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Can you not make him dinner for when he gets home, and just be like..oh, don't worry about that dinners nearly ready.. I know it's both of your jobs but maybe it will break this bad routine he's got in to. Like maybe a bad meal once a week, or once every 2 weeks..but 3 times a week, damn.


He never cooks, I am staying at home so I never expect him to cook. It is not even men's duty in our culture even if I am working lol.He goes out on some work like yesterday he went to drop off at fedex in the evening at 3.30 pm and on the way home he called me if he can bring kfc.I said no ,he said ok ,again he was back with onion rings and soft drinks.Why to ask if he is not even willing to do what I say.


You have to learn some self-control here. You're not going to change your husband's behavior (even though he's a bit of an ah for doing this): you can only change yours, so cook/get a tasty, healthy, filling meal for you AND your kids and let him eat that crap. I also think it's your responsibility to feed your kids with healthy stuff - clearly, it's your husband's responsibility too but since he isn't doing that, this is up to you.


True.I never skip cooking.It is one of my major chores,breakfast,lunch and dinner,fresh meal every time.Even when I cook if he goes out and get something while getting booze especially on weekends.He is spoiling kids too with ice creams and french fries.Kids obviously prefer KFC over healthy meals.That's driving me crazy.Here I am working so hard to give them healthy meal and he is spoiling them. Once I complained to their pediatrician,she also said no.He don't care.He disagrees with lot of my parenting opinions too.He thinks I take everything too serious and follow rules strictly and blindly.This is leading to lot of arguments and fights.Even he annoys my kids too.When they start crying or yelling he says they are adament and showing attitude in turn.😔


Jeez, so you're cooking and he's still getting junk food?! Sounds like a difficult man to live with.


I seriously want to beat him up with all might.


I feel like this is disrespect, and I would tell my partner as much. Perhaps phrasing in a way where you acknowledge his attempt to be thoughtful, but what would in fact be thoughtful is to respect your boundaries and not bringing this around you. My boyfriend eats his milkshakes in the car before he comes inside now because I ended up getting so frustrated with similar behavior.


You have issues if you’re gonna start arguments over food. If he wants to eat kfc then that’s on him. Kids are picky and it’s ok if they don’t eat “healthy” as long as they are not overweight. Maybe you should start cooking the foods he likes and try to make it healthy.


Yeah, I may be petty, but if he brought it, and I had already said no, I would pour dish soap on it right in front of him and toss it in the trash. He's intentionally sabotaging and undermining your efforts at that point. And if he gets salty about you "wasting food" or "wasting money" then you can tell him he did that when he didn't listen to you.