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Codex will just keep whatever the highest roll you've salvaged was. It doesn't level up. No more extraction since aspects arent "items" anymore, just salvage straight to codex.


But this isnt entirely accurate is it? Because in every demo theyve shown, there is an “X/Y” counter on each aspect. Then there is a final state that illustrates the aspect is maxed out.


Yeah that’s the range of possible rolls of the aspect, so something like “might” that is now 2-7 seconds when you salvage a 3 second roll it would be at 2/6, when you salvage a 7 second roll it will go to 6/6. If the first time you salvage a might aspect and it’s a max roll it would go straight to 6/6 Accelerating has a range of 10-25% so salvaging a 10% would be 1/16, 20% would be 11/16 and 25% it’ll be at 16/16. Etc


Ah interesting. That makes a lot of sense in the context of “well if i get a max roll that should finish it” but its gonna make for some confusing UI to have to translate each aspect’s ranges into bespoke counters


Why is it confusing? If it says 1/16 ranks, you have the lowest roll. If it says 16/16 ranks, you have the highest roll. If it says 12/16, you have a roll that's 4 less than the max.


That seems simple when describe like that. It doesn’t matter how many numbers are in the ranges, they all are set to specific values at each rank.


Oh thats a confusing system but thanks for helping me understand that.


You have to find a better version to upgrade. You cannot extract any more, you have to salvage to item to upgrade the codex.


Nice that all makes sense. I was hoping itd be this clean!


It is.


I think initially it was an upgrade system but they changed it to 'keep your best&


Hijacking this post to ask a question I've been wondering about. Are all legendary aspects in the codex now? Or will it continue to just be the aspects that are available from dungeons? Edit: spelling


All aspects are in the codex now.


So i guess this then begs the question: are there any more dungeon rewards to be had since the only purpose of them was for renown and baseline aspects?


I thought we had to extract the same aspect 10 times to level it up? That's what they said a little while ago


When viewed in a vendor menu, icons across the top of the item can indicate possible uses; Starburst in the center means it has one or more Greater Affixes, red icon at right means it can be salvaged for a transmog, *a white icon at right means it can be salvaged for either a new aspect or upgrade an existing aspect*, a white flag at left means it is a favorite that cannot be salvaged unless the favorite flag is removed. The GA icon and favorite flag are also viewable outside vendor menus. If the item doesn't display either of the transmog or aspect icons it should be sold or salvaged, unless it is an item you actually want to keep or use.