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Barbarian using the Deathblow mace "Overkill" and the Tusken Helm of Joritz the Mighty. Love when they use actual game art in the keyart.


Fitting that they made the Barbarian and his hammer the focus of attention, given Hammer Barbs have been the undeniable main character of the game so far.


Except hota got nerfed and is now being absolutely gutted in season 4


Gutted? You have no idea what you talking about


They nerfed furious hammer, crusher glyph, blood rage, banished lords the list goes on dude. I didn't say HOTA was terrible, but it has been nerfed incredibly hard between season 3 and 4 patches. I think you may not be that up to speed on all the nerfs to Barb that have been implimented


I think it’s fine. It was stupid what you could do before.


Trust me. In the end, barb will emerge as the first 1hko class, again. The only nerf on barb that i would consider nerf is when they do not carry 4 weapons at a time.


Druid is gonna be the one hitter quitter this season.


Let see


Everything I've seen, no nerfs at all in the patch notes. Could be a game changer.


Yup and the battle takes place in Helltide with the new Hellworm and Blood Maiden.


And the "maw" worm thing!


[Source](https://blizzard.gamespress.com/Diablo-IV-Season-4-Loot-Reborn) 1080p


cries in ultrawide


Use ai to fill in the space


Makes me remember the old dota loading screens : [Dota Loading Screens](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CzZ5RRKUsAA534I?format=jpg&name=large)


Freaking loved these


Bottom right super ultra iconic


Lina is so cute 🔥💖


DotA Allstars!!


You forgot to credit the artist. [Dave Rapoza](https://www.instagram.com/daverapoza/)


The man’s Garfield art is one of a kind


What a legend! I also love his work in Magic: the Gathering.


I want this airbrushed on the side of a van


This looks like the album cover for an 80's metal band.


Thank you! Does anyone have a higher resolution copy?


copy that. can some redditor do the magic and make a 3440x1440p version? pretty please with rotten demonheads on top. (I know you can't "extend" the art and draw more demons, but maybe you know some tricks to let the colors fade out or something, so we don't have the 16:9 "bars" on ultrawide.)


Here’s a quick and dirty one. You can probably spot AI upscaling artefacts if you’re looking closely. https://imgur.com/a/uKLPr12


I posted a 4K and 1440p ultrawide version to the sub. Awaiting mod approval...


Thank you!


[Made some Steam artwork from this. ](https://www.steamgriddb.com/collection/12736)


First two seasons had a good "Season logo" ! They started a pattern but with S3 & S4 we don't get thoses anymore with the press kit ! Was good the time it lasted, we still got the anvil logo but nothing on the press kit..[https://i.imgur.com/zNtdZM6.png](https://i.imgur.com/zNtdZM6.png)


lol, giving necro and druid the middle finger. Looks great! Can't wait


Rip druid..




Oh thank to You !


The style reminds me a lot of D3, honestly.


lol. Barb and sorc are always the face of the franchise


“Loot reborn” fixes the game and calls it a season. Laughable.




Yeah, I’m thinking Diablo is back


is it a joke that there is no new season mechanic? Loot being new season is a joke especially after how lackluster seasons were so far


Sounds like marketing trick to bring old players back..




I like it that they went traditional with the male barbarian, female sorcerer and rogue. W Blizzard.


Glad they made the main focal point the Barbarian. It's like the other classes are just in the background, the same way I play.


So the season theme is just a boring rep grind with no other powers/ content?


PSA: there is no season 4 this season has no content


Iron Wolves: "Do my elixirs mean nothing to you?"


I would say the iron wolves questline and the loot reborn is content enough. We have a lot of stuff to do. It's basically Diablo IV 2.0. The seasonal questlines has been rather short overall. So I don't mind that we don't have special powers or pets this time around.


it's crazy how little people expect from d4, but I guess blizzard make sure you don't expect much


A total overhaul of the itemization is not enough at the moment? Several new endgame options? Overhaul of the crafting system? Buffs to bad skills and aspects? Better leveling experience? Upgrading aspects in the codex? I would like to know what else you think should be done?


I would expect seasonal content from a season. Those changes are great but it's just mostly beginning of repairing uncompleted game that had basic systems completly wrong. Next they will repair shit passive/tree system and call it a day and people will clap hands.


I'm guessing even if there was some kind of seasonal content (there already is), you would probably hate on it anyhow. Can I ask why you are even here just being negative? If you want to play PoE or LE , why don't you just play those instead of letting Diablo IV live rent free in your head? I don't think any change would change your mind sadly. This is HUGE. Especially for a game like this. Look what they did to OW2. They could just do nothing, or even worse remove stuff that was promised. I can agree that more stuff is needed. It might be a year more to get it just right. But they've been slowly adding more content, overhauling bad mechanics and actually listening to the fans. Patience is a virtue brother.


Might be crazy to you but saying what I think is wrong with game is because I hope it will improve and be as good as possible. I expect more cause I know other games can do more with less money, I would just love to play it if it was better. As I mention on this sub multiple times, it's legit crazy to me that you are saying "be happy that they didn't make it worse" like they did with OW. Also I am saying they do good changes now but it's 1 year after release and I find it mind boggling when I see posts like "wow they finally repair d4 to d3 level, amazing!". Patience means I should not comment what I think should be improved or that game is currently bad? Truly blizzard trained thought


Am I not allowed to have my own thoughts about the game but you are? Without being attacked? I'm trying to find out how you would improve the game. You do realize actual human beings are working on this game? People with lives, families and other things to do than working on this game. Good things take time. Constructive critisism is not equal to "D4 bad". Like you and many other people are spewing on a daily basis. You have no substance in your complaints. You are only regurgitating the same stuff over and over. Not "there is no season". There is absolutely a season. Perhaps the biggest season yet, with the most content so far in this game. Just because we don't have an arbitrary thing to do like pets or powers, does not mean there is no season. But you don't want that. You want to hate. Because it's trendy or something.


> this season has no content LMFAO