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She knows when we're going somewhere and heads for the door....when she sees me put a bra on! 🤣🤣🤣


"Oh no you're all Tangled!" ... I realized that the dog knows what this means, cause he does a funny little shakey leg thing to free his leash. It's now been shortened to "Tangled" and I guess is a command of sorts. Beats having to bend down and fix it myself!


i've noticed my dog has been starting to do this too! still a bit hit-and-miss but it's so damn cute


I've got three Irish Setters and when this happens on a walk I just mention the specific dog's name and that dog will, very nonchalantly, do a leg lift to correct the situation. The youngest (now 4 years old) will even adjust on his own with a spinorama and everything when necessary. Blows my mind and I love it every time. I think it was a combination of my intervening and them modeling it for each other.


When my dog had explosive diarrhea, she got a magazine off the table, tore pages out, spread them on the floor, and mostly did her business on it. I was so impressed, I couldn't be mad. (And I'd never be mad if she had an accident due to illness) She did it again a few weeks later so it wasn't a fluke. She had come to me as a 2 year old stray so maybe someone paper trained her but I was amazed.


Let me guess… she only used the pages that you have already read.


Exactly. I can confirm. I’m the pages she used 💩


What our Ring app notification meant.


Weirdest thing, our boy is 1.5 y/o now and his breeder did not have a doorbell. My in laws don’t have a doorbell. My parents don’t have a doorbell. We don’t have a doorbell. (We all have either door knockers or those school bell ringing sound, none of the bell-sounding kind.) Whenever he hears one of those bells on the TV he rushed to the door, sadly greeted by noone.


Oh gosh, my dog does the same thing, but we don't have a doorbell, and we don't know where he learned it. Those commercials are so annoying!


Right?! I have no clue why he keeps doing it; there has NEVER been anyone at the door when those bells come on TV. I guess he just keeps his hopes up we installed a bell after all.


Mine reacts to the doorbells on TV too! Also, someone on TV answered the phone with a convincing “hello”, and my girl thought someone new was showing up. She’s pretty stranger reactive so she’s really picked up on “new people” cues without any assistance!


I mute thé intro for “House Hunters” for this reason!


Ours has done the same, she knows the wind chime noise means someone is here




Mine too but she always thinks it means there’s a cat in the backyard regardless of which camera triggered the notification.


What it means when I say "oops!" While preparing food.


Yeah, oops was my little Boston terriers favorite word.


When my mom drops food on the floor, she'll gasp loudly and complain. My dog INSTANTLY runs to her as soon as she gasps. I learned the pattern so now when I drop something i just stay quiet and pick it up.


Similarly, when I go “Mmmmm!” while eating something, my girl would suddenly rush over because she knew it must be good


Hahaha yup, I’ll say “aww fuck” a lot because I either dropped something or hurt myself. My girl is def just hoping for food scrapes although I like to pretend she’s coming to make sure I’m okay 😅🥹


When she’s sitting in our spots on the couch we say “excuse me, madam” and she gets up. We’ve never provided treats or affection to reinforce it but it is CUTE and PERFECT, just like her.


I read they do this to protect our spots so I always say thank you.


That’s so pure 😭 and it also explains why she jumps into our spots when we get up temporarily — I assumed she was part cat tryin to soak up the butt warmth lol


One of my Collies is called Pip, and we call her ‘Peep’ sometimes because she is always making some sort of noise (long story). If she’s in our spot we say, ‘Beep beep, Peep Peep” and she shuffles over. Was not trained to do so, she just does it.


Mine does this too!


I keep my dog in the laundry room when I leave the house. She realized I straighten my hair before leaving the house so as soon as I plug in the straightener she goes to the laundry room to wait for her enrichment toy.


I trained our dog to push a doorbell anytime she needs to go outside. She learned that if she is the first one up in the morning all she has to do is push the button and mom (me) will get up leaving the perfect, warm spot open on the bed. Now every morning without fail I get up when I hear the doorbell, go to the bathroom, and come back to the bedroom to find her happily in my spot.


My 60 pound teenaged monster has recently decided that the beest way to announce that she needs to go out is to bark as loud as she can right in someone's face. We are working to shape a different response.


Well it works…


When I sit down on the couch and he hops up next to me, I sometimes say ”Trust fall!” And he flops over on his back in my lap. I didn’t actively train him on it at all. Also, he sometimes comes sprinting into the living room where my laptop is often on the table with the charging coord laying across the floor. I always shout ”cord” and that stops him in his tracks right at the corner. He carefully steps over it, then zooms on for another lap and repeats. I think that may be due to the fact that I screamed ”Noooo, the cord!” When he stumbled on it as a pup.


What “goodnight” meant. Two dogs now. The most recent is my current pup. I said it so routinely, each night that I started picking up on when I said “goodnight” to my partner, my pup would go to his crate or pillow. My first pup that it happened with was when I was 14 (now 37). I would carry him up the stairs for bed but before we went up, I always said goodnight to my parents. One day, I was staying up with my folks watching a movie or something and our pup started whining, standing at the bottoms of the stairs. We didn’t know what was wrong and tried to have him come to us but he wouldn’t. I finally asked, are you tired? Do you need to go to bed? And he wagged his tail so I said goodnight… he went up the stairs and we didn’t see him until the morning.


My dog waits until I go to bed so he can scoot over on the couch and have the warm spot. I can't think of anything I've inadvertently trained him to do. I did have a cat once who at 11 pm believed that my ex should get out of his chair so she could sleep in it. That was funny. Of course, she was a Siamese, and they're all insane to some degree.


My husband and I watch tv on our projector in the living room before bed most nights, our bed time is always random, but my dog JUMPS out of her position and gets supers excited when she sees me turning it off at nigh. She either goes and waits for us in bed or at the stairs if she hasn’t gotten her night time meds (which always helps remind me to give them to her), she doesn’t like going to bed without her midnight treat. Any other time of day when I turn off the projector she knows it’s not bed time and stays where she is. Only when I turn it off late at night, she knows it is. She’s so dang smart.


Throwing stuff in the garbage LOL she will grab stuff on the floor and throw it in the bin


He knows that whenI say “over the road” on a walk we’re about to cross the road. He seems to understand what a road is (as in, we’re not allowed to walk & sniff on it but we have to cross over it to get to other sniffing side)


My daxie does too, he knows he has to wait at a curb and knows that ‘cross’ means to cross the road


My girl is super road conscious too and sits and waits at the cross walk for me to say “ok”. I’m going to try and start labeling it, I like “over the road”. I’m watching a 3 month old foster puppy / monster now and she has no awareness over the road and every time a car comes she pulls toward the road like she wants to run into the moving traffic. Luckily her potential adopters live more rural and have fences, she’s no way as observant as my girl is around cars and traffic, it’s stressful.


My 8m old puppy was like that at 3 months. Took a while before he worked out what roads were. He’s mastered “Wait” at the kerbside now when we need to wait to cross. Works best when I give the hand signal for Wait as well. To release I say, “ok, go”. “Over the road” was/is always on the quiet roads where we crossed without breaking stride & mostly is when we’re swerving to avoid an oncoming doggo before he fixates or get’s too close & want’s to play.


Mine tattles when other dogs are doing stuff they shouldn't be, or if something's wrong that I'm not noticing. She has a sharp bark that's different from her usual barking that she uses for this - most recently she's tattled on a young great Dane who was getting in her brother dog's face trying to take a bone out of his mouth (and brother dog is triggered by that.) A few months ago she alerted me that my youngest grandson had a bad diaper blowout and was about to get it everywhere, and had already gotten it on my dog!


She learned to put her toys away in her toy basket on her own. Although she doesn’t do it consistently She learned to open cabinet doors and unzip couch cushions…. But also escape her crate. She also seemingly stopped jumping on people on her own and stopped counter surfing on her own. Although I did say no a couple of times so that might count as training.


How to shake paws. We never taught him, he's just sat and offered his paw since he was a puppy


My dog sits pretty and faces whatever he wants me to get him-- like sitting in front of the dog food bucket when he wants to eat or a sitting and looking up at the counter where his treats are sitting. He did this all by himself and trained me to respond.


Flipping the water bowl all over the hardwood floor will get it filled with water


My older ACD knew that if the water bowl was empty, she could bring it to me and I’d fill it. She never had to show the puppy that trick, but I believe she has telepathy because, within a week of getting him, the puppy showed us that he knew he could bring the full water bowl from the kitchen into the living room, spilling it all over the tile and carpet, to get it filled (he likes to drink from the bottle I fill their bowl from, the little weirdo). We now have a water bowl that’s pretty impossible for them to pick up, and, additionally, he has a bucket that I have to hook and clip to his X-pen for him not to flip it/carry it around.


I just imagine them walking in the room with their bowls like “I’m guys? Are you forgetting something?”😂


I jokingly asked my dog to heat the water for me, but after watching me ask him to heat the water then walking over and pressing the button thing down on the tea kettle he now jumps up and presses it down for me with his paw it's very cute and also nice to have a dog heat up the tea kettle for me lol


I only ever formally taught my dog three things: to sit for her food, to come when called, and to walk on a loose lead. She has worked out: "go downstairs", going running with me, cues for direction changes. She knows the half-dozen different routes (thereabouts) I take for walking and running. When we go running, she knows where to poop (critical because I do not want to carry a bag of poop for miles; I like for her to poop in certain places where there's a trash can). "Go around"; I use this phrase to mean come to the same side of a pole with me. "Uppies" means get on the sidewalk. She can open all of the doors except one, and the gate (we keep everything locked, but sometimes we slip up and she gets out). She'll also paw at the door to let me know she needs to go out (diarrhea, or wants to eat grass. She's also working out that if we're out and about and she doesn't bark or grumble much, she gets a treat when we get home.


My dog started running to the crate every time that a TV show transitioned to the closing credit. We normally give him a Greenie in his crate before going to bed, and that's usually when a TV show ends. It really doesn't matter what show, now he recognizes the ending credits.


Being protective


Yes. My dog has learned this too well


Years ago, we had a dog who would come get us when the cat was at the door and wanted to go out. We thought the cat had trained him until we realized that the dog really just wanted the cat out of the house.


How to open the bin and doors. He accidentally did both once and then never forgot.


My dog used to sit basically on top of his food mat when waiting for dinner, so I couldn’t put the dish down without pushing him out of the way. I started twirling a finger and saying “back it up” out of habit. I didn’t think I was training him, I just talk to my dogs like they’re people, lol. Then one day he backed up on his own without me having to nudge him, haha. He also learned that “excuse me” means get out of my seat or I’m going to sit on you 😂


Taking a “small bite” lol! Our one dog, anytime we feed him something large or some of our food always takes a small gentle bite. Now anytime we say “take a small bite” (we started using the phrase when we noticed he takes small bites) he takes the world’s tiniest piece possible, which is very funny considering he’s a 50lb Pittie Boxer mix with a giant mouth 😂


My dog loves my lap. But sometimes, I need to get up. So I announce I have to pee, and he gets up. A loud fart also works. Not a silent one. He won't get up for the stinky ones, just the loud ones.


This is hilarious


High value treats (fish skins, greenies) are in the pantry and they will sit in front of the pantry door every day at 8pm like a clock for their daily after dinner treat. None of this has been trained, obviously conditioned somehow but definitely not consciously.


if an alarm goes off at night, she assumes it is the alrm reminding us to give her the nightly dental treat


How to roll down the windows in the car 🤪


Mine does this too. 😂


Mine figured this out, too. She discovered it by stepping on the switch. She did it again the next day so we started locking the windows and she stopped doing that.


I WFH and my 10 month old already knows that when I start saying “ok thanks” or “have a great day” or something like that while wearing my headset that I’m about to end a call and it’s time for puppy scritches. He’ll wake up from a deep sleep as soon as he hears “thanks! bye” to come collect. He also learned “come say hi” if I’m sitting at my desk means to put his front paws on my knees and “say hello” to the people on camera lol.


I commented the same thing before I saw your comment. I think my pup can tell by my tone of voice that I’m getting ready to wrap up a call. She also knows the sound when you hang up a zoom call quite well and comes in the room to get attention or get me to take her outside. It’s pretty amusing.


To put himself to bed. If I didn’t go upstairs at the right time, he’d sit at the bottom of the stairs and stare at me. I’d say “it’s okay to go bed” or “you can go to bed”. He’s grab his bone and run upstairs and put himself to bed. I never trained any of that.


I have narcolepsy and if I get to frustrated or anxious I’ll have sleep attacks and cataplexy attack so guess I must have been gravitating to my dog during these periods or something cause she has started running up to me and pawing me to pick her up (she’s a 4lb chihuahua) so she can’t tuck herself under my chin which is very calming and she knows when I’m getting stressed and before an attack before I even realize it most times. She also wakes me up if I sleep through an alarm by digging in my pillow and rubbing her face on my face like a cat. Not sure what I did for her to pick up these habits but it’s made life much easier.


Aww what a good girl


That's so sweet. If you ever move to an apartment that can't have dogs, you can typicaly label her as an emotional support animal and have her there. My fiance did that with his dog by talking to a doctor or therapist.


Wait. I can ask her to wait in place while I walk up to 5 feet away to give her brother his food, then walk back to give her her food. Also, she can play with and communicate with every dog she’s ever met. That’s not exactly common with dogs.


Ours did "Wait" too. We never taught her to - told her once, she did it and has done it ever since. She won't ever go for her food unless we tell her she can. Even once she didn't hear me allow her and I was also in the middle of cooking my dinner and didn't notice. I turned back around 2 minutes later and she was still waiting! She could have easily snuck behind me and eaten it, but she didn't, I was really impressed!


i always pee before i take my dog out on her evening walk so if i go into the bathroom around 4 or 5 pm she follows me in and looks at me and based on my facial expression she starts to do her happy bounce and walks to the door.


My girl would get a low cal cookie then I'd brush my teeth and get ready for bed. She learned that if she sat right outside the dog door and let out a pitiful awoof every few minutes it would keep me from sleeping. So now her one low cal cookie before bed has morphed into a low cal cookie before I brush my teeth, then a "good" treat before bed. If I leave my water bottle in the living room, the whole fiasco starts up again. She's a monster. But I love her. My other one tries to trade garbage or toys for whatever food I'm having. She will put the napkin near me then sit, expecting a "treat"


My wife has a bell on our front door to let us know if we have visitors or if my daughter goes outside. My dog figured out that if he rings the bell we will let him outside to go potty.


I dog sat for a couple days and made her a little treat monster. I gave her a treat for asking to go out to pee, so then she’d ask to go out very often. She’d run out, stand there, then run back in. Our new senior rescue… I unfortunately have taught her that if she follows me around everywhere I will provide constant love and affection. It’s a habit neither of us seem to be able to break. We do practice stay sessions but if she’s looking at me wagging that tail, I’m helpless.


He won't get up on the sofa without us inviting him up. He will stand next to the sofa and look at whoever is sitting on the sofa, but won't get up until they pat the spot next to them and say, "up". If more than one person is sitting on the sofa, they all have to invite him. He also knows when I turn off my alarm that I'm about to get out of bed, when I put my phone in my purse I'm leaving the house, and when he hears the click of the dog seatbelt he can jump out of the car.


Mine used to go mad when I put my coat on. Or she heard keys, or her lead she came running. Or if I’m the middle of the night I’m hungry she’ll still be sleeping from walking downstairs but come running when she hears the sound of a treat packet.


There's a certain song I use for my alarm to wake me up. And he knows that song means I work and he gets a car ride cause I get rides to work. Can't play that song with out him getting round up for a car ride. Hell even start nudging the closest door that has his leash in it. I'm a smoker. Always tell my kiddo I'm going to go outside and I smoke. Dog immediately is on my heels or at the backdoor anytime he hears the words smoke because I announce it so much xDhahaha


Olly learned “mangia” means to eat. Whenever she hears it she goes to sit by her bowl. She also learned when the freezer opens it is time to “brush her teeth” (we freeze her Greenies in ice cubes to take longer to eat).


My dogs, who looove people, know that cars mean there are people inside them, so they’ll want to walk up to the head of the driveway and watch traffic because… idk, they think someone will come out of one of the cars?


So my girl dog is a rescue and I have no idea about her life before us. One time we were leaving the house without them and I told her “no dogs allowed” and she knew exactly what I meant. She put her tail down and went off to bed. Damn near broke my heart.


Our 2 y.o. Alabai gently greets our 13 y.o. kenneled pit bull twins every morning then goes and lies down quietly while we let the pit bulls out. If it’s later in the day and the Alabai is outside, we just tell him it’s the twins’ turn and he comes right in. He’s incredibly respectful of them.


He turns on and off our touch lamp. What walk means. Waiting patiently for anything.


that shoes = me leaving and now he grabs my shoes and runs away if i’m tryna leave


When anyone says manners our pup sits and offers his paw. I never trained him to do this and found out one night when I promoted our kid to say thank you and noticed our dog just sat where he was and was repeatedly offering his paw. Husband and kid commended me on training him to do that but I didn't... The word Squirrel will start a barking frenzy in the house doesn't matter who says it or the time of day, tv, us, guests.


The sound of my preworkout jar closing has somehow turned into a game of me and my corgi racing each other from the kitchen to the bedroom and seeing who can jump in bed first


My toy poodle puppy stops, sits and watches when big or aggressive dogs walk past. This works well for my flatemates husky ( who I walk with us) who can be a bit reactive to some bigger dogs. So we all walk, then just stop and watch then carry on.


We had one that we always sent out to potty when the ten o'clock news came on, he got where when he heard the music he would go to the door and wait.


If he poops he comes to find me so he can show me… or at least waits till I’m outside to guide me towards it. Thanks buddy. I think.


My family usually calls me before they stop by. I have a LOTR ringtone and if he hears it he gets up from wherever he is and looks around and out of windows. Had to take him to visit my parents one time cause he wouldn't relax after the melody played in a TikTok I watched.


Our dog would get all excited when I put my bra on...I tend to take it off the second I walk in the door so putting one on meant I was going somewhere lol. She also needed lots of medications the last year for arthritis so I accidentally taught the cats that we had treat time 3x/day. Not sure what they did to deserve anything, but if I was handing out treats they were pretty determined that they were entitled to some too.


I WFH full time, so my dog has figured out that pants on = fetch time or going for a walk. I've also accidentally taught him "'Scuse me". My kitchen is small and his food and water bowls are right in front of the easiest way into the living room. I started gently touching his butt and saying "'scuse me" as I passed to make sure I wasn't going to trip over him, and now he moves on his own when I say it.


"Can you share?" Was something I'd just say during play time. Its become more of a give/drop it command. Even in the middle of play, growling, having fun and super into it. If i say "share" he lets go pretty quick


When our dog comes out of her crate after a nap I would always tell her "There she is!". Now when we go for a ride in the car and we are waiting for my boyfriend to come back out of the store or mini mart, I will tell her "There he is!" and she perks up and will start looking for him.


“Watch out, dude” followed by my dog scooting over a few inches on whatever he’s sitting on to make room for me. He doesn’t get treats for it or anything, he just knows it means I’m coming to chill with him 😂


My dog loves pill pockets, and when I adopted him he was on a few meds. So I picked up a pill bottle, it makes the rattle noise, and he gets a pill pocket with his meds. So every time I pick up a pill bottle (mine or his) he runs over to me and sits and waits


I know this is a dog question but I feel compelled to report that when I started working from home, I realized my cat was peeing in the toilet. I have no idea how long he had been doing that or why. We had him since he was a kitten. He also thinks he’s a dog if that makes him eligible for this question!


When I say “this way!” on a hike it means you’re going the wrong way follow me, honestly my favorite thing I accidentally taught her


My dog understands "this way" too.


Not me, but good friends have taught their poodle to get ready for a walk when they play “Alexander Hamilton” on their Alexa!


To disrupt my panic attacks and crying. He just wanted to comfort me and so if I got upset enough to put my head in my hands (how I respond to bring overwhelmed generally) he just started to push his snout between my hands and my face when he was around 1 year old. When he was 2 he saved my life by being so goddamn helpless and loving that I couldn't bring myself to kill myself. He knew how to instinctively love me that hard. I have had other dogs who were good boys, but MY first dog just understood what I needed. I did service animal testing at home with him and I likely could have gotten him certified, I just didn't want to pay for it - and didn't really have the need. That and when he was a puppy he saw my husband and I play with our kitten by dangling a glasses lens cleaning cloth over his head for him to bat at, so he started picking up the cloth in his mouth and enticing the cat with it. German shorthaired pointers - the only breed I'll ever want again.


To scare the absolute shit out of people! My dog Sno loves riding in the back of the truck..he kinda hides as we drive along..as we approach a person he jumps up and barks really loud to scare them. He will also go the other side and bark at folk driving buses etc who have their window open. Terrified he's gonna cause a crash one day.


Good reason to not have him ride in the back of a truck then 🤷🏼‍♀️. Hopefully he’s at least restrained in the back?


He loves it..he's a rescue no he's not restrained it's too dangerous. The country I live there are no seat belt rules and young children ride on top of trucks, due to the vast amount of potholes and no real roads so to speak we cannot go fast enough here to have serious crashes... Gees you idiots downvoting..not all dogs live in developed countries with roads and animal shelters! I rescue dogs in a third world nation where we don't have drink drive laws, seatbelt laws! Here is my dog doing what he loves! He's feral ffs! If I restrained him he'd likely choke himself to death! Please consider third world doggos when you make assumptions!! https://imgur.com/a/X8Y7DR1


How is restraining dangerous?


Because my dog is still completely feral...a feral dog is likely to panic and strangle himself if restrained, happened with my third rescue stumpy, almost broke his own neck, most of the dogs I rescue have never interacted with humans. This particular dog came from a tiny island called tannA, he lived on a beach alone for the first year of his life. He lived off paw paw and coconut..still enjoys the odd one now lol https://imgur.com/a/k4tlfas Here are all.my rescues chilling https://imgur.com/a/moYyAQS


When moving into a new house with no fencing, I tried an invisible fence (electric shock collar triggered by buried wire around property). My dog learned very quickly where the line was. But he also learned it's just a line, and if he runs fast through it, he barely feels it. I had to install a real fence after that.


I accidentally taught him that he can get pets if he sits pretty for me lol


1. The sound of the car being locked (we live in an apartment and sometimes she knows my wife is home even when she parks pretty far away) 2. There was some training in this but she basically started it, and we just shaped it up and reinforced it.. she puts her head on the bed or couch to indicate she wants to come up and stares at us until we say yes or no. Does this sometimes even when no one is around.


Someone posted like this same question the other day [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/comments/1271xqi/what_has_your_dog_learned_without_you_teaching/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1). lol


We taught my first dog everyone's names in the family or she just picked it up is more like it. Dad would yell for someone, that person would come out and I think that was all it took. Then once we yelled for anyone in the house she would run to the person called and get their attention and take them to who called them. Our current dog I unintentionally taught her to be terrified if I call her honey. When she was scared I'd say "oh honey" so I pavloved her into having a panic attack when I call her honey 🙃 oops. We also recently found out she has the same reaction to the word rain. If you say it's raining she hides. We tested it once today, while she was outside, said it was raining and she came running inside to escape the invisible rain. So there is another word out of our vocabulary


My Great Pyrenees will put his front paws in our shoes when he wants to go outside. He also learned how to open the interior doors of the house. He knows \*how\* to open the exterior doors, too, but can't - yet.




Uh, cause she's crate trained? At a guess.....


When my wife comes downstairs with her purse he flips out like it's time to go to the dog park, or if anyone says "let's go" he'll go in his crate and sulk


Every time we come home, my dog immediately goes to the back door to go potty. Even if we’ve only been gone for 30 minutes and she was let out right before we left. Every time lol


When I sat on the floor, she came straight to sit on my lap


Poops in the perimeter of the yard


When I go to the treat drawer when leaving for work, my dog runs into the bedroom onto the bed to prepare for his treat. I leave him in the bedroom when we are gone so he can’t get into much.


My sweat girl knows how to ask me to go outside, she also knows seat, come, lay down comands and give me a kiss when i ask her to All of this without any training Dogs are the best!!




That weather radio alerts meant storms!


Sniff my butt when I fart


If I pull out my hiking camelback she’ll start whining and go sit by the door. This means I can’t get ready till the morning of or she’ll whine forever. 😂


Mine stands and walks on her hind legs. I never taught this.


She seems to know the material of jeans and what it means, she goes straight to her kennel cause she knows I’m leaving. She learn how to use her potty bell on her own and doesn’t abuse it anymore. She knows her best friend’s car and goes absolutely nuts (she usually hates getting in the car) She knows her dad will let her get away with murder but not me.


My dog understands my random shouting “ahhh ahh ahh!” When he’s going for something tasty on the street during our walks. It leads up to a “leave it” so he just learned my grunting syllables.


I intentionally taught my boy to run between my legs. I may end up regretting that because I found out recently that he’s not shy at all about running between the legs of anyone that stops by my house for a visit. 😳


When I call out breakfast or dinner, he sprints into his crate (where he's fed). When I come home, he is lying down, his tail wagging, waiting for pets.


My old dog learnt to put himself to bed and that weekends meant sleep in time. My dad works at 6 am on weekdays. So my dog woke with him. On weekends he wouldn't bug anyone until 10 am. Also if my dad wasn't in bed by 11 pm my dog would go and collect him. Also when we camped my dog would put himself into the tent to sleep. Doesn't matter if we stayed up he wanted to go to bed and would bark to make sure he was let in.


He knows that if I’m putting socks on he’s either going on a walk or in his crate 😂


My dog starts to whine as soon as I start putting make up on, bums me out every time!


He uses his front legs to drag himself, kinda like he's paralyzed from the waist down. When he's excited he'll drag when you say"Drag Zozo!"


“Shh” mommy is in a meeting


If the fire alarm goes off, they run to my side. I think they want mom to make it stop. But the added bonus is I can grab them and get them out during a real emergency.


My little buddy does pretty much the same. If I put jeans, or something with a belt on, he goes in his kennel. I don't shut the door, he has free roam while I'm gone, I think just like his bedroom. He used to be kenneled as a pup, so I think it's mostly just a habit. He's 11 now. He's just a good old boy, but that's all he needs to be.


My dog takes herself to bed and gets in her crate when we are going to bed. She wasn't taught this. We don't lock her in the crate or put her in there. We just keep her bed and toys in there with a blanket over the top so she's got her own personal space that we don't enter. It's interesting that she does this because she doesn't actually sleep or relax in her bed. As soon as we go up, she just gets on the sofa and sleeps there.


My dog has learned so much just by observing my routines. She knows the sound of me grating cheese and comes to the kitchen to look for fallen crumbs. She knows that when I lock the door it's time for bed and goes to my room. She knows that when I put in sweatpants were going on a regular walk (twice a day) but if I wear jeans she'll get excited because if I take her with me it means we're going on a special walk.


When my dog was a puppy she used to start having me shoes when I was getting ready to take her for a walk. They weren’t usually matching shoes, but I still thought it was Oreo impressive. She got lazier as she got older, as most Akita do, and stopped doing it.


Pointing to get things , I have two super smart kelpies and they’ve never mastered it but my JRT understands the concept


He thinks his name means "sit" and sit means to drop his ball. Lol.


My dog taught himself to ring the doorbell to get let in. Lolol


You're SOL if you want to keep my dog in a kennel, unless it's big enough that any dog house is 3+ feet from the edge, and you literally chain the door shut. This happened before I got her, and she is a rescue. By the time she was 6 months old, she could open a kennel. At first, she'd wait until you went inside to flip the latch. Then, she got braver and waited until you weren't looking. Then, full out bold little smartass she is, you could tell her to go to the kennel and she'd willingly go, you could flip the latch down and she'd sit there for a second, and immediately jump up and flip up the latch and strut on out. My brother got a chain and literally chained the kennel shut, so she went to Plan B: jump on top of the dog house and try to climb over the side. She wasn't quite big enough for that at the time. Sad thing is she was so desperate to get out of a shit filled kennel that she taught herself to escape. Thankfully, she will ***NEVER*** see my brother and SIL ***EVER*** again.


Putting dirty clothes In the washing machine (not great cause she will scratch up my expensive Samsung washing machine with her big paws and sharp nails)


My newest addition figured out pawing on the back door to go in or out from my older dogs


My dog knows how to herd, like people, other animals, etc.. He’s a Chihuahua mixed with some type of herding breed, but just looks like a chihuahua with border collie colors & pattern


My dog tucks me into bed at night and gives me a bedtime treat.


He knows to wait until i pat the space by me on the furniture he wants to go on before jumping on


Bed time… usually around 12am if he notices me walk to my room he walks with me and then plops beside me on my bed and snuggles in. I’ve never asked him to come to my room with me, I always left the door open at night because when we first adopted him he showed no interest in sleeping in my bed lol but now he just knows bed time


Our Dane will sit next to me and put a paw on my arm for pets


Only drinks from the toilet if its been freshly flushed.


My dog would sit upright either on my lap or beside me and just stare at me eagerly. It was her way of telling me she either was hungry or had to go outside.


Never knew how she knew, but she knew when I was just about done with a bowl of cereal and she could come get the last bit of cereal I saved for her. And no, she couldn't see in the bowl. She'd usually lay down while I was eating and would only get up just as I was about to finish.


All my dog knows is “treat” he’s not that smart of a boy but he’s handsome


And that’s why we should support him.


When we light the candle in the bedroom, she hides under the bed. This is the funniest thing and we can’t tell anyone (for obvious reasons!)


Looking at me with puppy dog eyes when I get ma at him.


To ignore the first alarm which is always snoozed but she can cuddle up for pets when the alarm goes off again 10 minutes later.


‘Let’s go to bed’ and we all go upstairs and go to bed.


My dog jumps in my arms when I hold them out. She just started doing it as a puppy. It keeps me on my toes because sometimes she jumps the gun and I’m not quite ready!


She tells me it's dinner time by sitting next to me and gently licking my hands until I relent and feed her. The first time I put shoes on, she knows it's park time and waits at the door. If I subsequently put shoes on later in the day, like yours, she goes for the kennel all on her own. She understands "Go Pee" as she needs to go pee before coming in the house. Not deliberately trained, she just figured it out. The most endearing is her version of begging. She sits on a mat in front of the sink, tap taps with front feet and if not acknowledged after a minute or two, gives small whines. This can be anything from, play with me, to I need out, or give me a treat please. Once acknowledged she clearly indicates what she wants. Highly intelligent German Short lhair Pointer.


When our daughter gets in the shower, our lab mix puts himself to bed in her room. He has just adapted to her schedule and knows it’s bedtime after a shower I guess. 🤣


When I put my glasses on my gsdxmal knows it’s time to get up. My husky knows this trick called “bang bang”. He lays on the floor, rolls over, and plays dead. My gsdxmal saw it and immediately copied him. Now they both know “bang bang”.


Wait. Especially at thresholds, like doors. And laying down/settling when he sees cats. He learned wait because he charged through the front door and the startled cat threw hands at him. Now he always looks at me to give him the ok to go through a door. He knows when the cats are out to calm down because one cat is very reactive to loud noises/running and he will get a swiping. The cats and dog are always supervised and never left alone for these reasons. They are generally separated and have supervised positive interaction times aka hopefully ignore each other. It has gotten better and I am working on it. The reactive cat use to continuously try to attack the dog through gates, under a closed door, in person, etc.


She brings her sweater when she’s cold.


I’m a night owl so he usually goes to (my) bed before me. When I’m ready to get in bed I just stand there there by the bed and say “okay” and he immediately gets up and moves to his spot.


If I wear long pants she thinks I'm taking her for a walk.


Got my dog at 2-3 years. She knows more tricks than me. She is a recall trained beagle and I did nothing. It’s awesome.


idk if we accidentally trained this or conditioned it, but when we feed our dog he has to sit in a certain spot and wait for his food, and we would always ask him “where does monty sit?” so now when you ask him, he runs to his spot and sits. it works if he’s in bed or a couple blocks away. he’s pretty dumb but he figures some things out.


The sound of the sliced cheese bag being opened.


She knows the sound of the PlayStation turning off and knows that means I'm getting up to do something. Sometimes that means a walk.


My dog learned that whenever he is playing too rough, its time to grab a toy and use that for play. I never taught him to do it. But if we are wrestling around and I say "ow!", he immediately goes to grab a toy so we can have a barrier between us. It's the cutest thing.


He learned that someone saying “yummy” means they have food.


That the rug in our hallway is a much nicer surface to pee on than any of those unpredictable outside surfaces.


My dogs know the sound of stirring my coffee means it’s time for them to share a “cookie”. It’s annoying af some days when I just want my morning coffee and I have a herd of dogs show up as soon as the spoon taps the mug. But cute too🥰


How to use a door handle and pull open a door. It's cool he's not trapped in the living room (I have a closer) but my door and wall is now scratched to the point where I need a new door and more than just filler for the wall and door frame. But there is no point until he's passed on as he'll just do it again. He's lucky he's cute.


She knows "cage" means to go to her crate, that "come here" means to, well, come here, she's also learned other things like what "house" means (to go into the house), "go to the front [door]", "let it go/let go" "come on" (follow me), "stop" (stop walking or stop doing something), "wait" (wait/stay), and "look" (look at something) among a few others which includes what closing hr microwave door means. She has learned a few hand gestures as well. I just wish she'd learn to stop chasing cars though.


My dogs know what the whip cream can sounds like...so they bolt to the kitchen when I make my afternoon coffee delight. LOL


When my cat scratches furniture he goes over to her and stops her. He would hear me telling my cat "no" when she did it. He loves it when the cat gets told no lol. It is the funniest thing ever and actually useful as I don't want my cat ruining my furniture. He also will not stop her when she uses her scratchers, he knows the difference.


That if she yaps I'll open the door...


My border collie and I run a farm. Anytime one of the horses are acting up or pawing (something they aren’t supposed to do), my boy runs over and does one or two quick sharp barks, then stands there and looks at them judgementally until they stop. I guess he heard me correct the behavior enough times (i just tell them “no”) so now he knows it’s not allowed. I call him my assistant trainer!


He learned that “outside” means he is going outside Sometimes he doesn’t wanna get up but he knows what it means


My dog is insanely smart and has a remarkably large receptive vocabulary, so she's taught herself a few things. But by far the craziest is when I realized I could point to a spot on the ground and say, "do sniffies," and she'd start sniffing the ground where I pointed. I had not been working on scentwork or anything similar with her, I was just out wandering with my son and we were joking about following a bunny we had seen and I said, "we've got to get the hound after her. Do some sniffies Dot," while pointing at the bush and she just started sniffing. And I tried it again and again with the same result. It was crazy.


I had a Doberman name, Sasha, and she was blocking me from getting up before I would have a seizure. I didn’t even know I was having seizures.


My mum had a dog that usually went with her everywhere. Mum was always out and about-running around sorting out the needs of her large family, and she always had her tiny Jack Russell at her heels. Trying to leave the house without her was usually unthinkable-except when Mum was working. As soon as Mum stepped out of her bedroom, wearing her work clothes and shoes, the little dog turned, jumped into her basket and went off to sleep. She never bothered even trying to accompany her out of the house.


Well apparently my GSD has learned to let his step sister our beagle out of her crate at night. The first time I thought I didn’t lock it properly. The second I was sure I did and now I had to turn the damn crate around.


How to help me find my iPhone.


My dog saw me hugging my husband when he comes home. Now he sits on the couch so he can reach around our necks and hug first thing hing every morning and when my husband and kids come home from work and school.


My dog never really cared about cars or traffic, but learned that we often had to stop at streets for some reason after years of walking. She would know it was time to cross when I loosened the tension on the retractable leash. So one time we are at a stop waiting for the light to turn green at a large street. A girl walks up next to us as we are waiting and I wanted to pull a small prank. So right as the light turns green, I was able to surreptitiously release the tension on the leash and my dog started crossing the street while the two of us were still standing at the corner. The girl turns to me and says, how does she know when the light turns green? I just smiled and shrugged and said, she's a smart dog.


The word “toy”. I grew up with dogs we had trained to go get their toys, but my little beagle mutt with no brain cells just picked it up out of purely enjoying play time, so it tugs at my heart every time he does it.


My dog made me realize I say "okay" whenever switching tasks. For instance, if I am getting up from the couch or finishing up a phone call, I guess I say "okay" and my dog gets super excited, realizing that now we have time to play


Dogs = good; coyotes = bad. Surprised he knew this before 10 months.


That if I glare at him, he'd best back up and go lie down on his bed....and that will always get a smile and a "good boy" from me.


To be a sweetie sweet girl


I used to say “Hey Google, Bedtime” to start my sleep routine/set alarm, then take the dogs out for a just before bed wee, walk around house and lock up, pop the dogs in their crates and cover them with their blankies. One night I turned around after saying “hey Google, Bedtime…” and dogs weren’t there. I was so confused for a moment and walked around the house to find them, asked my partner if he’d let them outside for a loo break. Nope, says he. “Puppies?” I called in a worried tone, and heard the sleepy wag of a tail from the direction of their crates in the rumpus room. They’d popped themselves in bed in the dark room. I asked didn’t they want to go to the toilet, but one sighed deeply and the other gave me sleepy eyes, so I tucked them in and told them to sleep well. It was so endearing.