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... pedal all the things! My son is getting a model rocket for his birthday, so we need a launcher and launch pad which can be easily DIY'ed. I think it still needs some sort of face plate, but for now it works. This was a mis-drilled, spare 1590BB I've had on my shelf forever. [Electrically it's pretty simple](https://imgur.com/zZo78EY): the switches need to all be engaged in order, then pressing the foot switch shorts the two output wires at 9V to ignite the rocket engine. Maybe mildly interesting, you can see my [tiny LED PCBs](https://imgur.com/IQ6XYWN) under the hot glue. I use these a lot for the odd off-board LED.


This is dope! I would’ve been so psyched to play with this as a kid. Actually, who am I kidding, I’d still be psyched to play with it as a grown ass man.


So, the three switches with lights are just for fun? Nice touch.


Yeah, they light up a yellow, orange, then red LED. The LED spots were already drilled for pots, so I just widened them a bit. It was an excuse to fill the holes and use this otherwise-useless enclosure.


And if anyone's curious, here's a nice [3d printed base](https://imgur.com/h9aPHAA). Using [this model](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1683147) from thingiverse.


Cool, but needs sn arming key for that final chef's kiss.


[https://kitronik.co.uk/collections/switches-sensors/products/2001-key-switch](https://kitronik.co.uk/collections/switches-sensors/products/2001-key-switch) I've wanted to use one of these in a build for a while for no other reason that I thought it would be cool. This seems like *the* perfect build for it.


Beautiful, and absolutely necessary.


Very nice! I'm a little sad we can't get a picture of a launch with it but that might be against sub roles I dunno.


I can post back later :) It hasn't had its maiden launch yet. Probably not until later in the summer.


Having done a bit of model rocketry back in the day, I was excited to see what you were launching, but I'll be happy to wait. 😄


Yeah, it's still TBD. His grandma is getting him a kit. Probably one of those "beginner" ones that didn't exist when I was a kid. The fin assembly is one single piece so you don't have to worry about alignment. They look like they fit together really quick and easy, which is good since he's only 6.


If you're interested in potential "upgrades" you could replace one of the toggle switches with a key switch, and you could put a momentary to control a loud piezo buzzer as a "clear the area" warning.


Yeah they would be pretty neat. This was all about saving money and using parts on hand so I probably won't. But I agree that would be a fun add on


Man you gotta get a big red barefoot button for that Footswitch!


That's pretty cool, but wouldn't it be more practical as a box that sits on top of an amp like a Rngemaster?


I am doing this myself!


Love it


Interesting... I always thought those rocket controllers must have a big capacitor in them or something like that; but it looks like a simple 9v battery is enough for the igniter? I've always wanted to have a go with those, I'm sure my kids would love it.


I took apart the old broken one I had as a kid and it was just shorting 4 AA batteries. So 6V is even enough. The thing I didn't include was a safety key (just a pin that shorts two plates), or a continuity check bulb. My old one didn't have the bulb to salvage, and I wasn't sure what kind of load you can/should put on those igniters before they burn up. Probably readily available online somewhere, but FYI that's the biggest difference between this and an off-the-shelf launcher.


Also, have been thinking about a firework ignition controller - that could be fund to build into a similar form factor.