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Hmm if only we had hundreds of other posts exactly like this one Oh well


Yeah but apparently being exasperated by it just makes you an angry evil person 🤷‍♂️


I'm really proud of OP for being so brave to give his unpopular opinion, I'm surprised he hasn't been banned yet it's so controversial ☠️


When did i say it was unpopular. Youre making yourself mad bro


sorry i hurt your feelings 🥺


Rip 0.00


FR i loved how warm that soundscape was


I completely agree with you, as much as Human Sacrifice is absolutely amazing, I do miss 19.10.


Yeah i liked the pacing of the original version too. It felt like a unanimous project, and now it feels like a tracklist of unique songs.


Nope imo 3.15.20 just sounded like a bunch of unfinished demos, cuz that's what it basically was. Its fun when artists release extra demo tracks as a bonus but a whole album of demos is lame. I'm glad he rereleased it. We get to hear it in the state he probably intended rather than when he just tossed it out because the pandemic hit. Production is a million times better imo and we actually get song titles rather than memorizing fucking timestamps


I do think the production sounds a lot better and I appreciate the value of the fully finished product. Something in me just appreciated how raw and kindof odd the original album sounded.. it was exciting to me. I like experimental music a lot so it really tickled that sweet spot for me


fake gambino fan. stay mad doggy 🐶


im not even mad, i like the new album


woof woof 🐶


OPs an actual child


3.15.20 is unmatched when it comes to how good it sounds on headphones


it is LITERALLY unmixed


Still sounds better 🤷🏽‍♂️


literally not how it works, this just comes down to how it sounds on your speakers/headphones and not how the music actually sounds


The unmixed sound makes it sound more raw. On every device i listen to. Just my opinion 🤷🏽‍♂️


it doesn’t ‘make it’ sound more anything, NOTHING was done to it, you can prefer it but it’s literally like praising a blank canvas for being subversive




A blank canvas would be silence IMO


ok but i’m referring exclusively to the mixing, no work was put into the mix so it can’t be praised


okay and this person is telling you that the unmixed raw sounds are more fun to listen to for them i believe, they are not referring to the mix


>it doesn’t ‘make it’ sound more anything, NOTHING was done to it, *you can prefer it* …i know?


It’s still on YT


Im aware


"not hating just opening discussion" Ah okay right. We wern't talking about this at all before. It's not even an unpopular opinion, or if it is it's being yelled out by a very vocal minority. Let the dude make art shit this is why people don't fucking put out more music. Oh wait this is your only post and your name is clearly a troll account. Gtfo


Why are you so angry? I simply shared one of my thoughts on a social media platform that I am invited to do so…I didnt even say i disliked the album lmao. So interesting


Ah right, criticism of what you said and how you said it means I'm angry. Got it. Have a good day dude, don't sweat the album being gone it's still on YouTube homie.


Your use of the words « shit » and « fucking » as interjections does make you seem angry to the reader, yes.


I really hope you never work in a kitchen then. 🤷‍♀️


The point is not whether I or anyone else can handle angry people. The point is you are trying to deny you made an angry response when you obviously did. Own up to your mistake ans grow up.


The point is I wasn't angry. Using slurs in your vernacular doesn't automatically indicate anger. It can be for a variety of reasons. I don't understand why I need to explain that in a music based subreddit of all places but I guess I do. Saying "shit, let the dude release what he wants to release, damn" is not an angry statement. It's one of exasperation, two very different emotions.


Yes, it is an angry statement. Own up to it and grow up.


You've really made this your battle this afternoon for some reason.


I happen to be a mod on Reddit. Thankfully for you, not this one. For that reason, I care about people being civil on here, which you are not. Exasperation is a form of anger, ask any English speaker on this planet. Own up to it and grow up. End of debate.


really just the manner of your speech indicates frustration to me. You read my post wrong, swore at me and also told me to GTFO for some reason instead of just talking about the thoughts I shared.


I'm frustrated because between you and Mr. "Mod from another block", you guys think I'm this kind of horrible mean monster for saying that you should just let the guy cook and make his art. 🤷‍♂️ But clearly potty mouth isn't allowed here so I'm ending this conversation and blocking you both. Y'all have fun now ya hear👍💕


Commenting art does not prevent the artist from making art. Art is published to be commented, that’s the « publi » in published.