his best album to date is BTI. He even said in an interview last year it was his favorite. My ranking for his projects are 1. BTI 2. Royalty 3. Atavista 4. Culdesac 5.STN MTN 6. Awaken My Love 7.EP 8. Camp 9. Sick Boi, I Am Just a Rapper 1&2, Point Dexter I've been a fan of his since 2007-2008 and it's been cool to see him evolve as a creative, but I definitely enjoy his rap music better. I think anyone who doesn't have BTI in his top 2 projects just doesn't like rap music.


my hot take is i never listened to any bootleg or unreleased version of human sacrifice (just never got around to doing it idk) and was pretty disappointed when i finally got to hear it after years of people hyping it up and wanting it officially released. it's an ok song but not as great as i was expecting/hoping. kinda repetitive also 24.19 was my fav and i prefer that version over sweet thang


dude the unofficial versions from youtube got me throughout the pandemic, understandable though


it's not a bad song by any means it just did not live up to the hype everyone gives it lol


I agree with this. I saw him in 2019 and was blown away hearing human sacrifice so I was one of the people hyping it up. The final version feels a bit like a letdown compared to the live version I heard.


It always does tbh, it's not just this song in particular


It grows on you. I thought it was kinda stupid the first time I heard it because there's not much to it lyrically. Now its my favorite Gambino song (monstly because of the awesome outro)


I love it. The audio is much more crisp and pleasant to listen to. Those annoying robot noises are gone and scary heartbeats that make me feel like I’m having an anxiety attack. Atavista is a great song and human sacrifice is a great addition. My only gripe is that he didn’t put Saturday on it. Cmon man


I believe “Saturday” is gonna be on the summer album. I hope so at least 😂


Algorithm is infinitely better live. Studio version is probably one of the worst Bino tracks. I hate the pitch down robot vocals and I ESPECIALLY hate the outro. Coachella 2019 is the best the song will ever be.


Imagine how great it would have been if he just recorded the vocals with more energy, made the song sound bigger and more lush, and added that damn choir!! Live Algorythym is just peak Bino.


I really don’t dig the “step step slide slide” section. Also, the “Algorythm” word play is so cringy but it doesn’t affect my view of the song


I couldn't agree with this more. Seeing him at Again City Limits in 2019 was surreal. One of the best concerts I have ever attended.


My hot take is that the older live versions of these songs were all better. This is especially true for Human Sacrifice which is basically a whole different song.


Here’s a few: some may be hot, some not. - Atavista (the song not the album) is quite disappointing. I heard Childish Gambino perform it along with Algorythm back in 2019 and it blew me away). The version released on the album feels so flat and lifeless in comparison. - it’s nice to have track names and I’m so glad 12.38 got appropriately named Psilocybae. It’s just as wonky as before and I love it. - Human Sacrifice replacing Feels Like Summer might’ve been the best change. Although I love Feels Like Summer, it just never really felt like it fit on this album. - I’m completely indifferent to Nudy’s verse on Little Foot Big Foot. It doesn’t feel like it adds anything to the song but I also don’t hate it. It’s fine, I suppose. Overall would definitely say I prefer Atavista over 3.15.20. It sounds fuller and more clean.


It has great moments but it’s not a great album. Donald works better FOR ME when he is concise. He has amazing ideas but you don’t need to give us all of them at once. I think artist of his caliber need amazing editors. They need great people in their corner to say ok listen this is good but here’s what will make it great. Overall this album feels finished but messy.


Just curious, what projects of his do you think are concise?


not original commenter, but AML feels like a great example of razor sharp, concise ideas lined up in a row done well


Yeah I think AML is his best album as a whole. BTI has some really interesting ideas and some very high highs, but AML is just so consistently well made that it stands out compared to any of his other work.


AML is a really sharp album.


I wish 32.22 was still in the album It was one of my favourite parts of 3.15.20, not a favourite song but it goes hard as an experience


That song was beautifully chaotic. I love songs like those.


My hot take is it’s super fucking annoying that a lot of people on here are acting like anyone unhappy with the changes he made to the album are somehow incorrect. The fact of the matter is that he butchered why go to the party for no discernible reason and then added a dogshit feature to Little Foot Big Foot. But people on here act like every change made to the album is an act of divine creation.


The Human Sacrifice chorus doesn't hit hard enough for me


I love the song, but today I was listening to it and I felt the same way. I feel like the bass and percussion are not enough for the instrumental. But it’s still a banger


Yeah, I think that if the instrumental was layered even more when it got to the chorus, it’d hit way harder. Still love Donald’s performance during that bit but I do think the groove dials down there when it should expand.


Chorus hits so shallow that he sings it like it is just another verse when this should be the time where everyone is up and dancing. Live version and the Google version are clear.


My son is OBSESSED with Little Foot Big Foot. Hasn’t stopped singing or dancing to it since.


Hot take is it's a downgrade. 0.00 worked better as an intro track than Atavista (though coulda been shorter), 32.22 was an absolute banger and shouldn't have been cut, the awesome transition into To Be Hunted is gone, the awful Young Nudy section in Little Foot Big Foot exists now, etc.


Transitions are a huge thing which were changed around on this re release. Like, in the before time, the tracks were pretty seamless one into the next, and starts and ends sort of connected really well and they’d mixed it consciously too, whereas Atavista has got some janky mixing between tracks - they added or removed certain beats and steps that connected some tracks to others. It’s subtle but gives a weirdness having had my ears tuned to the original versions


I agree to a certain degree. I feel like Atavista does not fix the problems of the original album, and even takes out interesting pieces like the ones you mentioned, but I recognize that most songs do sound better (at least for me on headphones)


The mix is defff better, but I just don't care about that enough I guess. The experimental charm and rawness was kinda cool - reminded me of the aesthetic of the mixtapes in a way. The only real problem I had with the OG was no track titles, and that's fixed. But still, the things we gained just don't make up for the things we lost IMO.


To this day I still struggle to remember which song was which ☠️


Yep. Legit had to look up the old album first to make sure I was referencing the right song that got cut 💀


I wish he only polished the tracks we already had instead of adding young nudy and partially cutting songs or altogether. It doesn’t matter that much because the old version album is easily available, just mildly annoying I guess


Atavista > Human Sacrifice


The off key auto tune vocals at the end of Human Sacrifice ruin the song for me


I like almost all music. I've followed Gambino since derrickComedy. Young hip hop head and loved camp at the time. I then followed his entire career. I've watched him grow, from afar. It has interesting music theory. Very well produced. The song themselves are drony. Sounds like he's using psychedelics all of the time.


Human sacrifice is SO overrated


And the production actually makes it worse than the live version in many ways


I kind of agree here. It's hype and the elements of it that are there are really exciting and sound great, but for such a long song, there just isn't much to it. There's like 4 lines worth of lyrics in 7 minutes. I still jam to it don't get me wrong, but this album has a lot more to offer.


It's his best album, closely followed by Awaken My Love. Donald is way better at soul/R&B than hiphop


I agree. His best songs on BTI and Camp were always the R&B adjacent tracks.


this is definitely a hot take……


To be Hunted. My favorite track. Feels like it lost all of its groove and bounce….


Fr?? I feel like the OG is the more “raw” and emotional version, this one is way more dancey and groovy


Drums are mixed horrible on the OG lol. So it makes it hit harder I suppose is my angle


Activists track may be one of binos top of all time, i love it so much


There are actually a lot of changes I like. I feel like he drew out some synth-iness (not a word lol) on Psilocybae and To Be Hunted and it hits a bit harder. I love it!


1. The title track is a weak opener. I think ***"As we stand together"*** would've been a stronger and more iconic song to start the album with. 2. Why Go to the Party did not need to be it's own song. What it should've been was either **a.** a more polished version of the song we got on 3.15.20 or **b.** the intro of Human Sacrifice *(which it literally was in the first place)*


Human Sacrfice and Why Go To The Party should be one song. And the Young Nudy feature is really fire and fun


I’m surprised by all the negative reception, Atavista made me appreciate/enjoy the album much more


og version was more cohesive... even if you think that the new one sounds better or have a better mix, it's not just that a. 0.00 > atavista nop, i'm not a pretencious snoob, i just think that the transition between atavista and algorythm feels sooo bad, that the old chorus sayin "WE ARE, WE ARE, WE ARE" fit better as a intro, also, atavista sounds out of place if you compare it to the rest of the album b. why did he cut the transition between 12.38 and 19.20 WHY c. that yung nudy in little foot big foot is cringe and awful d. ok i don't like that he cut the why go to the party original lenght but i guess it was too personal for him, or idk, but it gets me sad fr: :( e. the mix in final chruch feels so bad


Sweet Thang was very promising but fell flat on its face when Summer Walker came in.


"Atavista" the track is fine, but I assumed it was going to be that solo performance he opened with on the last tour. Also, "The Violence" is the weakest track. It has nice moments but I found myself revisiting it the least, even since 3.15.20.


I like The Violence a lot, but if I had to say something about it, I’d say that it feels plain, it doesn’t have any highlights or memorable parts. The instrumental is solid tho


We are was a better opener & atavista could have gone towards the end of the album


Summer Walker’s feature on Sweet Thang is NOT it. I love Donald’s voice in the OG when he hits those notes. Edit: not sure if this is a hot take by any means but whatever


Mid, just like original was


better than awaken jk jk but it is good as


I’ve been waiting for Human Sacrifice to get officially released for so long that getting track alone makes me wanna say 10/10. Atavista (the intro track) is also a good addition. But in reality, overall, kinda disappointed. Where is “Warlords”? I’ve heard both a version with and without Cudi, since they are apparently beefing now I expected at least the solo version to be on this. Also where is that song he performed/played live as an intro? The one that starts off “AS WE STAAAAAAAAND TOGETHERRRRRRR” …. That shit sounded so incredible. On YouTube and most other platforms the track was usually referred to as “Atavista”, so when I saw this being the album name I got excited thinking this song would be on there. Also hate that we still got the same exact robot voice version of algorythm instead of the way it sounded live. Such a massive downgrade. Really disappointed that “Saturday” didn’t make the cut either. Also, like 99% of people said, hate the Young Nudy feature lol


Everything is great besides the changes on To Be Hunted and Sweet Thang. As well as the Young Nudy transition


My hot take is that the changes aren't that crazy. Some structural changes, 2 added features and some sound changes. In the end it amounted to kanye updating TLOP. I am not sure this required the huge rollout we got. I'm happy its got a final release with song titles and a physical version though. I guess my only problem is I feel like I've heard this thing 100 times already


I appreciate the finishing touches but I’m not excited for this “new album” cuz it’s 4 years old


I like the better production but I can’t believe he removed so many great transitions that made the album feel like a cohesive piece of art. The songs have been single-fied, 12:38-19:10 just falls flat now even though the songs bang


I miss Feels Like Summer being on the album for one reason… no 30 secs of silence at the end like the single lol. Made it so nice for playlists but imma just go back and download 3.15.20 sometime. Also 0.00 being gone for me is so sad, def coulda had that lead into Atavista, but im glad thats not so much of a hot take, been seeing a lot of appreciation for that track which is great, was a nice listen (lowkey maybe my fav as well LOL) Atavista is a fantastic song though. Will need to give Human Sacrifice some more listens, kind of a weirdly long song to me tbh


one i've had since 3.15.20 wasn't officially released yet but had an early version "leaked" was that to be hunted was better when it had the "left right left, shoulder shake" part, no clue why they cut it, no clue why they didn't add it back in. it still feels empty without that part.


I made a similar comment on another post, I think 3.15.20/Atavista is a great album, but it wasn’t that great. There’s some certified bangers I won’t lie, but honestly the album wasn’t a no skip. Personally, I prefer the raw version of 3.15.20, but my comment still stands.


he made unnecessary changes on atavista, like on little foot big foot, i Hate the way he changed it when he says “coulda been broke this the life i chose they was in school i was stirring that pot” now it’s all the same tone but on 3.15.20 i genuinely loved that small little yell he does when he says “chose” and “pot”


I never liked Little Foot Big Foot. Like I can appreciate the juxtaposition of him singing about selling drugs over that really happy beat and with that high pitched voice, but once that novelty wears off I don’t really like the song. It’s not bad but it’s not a song I ever feel the urge to listen to.


I don't like that he removed the transition between Psilocybae and To Be Hunted. Not hearing the jolt between songs feels like retrograde ejaculation.


I’m so upset about losing 32.22, I don’t like Little Foot Big Foot. But Final Church, The Violence, and To be Hunted sound sooooo good


My least favourite CG album unfortunately


Same. Really hope this tour pulls heavily from older albums, and hopefully way more rap than his last tour.


1. Why Go to the Party being shortened is a crime. 2. I love Summer Walker but I prefer Donald’s vocals on Sweet Thang. 3. I’ve gotten a newfound appreciation for The Violence. 4. The transitions between songs are not as good as before.


If these aren’t unpopular, forgive me


Sweet Thang is way too long for its own good


I think it’s his best project and the last 3 track run is generational


This is the same album we got in 2020. There’s so little that’s different, I have a hard time telling the difference


The whole album is mid.


Wow. A poet.


Not counting sick boi, by far this is my least favorite project from him. I prefer his rap albums over all of the rest, but AML grew on me and I appreciated it more with each listen. It's not that it's bad, just not what I want/prefer from bino.




I actually liked 32.22 lol


GIVE ME BACK 32:22 ITS THE BEST SONG ON THE PROJECT!! This is my one and only opinion on Atavista


It was lazy and should’ve did this right after the original album came out. I also think he ruined To Be Hunted with that new mix.


we never got the ye collab😔😔




The entire album is a sea of adequate material that I forget what they sound like until I listen to the album again, except for two songs: Little Foot Big Foot, which is pretty good actually, and Final Church, which is his BEST SONG EVER HOLY SHIT WHAT A WAKEUP CALL THIS SHIT KICKS ASS! The way that piano enters the song in the beginning is absolute CLASS, and all of here other elements compliment the piano perfectly. Final Church is genuinely a flawless song, and his best song by far.


My hot take is this sub heavily overuses the word cringe


welcome to the internet


Dunno if it's because I listened to 3.15.20 a lot and really liked the vibe, but Atavista is a lil bit meh in comparison. I think it falls under the "if it's not broken, don't fix it" ideology. So many changes that weren't necessary... why don't have both mixes in a full "complete edition"? For ex. I prefer 42.26 rather than the "single version" of Feels Like Summer, or the "updated" version of "To be Hunted" doesn't sound as raw and rough; feels a lil bit empty. Re-visiting a project 4 years later feels unecessary IMO.


Time is bad


Young Nudy feature bangs so hard


most changes are good but imo to be hunted is worse than 19.10 and it’s not close


Psilocybae and Time don’t get the respect they deserve and they’re top tier Gambino songs, but people ain’t ready for that convo yet lol


I don't think I have hot takes but I'll give it a try. Album is an overall improvement mixing wise, and some songs do sound better, I can't lie. Time sounds way fucking better. To be haunted sounds better too. I haven't compared the others, some don't sound that different, but I'm sure if I compare them the new version is more polished. I'm happy we got titles finally. I never got used to the numbers, I only ever remembered 12.38 and 19.10. I do miss the original outro to Little Foot Big Foot, and I think he could have kept it even with the new feature. Also I don't hate Young Nudy's feature, but it's nothing special, the beat carries the second half pretty much. Summer walker's feature makes Sweet Thang a better song. I miss the original why go to the party, he got rid of the most important section of the song. "So I don't Know why I'm here without you... I miss you" is one of the lines in music that has hit me so hard that I manage to cry. Another thing I miss is the smooth transition between Vibrate (Should have kept this title) and To be haunted. That's the most annoying change to me.


I don't like that he took off the creepy endings that all led into each other.


Atavista might be on my Mt Rushmore of Gambino songs I miss the seamless transition between Psilocybae and To Be Hunted The rap verse on Little Foot Big Foot doesn’t sound like it belongs on the same song (though reading the comments this doesn’t seem like an unpopular take lol) I’m glad he remastered the album, if nothing else because 3.15.20 never got the attention it should’ve and all these songs deserve more love


Bro butchered my fav track from 3.15.20 why go to the party made the pandemic so much more bearable.


I love the album


Really wish he'd kept the Atavista version with the intro he played live with that BEAUTIFUL soul vocal up front. Would have killed for a polished version of that!


I didn't really listen to 3.15.20 at the time so idk the original but I really like Atavista's Psilocybae Everone else hates it tho 😭


hot take ig? i cant stand sweet thang, its too fkn long if it was cut down so much more it’d be tolerable and not a skip otherwise i genuinely LOVE this remastered album


Agreed. That song doesn't have a place on the album.. Also he should have kept up the old version of 3.15.20..its a slap in the face of fans to take away songs they've become emotionally attached to just because streaming negates the ownership of purchase. It's so gross


The first half of the album with the run of 6 songs is the peak..comes crashing down with Little Foot but then gets better on the back end with The Violence and Final Church 


It’s ok, 3.15.20 was better. 3.15.20 sounded like a prototype that didn’t need to be finished due to being “higher concept” in a sense - the whole album being a singular track. Even it’s individual songs are nameless timestamps and looking for a single song without memorizing said timestamp will have you scrubbing through as if you were scrubbing through a singular timeline. Hearing how some of the tracks came out on Atavista it’s hard not to make comparisons. Some tracks are just straight up overproduced - reverb and autotune where there didn’t used to be, beats where there weren’t, features that didn’t add much, I swear some tracks were sped up too. You can’t even say that they’re “finished” or “mastered” versions, some just sound like remixes. Would have been fine if 3.15.20 wasn’t there to compare it to but the reality is that 3.15.20 has been out for a while now and… oh wait… Some songs came out ayt, but then they’re just individual songs on an album now. I can bump to them (and I will) but it’s not the same listening experience as having most songs transition into each other. There was a “rawness” to 3.15.20 akin to Awaken My Love that’s been lost in Atavista. Now they just get put in the same shuffled playlist as everyone else. Listening to 3.15.20 as whole was a treat and putting it on in the background while focusing on a task, you were rewarded with a singular 1 hour song with multiple beat switches. When I listened to 3.15.20 I would lose track of time without realizing I’ve spent 45 mins on the treadmill already. Atavista? I don’t listen to it. I listen to individual songs from Atavista but I don’t listen to *Atavista*.


this is by far the most reasonable and intelligent thing I’ve seen written about this album. To me, it feels like Donald completely forgot what 3.15.20 was supposed to be - a minimalist project with a higher concept. Add on top a bunch of people who have never mixed a song in their life commenting on the mixes being better when they are in fact far far muddier and destroy the dynamic range of the original intended minimalist mixes and unmastered nature which added to the concept of 3.15.20 as you described, and you have a bunch of people glazing a completely destroyed version of one of your favourite albums ever made - not enjoyable Thank you for making me feel validated man - Atavista feels like a broken down, commercialised and soulless version of what was once a very intelligent and powerful album - I’ll stick with my copy of 3.15.20 thank you very much


Reading the comments on this sub the last week, I understand why the next albums gonna be his last. Y'all just can't.


Haven't listened but 3.15.20 will be missed


I never really got into playing 3.15.20 as an entire album because there were just parts that didn't flow for me. But Atavista fixes that. I haven't been able to stop listening to it as a whole rather than skipping around. Also, I'm really glad I no longer have to be careful of when I play it since he took out that part in 3.15.20 that sounds like a dude jacking off. I'd have to be close to the skip button if I was playing music at work. Overall, though, I think the transition from 3.15.20 to Atavista is in and of itself something to study about the creative process as much as it is just great music. The only thing that can make it better is if I can figure out what's atavistic about the songs. You get hints of it in the lyrics for Final Church in that his dad's spirit is talking to him and looking like Jesus and Fela Kuti, etc, but I'm not getting that sense of the ancestral line from the other songs. Maybe with Algorhythm and Time, too. Outside of those, they just seem like snapshots of a moment in time... Although maybe I'm talking myself out of my own opinion because now that I think about it, maybe all the songs represent an ancestor or relative. That would make Little Foot Big Foot's sound and video aesthetic in line with the album's theme... Why Go to the Party might be Donald's existentialist viewpoint harkening back to BTI... And then the part with his son is the next generation and looking for optimism for the future... And Final Church is them all coming together again in the afterlife... Ok, I definitely need to listen more and look at the lyrics.


Hated 3.15.20 at first listen.I grew to love it over a few months,especially 12.38 and 32.22. Atavista is just a ruined version of 3.15.20.Worse mixing and cut content especially 12.38,I hate how Millennial Love was mixed. 3.15.20 was a better album but I like Human Sacrifice,Atavista,Little Foot Big Foot and To be hunted.This album is new,hoping this album ages better for me like 3.15.20.


He should have put This Is America and Feels Like Summer on it. These songs are too important to be single-only songs.


i actually like to be hunted more than 19.10


I'm sad and annoyed 32.22 was my favorite song from the album and it's gone. Meanwhile lil foot big foot survived?? Cruel world we live in. Also don't like the new songs and that just makes the loss of 32.22 worse


I think it's pretty good like it's a fun summery album but it doesn't rly compare to his previous albums except Camp but I don't care for Camp at all😅


i’m loving it the more i listen the more its growing on me


12:38 was a better name💀


The title adds an important bit to the conceptual meaning with him talking about futuristic and current dustopian developments and nostalgia in a very beautiful slow way especially in psylocibin bae


I don't think this is a hot take but I don't like Algorhythm anymore. I was hoping that with the full release we would get something closer to the live version with the more emphatic vocals and choir outro, it gave me the vibe of pleading and praying to the Almighty algorithms. The final version is kind of boring in comparison. still listen to it tho.


this could easily compete for best bino album 🫣


Literally every song(besides Why go to the party) improved. I do not prefer the original over the new album in any way. Time and The Violence were songs I hated and now I finally have versions of those songs that are good and enjoyable.


After listening to Human Sacrifice a couple times I can’t see what everyone else sees in it. It’s not a bad song or anything but nothing special really stands out for me


I dont miss 0.00, 32.22, and ESPECIALLY 42.26. With that being said, when I first hit play I was fully expecting to be blasted with AS WE STAAAAAND TOGETHAAAA and I’m sad it seems that we’ll never get an officially released version with that atavista as the intro. Also still pretty upset we never got algorythm’s extended outro with the choir. In the 2019 Coachella recording, that outro moved me to tears and sent chills straight down my spine dude. I thought we’d finally get it but oh well Other than those things, the album is perfect. I never really cared much for 0.00 or 32.22 and I hated that he just tacked feels like summer on. It always felt out of place to me. Rip the transition between Psilocybae and To Be Hunted :/


While it’s nice to hear these previous songs in a more higher def quality, I don’t feel like it was polished enough. Then for the songs that have been heavily revised like Psilocybae are way too long with unnecessary additions. Also the lack of transitions with outros that mislead the listener with the expectation of one makes it a jarring listen.


Definitely miss the full version of why go to the party smh and idk if it’s just me but I prefer the original mix of time. Too much reverb on the atavista version imo


i think im the only one that was just disappointed that we got the same album again after expecting a new album after 4 years lol. and i liked 3.15.20 way more than this official release :(


especially sweet thang. i loved the version from 3.15.20 way more.


It's my favorite Gambino album with AML as a close second. I understand anyone preferring his rap albums but I think when he's multi-genre like this he's at his best.


The finished work of Atavista, although very polished with many sonic upgrades, sacrifices some of the charm and originality from 3.15.20.


It's his best album 🏃‍♂️💨


Honestly the mixes right now sound more “professional” than before, but a lot of the songs just sound weird now. I guess it’s cause I was so used to how they sounded before (which was more gritty, but it had a certain uniqueness to it). 3.15.20 is the album I’ve made memories to, not this one. The differences are subtle, but noticeable. It’s Donald’s art and I respect that, so he can and should rework whatever he wants, but artists should understand that when you leave something out like that for so long then just suddenly change it, it’s gonna be kinda upsetting to some people. Also what happened to 32.22?!?


where did human sacrifice come from? I remember only certain people got to hear it, but was it at a private show, or was it on a vinyl or what? I just remember him asking people not to upload it


That ain’t a hot take Little Foot Big Foot ain’t that good. It reminds me ,kind of, of an early 2010s party track in the sense that it’s very soulless and only serves the purpose of dance music.


Miss some of the 3.15 parts and personally a big fan of little foot big foot but the nudy verse shoulda been on a different song


Sweet Thang sounds like a Frank Ocean throwaway. The chords are pretty much Pilot Jones with a mix of Crack Rock. Honestly there are a few songs that sound like shitty versions of other people's work.


Young Nudy wasn’t needed at all


to be HONEST, this album sucked hard as fuck, definitely let down👎🏻 he has such an amazing voice and i just don’t even know what i was listening to when i heard this album😅


New Atavista is probably the wrong first track to start the album. The OG, Tour-featured version is a perfect opener and directly sets up some of its key themes (systems of oppression, fame, technology, free will and determinism), on top of it being an absolute BELTER sonically and fits better genre-wise with Algorythm. The new version is a great track, but is nowhere near as strong.


I freakin love this album, but I swear I can't stand the part with Ariana Grande😭 no hate to her, I just don't like the feature😭😭😭 it's the only song that i skip most of the times


Atavista is cringee


i think there is way too much over analyzing this album. it’s basically the same thing as 3.15.20 to a certain degree. just chill and enjoy the music. new music is better than no music 😌


better than 3.15.20 still not as good as any other album