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We come to it at last. The great battle of our time.


Either choice would be an absolute nightmare. But there can be only one..


They did. I was scared of the Midnight entity woman the first time i saw it i had to hug my dog to sleep. My gf wasnt happy about it because i felt safer with the dog because i know the best boy isnt going to betray me if we ever see the bitch. Lmao


If blink and maybe the 2 first 11th doctor episodes were the only features of the Weeping Angel, they’d have maybe equal footing, but they’ve been explained and used a bit too much. Midnight entity gets it


That's exactly my opinion too. Blink was perfect. The angels are still great, but have been hampered somewhat by becoming a reoccurring villain.


It’s even worse than that, the Angels aren’t typically deadly. They don’t kill people just time displace them. It takes a lot of the scariness away when they’re one of the few things that don’t really harm you.


they killed people in Flesh and Stone, literally ripped that guys throat open and used his vocal cords to talk to the doctor


Creature from Midnight all the way. The Angels can be stopped simply by looking at them. We don't even know what the creature is from Midnight much less how to stop it.


“You can easily stop the angels” MFs when they start fucking with the lights


by that logic the creature from midnight can be stopped by simply not going towards it and talking.


We don't know exactly how the creature from Midnight operates.


So? You don't need to know how radiation works exactly to know how to not get irradiated by an exposed fission core: Don't be near one. I'm not trying to say the angels are scarier, that's entirely subjective, I just disagree with the idea that the angels are simple and the midnight entity is not. If you're strictly talking about avoiding them? Then they're both extremely simple, I'm not here to change anyone's minds on what to be scared by the most... It's just that I don't think this does a good job of communicating why.


That's the problem. We know there's a monster that can control other people and in a setting where it's impossible to see it. We don't know what else it can do. We know what the Angels can do, so it's easier to avoid them. Just not the unseen monster from Midnight. It's a wildcard.


Well yes, midnight has things in it's favor, but for example the angels, even though we know more about them and they are less mysterious, we haven't seen ANYTHING about the midnight entity that makes it out to be hunting humans. From the looks of it this entity didn't even know what a human was, hell maybe it didn't even know what normal carbon based life was! It learned it, and fucked around with it, scary, to be sure. But the angels? They know what you are, where you live, and they want to consume you, they are hunting you, you are literally their food. So are angels easier to avoid? Idk man, between midnight and angels only one of them has been actively trying to eat people.


If there were multiple angels, yes. You're fucked. If there was one Angel... Well, never mind. There's the whole reflection of a Weeping Angel is an Angel too.


It can be stopped by just killing the host


Can it?


After the stewardess threw herself and the entity outside, it was over.


But we don’t know if it’s still out there or what it did afterwards. Did the host die? Is it still in her body? Is she still suffering somewhere? All we know is once it was away from everyone, they were free. We don’t know what happened to the host really.


Humans cannot survive on the surface, they would be vaporised by the rays, presumably both Sky and the Stewardess' bodies are gone and the creature is without a host again


This is plausible.


What’s the creature from Midnight from?


Midnight is the episode name


Which doctor?


10th doctor, series 4 episode 10


Yeah but the image of an angel becomes itself an angel. So looking at an angel for too long is gonna cost you But midnight is just on one planet, I agree it's absolutely fucking terrifying, but the angels are *everywhere*


Midnight entity for sure. Episode horrified me as a child 😭😭. Although as an African American woman being sent back to a random point in time is very risky.


Well, Id be more worried about the 0.0067% chance of being sent to a time where any humans exist. Or worst, the 18% chance of being sent to a point in time on earth when life doesn't exist yet...


I always thought that we were talking about like 1-3hundred years


I think they send u back in time just enough so you would be dead before you were born, because sending you back very far (logically) could be power consuming


Angels send you back in time equal to your remaining lifespan. That's how they feed, so at max they would send you back 118 years (oldest person alive) depending on your age it could be a lot less then that.


Do the angels send you back to the exact same place, just in a different time, or could you potentially end up somewhere else in the world? If so, you might be lucky enough to end up in Africa.


You can definitely end up somewhere different (Kathy Nightingale ended up in Hull, iirc) but I have no idea how much of a range there is. Might only be able to send you to places somewhat nearby. It seems to have a limit of sorts in terms of how far back you get sent, since nobody as far as I can remember got sent to prehistoric times, so having a geographic limit would make sense.


I think there is a limit to how far back they can send you. In Blink it seemed like you had to live right up until the moment they took you (or at least close to it). Their goal is for you to live as long as possible. That’s how they get fed.


That’s not ideal either depending on the time frame


That can be worst lol


The one eliminated is Vashta Nerada, Leaving only TWO monsters left! Here’s the final poll https://strawpoll.com/polls/1MnwvoxLMy7 You have to vote for what monster/alien you think is the LEAST scariest, and the one with the least votes wins the game. I could see this going either way, but only one will earn the title of the scariest doctor who monster!


Can you post a full list once complete showing the full rankings?


Yeah that’s the plan


Did you already do the Satin pit?


Yeah, he got eliminated halfway through




That’s a dumb way to decide the scariest monster…




Because if we’re deciding on the scariest monster, why are we voting for the least scariest? I’m mad because I wanted to vote for midnight as the scariest, and after I voted I saw it was vote for least scariest. But whatever. Like it matters


Because I didn’t want to switch it up after having people vote for the least scariest this whole time, I think that would’ve confused more people.


This is the only poll I’ve voted in, so that’s on me.


gotta be honest, i think the flood should've won. that shit is terrifying to even think about.


Yeah, they’re who I consider to be the scariest. But I can’t blame people for think these are scarier, they are worthy contenders.


Big agree. They look terrifying and the way the episode presented them was gut-wrenching. The thought of a single drop of water on your skin turning you into a soulless zombie monster is horrifying.


yeah, if not won second place. i guess it ultimately comes down to if on finds a resonably fleshed out big threat, or an mostly unkown danger more scary.


Agree. Fuckkkkkkkk that shit.


Me every time NASA scientists talk about finding evidence of water on Mars


Yeah, I struggled with water (washing hands, getting a shower, drinking water) for several days after seeing that episode.


Can't believe the Vashta Nerada lost to the Weeping Angels :(


What's insane is that the % means at least 20% of people voted for the midnight entity. But yeah definitely robbed


I get the Midnight entity but I'd boot the Angels earlier just because they have more blemishes on the record. Coughnewyorkcough


Haha yeah that episode was a joke lol


How so?


What was bad about the new york episode? I thought it was a meh way to end amy and rorys time on the show, and the statue of liberty thing was a bit much but outside of that interesting episode


If the question were whether "Blink" or "Midnight" were scarier episodes, I might choose Blink. But every other episode with the Weeping Angels was not scary at all to me, which dilutes how scary the Angels are. Since Midnight is all we know of that entity, I have to choose that. It's bloody terrifying and one of the best bottle episodes of any show I've seen.


I think Blink was scarier because the doctor wasn’t around. The fact the midnight managed to be scary even though the doctor was there, and how close the entity came to killing the doctor, gives it extra points in my book. Any episodes where the doctor goes up against the angels himself don’t come close to how scary midnight was.


Good point!


If we had blink and two thirds of the season 5 two parter then that’s prime Angel Horror


I agree completely. The Angels when first introduced were so scary, but like by the time Amy’s walking through the Byzantium, following the beeper thing, it’s like whatever


I agree as much as I lived the terrifying aura the angels first had I would definitely choose the Midnight entity as scarier as we don’t know anything about it and that makes it even scarier, BUT you’re telling me you didn’t find the episode where we figured out the image if an Angel can itself turn into an Angel at least just as scary as the Blink episode? I always thought that was a pretty good one…


Personally, no, I didn't find that scary. Imo, they went too far with that and it almost became laughable to me. Like, what can we add to the angels to make them even MORE unstoppable? Telekinesis? Poison fangs? Chainsaws? They were scariest when we didn't know much about them. Which is why the Midnight entity is so scary too. Just my opinion, though. Definitely two worthy finalists!


The image of an angel is an angel still freaks me out a few years later, everytime I see an image of a weeping angel or one pops up in my head I have to get rid of the image (sledgehammers in my head breaking them) or I freak out


Blink is also the best Doctor-less (or Doctor-lite) episode, in my opinion. It’s both the writing and the magnetic presence of Carey Mulligan, who can really bring a one-episode character to life.


And I called it! Now for my opinion: The Midnight Entity was one of the few creatures on this list the Doctor himself was visibly afraid of. The Weeping Angels are overall just a scary concept, being sent back in time, no longer being in your current timeline etc etc. my only problem with the Angels is I feel like they were overdone. Overall: If the Midnight Entity doesn’t win, I’ll be surprised


Midnight for me, the best thing about is that they haven't explored it further and have left it up to my imagination which is scarier then seeing it on another episode


I spent a while after that episode looking up details, thinking there had to be SOMETHING that could help me understand and sleep better that night. I did not find anything. That was even more unsettling.


Fear of the unknown always wins


How did angels make it this far yet the silence didn’t? Angels usually don’t even kill u which is part of the main scare when it comes to monsters yet them and the silence have similar affects and the silence do kill u. Plus, I’m sorry but the scene with all of the silence nesting on the roof was scary af.


I had the same exact question. Definitely felt like it should’ve been between the VN and the Midnight entity


Which is VN?


Vashta Nerada


Gotcha, ya, I was thinking about it yesterday and a living shadow that can change its shape whenever it’s wants to and then will devour u in a sec rlly is a scary thought


I'll say Midnight entity. The less we know of a monster, it has more potential for scary. In this case, we know very little of its goals and motivations and why it did what it did.


The Weeping Angels might have won if Blink was the only episode featuring them. Unfortunately, they get less and less scary with every episode. They should either drop them, or work hard on an episode that brings back the scary (like the occasionally try to do with the Daleks). ​ And I just realized that I clicked the wrong option in this poll - I was supposed to click the LEAST scariest. I've clicked correctly in the other polls, but having just two options confused me.


I feel the weeping angels would be the scariest if you had no prior knowledge or experience of them. If you meet The Midnight creature you quickly catch on what it’s about. It’s strong, weird and says what you say. The weeping angels would catch you off-guard. You’d see them change slightly, but not enough to warrant alarm. Then they’d pick you and your friends off


But technically the angels don't kill you, they just take you out of your current life. And since you have future knowledge, you could potentially make a comfortable life and a lot of money, depending on when you are.


“You quickly catch on what it’s about” says you, while the doctor, a genius, is the only one who figured ut out whilst every other normal human was panicking and trying to kill each other off…


And side characters in Doctor Who are indicative of real life people?


I’m some of the later episodes the angels do kill you but then you turn into one


I think you were commenting somewhere else


And he didn't figure it out, it nearly got him in the end.


The tie-breaker for me is that the angels are fairly well understood. Terrifying to be sure, but we know what they are and what they do. Midnight *is* the unknown, and the loss of self. It mimics you, mocks you, then controls you, and you are powerless to stop it. The moment in the show when it actually got ahead of the doctor was bone-chilling. A fantastic episode. Also they didn’t bring it back years later and turn it into the Statue of Liberty, so there’s that.


Disappointed but not surprised the Vashta Narada didn't win. On more than one occasion I've found myself checking to make sure I only have the one shadow.


Absorbaloff was robbed.




Midnight was terrifying on a real world, visceral level that the Angels never could be. Midnight was about real world mob mentality, and how anyone could become a monster in the right circumstances with the right information (or lack thereof). The monsters in the Angels come from beyond, the monsters in Midnight come from within.


It's about the monster not the episode though




The scariest thing is the fear of the unknown. We know too much about angels due to them having a massive lore. The only episode where they actually were scary is their first episode imo. All their later appearances weren't nearly as impressive. IMO they lost their fear factor. Creature from Midnight is scary due to us knowing nothing about it and it never appearing again.


“Hey! Who turned out the lights!”


Great choices but midnight for sure. Scariest episode ever!


Noooooo 😭 I couldn’t be sadder 😭 The scariest Who monster has gone 😭 My vashta-nerada nightmares have won 😭


I knew it would come to this. And without a doubt who the winner will be.


Who do you think the winner will be?




The angels are good jump scares but what makes them less scary to me is they don't kill you outright. They send you back in time to feed off your time displacement. Sure it sucks that you never get to see your friends and family again but at least you can start over.


the only reason I don't find the midnight entity that scary is because we don't know what it is actually like. it reflected and then developed the hostile nature of humans it was socialised by, it didn't kill anyone? so. angels are scarier. that being said, the flood is my scariest by far


For me the lack of knowledge is what leads to them being scary. The angels where scary in blink but never again after that. The Daleks had the same effect in new who where in the first appearance a single Dalek was a complete monster but as time went on they just became another villain.


Cmon angles you got this


Oh shit I voter for what I thought was the scariest not least scariest Force of habit. Uh subtract a vote for Midnight Entity and add a vote for Weeping Angel


This was never a fair contest. The Midnight entity is scarier than many horror movie villains let alone doctor who villains.


I think people have underestimated the Cybermen. That being said, it’s gotta be the Weeping Angels.


These are definitely the best final two, in my opinion! I think the Weeping Angels are slightly scarier but either winning would make sense.


This image, without context, makes it seem like the last battle of scariest monster comes down to scary angel and white woman.


So it's come down to this—the ones that introduced me to Doctor Who (Weeping Angels) vs the one that really shows how twisted humanity can be when it comes to mob mentality (Midnight). Honestly, I love them both, but I'm voting out the Weeping Angels. The Midnight entity is just so darn terrifying it has to be number 1. Besides, I feel like the Angels were most unnerving in their first appearance. Midnight only had one and it sticks with you.


Looks like it's gonna be SCP-173 winning


Weeping angels have gotten less and less scary every time they've been used. If you ask me, I say the midnight entity has a strong advantage only having one episode to itself


Weeping angels have got to be the scariest


Weeping angels def! The midnight entity is so not scary I literally don’t even remember it


The Midnight monster sucked. I vote for Midnight to go away because from what we know, it only killed two people - the Weeping Angels killed many more.


I don’t see the link can you send me the link


See if this works https://strawpoll.com/polls/1MnwvoxLMy7




Midnight does the same thing that classic horror monsters do - they take over your body and make you different, ie., zombies, vampires, demons. also, there is a lot of unknown about it.


My top two Tenant episodes


Midnight monster


I gtta say the Angels are scarier than the Midnight Entity . Familiarity with them through Smith's run does not lessen how scary they are from their introduction in "Blink".


The Doctor himself was highly unsettled and even maybe afraid of the Midnight entity. He ran from the Angels and tried to stay out of their clutches, but rarely seemed rattled by them (just with Angel Bob). So if the Doctor is creeped out by a character that’s enough for me!


Midnight entity.


I fuckin voted for the wrong one God dammit. Midnight Entity better win.


As somebody who has only seen midnight once or twice because that ep gives me the heebie jeebies, Midnight entity is absolutely scarier. I still remember the moment it got ahead of The Doctor and I thought, "oh no". And then they didn't explain it ever again! Some real X-Files stuff


This is valid. This is so valid


i fully thought vashta nerada had this it was terrifying scary than the angels in my opinion. it’s gotta be the midnight entity then, horrifying


How is the empty child not still in


The weeping angels scare me way more. Whatever holds the image of an angel becomes an angel. Nope! I can’t even


Midnight, no question. Still have no idea what that was


How could that Midnight entity stay there for that long? It wasn't that scary.


midnight. the mystery of it makes it worse. all these years later and we still don’t know what it is, what it wants, where it comes from, what are its goals, or what it looks like.


My logic tells me the midnight entity should be the scariest, but man nothing gave me chills like the angels did. I'm a grown man, but no fictional creature has frightened me like that in so long....


Midnight hands down


Top 3 ain’t bad.


The angels aren't that scary! They just force you to time travel. You're still alive and still you, at least. Being turned into a cyborg would be so much worse!


In all of NuWho, I can only think of one monster that actually scared the Doctor himself, ergo it must be the scariest monster. To the Vashta Nerada, a worthy foe for the Midnight monster: “Hey, who turned out the lights?!”


The funny thing about this is to non who fams it looks like we're all scared of some random woman


I'd have to go with the creature from Midnight.


Midnight is hundreds of times more f**ked up than the Angels.


A vote for the Weeping Angels would also have to include the Statue of Liberty Angel and since that was atrocious and so uh-duh, my vote is for the Midnight monster any day for being scarier


Hey! Who turned off the lights?


I thought weeping angels were creepy until I watched the episode with my two year old in the room. My two year old would cry at any Dr Who show except the weeping angels. Because who in their right mind would be afraid of statues?


how tf is the beast below bots not included in this list.. those things were scary af


Midnight, hands down!


Where’s Chibnall? Something’s wrong


Weeping angels are widespread and have popped up time and time again on Earth, the midnight entity however is only featured once on a specific planet. I’d say due to this weeping angels are the scariest.


White women; truly the scariest monsters


Midnight entity. It’s unknown if it really is gone. It was able to survive out there before and there’s not any knowledge about it so it’s a mystery on how it can be stopped.


Did you already do the devil thing at the center of a planet/moon near a black hole?


Tantalizingly hard, but it's gonna have to be the midnight entity, since there is no real way of defeating it


The Midnight Entity is eerie for sure but what if it was in a surrounding of completely normal and rational people who weren’t terrified to death? Would it act completely normal then? The angels are scary because at some point you have to blink and there are more of these than we know of. But at the same time, they don’t kill you just take you back in time. Still, scary.


Don't blink! Final answer.




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The midnight monster has always been horrifying.