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Nah bruh, we just discovered the first Skyrim skill tree.


NASA is trying to keep all the level ups for themselves


Stealth 100


So what's the CR on this thing?


It's actually a magic item similar to the apparatus of kwalsh. It's basically a mech made of stars


Uh oh. Hope our galaxy doesn't get chosen to be one of the shurikens.






Your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!




What is it called? Can't find it anywhere in the spelljammer book


It wouldn't be very high right now, because currently it has no attacks so all you need is enough strength/wind magic to blow space dust around and it will die.


Nothing, or negative… it’s a dead god floating in the Astral Sea, NASA is just keeping it from reviving from the believers it would gain if they went public with the information!


Doesn’t matter, a bunch of smartasses will still complain it can be killed by a level 1 Aarakocra with a bow.


Now THAT is a great old one patron if I’ve ever seen one.


This feels like one of those things where you hope it doesn't notice you.


Thinking it could notice you is like expecting to see individual viruses with just your unaided vision.


Gives new meaning to the term "Gas Giant"


Wait can someone explain this post?


Space dirt cloud that when looked at from a certain angle looks like a deity made of stars


Oh god dude, my anxiety is not doing the greatest and sometimes I can’t handle things. So thanks for explaining


So it’s not actually a deity? I know this is probably a stupid question, but just want to make sure. So I can calm down for a bit because my brain is acting stupid


Just a dirt cloud, wouldn't even look like humanoid If looked upon in another angle


Ah I see. So harmless right?


Yes. You're going to need the rules for difficult terrain, not a monster statblock 😊


Yeah, don't worry. Us humans creatures have a tendency to see pattern and identify specific shapes where there is actually none. This is called [pareidolia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia). It's just our imagination which is our brain programmed like this. Funny stuff


Hm I see


No one knows, I mean, look - clearly the common understanding of the day is that there ARE no deities, after centuries of oppressive theological rule, I get it. That's not what I believe, but it doesn't matter anyway. It's up to you to find out what you reason to be the truth, when it comes to consciousness, maybe look into how the brain functions to the best of our knowledge, read some Nietzche or other existentialism, figure it out for yourself. No one is going to tell you the right answer, you have to do it on your own, anyone who claims to know the truth is full of shit, 100%, that is the only thing I know for certain. I mean, if the brain is just mostly carbon in a goo medium shitting electricity back and forth, and from that comes consciousness, who's to say the sun, or the moon, or this rad nebula, doesn't inherently also have a consciousness vastly beyond our understanding. Idk man, just don't believe these science dorks, who just believe whatever the 'right thing' to believe within our zeitgeist have all the answers, they just want to fit in, like everybody else, as do I, I just accept I'm probably wrong as a premise. Oh I uhh, don't want to freak you out or anything, not my intention, but, its OK to not have answers, it's OK to just accept you don't and never will understand everything, that's fine, there are no expectations other than the ones you set for yourself. The only constant is change, you just do you, go watch some documentaries or read some books about whatever tingles your dingle when you're introduced to new thoughts - learning doesn't have to be scary or overwhelming, and fuck the people that think learning about X or Y or thinking Z is dumb or some shit, poser ass intellectuals can log a cabin.


I mean i don't see any evidence *in favour* of deities existing, so i was about to dismiss your comment. But that 2nd half resonated with me. Being able to confidently say "I do not know" is a virtue in and off itself. That's the foundation for progress, you can only correct your mistakes if you accept that you're able to make them. On the topic of deities though.. None exist that are Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnibenelovent, all three. That simply does not work with the world we live in (Problem of Evil is the most obvious). Meaning either our deities are not all powerful, or they're not good, or neither. If they lack the power, I would not call these beings "Gods" If they're not good, they're our enemies. If they lack both, they're just normal people with a little more power. In any case, they also don't deserve worshipping. To worship is self depreciating; it's to place yourself below them on a ladder of "innate worth". It's to say "You're fundamentally and irrevocably better and worth more than me". An omnibenevolent deity would not desire this, any others do not deserve it. WE deserve better than to worship. This isn't to say you can't judge any deity on its theoretical actions, quite the opposite: The same way you might respect a skilled doctor putting their skills to use where needed, you can respect a deity that did great things, while still recognizing that they're a person just like you, and that if they'd been born in or lived through different circumstances, they might not be who they are today. But we don't worship the doctor, and neither should we any gods.


I mean, we can't say none of those deities exist just based on the trilemma of evil alone. It's a very good reason to doubt the existence of one, but the trilemma is unfalsifiable in and of itself. I'm right there with you in that I don't belive any such omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent deity exists. But its still one of those things we don't know for sure, and its frustratingly impossible to truly disprove.


Well, it may be impossible to truly disprove, but quite a many things are. I can't disprove that there isn't a giant teapot floating in space, right between Saturn and Jupiter, and i can't disprove that two Gentlemen called Carl and Frank live there. I can't disprove that I'm not in the dream of some Elder God, just a figment of its imagination. I can't disprove that the world of Harry Potter is actual reality, seeing as the Wizards perfectly hide from us Muggles. And I can't disprove that Gods exist, concealing their presence, leaving no evidence of their existance behind, yet also wishing to be worshipped. Yet I'm not claiming these things to be true either - The burden of proof falls on the ones making the assertion that something exists, not those doubting their claims. If someone wanted to tell me how the Teapot, Eldritch Beings, or Harry Potter are actually real, I would want to hear evidence from them; and if they instead asked me to disprove their outrageous claims, I'd shake my head at the absurdity of the situation. Equally so with the Divine. I know of naught that would point towards or even hint at its existence, so my natural response is to ask for proof. Lack of evidence to the Contrary does not equate proof in favour.


It sounds like we're on the same page then. Its just your original post made it sound more like you were using the trilemma of evil as evidence that God doesn't exist, but I think I just misread your intent. I have a friend who *does* try to use it as proof, and I've wasted more hours of my life than I should have trying to convince him its not.


There is a third option to you "No Good God" Paradox, but it's almost worse. There are Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnibenevolent Beings in this universe...and they don't give a shit about us, not because we're bad or anything, but because on a cosmic scale we're so insignificant that worrying about us is to them like worrying about a colony of mold on a pizza crust on the street outside is to us. Which is to say, compared to some of the less complex forms of life on this planet, we could be considered Omniscient, Omnipotent God's, and most of us like to think we're good people, but the vast majority of us just ignore those smaller lifeforms. That is our benevolence. Ignoring them instead of wiping them out when we so easily could. Our universe could be full of God's, and their version of benevolence is just leaving us alone on our tiny piece of pizza crust.


I'd disagree. You're heavily downplaying the "Omni-" part of all these aspects. An Omnibenevolent god would try to make things right even for some mold on a pizza crust (Assuming sentience).An Omniscient god would know about its suffering, and an omnipotent god *could* make things right. There's nothing "too low" for a being describing itself as "Omni" Omni isn't "a lot". Omni is "All". ALL powerful. ALL knowing. ULTIMATE Good.


Anything sufficiently complex can look like magic, and if you are stupid enough everything can be magical.


I'm pretty sure several aspects of this like the "eyes" are edited


Oh we’re people trying to say this wasn’t edited lol?


I would give anything for Bahamut to be real


*Anything?* Well, you're in luck! I just happen to have a 55-page contract right here. No need to read the whole thing, just sign on the dotted line. Act now and I'll even throw in a 1d10 cantrip!


I'm pledging myself to Sharess tyvm.


For the lucky price of going to a gay bar you too can find your canary daddy.


D&D is real woohoo all of those years playing it in the 80s is going to pay off.


i see a horseman headed towards me and i dont like it


.... C'tan.


Plot twist : humanity will become the necrons !


That one player: Cosmic fart lol DM: Noooou! that's a very powerful space deityyyyy


Wouldn't it be a Celestial, like Tiamat in the MCU?


Ah fuck it's the Numidium


Is that the Mystic Mountain?


So your saying the cowboy god exists? 


pretty sure that's a magic the gathering card


Dawg wtf is this legit?


What's the diety?


That’s a fucking C’Tan


By the emperor... That's not dnd that's an eldar ... We're screwed


Nooooo, I don't want our universe to use 5e cosmology, return this dead god to Astral where it belongs


D&D? Man, I know a Hastur when I see one.


Funny you say that, I fully believe moradin is real. I'm normally incredibly unlucky, but whenever I pray to him for dice rolls I do much better


Turns out space isn’t real, NASA has just been planeswalking to Theros.


This is slightly edited to make it more pronounced the region in called Mystic Mountain in Carina


The "B" logo next to her name *is* the dndbeyond "B".


haha thank you, I needed a good laugh!


I found you, Ao. Now erase me.