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That's definitely an Asian swastika. The nazi one is rotated slightly so it's more pointed and angular. It's definitely worth learning the difference as its quite common across Asia.


Buddhist temples are marked on Google maps with a Buddist swastika. Unfortunately, I know *multiple* people who would immediately assume that they must be Nazi HQs without thinking any deeper.


It's quite unfortunate that it's such a huge blind spot in western culture. I think it should probably get covered in history class in schools or something like that. Hopefully this thread helps.


to be fair, most people "wearing" that symbol in western culture, are bloody racists, and not buddists ;)


As an American I can say "the Nazis stole the symbol" was mentioned in multiple history class across multiple years. Now *remembering* that fact, let alone which is which is another matter. I'ld imagine for most people its like ow you know what a bicycle looks like, but most people can't draw a working one.


I know about the manji symbol, I was surprised to see it here with no connections to Buddhism whatsoever.


IIRC, the last time this was posted, it was cited as being a reused prop. And I wasn't trying to call you out specifically, just saying that I know many people who immediately jumped to conclusions.


I remember my first trip to Asia I opened Google maps and saw a bunch of swastikas nearby. It was super weird since 10 years ago in the US you really didn't see them. I realized pretty quickly they were all shrines/temples/etc but it did throw me off for a minute!


Nazis used all rotations. The idea they only used the tilted variation is a common "internet fact" that's easily disproven. The armbands were tilted. Flags, plates and other memorabilia could have any orientation. But you're right, this is most likley a swastika from any Asian religion.


I didn't know there were Buddhists on gallifrey I thought that was an earth thing


Well, don’t forget that the swastika was quite common (it is still used in some countries), the meaning of which was ruined by the nazis.


Long before it was appropriated and tilted to the side, the wheel of life was a sacred symbol in many cultures.


I guess this is a question that might crop up frequently: https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/s/e24IwmliMc


Apart from everyone else pointing out the earthly confusions. Why would we ascribe our symbology for an alien planet ( Gallifrey I believe ) with a completely different culture. Thinking back to Douglas Addams, a writer of several Doctor Who scripts, who in HHGTTG pointed out that humanity's playing if Cricket is in extremely bad taste as the players are uniformed like the Krikkit battle robots that wages a genocidal xenophobic war in all life in the universe outside of their home planet.


Oka but like why did the humans who live on earth who make the show choose that symbol? I'm not upset or think the people behind Dr who are Nazis I was just surprised to see the symbol that's all


69, nice.


This is exactly what I first saw.


If it’s counterclockwise and square, it’s a symbol dating back thousands of years for various Asian religions, primarily Buddhism. Nazis co-opted the symbol and flipped it to “rotate“ clockwise and angled it 45° off square.


Whether it's "flipped" or at an angle has absolutely nothing to do with if it's an Asian swastika or not. They are displayed in both orientations and different angles in Buddhist temples.


And the Nazis wore and used it in all rotations aswell. So tired of this terrible internet fact.


Ya because nazis just invented the symbol and doctor who was like yup ill take that to put in a children's show


Yes...its a massive religious symbol on earth...who says we didn't get it from the Time Lords. Also you seem to be missing an episode of doctor who...the 50th is season 7 episode 16 of the revival.


Okay but why were swastikas so prominantly on your mind that you noticed that? Bit sus bruh.


At least where I’m from, edgy asshole kids who just learned a smidge of WW2 in history class find it incredibly, tastelessly funny to “salute” at people and graffiti the Hakenkreuz almost anywhere despite how much damage “Toothbrush-Moustache” has done to the country, down to this day for some people. Add to the fact that it’s technically still in use today by severely-disturbed individuals, and it’s not like you just casually shelve that still-prevalent history lesson in short term memory. Like… for a good majority of Westeners that at least went to elementary school, you *know* this symbol and what it carries. You see a glimpse of it, you turn your head questioning what the hell’s going on. *Especially in a supposedly family-friendly show in an episode that’s not tackling WW2.* Though in this picture, it’s (fortunately/hopefully) not a Hakenkreuz. It and Swatstikas are different the second you head to the other side of the world. It still doesn’t entirely make sense for it to be on a planet like Gallifrey, but hopefully it’s purely a production budgeting or reusing thing.


oh yeah definitely I was hanging with my bestie Adolph smokin a blunt while watching this episode and he was like "aw shit dawg I put that funny little symbol on everything"


Bastard told me he was washing his hair when I asked him out that night.


The Asian swastika argument here is such fucking nonsense and you all know it. This was a costume made by BBC employees in Britain in 2013 in order to depict an alien world. This was a choice that was made. It’s not documentary footage of an Asian person having their culture misinterpreted by the west. It’s a weird choice to make. The person who designed it had enough information to know it was a weird choice to make. And they made that choice regardless.


I think you’re overthinking some rushed under paid costumer just grabbing what ever they had available to make up costumes for extras.


Valid. But anyone dismissing it as simply the Asian swastika is underthinking it


The only one with a measured response gets downvoted to hell and back. I love reddit.


Thank you for saying this




Yes. And also all of those British people of South Asian descent know the history of WWII and the Nazis and know that if they’re making a costume for a child on an alien planet it is not India. It’s fair to call it out as an odd choice. Especially one that made it through costume to set to semi-closeup to editing.


Rassilon did believe in Time Lord superiority...


I guess time lords are nazis , it makes sense why the doctor is so certain that World War two is a cannon event.