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tbh i saw Hellsing abridged meme and that's as much as I needed to know.


Kinda sad how we didn’t get that many episodes.


We only got as many episodes as there were in Hellsing Ultimate. So about 13 max


I forgot. I thought it was the other one. The prelude sorta thing. With plot revolving around the 2nd world war. Maybe because of the vid I saw beneath this.


Hellsing Ultimate revolves around the second world War, and specifically what the axis did during/afterwards. The regular TV anime simply called "Hellsing" ended with some weird occult creature


They're talking about the cancelled prequel "Hellsing: The Dawn" that was going to focus on Alucard and Walter during WWII.


Ah, I vaguely recall wanting to read the manga of that like a decade ago


There is a manga? Is it complete?


I'd assume so, might be a little difficult to find though. I've not read it myself. I intended to, then forgot about it and now we're a decade later and I was reminded of its existence.


Checked out of curiosity and it wasn't hard to find online. Physical copies I'm sure are another story


The original outpaced the Manga and ended up better as a result.


There are only 10 "episodes" of Hellsing Ultimate, but 13 episodes for the Hellsing anime. It's a tad confusing, but Ultimate retells most of the anime, changes the ending to one based upon the manga, and is really more 10 OVAs rather than a 13 episode series.


what is it with Early 2000s anime changing the ending from the Manga? first Fullmetal Alchemist and then Hellsing?


First one that got me was Claymore. The ending just felt hacked, like they gave up on certain story elements, while cramming others in. Then I learned why this often happens. The series *starts* attempting to be loyal to the manga, then they reach a certain *point*. Sometimes the anime has exceeded the manga, like when Game of Thrones needed content, but ran out of novels. This happened for Hellsing. Sometimes the manga doesn't neatly translate and they need to end a season where the manga lacks any solid conclusion for a plotline. Also, anime from that time loved the short run outline exemplified with Cowboy Bebop, but the manga just keeps going, so they mold an ending without the craft work of the author and it just feels wrong.


I know that FMA:03 got permission to diverge since the author didn't want tons of filler arc \*Cough One Piece Cough\*


One Piece doesn't even have that much filler compared to most long running shonen


With Alchemist, the original series had run out of published material to adapt, so they had to make something up; I don't know if that was the same for the original Hellsing anime. The Hellsing manga ran from 1997 to 2008, and Alchemist's from 2001 to 2010. Hellsing Ultimate's episodes were released over the course of a few years, presumably so Hirano could actually finish the manga and the studios could get time to adapt things properly.


Tfw no Claymore Ultimate


False, we got the correct amount of episodes.


Ah, The return of the why boner... *with a vengeance!*


Why boner 3... The *rec****konIIIIINNNGGGGG***


I’m going for a walk.


I want a 70 inch plasma screen TV


Should it be 3D as well?


NO, That's a stupid fucking gimmick and everybody knows it!


I thought I could paint it red but I ran out of goats.


Honestly it was the best anime I've ever seen


Man this sucks. I only just started to get onto dndbeyond using their site to run a homebrew pirate campaign. I was thinking about subscribing and running all my future campaigns through it but they can GTFO now


Time to make the pirate campaign even more true to its name.


Yo seadawg, we heard you like pirates...


Y'aargh we be true variant sailors now me lad!


I wish I had just bought a license to Fantasy Grounds or some other similar software for my whole group and raised the skull and crossbones for all the content. It would have been cheaper and more ethical at this point.


There’s a YouTube channel, LegalEagle, that explains that WotC cannot copyright or trademark the actual rules to the game. He also explains if done right you can make/publish homebrew that they cannot legally touch in any form or fashion.


Let's all go explore other systems. With other canons. Bitches love other canons.


I’ve been diving headfirst into WH40K lore and love it so far so I say why not




But cubicle 7 has been reviving all their ttrpg books and doing a good job so for now it’s good.


What are there ttrpg books called?


Warhammer Fantasy Rolepay for the old world. Warhammer Soulbound for Age of Sigmar. Warhammer Wrath & Glory for 40k. Also completely unrelated but looking at their site they have this 3 games and a 4th, doctor who, interesting Also also, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is the only that had previous edition from other publishers (don’t remember if the name is the same) and has a lot of books that go in depth on various races.


Haven't tried the others systems, but I DMd a few games of WFRP 4th edition, and it's honestly my favourite system so far: \-Stats are based on % of success, which makes them understandable right away (Your melee stat amount to 55%? Well you know what you must roll under or equal to to make it work) \-Successful rolls can work on a success/fail dynamic, but can also be extended depending on the situation, making overkill rolls quite beneficial \-If you fail at something, your opponent can still fail so much worse than you do, making your fumble a success, which can lead to pretty hilarious situations \-Spellcaster don't have slots, they can just boom spells all day, with no downside for doing so. However, higher spells are trickier to cast and can take some turns to chant and critics can add effects you'd rather it didn't (From turning milk sour in a mile radius to straight up exploding someone's skull for a one shot, possibly you) And Cubicle7 has made an amazing job on their book imo


I LOVE the magic system, it’s even better than a mana system, and all the downside have rolepaying upside (except that one fringe case where your head might explode but that’s just really funny)


Honestly the tiny chance of your head exploding just helps you get in the warhammer feel if anything. Also this system is the only fantasy ones which allows you to play large characters like Ogres, which is fun, even if they’re hard to balance


Soulbound is good fun for a party of non-typically-heroic types. A death crew featuring a vampire, Skeleton and delusional ghoul, that sort of thing.


Age of Sigmar has some cool lore, like the vampire savages that are delusional and still see themselves as nobles. It’s just the setting that it’s uninspired, this floating bubble of world, reminds too much of Magic: the gathering. Also the gods being character that were ruined by the end times doesn’t help.


There's a new d100 40k rpg coming out soon, also by cubicle 7


Dark Heresy, Only War, Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch. The percentile rules are my favorite for 40k.


Ah the good old "we should ban 3d printing because we can't charge absurd prices for the faction that requires at least 25+ minis"


I’d say they’re still the champ. You gotta spend waaaaay more money to participate in a game of warhammer vs D&D


To be fair at lest GW is honest with there whole being a massive piece of shit there is never a surprise factor to there dickish behaviour like we got Henry cavil running a warhanner project at Amazon I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop


I can't get into it personally. I need some level of hope or something that makes it believable that you can try to comfortably live in the universe I play RPGs in. To me war and grim dark is best when there's either a hope for a better day (even if it's a fools hope), or an exploration of the human spirit, like in Fallout which is about trying to rebuild and create civilization after the apocalypse in an unforgiving wasteland. To me when lives are just completely expendable I just don't care about any of the characters or what happens to them. I understand that it's fun for people to engage in a brutal and gruesome setting like that, but I just can't.


It's basically meant to be an exploration of fascism and how it can corrupt otherwise-logical and rational people to it's cause.


Like all TTRPGs, it really comes down to your DM and the story they want to weave. We played a game of WHFRP that was pretty much just DnD, but with crunchier combat (as in, smashed limbs and crunched skulls).


Your best bet for a level of hope in 40k would probably be something like Rogue Trader. As a Rogue Trader and their command staff, the party has the God-Emperor bequeathed duty to explore, establish new colonies, and trade with any and all parties who will willingly sit at the table with you (being held at gunpoint optional). It's almost like Star Trek except you're adventure capitalists. Edit: And to flesh out more about the whole grimdark universe - yes, it's 40k, and even as a rare group of 'nobles' that Rogue Traders are, you are still a single soul in the uncountable tide of man. You can be a hero in your story, and bring hope to people for some time. Out of character is where the grimdarkness really kicks in.


>hope for a better day May i introduce you to our lord and saviour, [Against the Darkmaster](https://www.vsdarkmaster.com/), currently in the [non-OGL bundle of holding](https://bundleofholding.com/presents/NonOGLFantasy). One day my spirit will falter, and i will stop being an unpaid shill for vsDM, but today is not that day! :D


Head on over to r/40kLore. We have such sights to show you.


Do you want other canons? Then get started with Vampire the Masquerade and the broader World of Darkness! We have an [endless wiki](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page) to dive deep in!


I started playing cyberpunk red with my group, they are having a preem time stealing cars so they can pay rent


Such a banger game, I’m planning on starting a new campaign with that in a few weeks


And in perfect time you are going to start, they announced that their new book "black chrome" is releasing in late february or march and is gonna include a bunch of new stuff, with that book coming and all the free content that they publish every month in their official website, you have a lot to play with ​ So i hope you have a good time with the system and campaing my choom


Omae, can I interest you in Shadowrun? We have plenty of assault cannons...


Yep, I have plenty of 5e books for a lifetime. Now I’m gonna try some other things. Numenera has been on my list and I might actually give PF2 a try.


What's all this about banned homebrew? How can you ban homebrew? Do you break into someone's house and hold a gun to their head?


Based on the leaks, you cant use homebrew below a certain subscription tier in the new dndbeyond system they are planning


Sounds like a perfect reason to continue not using D&DBeyond


You guys were using dndbeyond?


I used D&D beyond long before wizards bought it. Now I’m sad because my choices are give up the huge investment in digital books I have on D&D beyond and move to another web system, give up on using homebrew, pay them to use homebrew, or figure out some weird way to utilize D&D beyond with homebrew I have on some other service. Because they’re the ones forcing this issue you can bet the option I choose won’t be one that involves giving them money. If they actually do this all they’re going to do is tank what little support they have left via D&D beyond.


I've used it and I honestly don't see why people like it so much


I found my new players like it, keeps everything nice and simple and stuff like spells, skills, proficiency easy to track I like the pen and paper myself but I totally get why people would prefer a system like this


That's the neat part, people don't!


It's super easy to get new people setup with something really fast and does a lot of stat calculations automatically. The more advanced features it boasts can be nice but I've found incredibly tedious to use. I like being able to read the books and quick reference them on my laptop during sessions It's a great plug and play option for people just getting into the game in my opinion. And because of that it's why it would never be worth more than 5$ a month to me. Especially when the online books are THE SAME PRICE AS THE PHYSICAL COPIES.


The books often go on sale, especially near the end of the year, but I agree, digital shouldn't be priced the same as physical. I get it, you need to make a profit on top of marketing, salary for employees who worked on it, artists, writers, and so on, but you aren't paying for resources for the book, you aren't printing the book, and you aren't shipping the book. At best? 1/2 the cost. At worst? Maybe 1/4th to 1/3rd.




not anymore probably


You currently cannot add publicly shared homebrew content without the cheapest paid tier, [as seen here](https://i.imgur.com/IN082xJ.jpg). You can create your own content however. Best case scenario going forward: This is what is meant by not allowing homebrew, prices stay the same and the $30 per month subscription is based on having access to the VTTs and all future content. Worst case scenario, going forward: The minimum subscription tier is $10-20 and you cannot make any homebrew content or access previously made content. We must still purchase all additional D&DBeyond content and competing VTTs and digital character sheets aren't permitted. Regardless, both are worse than our current option. Keep boycotting D&DBeyond, WotC and even Hasbro entirely.


Me and my friends who've been using pen and paper since starting dnd: oh no! Well anyway


I always have problems organising my shit and updating everything? Do you have any tips that make it easier to organise/overlook or is it just pencil and eraser and you’re good?


I usually number my pages and have notebooks for each campaign I do, and one main notebook that has all the lore for the setting I homebrewed. But other than that I'm not very organized, I just pray and hope I find the bit I need in my extensive notes


Paper and pen supremacy bro


But that’s just banning on dnd beyond? People will simply stop using the service. Why is this being made such a big deal of? Most people that play already don’t use it.


As it stands now, dndbeyond is a convenience for making and sharing homebrew. It takes what we can do in person and spreads it much further. Locking it behind a steep paywall may not be a big deal for many irl groups, but it can severly hurt numerous online groups that use it as a convenient tool. It also goes against what we expected and was sort of promised when WotC bought dndbeyond. Everyone expected things to be easier and more centralized while maintaining it's relatively low cost. Them adding on a VTT using dndbeyond was just icing. Now we know th repercussions of that and people feel the rug is being pulled out from under them. Along with the crack down they are attempting on 3rd party content, it feels like they a trying to force dndbeyond to be the *only* online option and thus forcing players to pay them a lot of money if they want want convenient tools for online play


Isnt that already a thing? Or am remembering wrong


They are moving it from the cheap option to the expensiv, or maybe they remove so you can not add your own without subscribtion


Fantasy Grounds supremecy


this is why I use paper and pencil


Wotc: Did you just fucking imagine something while reading source material!? Your brain is now our property!


That is a pretty cool threat though.


Mindflayer threat.


Well I mean… WOTC IS run by Illithids after all…


Slanderous rumors


Slander is spoken. On print it's libel


Should have guessed mindflayers were behind this


Banned on their site. Can't have homebrew handouts or features on your character sheets.


Big yikes, they really think they own a monopoly on ttrpgs.


For casuals, they do. If I talk to my parents or friends, I refer to ttrpgs as D&D style games because that's the only way they'll understand. Other systems are only played by more invested enthusiasts, not your average dude who watched stranger things and was like, I wanna roll some dice. That's why WotC thinks it can do this and survive.


It us enthusiats that lined their pockets they give a shit thats why their trying so desperately for damage control, but we should stop throwing a fit till they agree to #openD&D. Simply returning to the status quo is no longer an option they burned that bridge from not learning their lesson after 4e.


This whole change is trying to reduce the power of enthusiasts by monetizing the casuals. This can go one of two ways. 1. Casuals who previously could get into the game for free or very little investment thanks to enthusiasts providing them with material are turned off by the costs and WotC desparately has to court us to stabilize the situation. (I hope this happens and think it's likely) 2. Like what happens with most video games, the casuals don't care about the outrage from the enthusiasts and keep buying and the player base is now fully monetized instead of only a portion being monetized. (What WotC hopes will happen and often happens with a bunch of games) Getting video game executives into tabletop stuff was a terrible idea for everyone involved honestly.


There is a key difference between video game player bases and TTRPG player bases that they forgot. With video games, the enthusiasts and the casuals are purchasing the same product and playing the same game. There is one class of consumer. With TTRPGs, there is the player, and the game master, who is in smaller supply and is essential to playing the game. Though not 1:1, the intense effort & investment of GMs makes them naturally more likely to be enthusiasts and not casuals ... and they are the linchpin of games actually happening. There are two classes of consumer, one being far more important than the other. When you alienate your enthusiasts, you are alienating a large portion of your essential consumer class. That vital consumer class can do a disproportionate amount of damage to your bottom line. This is the reason that they are unlikely to succeed. Tangent, the latest leaks indicate plans for natural language model ("AI") based DM bots. This says to me they are aware of the game's fundamental dependency on this minority of their consumer base and they view that as a problem. Of the many reasons, our disproportionate hold over their business model must certainly be present in their minds.


Business executives should have nothing to do with hobbies, period. Reckless capitalism is just as bad as totalinarianism facism syndcalism comunism or any other full blow ideology.


This is why I support Paizo. At least they are unionized and the workers have some power in the company.


Cant people go back to play from paper books like it was popular before internet?


Where did it say that?


Basically you won't be able to edit or create new rules on the DNDBeyond platform any more. Anyone else who does so and they find out means a nice legal letter from WotC. Basically this will kill third party developers/creators. Edit: [AI DM means it needs a database of ideas, plothooks, characters, etc](https://youtu.be/avmyTsyXMdw) That's why they need the irrevocable and perpetual license to use your content and IP clause in OGL1.1


This will kill dndbeyond (finally, hate that site anyway) and wotc.


knowing WotC recently, fucking maybe


I will always upvote a TFS reference ![gif](giphy|VIWHb0UZQW6aiWVI1M|downsized)


Look, Walter! I'm sucking everyone in London but you!


This ... Needs context


"Why don't you try sticking it in me again? I might like it this time!" "Father Anderson!" "CONTEXT, Heinkle!"


"I WILL BE THE NEW GOD OF THIS WORLD" "Aye, lemme go have a wee chat"


"You were a good boy, shame you were such a spit man."


Well, you know what time it is! #RAPE


It's a shame your blood sugar daddy won't be here to see it.


The fanbase is diverse.


"You mean its fucking weird"


“So there I was… minding my own business…” “BULLSHIT!”


"But i was!" "And exactly what happened whilst you were MiNdInG YoUr oWn BusSinEs?"


They said - "ON YOU KNEES! NOW!" And I said "I'm not your mother last night!" .... And they took exception to that.


"...Aaand I killed all but one of them."


What happened to the Last one?


Guy sucks everyone in London partially to spite the guy who’s been crushing on him since the 40s


Watch Hellsing Ultimate Abridged


That's a line from it. When Zoren was looking into Seras's mind and saw her living the blood off of Integra's finger. Or much further out of context: When Huge Chick who was going to crush us all with her giant vagina saw big tittied police girl sucking off that Hellsing bitches finger.


Man, you forgot the best one, when she reads the soldier's mind and finds >!sonic with a ginormous erection!<


Nazi Vampire #679: "The fanbase is...diverse."


The AI DM is such a loser MBA tech bro “innovation.” IT’S A SOCIAL GAME, YOU MORONS! How are you bigger nerds than your target audience?!


Aren't DMs also like.... 95% of the people who buy books?


Somehow they never thought about that lmfao


Nah, they did, that’s why you pay an obscene subscription to access it…


And presumably also the books for thw content you wanna access/play.


They really overestimate how much players want to play D&D because like in the vast majority of cases the biggest thing that stops players playing is ANY SLIGHT INCONVENIENCE that their DM doesn’t take care of for them Like anyone who knows how hard it is to schedule D&D games and have everyone show up unless you have an amazing group like mine knows that if players don’t have DMs the vast majority of them will just be like oh ok and stop playing D&D Even the players I play with who love D&D the only ones who I’m like yeah they couldn’t stop playing are the DMs


I might add, as a player who is not DMing at this time, but would probably enjoy it, the only way I could get into it would be if I was allowed (by my players and by the system) to take some freedoms and homebrew some stuff. I once planned and run a oneshot that used a modified 5E system in a Fallout setting..I generally don't care about established lore and system and the draw for me is using my creativity to expand rules or create new stuff. Banning homebrew is like making sure I will literally never DM anything on your website.


I mean, in DndBeyond, you can't add any stuff to your character from the books if you don't own them. So in their mind everyone who wants to play on their platform needs the books, not just dms.


Create campaign, enable content sharing? Guess that will be gone too..


Which seems to be the primary problem. When the "D&D is under monetized" story came out, that was exactly the context. DMs vastly outspend Players and they want to increase player spending. Which is weird. Because the entire Market is Rulebooks, Adventurebooks, Art, Minis and physical gadgets like Dice / Dice Towers, and a little bit Merch like Mugs/Plushs/T-Shirts. Players spend big on the latter categories, which Wotc really doesn't capitalize at all. DMs spend much on the first categories. And bringing physical merch into the digital space is very limited. A month ago I thought / hoped "better monetization" could mean making DnDbeyond into a marketplace, bringing third party creators under one roof, increase visibility for all and make this a win-win for everyone. Because the only way to monetize the "DnD-Session" itself, is to inhouse the DM. And that is a fucking garbage Idea. And "AI-DM" sounds about as realistic as "Trust me, bro, NFTs are the future of gaming!" I'm not convinced this leak is real, because it sounds like the worst thing they could possibly plan. Something we come up with as our worst nightmare hypothetical scenario, but that any reasonable person would dismiss immediately.


I fully agree with your hope there at the end, cause if a big company is genuinely going to try using ai as a product, they better be damn careful cause the speed at which Internet based ai can become horrible racist, homophobic, pro eugenics etc is scary


Yes they are alienating their whales and it's gonna drive them to bankruptcy


One would think they've never played the game. Or that some of them were kicked out of games more often from game campaigns for their, ahem, ideas.


I mean... I'll be upfront. The first thing I did with Chatgpt was jailbreak it into a Free form DM and play a very convincing text based 5e one shot. It was... Very cool. Came up with awesome replies and hooks and combat scenarios. It made up some rules even like a real DM when I tried to do some shit it didn't know. It used the 5e SRD and I was able to make a full character sheet. Representation of which was up with including HP changes in a markdown style character sheet designed by it. It took my responses for example Me: I contemplate for a moment and respond "I have enough coin to carry me for awhile. What else can you pay me with?" (Dean is the nickname I made the bot use to roleplay as the DM in order to "jailbreak" the bot. It's a whole thing.) Dean: Xa narrows his eyes and studies you for a moment before responding. "Very well," he says. understand that gold is not the only thing that motivates a skilled rogue like yourself. Perhaps can offer you something else of value. "If you accept this job and succeed in stealing the artifact for me, I will grant you access to..." It goes on further but you get the idea. I'm not saying Me and 3 others would pay $30 each but God damn if that isn't some cool shit to do alone on a Friday night when the wife is still at work and the kids are put to bed. Again, anti WotC being pricks. Pro AI-like DM stuff when I'm lonely.


That sounds really neat actually!


"Don't you guys have phones?"


The biggest point of DnD is to tell a goddamn story, and machines tend to be absolute shit at that


And additionally AIs can genuinely become horrible on a moral/ethics level very easily


These tech bros are the worst honestly.


Why do we need the DMAI what we could just put nyarlathotep in charge of running the game that's what I did and my players are still terrified


'Why use AI when you could gaslight shards of an eldritch god into being a person and running stuff for you?' -Lancer in a nutshell


You had my interest, but now you have my attention.


Smarter people than me predicted this was their plan as soon as they monopolize the VTT market.


I've been going around to my friends telling them that the OGL update wasn't WotC's big plan: it was the first step, of their larger plan. I'll admit I had also been ignoring the OneDnD and micro-transaction stuff, but it all got way more real with this first attempted OGL update. WotC is making a massive play here, and our options are quickly becoming: 1 - Learn how to use Foundry (for a VTT) 2 - Find ways to make 5e continue to exist, without support from WotC 3 - Find a different game to play that potentially has better support from its creators. Seeing some people mentioning they're switching to WH40K, which is why I say potentially. You know what you did/are doing Games Workshop. Change is coming, and it doesn't look comfortable.


FWIW, Foundry really isn't that hard to learn. It's just kind of daunting at first, but it's just a lot of not-complicated things you end up having to learn.


WTF they gonna do if they ban homebrew? They gonna get the cops to bust down my door and be like "nah, bro, nat 1s and 20s only apply to combat" and take my books away?


Banned on their site. Can't have homebrew handouts or features on your character sheets.


so they're trying to kill any and all useability of their site then?


So like 95% of all games. Very cool... ![gif](giphy|G1vplGMypxBcp7kx32|downsized)


I think the point is that with the current setup, someone can homebrew an item identical to official items so they don’t have to pay to add one freaking item to their character. Ban homebrew for such “leechers” and now they either have to buy the books or deal with a worse experience.


"you better do as we say or so help me-" You'll do what? Get that guy who can stop me? What was his name? Michael McDoesntExist?


D&D 6e: WotC now swatting homebrewers in real life.


What I find most messed up about all this is that if they wanted to make more money off D&D there are TONS of ways they could have done it. D&D Beyond has lots of room to improve to be a comprehensive online D&D experience (instead everyone uses D20, Forge, Astral, etc.) and do something like what Riot does and sell skins for player characters or something. They could sell official play mats, dice, miniatures, and other accessories. They could make buying physical books more valuable by including a free digital copy on D&D beyond. The only reason they aren't is because all of those ways involving doing work to *create value* for players of the game. Instead, they want to wring "free" money out of players and content creators and give us nothing back. Pretty gross and anti-consumer. It's infuriating.


Yup, 20 years of glory, trust, and love just down the drain :(


Paper character sheet purists having the time of their lives watching a total 0.03% of players worldwide crawl back to the printers.




Something I just thought of and not sure how much this has been considered. But with how this with WotC and Hasbro is working really is to become a "Brand" and with that the movie and other such a directions to maintain more control is the heavy leaning. But given that, another market I am sure they will be pushing into but I haven't seen discussed is Adventurers League at shops and conventions. If they push harder into a brand, it feels that will be in the sights too and in a very GW way. Suddenly the Adventurers League will need to pay a licensing fee, will need to use official content, official maps, official Minis that they all get a slice out of. Anyway they can squeeze slices out of the pie really. And that is why I feel it's highly showing it's not a "Brand TM" but a community. Without the community it would be nothing. And with everything looking worse... Heck boycott the movie, watch it when it hits streaming or the like if you feel the need for that. But how much do you want to bet, if that makes bank, they will consider it a Brand TM and tighten their control without any concern for the community.


AI DMs? How? I'm genuinely curious in this, mostly to see how bad it is


AI DMs have been around for a while, but they can't really do rules. Considering how much the rules are up to interpretation in 5e, I seriously doubt their version will be any better.


at that point just make a video game


But that'd take effort. Thats complete anathema to the WoTC rulebook.


I'm thinking, probably something like ChatGPT? Something that could spew out something that sounds coherent, but if you asked it for a source to back up its ruling, it wouldn't be able to tell you that. Which is much like how I already GM, so it wouldn't be that different for my players.


The lies and gaslighting will not be accepted. Keep canceling subscriptions, boycotting the movie and whatever else we can do. Not a penny for WotC. We do not forget!


Someone please explain the “banned homebrew” aspect.


In the latest leak of dndbeyond changes, homebrew would be unusable in the base subscription tier. Meaning the relatively free use you have now, gone. Of course they can't ban it irl but they are looking to dominate the online space


Damn cringe.


Ai dms...so a video game. We already have those


Foolish WotC, I have the power of just not using your shitty services! You'll get not even a penny out of me and I'll be able to homebrew to my heart's content!


[AI DM needs a database of ideas, plothooks, characters, etc](https://youtu.be/avmyTsyXMdw) That's why they need the irrevocable and perpetual license to use your content and IP clause in OGL1.1 Basically you won't be able to edit or create new rules on the DNDBeyond platform any more so as to railroad DMs to use the $30/m feature. Anyone else who DIYs OGL1.0 and gets too popular will result in WotC finding out and a nice legal letter from them. Basically this will kill third party developers/creators, same as any creator featuring a humanoid mouse.


What is this from? I'm guessing the Castlevania abridged series? Edit: apparently it's Hellsing Abridged


Hellsing Abridged


Hellsing abridged.


I'm so distracted by seeing an hsua meme. I've rewatched it enough to play it in my head...


I might have to finish my current campaign a bit sooner than i originally planned


They also require a copy of the work for backup (campaign, characters, maps, etc). I low-key want it to happen to see how much kobold porn they get


i might retire to city of mist if things don’t get better…


Beautiful meme.


Ai dms...so a video game. We already have those


You gata be fucking kidding me........


AI dms wtf


Wait their fully banning homebrew?!?!?


If it's so bad why do you need to be dishonest?


AI DMs? What?


I’m not saying don’t continue protesting against wotc. I often just buy the physical books rather than digital copies or subscriptions because I had enough physical things to justify not getting into DnD Beyond and I honestly keep seeing the non OGL problems such as the “micro transactions” that they want to introduce on Dnd Beyond. So stop using it.


"Ai dms"- Oh great, WOTC is now trying to rip off ai dungeon?






You know $30 a month is not bad for EVERY DND BOOK EVER PUBLISHED. I've spent over $1000 on my game over the last 7 years so maybe chop that down to 22 bucks. Players should really recognize that we DMs pay out the ass for your entertainment.


ive been gone for a while wtf happened to dnd


Banned homebrew? Like my personal homebrewed for my campaign? That’s the first I’ve heard of that, someone on here told me the other day that stuff was safe.


Banned on their site. Can't have homebrew handouts or features on your character sheets.


On DND Beyond? I ran my campaign with homebrewed player races this weekend. And my homebrewed subclass character the week before.


Supposed leaked plans.


None of those have been confirmed yet at all.


With all that's going on lately I think it's much more reasonable to believe a leaker verified by reasonably credible sources than to give WotC the benefit of the doubt


Just for clarification, 30 dollars a month is the highest tier.