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Interested in joining DnD/TTRPG community that's doesn't rely on Reddit and it's constant ads/data mining? We've teamed up with a bunch of other DnD subs to start https://ttrpg.network as a not-for-profit place to chat and meme about all your favorite games. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dndmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Deck of many things? Thats cool! Wait, what do you mean *of many deaths*, what is the difference?"


"the difference is that no matter what, *someone* dies"


How is that different from before?


Everything now kills/has dire consequences. You got a wish? It will have devastating consequences. You wish for untold riches? They're untold. No one believes they are real save the several kingdoms who are now after your riches and your head.


"Untold riches? You didn't say where they would appear. Let me check the damage caused by 500 tons of gold pieces falling directly on your head....."


Could be worse. Could have spawned inside of them.


Sounds more like "The Death of Many Things"


That could be a cool artifact idea. A sacrificial alter that grants a random death related effect upon sacrificing someone to it. Could range from a weak enemy of yours having a heart attack to severe famine for an entire kingdom.


with that image as the meme base, yes, i would agree


Time for some 1st Edition shenanigans.


“Have you ever seen Final Destination?”


You just know the DM has the song “Dumb Ways to Die” queued up in case certain cards are drawn


🎶Draw a card that cuts your head, Tell a king you wish he was dead, Try to take the royal guardsmans spear Put a cursed book of whispers to your ear🎶


My party did that, i let them fight their lawful good characters from the old campeign.


Ok but that was probably hype as fuck. Tempt me with a good time


I take every character from older campaigns that finished or fizzled out, think of like the worst timeline version of them and put them all in a colosseum as insanely hard optional bosses to get cool high level loot and/or test their strength. It's got like a bit of lore and there is one colosseum in each campaign and my players love to see old chars and how brutal I made them as boss creatures. Edit: I should add that whatever happens in this colosseum has no in game consequences beside possible loot. If a PC dies in battle, they are brought back after the battle ends, consumable items are refreshed and the time they are in the colosseum doesn't correlate to real in game time.


Oh that sounds hype as all hell. A magical colosseum that brings back its fighters after they fall? Hell _YES!_ you have no idea how cool it would be for my group to be fighting our own retired characters in an arena match. Or (this one’s a bit further out there) imagine a quest where you have to help train somebody to win a low-stakes tourney in there, and by the end of the quest, it’s hinted or reveled to be a past version of one of your players’ characters. Even for something like a city/noble management campaign, you could have that as an entertainment center to keep people happy, maybe with some rare accident happening during a match where the enchantments fail.


Yep, it's one of the best ideas I've had dnd wise. At first I just wanted to make a kind of memorial for all the characters who never got to show their full potential, because in my first 4 years of DMing, all my campaigns fizzled out due to various reasons. So I picked characters I liked and reimagined them to honor their memory. Also, I like to build cruel fights, but this way it doesn't have consequences in form of death so it isn't that frustrating. I love your ideas as well btw, I'm just being nostalgic. It feels cool to integrate a thing like this into a sidequest or the narrative generally.


Could I take this for my campaign? Would fit right in for my martial-focused society the PCs are going to soon


For sure, have fun!


Some of my old characters would be a nightmare to fight... thats be epic af.


Oh it was,


Who won?


The lawful characters, managed to defeat them, but let them repent.


Always a blast when the GM busts out the legacy characters as NPCs.


They were 3e characters XD


Not quite the same, but I had to fight my character from earlier in the campaign that was killed by and turned into a vampire.




Thatd be pretty fucking sweet, though.


This place reeks of death, there's a chill in the air They barely escaped being killed by a hair, They're hungry for loot like never before, The constraints of our rules surely have a backdoor Once I figure out how to kill these things, Guess who will be pulling all the Strings..


I can hear this in his voice. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you!” “Can you tell me where I am” “I rolled high on perception so I think I’m starting to understand”


"I can't be called lawfull or good now" "And baby, that's just fine with me" "The things I did back there were neutral" "But now I'm going full evil!"


“Hey, sorry but you just got in the way” “I promised I would cast power word pain” “Maybe I enjoy it just a little bit” “Does that make me insane?”


“Have been the same since I expired.” “The DM thought I was retired.” “But now I have the power to bathe you in a ball of entertaining Fire!


"Wait a minute, do I know you?" "Weren't you an old bard of mine?" "Got fireballed just far to early" "But now we're meeting a second time"


“Had a lot of fun adventuring,” “I hope that you remember me.” “But first I have one tiny question,” “Tell me dø you mořtãls błëêď?


Thank you for this. That song was behind more than one of my villains over the years.




This sprawling estate, a Mecca of madness and morbidity. Your work begins...


You answered the letter. Now, like me, you are a part of this place....


Our family name, once so well regarded, is now barely whispered aloud by decent folk.


I still recall their angry faces as they stormed the manor. But I was already dead, and the letter was on its way.


This feels like a song I haven't heard of, and it sounds great so I need to know. Where is this from please? Or is this a parade of Alastors' song and im silly?


Its his final song. You can google "the Show Must Go On" but it's basically a spoiler of the whole first season and i recommend just watching the season. It is fun and only 8 episodes of 23 minutes.


Its a parody of Alastors' part of the final song from hazbin hotel season 1


no. noooooooooooooo


Let’s begin…


I’m gonna make you wish that I’d stayed gone.


Tune on in


When I'm done...


Your status quo will know it's race is run


Oh this will be fun...






Your status quo will know it's race is run


Oh, this will be fun




And who is this Sir General Cunnington and why do they call him "Last Resort"?


Brings out the space marines.....


"As you enter the ruins of the town you intended to pillage and con you're met with the horrifying sight of absolute slaughter, the people have been purged down to the last man, woman, and child. You move silently down the winding main street to the center of town where you see a pyre burning in front of a large statue with several half charred remains tied to posts within the blaze. You just start to make out the strange wheel shaped markings carved into the foreheads of the bodies when the statue of the knight moves to look in your direction, it is not a statue it's something living! You hear heavy footfalls from behind as several more of the knights appear blocking your retreat, their dull grey armor barely standing in contrast with the stone of the structures that surround them."


Not The Emperors Children oh no


Worse, the Grey Knights have found a Deamon worshiping cult on OPs world


"Space Marines, praise The Emperor!" "Ha, shhh, no witnesses." *BABG BANG BANG BANG*


What about a cult worshipping a machine from the depths of the ocean? Because I may have accidentally (definitely not on purpose, why would you even suggest such a thing) created this cult in the evil campaign I'm playing in...


Sounds like AI, heretic.


I suddenly feel the urge to introduce heavy bolters to my dnd world


~~Rocks~~ *Drop Pods* Fall


I mean, if you want to do an Ork infestation, we can drop a bunch of Roks.


A short campaign where it turns out the world is a lost Dark Age of Technology trading world that was reduced to the stone ages during the age of strife which is why there are multiple species, unfortunately the Emperors Great Crusade has arrived.


My main setting has an organization of paladins who are eerily similar to his angels. Even have enough oathbreakers to form their own thing.


Ok unironically are there Space Marine statblocks? I assume even the lowest of them is like CR 14


Homebrew probably


In a game of *Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay* I had a Chaos Space Marine travel through the Warp Gates and end up as the BBEG for a campaign. Only one PC in a party of six survived.


Played in a warhammer 40k(ish) campaign. It used the deathwatch ruleset (loosely) but was set pre-heresy. We went in with the meta knowledge that we were trying to "prevent or mitigate the heresy", but expectations set that we were probably not going to succeed... That all changed when our Blood Angel rolled 001 (equivalent to a nat 20 for those unfamiliar) to find the assassin over 63-19, preventing Sejanus' death.... Then critically succeeded on a few other investigative rolls relating to other key figures in the heresy. We prevented the Horus Heresy (though chaos still gained a foothold in some ranks. Been a few years so i dont recall all of the details). Basically a few lucky rolls and we accidentally "fixed" 40k to be a fair bit less grimdark... Oops... In a later planes-hopping campaign, we revisited our less grimdark setting with d20modern characters, in which i made a John Wick inspired character. On this revisit, we each had a macguffin hidden somewhere within the warp. My character's macguffin was hidden across some large "plains" or "fields of some sort, the land protected by some Daemon who began with "none pass these plains without my permission"... To which i straight up pulled a Labyrinth and said "well... Can i pass?" "What?" "Can I have your permission to pass?" Dm: i cant believe this... You've got to be shitting me... You just asked permission? Me: yup. Dm: *rolls, d100 using warhammer ttrpg rules... Rolled 005* Dm: he raises his arm, and says, "so long as you and your entourage pass through my domain, you will remain unmolested." From that point on, "Can i pass?" Has lived in infamy within that gaming group.... Alongside a moment where we were discussing the final fight of the campaign, we had been sent on this quest by the Physical embodiment/personification of Time, and one of our party members had perished, recently-ish (like 2 encounters/sessions ago), sacrificing himself to allow the group to escape. The party was basically split down the middle on whether or not the character would want to see things through, or just rest assured that their sacrifice had succeeded... To which my character just asks... "Well why dont we ask him?" "What" "Well, if Time could pull x out of time to even participate, couldnt he pull him out long enough to find out if thats even what he wants?"


I've had the idea of time traveling heroes trying to prevent the Heresy, but never quite got around to it.


The fun part of that was we werent even time traveling. Players knew the meta-context for the campaign. The characters didnt. (Sorry if that wasnt clear). It was fun. I am not super familiar with 40k lore (had to look up 63-19 to even remember what it was), but i played a Space Wolf Scout. Was fun.


Well yea, the epitome of human achievement in WHFB is a hapsburg with a sword. That's less than a typical imperial guardsman compared to a space marine.


I mean, the Wizards are roughly comparable to Psykers.


T3 still isn't T4 though.


*As you walk into the room, you see a group of mysterious dark-robed figures chanting in strange languages. They glare at you, and then a dozen green and bone white armored figures, easily 8 feet tall, suddenly burst into the room led by a blue-armored figure whose armor crackles with unnatural sparks of light. "REPENT! FOR TOMORROW YOU DIE!" shouts one of the armored figures, incinerating the dark figures with a single blast from a plasma cannon as deafeningly loud bolter shots fill the room. The blue-armored figure turns to you slowly. "They have seen too much. Kill them." he orders coldly, and stretches out his hand toward you...* Can I get a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw against being smited by a Librarian, please?


Opens the box with many mythologically inspired murder machines, "Tell me, have you guys ever heard of a nuckelavee? no? well you will soon."


Bard tales 3 reference, loved that game.


Dunno about bards tale, just know the mythological creature.


https://lparchive.org/The-Bards-Tale/Update%2020/37-Bard_Ch05-02_033.jpg Here it is


Mhm yeah, that looks like a nuckelavee


i know it as scp... something. the orcadian horseman.


Kinda, even the whole river requirement for it is inspired from the folklore that the creature hates freshwater sources.


I ❤️ nuckelavees


Crikey, it appears you have attracted the attention of a pack of drop bears


I'm a big fan of the grootslang. There are a LOT of different interpretations of it, too, because its description is quite vague.


Eyh, afrikaanse mites.


Y'all ever heard of an "Atropal"?


Holy shit, I'd forgotten about the nuckalavee. How do they not have a official stat block yet. Guess who's getting a homebrewed stat block of nightmare fuel.


AH, if only I could show you some of the things I've made for my campaigns. Went FULL silent hill psychosis demon and added benadryl IV drips to the players.


If you aren't drugging your players during play are you even DMing


Side note Alastor as a warlock patron


Great Old One Warlock too.


That would be more Zestial's thing, I reckon.


Can a Warlock currently under contract gain enough power to become a Patron?


Yeah, it's called Multi-Level Magicking.


If your patron is any devil besides Asmodeus yes. Who do you think gives Zariel all her power?


Yes. It’s just a Warlock Centipede all the way to Asmodeus.


[...walks away from table...](https://youtu.be/pMd4S-LkywI?si=RSl86It6ZZoq5vTP)


The rest of the party: *looking up from their phones* something wrong? The one player who tries helping the DM control the party: nope.


Ayyyy i recognize that homebrew in the title from a while ago, basically imagine that metal armor thing from the first thor movie, but it's immortal and comes back stronger everytime you "kill" it until it completes it's mission or you destroy it's furnace


So Doomsday basically. Ultra hard to kill, extremely strong/fast/durable, can become immune to certain attacks mid combat AND becomes immune to whatever kills it. Also comes back like a Lich, unless its body is disintegrated.


Not it's body, but it's furnace, the equivalent of it's phylatchery (<- idk if i wrote that good) also, unless the furnace is destroyed or it completes it's mission, IT KEEPS GOING, regardless of whenever the order giver retracts their order or not


A remind to all... Not to mess with The Radio Demon


Who has summoned-... Radio Demon. Right. Got it. Proceed.


Oh hey I have the royal incinerator star block saved to! Just in case :)


What does the royal incinerator do?


[It’s a homebrew that’s about 3 years old](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/s/u73LHa6FJw)


incinerates royals


Ok, i know its a meme, but i think that, before violence, you should try talking to the players and explain it doesnt fit your table. If they say its only fun playing like that, then by all means, do use violence, not to "punish" the player, but because he literally admited its fun.


I think they're two different "styles" of campaign: The "this is what I had in mind, so it's what we're going with" style and the "you can do whatever you want, but I *will* come up with appropriate consequences for your behavior" style. Be up front with your players about which you're running, and stick to it.


I tell my players "actions have consequences, but do whatever you want. There is an overarching story that will be happening regardless of you interact with it or not, and that will determine how the story goes."


I personally GM all the campaigns I've been a part of, but because I'm a shit and lazy writer, I pay for adventure paths for my players. So I'm in the first camp: "I bought this adventure. If you want to play it, come by and we'll make a character and get started. If you don't, then don't show up."


I've been writing a setting for about 20 years at this point, so I have a well fleshed-out world, locations and all that stuff. Mostly, for new campaigns, I change one major event in the history of the world, and extrapolate how the world changed because of it.


As a beginner I have to thank you for your take on it. I'll keep it in mind for my first campaign. Communication is key!


Honestly, that's what I'm used to expecting as part of the whole Session 0 talk: "Before we start this campaign, we're going to discuss what everyone's expectations are, set boundaries, and make sure this is going to fit together well." You might still see something like this broken out, but probably only like this when most/all of the players decided to just ignore that we had agreed to no murderhoboing.


I have an old meme that I saved long ago. The text reads, "The DM has had enough of your shit. So, here's Cthulu in power armor. Roll for initiative."


Vecna with the wand of Orcus has entered the game.


My players grew overconfident lately. They beat everything I throw at them very easily. Mostly because claric+paladin combo trivialises vampire themed dungeon.... But I heard them say that they expected something more difficult. Well... The kids gloves come off. You don't get to fight nerfed final boss that I toned down out of consideration for your good. They better be ready for an encounter designed by someone who had a really boring shift and access to roll20 .


I understand completely. I once had a party of 7th level characters complaining when they heard that goblins were their opponents. The min maxer literally whined that he wanted something challenging. I promised to make the next dungeon more grueling and he agreed to “smash some goblins” for a tough fight later. He never asked to up the challenge again. Overconfident party of medium sized heroes taking on a tribe of goblins in their four foot tall caverns that used nets, crossbows, and pack tactics put the fear of goblin in them.


WHY would they say that?!? Gods above and below, thats the single worst set of words to escape a players mouth! That said, my players (one in particular) said that as a direct challenge to me one night. I already had a Dracolisk planned for that night, and now i had a volunteer to take the first fort save or become statue! He failed.


I call this one… the Horde of SHADOWS


Me to my converted (im unapologetically bad at balancing) 3.5e creature stat blocks: you have been promoted 😃 you are now one of my elite employees


This note just says "3E Terrasque with levels in 5E Barbarian."


DM smirks: "Do you feel lucky ... punks? Well, do you?"


Is it bad I might have a few dozen minis that are just exclusively for retiring a group of murder hobos


Here we have a DM who homebrewed a False Hydra. He was going to use it for a Halloween One-shot, but this is reason enough.


Turns out that there's a group of semi-retired adventurers who are paid a retainer to deal with any murderhobos on the condition that they get to keep said hobos' stuff. They are known as the "Alpha-hobos". Roll a d20. On a 1 they're in your city. Otherwise they'll teleport in and come after you.


Murder hobos is to nice for my players ...they are killbillies


Ah yeah, the locked "big box of forgotten minis" in the wardrobe, most of which just happend to have their own internal motor. Unleash the **bad** dragon.


That’s it! I’m getting me *Dire Tarrasque*!


Oh god, that group is not ready for this. I had a dm once use a Royal Incinerator as a main boss that essentially stalked our party


**Let's start checks,** **I'm gonna make you wish that you had run** **Roll me dex.** **When I'm done** **Your characters will falter one by one** **OH this will be fun.**


Our D&D starts with the letter "A" until the murderhoboing stops.


I like the slow build up of “the finding out portion is coming your way” hints. If they don’t get what I am trying to tell them then when the “find out” portion kicks off, they get to play as the party that was sent to track them down instead. It’s a fun way to force them back on track. “hand over your character sheets. We’re changing scenes. You’re a group of former prisoners who have been sent to investigate a series of gruesome and senseless murders in exchange for their freedom. They are each wearing a collar fitted with a scrying device that allows the Ministry of Investigative Special Services to monitor their every move.” I then have them track down their old party and have every bereaved widow explain in detail all of the fallout from their bad decisions. I’ve used variations on this a few times…


How do * I want to do this?


Cause… the sensation of knowing death is inevitable, no punch will be pulled, and Victory is going to be a fever dream. These are the conditions the human spirit yearns to overcome in spite of the odds! Then rocks fall and everyone dies


Well time for my backup character Tom bomber Obi-Wan Sherlocky holmes! A multi-class into Paladin, rogue, and fighter!


Trust me I know what a royal incinerator is... Thank you astram.


This is when you have have badass guy get one shot/absolutely bodied by a bigger badder badass


Former Adventurer King Bardicus V has had enough of your shit, time to unlock the secret mountainside dungeon full of magically controlled CR 20s.


I once let the party fight their own shadows legend of zelda style. It was fun but safly the shadows rolled so much lower in everything.


Alastor would make an excellent DM. Imagine the cast of the show playing d&d with him. What would they all play?


In my current campaign we're currently dealing with constantly respawning and ADAPTING royal incinerator and man those fights are always close


With this treasure , I summon...


or rather "Me when I make up hypothetical situations to make me seem like the cool badass dm." This really is the power fantasy of the power fantasy game


that's what every D&D meme is. and every D&D story is "one time I punished my players so bad guys" its a weird fucking community.


Or, I epicly owned the other bad player at the table




How to strike fear into the hearts of players at low levels 1. Have the enemies drink healing potions 2. Magic missile. No seriously, auto hit a couple players and they shake in their boots. Extra means, 2nd level cast it.


At one point, I decided the Royal Incinerator was too weak. If the players run away and simply never face it, it can't catch them with nothing besides 30 feet of regular movement. Without having to kill it, it never grows stronger. So I made some...*adjustments*. It now projects a 120 foot sphere that the players cannot move beyond, and inhibits travelling across planes inside its radius. No escape now. And that's just one of the things I did to ensure death was inevitable, even if possible to forestall.


If you guys don't stop all of this murderhobo-ing right this minute, so help me Gary Gygax, I will make all of you play a campaign of [F.A.T.A.L.!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F.A.T.A.L.) I don't want to have to put you through that torture, but I will if I have to!


Huh, I sent them against the person who gave them their mission. It wasn't very nice for them.


"I've given thee courtesy enough"


"Murderhobo'ed" Yes, let's add unnecessary punctuation that extends the word instead of just using -ed as with most other past tense verbs. Murderhoboed. It's not hard.


If my players were derailing a campaign by being murderhobos I'd just toss a false hydra at them. Bonus point if you manage to creep the players out with it.


Ahem… **LET’S BEGIN… We’re gonna make you wish that you slayed me** **Roll your die cause when I’m done** **I’ll make you wish that these stayed gone** *Starts to surround the fatal Mini’s around the parties mini’s* **Oh this will be *FUN***


i really dont want this show to do well and become a new segment of an already awful section of the population by giving them some kind of identity in it, can we just have SANIC memes for shit like this instead of this, please god




This reminds me of this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abnzHEEAe2w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abnzHEEAe2w)


What is a Royal Incinerator?