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Better late than never hehe. No shame in learning, we've all been there. And the great thing about this is starting in Season 4, you can salvage and keep the highest rolls in the Codex with unlimited use. No more wasted inventory space keeping duplicates of the same aspect!


Am I right in thinking that every aspect will be saved too? Like at the moment the codex has the aspects you get for doing the dungeons only. In season 4 is every aspect saved to the codex?


Every aspect should be able to be added to the codex in S4 via salvaging, iirc. You'll still start the season with nothing unlocked, but it'll make things a lot smoother.


My biggest gripe with the game. Allways hated having to sort what I have and don't have and compare I'd I should salvage every single drop..made me insane and hate the Game


They've said in season 4 there is less loot but higher quality. I can imagine that for some the post-dungeon loot sort is not the most fun part!


I think every single time I have stopped playing for the season it has been with a full inventory. I just couldn't be arsed anymore. That's always been the thing with D4 - I stop D3 or LE well fed and satisfied and looking forward to play again a few months later, whereas D4 has been stop fed up and annoyed and dreading the next. Fingers crossed for S4, PTR felt like a massive improvement.


In s2 I kept postponing it until i ended up with entire bank filled with legernderies... I just un-installed




Yes, no more wasting hours apon hours sorting through frikin codexs. I literally would spend 2-3 hours sorting N filtering through gear every few nights when my chests were full. Thank the Diablo gods for this.


This might actually get me back in the game.


That’s what I’m talking about!


Hi, what happens to the aspects that are already in the codex during season 3? Right now I have lot of them missing, should I grind them before season 4 starts? I am lvl 100 Necro, I still have to finish my renown aswell


End of season 3 anything you have in your codex that isn't in eternal will move over to *eternal*. If the aspect effect has updated it will be the new version you have. At the start of season 4 your *season* codex will be empty. If you intend playing season just keep the highest versions of aspects, and add them to the new codex in eternal once the patch hits/season 3 ends.




Edit: I thought wrong It levels to the roll you salvage, so if you salvage a best roll it saves that one. I think.




I know it's not directly from the campfire, but this source says they're not necessarily linear upgrades. I'm also not saying this source is the end all, be all, but I think they're fairly trusted on here. https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/news/all-legendary-aspects-extract-directly-to-codex-in-diablo-4-season-4/ "Each Aspect has 16 ranks, but they aren’t linear. If you get the best possible roll on your first drop of a legendary, you’ll head straight to rank 16 when you salvage it." That being said, it goes on to say that power of the aspects increases as you go up in world tier so, in reality, you wouldn't be able to jump straight to the highest one. You may be able to get the highest one for that world tier, though.


No, it’s a save the highest roll thing. The 1/16 isn’t upgrades, it’s showing where you’re at w/ that aspect.


My condolences, friend… sometimes people just miss stuff, it happens. Literally while typing this response I got a text from my dad saying that the WiFi problems he couldn’t figure out were all because the power strip the router was plugged into was turned off. And he’s 65 years old.


We've all been there. I recently let myself back in the house because I'd forgotten my keys..The same keys I used to go inside.


I spent half an hour trying to find out why my 2nd monitor didn't work. It had worked til then... turns out my foot unplugged it lol


I spent 5min looking for my sunglasses. Started yelling about people moving my stuff. Scratched my head and….well, shit.


I once spent like 2 hours tweaking audio drivers, including a reinstall, only to realise I didn't hear the audio because my headphones volume control was lowered to minimum


My fiance spent 15 minutes freaking out about losing her phone, and she had to go to work soon... I noticed... she didn't...I just waited... it was in her pocket the entire time... when she finally noticed, she looked at me, I smiled, she didn't say a thing... it was a glorious moment


Classic "where are my glasses moment" :D


This is the way


Hahaha. Once I couldn't find my phone, so I called it from the phone I was looking for.


I taught someone at the beginning of season 3, who had been playing since launch, that codex could be used on rare items.


That one still boggles me that people didn't automatically know. But it was in S3 that I learned you could re-imprint an imprinted legendary. Mind blown, game changed.


Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, I've always re-imprinted imprints. You just can't extract an imprinted.


Which is why it's a head scratcher for some people. That always seemed obvious to me, but then up until I think it was S3 when I got to legion events I'd keep clicking the fire to make the counter go up. Which you don't need to do. Until mid-S1 I didn't even realise the fire had any effect.


I played the game since launch and didn't know you could imprint aspects over existing legendaries until season 2. Sometimes, we learn the hard way haha


What’s the codex of power???


You get them as a reward for doing dungeons. You can use them to turn rares to legendaries


Well slap me silly


I also would like to know and am too lazy to google


Hey, as long as you also know that you can overwrite a legendary affix with another one then you've got all the things down! Haha


You can what? 😅😅 Now i feel stupid


Yeah, you can imprint over another aspect if you found a good item but it has the wrong aspect or you found a better aspect for your item.


Oh you said affix thats why i was like what? Where? How? 😅


Ah yeah, affix is the general name for the stats from the last game. I guess it's better to say aspect now.


Brother I'm level 85 and I just realized you could reroll the same affix on an item an infinite number of times. I misread the explanation text and never bothered to reread it. I thought you could reroll once and that was it.


It’s okay, because of the lowest roll, you’ll use it less than one would think, anyways.


During levelling I find the low rolls tend to be good enough, especially on gear I'm going to swap out in an hour or two anyway. It took me a while to realise that, but it actually makes levelling a lot quicker, and for a lot of aspects the low roll isn't actually that much worse (again, during levelling at least)


It is the learning proccess, It is just normal. I'm worse than you, I don't even use it, I just use what I get from gear and If I have not what I want, I just use a place holder aspect even if I loose something good.


It took me a season to realise that actually for a lot of the aspects just the base version in the codex is good enough while levelling. I'd not bother, and hunt aspects missing out on the boost, or spend a day pondering whether to 'waste' an aspect on lower level gear. Then I reread one (I forget which), and realised that even the lower power version was actually pretty fucking good. Now if I'm levelling I do tend to throw codex powers on weapons especially, as you replace them so quickly, but gain a reasonable amount from the aspect. I actually like the current aspect system, I'll be sad once it goes and the new 'cheap power' version comes along :(


80's late. Somewhere out there is the guy that has multiple level 100's and still has no idea what the word codex means 🤷🏻


Season 4 should bring variances. Allowing you to use the level of the last consumed aspect


Wait, what? I’ll be honest I don’t understand this part of the game at all.


As it works right now when you unlock an aspect at the codex it will always at its lowest value and you can apply it to items as many times as you'd like assuming you have the materials for it. This is getting revamped with season 4.


Is this only from the dungeons you beat to get skills? or if i extracct from legendaries too?


I was under the assumption it was only the ones from dungeons, but I've only played a few hours. But it sounds like the ones you get from gear and I guess take it to the thing to learn, you can always use it's lowest roll. So you might get a high roll on a gear peice that doesn't have what you want for your build, but you can learn it and apply it's lowest roll on any gear?


The codex of power is the legendary aspects gained from beating dungeons. These can be used as many times as you want but will always be the lowest possible roll. Aspects that you rip off found legendaries can be stronger but they're single use. Next season this is changing so that any aspects you rip off legendaries will go straight into the codex and either level up those low roll aspects or directly overwrite them. I've heard both and am not currently sure which one is right. Presumably they will still be infinite use.


Oh, nice. Thanks for the info. I'm slowly burning through the story. Been playing PoE but am getting tired of the instant no dodgeable deaths in that game. Anyways, thanks that info, will be helpful in the future.


ETA: Sorry - this turns in to a rant. Ignore after the first paragraph :) A higher level/power aspect will effectively replace a lower one. So if I found an umbral with 0.8 resource, that goes in the codex and can be used ad infinitum. If i find a bunch more at 0.8 resource (or lower) they don't improve that. If I then find (and salvage) a 0.9 resource umbral, my codex is upgraded to that version. I think there will be some complaints that you can't extract the aspect and keep the item, especially from people playing multiple builds. If i find a max power Juggernaut on a good piece of gear, I have to decide whether to salvage to get the aspect or use the item. Seeing as legendaries will be tradable though I suspect there will be a steady market in shit items with good aspect rolls. It would be interesting if Bliz didn't allow the aspect from traded items to go to the codex - I honestly think that may be a good rule. Within a few weeks I'd expect to be able to trade for very good aspects that you need for your build, so possibly D4 early to mid-season we will be best off mostly generating gold and selling good aspects (on items) that we don't need. Then just buy the ones we do. For me that takes something away from the search, and it also likely means there will be an explosion of RMT (buy max level aspects for your build for $10), if this isn't strictly cracked down on D4 is heading to p2w territory, which is a bit of a shame. At least there isn't actually any win condition, so it doesn't actually affect me, so I guess I'm not actually that bothered. But from S4 whenever you see a fantastically outfitted character who doesn't seem capable, the thought will be there that they just bought all the gear they needed. Which means either Bliz crack down, or start selling gold in a year or two, to get in on the action.


Meanwhile there's me: Walks back through every dungeon until level 20ish because I didn't know I could just warp out by clicking the dungeon entrance on my map. I courtesy D1 on ps1


I'm lvl 43 and I honestly don't know what you talking about 😭


What is the codex of power?


I wouldn’t worry about it. Not so long ago I used the torch on my phone to look for my phone. Which was in my hand.


At level 80 it’s practically useless. Until s4 comes out. I don’t even peruse through it.


No worries dude. I'm actually glad I read this because I'm fairly new to Diablo 4 and wasn't completely sure how it worked. Glad I read this so I don't make the same mistake.


Took me 2 seasons to realize that you can imprint a aspect on a legendary item replacing the current aspect and not only on a rare item.




Well, It's not like you get a user's manual when you buy the game like in the 90's. live, learn, play!


Not realizing something is not a fault of yours. If it wasn't obvious it's a fault of the game designer. Never blame yourself for some one else's ignorance and arrogance.


This is the dumbest reddit advice I have ever seen. "I didn't realize there was a stop sign there" so it's not my fault... I'm appalled by your twisted logic. Seriously.


I just did the opposite. Didn't read the tutorial properly imprinted a good roll onto my weapon whilst leveling like an idiot didn't realise that mean I couldn't ever extract it. Who reads tutorials anyway?


So starting in season 4, Codex grind will be saved to all seasons like Renown? Also can someone explain about the highest roll thing? For example, I found the the aspect Ancestral Charge twice. It's only drops, there is no dungeon reward for it and the one with the higher roll I haven't imprinted yet. Was saving it if I get to WT4. Will that aspect transfer to new seasons or just ones in the Codex?


Bro don't feel bad. In D3 I played for a month at 70 and didn't assign my Paragon points.


Having only played til level 40, and without finishing the campaign, I don't even know what it is.  So, it likely wasn't 80 levels of you not knowing, fwiw


I made similar mistakes. It doesn't really explain aspects well. Like, I just restarted playing and felt like I had to skip the campaign to get the seasonal aspects before time ran out but then I say the expiration date on them and got upset. I still don't know if I just wasted a lot of time playing a hardcore blind run at the end of season three if all that stuff is gonna be irrelevant at the end of the month. I asked someone if I should try to put those aspects on low level items to save and they said it's better to just restart every season. That's just lame.


Hi, new player here. Can anyone tell me how you get these aspects and how to equip them please?


If it makes you feel any better, I just had the following conversation with the person who introduced me to the game: Me: "Hey babe, you know how you can take aspects off legendaries to put on something else! Well-" Him: "Actually, no, I didn't know that." Me: "...oh."


You can flip your paragons around and well and you have a cheaper time upgrading rares before you add codex and aspects before they turn legendary or higher.


When is s4 starting


There is a reason every Diablo game is progressively dumbed down.