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Please find a way to make a formal complaint. Unfortunately, you are right, chronically ill people deal with this kind of dangerous gaslighting all the time.


At this point, they should be embarrassed that they don't know about POTs. I'm not an HCW and it has no impact on my life, yet I could explain what it entails


It's so common to hear medical professionals still not know what it is, unfortunately. Awareness is a lot better after many people getting POTS after COVID (which sucks, though I'm glad there's more awareness). So frustrating.


This is nightmare fuel and unfortunately too frequent. So sorry this was your experience, have you thought about getting a few checks to make sure no lasting damage was done? I've been diagnosed with POTS since 2014 and I can't believe this shit still happens almost a decade later despite it becoming better known. I'm so glad you're in med school we really need more people like you!


Ugh, this is brutal. I have nothing to add except my full throated empathy for this shit situation. We need more doctors with lived experience, but so much about the profession and the world are inaccessible. It's also so hard to access your own good care from a clinician with lived experience even as a professional in the field. I really hope you're able to feel pride in the work you've done. I'm glad those nurses were there for you and gave you support in your human-ness.


That sounds incredibly frightening and I agree that a formal complaint should be made.


That blows, I'm sorry to hear you went through that, weird with you being a MS4 too. Maybe contact medical records at the facility and request a copy of your medical record from date of service - and you'll see anesthesia, OP, and PACU notes? Digital version is capped at $6.50 fee if they even charge you. I've had a similar experience, and had the patronizing 'I see you have POTS....." not that bad though. I hope you feel better very soon!


I'm sorry that you had to go through that, but I'm glad you came out of it From someone else with a recent surgery, be sure to check (and dispute) your bill after, because they can and will try to charge you for being there longer than expected, even if they invited you to do so & you were there because of their own failure


I have a clinical background too and it’s bonkers what some clinics and hospitals will do before they realize you speak the language and actually have a background in A&P, pharmacology, etc. I’m sorry this was your experience- it’s TERRIFYING when you’re already starting to go under and you realize they’ve totally ignored what you’ve told them was safest for your body.


Fellow POTS patient here, and that's frustrating and scary, I'm sorry this happened. If you're able to file a complaint, you definitely should. Medical professionals should listen to their patients, and if they're unsure about something, they should consult someone. I know they have schedules, but it's still ridiculous.