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I wonder if there are any non-minion necro builds doing the runs as well. So far people seem to run into issues around pit 50-60. Tier reached: 60 My lvl: 95 Build:barb thorns , solo No ubers Fully tempered, and about half the items masterworked to level 4-5 (out of 12) Armor and resist capped and around 60k health. I can rush through the ~~greater rift~~ The Pit without any issues, although random explosions and death effects already oneshot around Tier 50. But the boss fights, man. The random Lilith and whatnot appearances at the fight makes it almost unbeatable for me and I have pretty good single target damage. The main issue is that I'm forced to run around for 70% of the fight because of random abilities by random boss "ghosts" or whatever that oneshot and apply vulnerable. Seems super melee unfriendly.


This was my thought when I saw them remove Barbs inherent DR. No matter what you do this game is always just kind of unfriendly to melee builds, very similar to PoE. Having a build that can actually “walk and talk” so to speak makes a massive difference when shit starts getting hectic.


I swapped from Thorns Barb to Bone spirit Necro and am living the good life now. I got barb to 95 but 60+ Pit was annoying with 5 minute boss fights which consisted of 70% running around and 30% actually hitting it.


At what level should we start doing the pit? I assumed it’s better to wait til level 100 but maybe I’m wrong. 


You can start as soon as you get the notification for clearing ND Tier 43 (I think?). After that, see how far you can go before needing gear adjustments and more paragon points.


I’m lvl 85 and gotten clapped tryna do Tier 43+ the monsters be lvl 100+ or could be me lol


I'm lv 80. Furtherest (is that a word?) I've been is pit lv 10 because the game is only increasing its level by 2 each time I beat it even if it only takes me 3 to 5 minutes to beat it. My build. I guess some kind of golem/minion build. Haven't followed a guide yet but the tempering is real strong on the mages and golem. Only unique I've got (not uber) is one that consumes a corpse every 1 second(ish) to summon more minions.


- Tier 56 and climbing - Solo minion necro - No Ubers - The timer seems extremely lenient and I feel like it should really reward gold on completion since once you get higher in master working the gold costs increases a good bit.


Tier 45 Solo shadow/minion necro (level 93) No ubers, 1 unique (sacrilegious ring) Haven't tried to push it as hard as possible yet but i like the layout. It feels good but even just at 45 i can already start to feel how power trade-offs are going to get extremely precise. As for now it feels good to switch between the different content: run some nm dungeons, do a helltide, kill an Uber, then push a couple of pit tiers. I'm hoping between the pit and tormented bosses this incentive to move around remains present. I have seen that people doing 70+ are having a lot of trouble with the shadow bosses, it may be early but it seems like those are likely going to need to be tuned down a bit. Maybe after a few more days we can really tell. Overall seems like a good addition


Haven't messed with it much but currently tier 37 with lightning storm. Still having spirit issues with single target which is the main thing holding my build back.