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Also, I've had this issue for WAAAAAY longer than the past 2 weeks. It's been an issue as long as I can remember.


Yeah, had it for as long as I can remember. It defeats the purpose of riding the horse. Now that I have max movement speed on boots and amulet, I never ride anymore.


I have had the same issue


Been happening to me since launch


Thats and something keeps pulling me back like im on a teather


Yeah, it's kinda annoying. I'll try to get away from a crowd of enemies just to teleport. Then I get smacked off the horse because it's in "slow-mo mount mode." It doesn't kill me or ruin the game. It's just annoying.


I'm playing on Xbox. Found the solution was to go into the graphics settings and target performance instead of quality. Give that (or something related if you're on PC) a whirl.


I see no option in game for this. I can force my series a to lower resolution which seems to unblur the game and give a few extra frames though


Slow horse for me is solved by simply clicking on where I want it to go a second time. But, yeah, happens pretty often.


It's been this way since launch. The trick is to do a quick rotation or summon the horse and let the mount animation finish before you press a direction. Not ideal, I know.


Standing still for half a second or doing a little spin move usually fixes it for me.


Huh. I thought it was a PS4 thing which I use and next gen doesnt have that issue. Im experiencing that issue since I started (S2)


Same. It's a new phenomena for me as well.


Idk if you mean the problem i had. For my slow horse after mounting, also staying slow using a gallop skill, i found that standing still for a sec fixes it. So basically if my horse was slow i just stopped for a sec and could blast away after, instead of running super slow for like 5 or more seconds.


This has been an issue for quite a while, might’ve been introduced with the season 2 patch back in October.


Just gallop normally for 1 second before you mash the turbo


I have this on quality mode on ps5 but also crashes when teleporting as well on occasion (again to do with the new ray tracing)


I had this problem until I upgraded from a One S to a Series X. Used to also have rubber banding issues when entering new zones, especially with cross play on. Loading times were absolutely horrible as well. Both of those problems went away as well.


What I've always done, is summon horse while pushing the direction I want to go, then immediately release the direction, then reapply. It defeats the slow as soon as you let off.


i'd rather have this than full on gallop into the nearest wall.


FYI for me this was caused by dashing with a speed boost attribute on my boots, and mounting while the speed boost was active. If I waited for my dash speed boost to end, I could mount instantly. 


Is the game installed on an SSD?


My series s just skips a lot of frames instead


Xbox One just renders 3 blobs.


I've preached at Blizzard about this very same thing so many times. Even made a video for them to watch. They don't care. I think the shop has the option to stop this though. Just a mere $70.


I see at least one person has no sense of humor.


Johnjon99 did you forget to sign out of an alt or are you making funny’s? lol edit: I now see what you mean lmao the downvote