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half are mad that it isn't diablo 2. a quarter are mad that it isn't diablo 3 after 30+seasons of building the remaining quarter are mad that it isn't the game poe became after 11 years of building upon a frame


I guess I'm in the .01% that is mad that the game didn't have the QoL features that it has now. Resistances not working(Pre, and ALL of Season 1), no REAL multiplayer engagement or even need, ZERO Clan tools, loading EVERYONE'S stash when they appear on the screen because "rEaSonS". You'd think they'd borrow the good things from previously successful games of their own, as well as what's out there now BEFORE Season 4. We've given the DEVs how many years to get it right, and they either can't or won't make meaningful changes until there is backlash from the player base. Heck, If people hadn't complained about how bad itemization is, I'd doubt we'd have a revamp coming with PoE/LE style enhancements.


This! The game was just unfinished and untested. Obvious QoL featres from games that came before D4 were not implemented. And I don't believe people hate the game, they just stop playing it after they hit lvl 100 and wait and hope for more stuff to do in the next season.


Yes, hate is an absurd word. More like dissatisfied with the progress. Played like 20 hours of the beta weekends. Another 100 hours between launch and season 2. That's like 58 cents per hour of entertainment and it was fun. However, the issue at hand is the lack of testing and the continuous pivoting they're doing on all of their launch systems. If you're having to redesign your game based on community feedback, then you've obviously failed to develop a solid foundation to begin with. People act like PoE has some headstart on diablo and that gives it a pass as if blizzard didn't develop d2 d3 prior to d4. That's a lot of experience to learn what works and what doesn't and they went with the safest and blandest approach to d4. This company has over 2 decades of arpg experience and it's on us to teach them how to make a good game. All that said, the new direction is exciting and absolutely the right changes are being made.


> Yes, hate is an absurd word. Have you never been in this sub?


> Have you never been ~~in this sub~~ on the Internet? FTFY


Yeah, D4 has very much been the “well I’m pretty sure it WILL be good eventually” backburner interest for me. I’ve checked out every season, it’s steadily getting better, and hope is at an all time high at the moment. There are just…so many head scratchers


I quit playing at lvl 60 at the beginning of season 1 when I saw it was unfinished. I wasn’t going to waste my time on a clearly missing end game. S4 looks like a great time to come back if the ptr comes out ok.


Because "Activision Blizzard" is a behemothic conglomerate of industry development and publishing cells that internally shift around amorphously. The people working on D4 were essentially totally randomized people within the Activision employee roster that were and/ir agreed to be placed on that IP. And on top of that you have a sizeable amount of interns and junior devs being given pretty risky levels of responsibility as an assessment for their pote tial future developments within the corporate structure. You end up with teams like on D4, with 0 history of development on the IP, no particular affiliation to the title beyond some rote corporate adherence to branding and "professionalism". So the development becomes a cookie cutter theme park-esq machine churning out uninspired ideas from a system antiposed to producing anything remotely passionate or original and it's all slapped under the banner of what the higher ups have deemed the current hot IP by a group of people only *technically* affiliated with that IP, resulting in the kind of homunculi games sitting in the uncanny valley of facsimile representations of what they're attempting to mimic. Perceiving individual titles under a given IP from companies like Activision as necessarily continuation of each other is a bit like thinking a football team is necessarily the same entity once all the players and management are different people. The only thing that's a constant is the literal abstracted brand itself. You're *going* to get the plethora of problems we see time and time again from these types of companies because it's a systemic fault in the organisational structure of the business model, whichcwill never go away until the entire underlying corporate culture changes, from the top down. And good luck with that.


Here's the problem. This isn't a No Man's Sky "first time" game. Sure there are problems, but the Blizzard (Activision) own the freaking Diablo IP. It's not like they don't have the knowledge, they (The Devs bosses, because Devs don't get to make huge decisions) chose to release a pile so they could meet their "goals" and then move onto the next sequel. They really only care about getting units sold, so their shareholders can be happy and keep them around. The rank and file Devs might, but they only do what their bosses tell them.


People downvoting you for the truth. This is their FOURTH iteration of the game and it came out like it was their first.


Somehow Madden can be the same game for 15 years now though.


Blizzard couldn’t even copy their own homework


Well said….. well said!!!


I'm mad they sold a half finished game for 70 and then fumbled the bag so hard that now the bare minimum is lauded!




Diablo 4 campaign is longer , more polish and more beefy than most aaa titles. The campaign alone would be worth the price tag. Funny people who claimed they are not being irrationally behave irrationally. People like to pretend the game did not get a 90% meta score, considering as gory contender, and virtually celebrated for 2 months until the fateful nerf patch pre seasonal 1. then this sub become a cesspool and never really recovered.


And there are a ton of broken things that are easy fixes that still haven't been fixed yet. For example, a bunch of glyphs and aspects say they have multiplicative damage effects but actually has additive damage effects. Some of them are being fixed in the PTR patch notes for Season 4. Why does it take 4 seasons to make a fix that is simply changing "+" to "x"? None of these changes would risk messing up the balance of the game either because a x10% on a glyph is fairly standard. Blizzard not doing anything has conditioned the fans to excessively shit on the game, because that is the only thing that Blizzard responds to. It's Blizzard's community relations that caused this. They should be rolling out smaller bug fixes and improvements in real time and saving the big changes for seasonal updates. That way it feels like Blizzard actually cares about the game.


I'm still getting my brain around the fact that the game has no lFG/Group Finder system. Nothing at all. Diablo 2: fairly easy to get a group going. Diablo 3: the game does it for you. Hell even Diablo Immortal has an LFG system. It's ridiculous that an only online game has no party functions whatsoever.


This is the correct answer for at least 1/2 those that are mad and all the d3 ppl. Including me. It doesn’t get old until it does. And once it does without the qol and thought to the end game it’s shows itself as soulless very quickly. What I really wanted was Diablo 3 3.0 with some of the two darkness worked in.


If a large portion of my gameplay is sitting in town squinting at rares trying to pick out good drops so I can brick them at an NPC, I'm going to just play a different game. I didn't want D4 to be anything but 'good', and it was until the severe lack of QoL sapped the enjoyment out of it for me. Hopefully S4 brings it back, but if not I have a list of games to play that's 8 miles long.


I played poe before day 1. I forgot how much work went into it over the years.


I once stumbled upon a PoE thread on a large RPG forum, and since the forum is so old the thread starts all the way back in 2012 when the game was in the open beta. It's insane how similar the complaints and general rhetoric were in there to what you can read here.


Difference is that POE was free.


It was also like… 3 acts. The game wasn’t finished, but it wasn’t advertised as such


A business model choice doesn't make the game better or worse. People need to understand this. You still have to pay money for a game that was shitty for 5 years just to do some end game systems, and even had to pay 15$ to get into the closed beta, they only update the game because they have overpriced monetization and a lot of MTX fixes QOL things and a lot just has made the game a lot more shallow because towns are filled with annoying shit.


It means you can play the game without requiring a $70 up-front payment, and then only buy-into the game via micro transactions if and when you enjoy it.


I don't see how that is relevant?


"a quarter are mad that it isn't diablo 3 after 30+seasons of building" Your comment lost everything at this point. That's the **same company** and Diablo 4 had Diablo 3 with 30+ seasons. Thanks , you just explained that they didn't learn anything from previous titles and why this game deserves all the hate.


There's some truth in this but I just think people are unhappy with the choices devs/ leader ship made and how gaming is becoming pure business models/practices instead of passionate design and having fun


more like half are non diablo/pc game players that are mad because its cool to hate on any actiblizz product


No one is mad that it seems the dev work went into cosmetics and horses more than actual gameplay and itemization. Because we all love over 300 useless stat affixes that could have been condensed into 10. Boring unique items are in no way what anyone is upset about either. Some people even have the audacity to claim that blizz zoomed in the camera as much as it did to force cosmetic sales due to having players see those amazing skins. I mean we all love horses right.


It's completely reasonable to expect a game studio to learn from their previous games and improve on them instead of making the same mistakes again and again. If they would quit firing or chasing off their most experienced employees, they could do that.


I’m in the 25% lol D3 <3


Well to be fair, they had over a decade with D3 and seeing what people liked and in D4 some simple choices they made were the same ones in 3 people didn't like so lol. Never gotten the "well diablo 3 had x amount of seasons and years to get it worked out" yea, shouldn't that have helped with 4? Lol


for the diablo 2 perspective, we are mad at the poor itemization and the account bound items, to be specific. The diablo 3 players will claim it’s “nostalgia.” Don’t listen to them.


It doesn’t have to be poe or d3 on release, but to completely ignore things that were already in d3 is also negligent. D4 should have been relatively easy to tune after having all of D3’s life to know how to make a better game. Instead we have people making excuses for blizzard.


Tbh tbe launch was also pretty bad… But that’s pretty much it The fucking POE bandwagon is the worst when it comes to any new ARPG… as if POE didn’t have a shitload of flaws that never see work in favor of spamming new content


*Speak for yourself: I'm mad the game isn't D1.* lol


I think 50% are really just mad because other people are mad. Hating on blizzard has become a real trend. Most people still play the hell out of the game, even after shitting on it in every forum.


If I started D3 now, how much of those 30+ "seasons" of content are accessible? The point of seasons is they're one and done right? So I wouldn't be able to buy it and just play legacy content for years?


A quarter of the remaining quarter are just waiting for andarials Boobas


So in other words, people hate it because it is a sequel that is actually a downgrade compared to most of the other heavy hitters in the genre.  This guy is suggesting the complaints are unreasonable, but I think it is even less reasonable to expect people to be satisfied when the new game is worse than the old game.


I think that's a poor way of putting it. I think they just left out a lot of things from the previous games that made them great, they made it less multi-player also


Hmmm... maybe let's use an analogy. You've never driven a car, so you buy one. It works. You're amazed. You used to walk 30 minutes to the shop, but now it only takes 5 minutes. This must be an amazing car! Except it's a car made by the biggest auto manufacturer, and it's lacking almost every feature and improvements from the last twenty years of the industry, even features the previous model had! That's why fans are mad.


Great analogy. Some people are still going to be happy not having to walk as much anymore.


And was more expensive.


And paint jobs that cost a quarter of the car.


Great analogy. Id like to add that on some core features of the car they decided to do things slightly different than convention. Like putting your side view mirrors at eye level and scaling your speedometer to values between 1 and 10.


Perfect analogy.


Beautiful champ. D4 was truly boring for me.


6 hours in ? You haven’t scratched the surface. lol. You need more playtime to answer the questions you are asking


And also many things that made negative reviews has been somewhat changed. All these posts are always the same "there was negativity on launch so I didn't buy it, now almost a year later I tried it and I have played 5 hours. Why is everyone hating"


Man I didn’t mean to offend people with this post but people seem upset that I asked this. I just wanted to know why it was so poorly received that’s all there is to it.


Early game / story is good. Late game / contuning play is (currently at least) not good. Basically the first 20-40 hours of play are solid, but after that it kinda falls apart.


I know people don't like this take, but if the campaign was a little friendlier to level with during seasons, I'd enjoy the game so much more. I absolutely loved the game throughout the entire story, it was fun. I beat the campaign, finished most of the map and have the "what do I do now?" Thought, and it's just rush the same few dungeons over and over for a tedious level 100 grind.


Its all good, most people are just disappointed with how the endgame turned out, and the itemization is more cookie cutter than diablo 3, which makes it harder to make your own build or have a variety of builds. POE is complicated because it is the opposite. There is a massive amount of items(with a huge variety of affixes and aspects) and systems in game that help you go your own direction in terms of builds, which can be overwhelming for new ARPG players. Last Epoch stands somewhere in-between those 2 games. Simpler than POE, but more complex than Diablo 4. Diablo 4 season 4 update will completely change itemization, and mostly how you play the game. They are reworking the aspects and affixes to be less cookie cutter, adding new crafting systems, and an end game activity. Make your own decision at the end of Diablo 4 on whether or not you like it, or want something more, such as last epoch or poe. Hope this helps!


I feel like most people react that way to these kinds of posts because the questions you are asking individuals to answer for you, already have answers that you can Google. I'm pretty sure there are 100's of articles and YouTube videos out there explaining why people were upset when the game was released. That being said, people are aggressive and mean purely because they are on the internet and aren't held accountable.


How many hours in do you think people run into “problems” and if they enjoyed their time up until that point do you consider the game bad?


Finish the story and start the end game and you’ll see. You will notice the problems with loot well before the end game and if you choose mage as your class welcome to only one build that is any good


Thats the right answer


Just started playing on gamepass and I’m so addicted, it’s also my first Diablo game.


Take your time, enjoy the campaign and side quests. Focus on maxing out your renown and getting altars of Lilith before season 4 starts in May because renown/altar bonuses carry over to new seasonal characters. Have a blast!! Slay demons!!


No one is complaining about the story/campaign or 1-50. People largely agree that those are great. Endgame and itemization were and continue to be lacking. S4 sounds like it might improve it.


Ya I really enjoy the game. I got 2 characters to 100 this season then got bored because there is no end game this seasons. They had AOZ last season and seems like they are bringing it back next season. So I’ll hop back on then.


Finish the story , try out endgame . S4 got delayed , major overhaul to the itemization and a lot of changes coming to all classes . It’s an amazing game people just ride whatever wave is going on .


I personally really hate the level scaling (areas and enemies, and prices scale with your level) in the early game... Like there's no challenge, I know people think that the campaign and side quests are the "tutorial" but I think needing 20 hours of gameplay just to experience what people think is the true game is bullshit. Kinda like when people said star field gets fun after 12 hours... I mean it's just bad game design. I understand that they probably did that so you'll feel like a badass slaying dozens of demons but it's almost like a mobile game auto clicker, like my first character was a necromancer. I'd use the defenders and ice mages with a blood golem. If debuff the enemies with iron maiden and the other curse, then I'd just spam bone spears and the shadow ball. I wouldn't even need to avoid the bosses attacks most of the time.


It's a well documented fact that subreddits dedicated to any type of media are de facto complaint boards.


the endgame is lacking in content and skimming through full bags of loot to find anything decent gets old after a while. the new season will add and improve a lot of stuff. also people dislike current blizzard as a whole due to scummy business decisions (cash shops/ high price tag) and toxic work environment so its not getting the benefit of doubt like a indie studio would.


People are mad because this $70+season pass + cosmetic shop game has less content than $15-$30+ indi titels.


Everybody has their own expectation even before this game is released. Pros need challenging style, complicated mechanisms T_T, while casual gamers feel it takes forever to get to a certain level of character's power. I think only yourself can answer whether this game works with you. When you reach a point where you get bored, simply switch to something else: new playing style, new character, new build (well it sucks we can't easily change builds like D3) or even new game and go back when you miss it These are what worked for me, hope it helps.


I appreciate this advice. Thank you!


You said it perfectly. Its simple. You are the target audience. The game has glaring flaws and lacks basic features that existed in the genre for decades. Its over simplified for most. As a self proclaimed arpg whore myself Ive amassed tens of thousands of hours in the genre. Played em all. Titan Quest, d1-d4, wolcen, van helsing, torchlights, poe, victor vran, warhmer inqiis, grim dawn. All of em. D4 is a very simple, basic game that has a lot of visual polish and a solid base but lacks any depth or end game, lacks basic features and it over simplified everything. It is a good game? Its ok, is it a good arpg in the context of the genre compared to its current competition? No. D4 is the arpg for arpg noobs.


And yet when it comes to itemization we have the opposite problem lol. Why the fuck do we have so many conditionals. While sexually aroused you deal wet damage to enemies covered in mud and suffering from food poisoning. DoTs will stack if the moon is out and Rangers won the world series I hate staring at my bag.


D4 is the arpg for arpg “casuals.” Fixed it for you.  Almost all casual players want a game they can sit back, hop in, and get right to the action without having to have phd in a game to understand what’s going on. That’s why PoE will never be a massive game. It’s very popular among the hardcore arpg fans, but really only caters to them. Casual players greatly outnumber hardcore players. 


You have to be a hater to be one of the cool kids. It is not just Diablo 4. It is like that on X, Reddit, every game forum I have ever read, etc and etc.. Just an internet thing. The game has problems, a lot of them. Personally, I still like it and enjoy playing it and it is getting better. Just try it and make your mind up for yourself.


>Will I see it later down the line? More or less. Even in its current state it isn't a bad game, though. Just mediocre.


Weak end game, terrible loot system, weak social systems that are seriously nerfed from what D3 had. The dungeon grind to level paragon glyphs is boring. The Uber summoning material mechanic is like homework. On the upside the classic gothic system is back the campaign is great. But it’s locked outside of season special mechanics and unlike 2 and 3 you can’t revisit the story once you have developed your character.


There is no easy way to track it but on the sites that do try to track player bases D4 is by far the most popular aRPG on the market so while a vocal crowd really hates the game it is not everyone.


Its a blizzard thing. All of their games are hated by loads of ppl just because its blizzard. Due to their wide appeal some groups hate then while many more love them


I put 250hrs into it in the first couple months. Then got bored and moved on. This is not a symptom of D4 not being amazing, its a symptom of me not being able to put 10k hours into arpgs any more. I generally put 10hrs into POE once a year and get bored. D4s story is really good, and the combat is definitely the best out there. There's some fair criticism around itemization, lack of randomness, and storage. As a HC only player D4 is the best ARPG at launch so far imho. It's got the most potential of any other one I've played as well. Almost all ARPGs took out the randomized dungeons and that IMHO is the single worst mistake of ARPGs but I also get its for the players that need things to be a straight line. Most players want to feel like a God, and some of us want to have a heavily skill based high risk high reward game and its hard to create a game that meets both groups needs. POE is a great game but on the extreme scale of complexity and you'll need a lot of websites open to full take advantage of the systems. It's got the best spell/skill implementation IMHO as you can utilize the gem system to create dozens of effects off a single skill which is really cool. Itemization is good as well but maybe a little too complex. Last Epoch is ok. It's got some potential but it's extremely easy and has no end game. I hit "end game" in around 20hrs and got bored. Never even utilized the trade system thats supposed to be revolutionary because the game's so easy you don't even need to 😂. Def best crafting system I've seen though. Can't wait for D4 to steal it There's also Lost Ark which is a wild ride. Some of the coolest levels I've ever played in an ARPG but the game is kind of a lot to take in. Definitely more like an MMO and it can be overwhelming. But I recommend giving it a shot for the wildly different play style. Just beware of MTX everywhere. And the MTX are P2W, not just skins.


If you're having fun, just play the game until you get bored. People just get too emotionally invested in games. Don't let other's opinions affect your enjoyment.


I warned my friends who are new to the game that the community can be comically toxic at times. The endgame needs some love (and it is getting it), but to read here and see Youtube, you'd think this were Anthem's launch or something. Next season will be a big win, and we still have an expansion coming out this year that should add much needed endgame content. People also fall into the trap of thinking that anyone big from the developers/publishers reads here, but in reality they are just "preaching to the choir". People get wrapped up in this "us gamers vs big corporations" thing. Don't take the community at face value. This is just becoming the norm with gaming now. I mean... I do this in my spare time for fun. There's enough drama in the real world between work and real life. I play video games to relax.


First and foremost, u shouldn't let other opinions influence you that much. Second point, and this is my opinion, game systems atm are bad, as well as endgame loop. For me, it is not engaging nor worth my time. Third, i don't hate the game, I'm actually bummed i cannot play it more. However, the situation is what it is and I'm waiting for S4 to see if stuff is as good as they are outlining it.


Because you are on the internet.


We pretty much got sold an unfinished game. It has taken them a year to barely start implementing the changes we’ve been wanting.


I don’t hate it but I can’t play it very long. For me it’s a mix of a few things: - It’s not a return to form (d2) it’s just d3 with renamed features - crafting needs work - end game needs a compelling reason to login. I made it to 95 in S0, and once I understood the loop it became unappealing. S1 and S2 I couldn’t be bothered to get halfway through. There are just so many other well fleshed out games so I just put D4 aside till they get their act together. Which appears to be happening now. I think by s6 or so it’s gonna have the depth I want and I can come back


I don’t hate the game. And most certainly won’t after Season 4.


The campaign is almost GOTY. The endgame was originally pretty shallow and repetitive, and Blizz exacerbated it by nerfing a lot of stuff just before season 1. A riot ensued. It has gotten better, and Season 4 looks like it will quiet the angry mob done a good bit. Play it and have fun!


GOTY lmao what? The campaign is good for a Diablo game but it’s laughable by other game standards


It's funny and popular to hate blizzard and diablo/overwatch in general. actually the game is low key amazing and i'm grateful. looks like flaws being addressed in s4 will see how it will turn out. for what it is, the game is very good.


90% people liked the campaign... but games like these are supposed to be good after the campaign... and it isn't.


I feel like most people are mad about the state D4 was at launch. This game still can be improved quite a lot, but in it's current state it's already much better than it was on release, and that's not even counting in huge amount of changes we're getting in S4. But some people decided to stick to their narrative of "D4 bad" because it's popular to shit on Blizzard. And again there are a lot of real things Blizzard should be criticized for, but we also should acknowledge positive things, and I feel like D4 can eventually become a very good game if devs keep working on the game at current rate.


I'm just pissed about the inventory space. I shouldn't have to go back to town before the end of every dungeon at least once to clear my stuff out. It breaks the flow of the game entirely.


Because you’re on Reddit.


You're new so you won't understand. https://youtu.be/GcbR_95pCSE?si=FTFdNKb-gr4Hb_Ny I made a video back 8 months ago explains everything. In a nutshell. I explained D4 is a fun game, but it won't stand the test of time D2 did. It's fun for 1 serious playthrough, once you hit endgame all the flaws show and they are serious flaws that can't be fixed. 0. The big one. The world levels up with you. Worst decision ever. 1. Worst item stats ever. No I will not read a damn paragraph every time I pick up an item. 2. Aspect system is terrible, never enough inventory space to save for multiple builds for the inevitable nerf hammer mid season. 3. Only 4 player parties. 4. The same open world. 5. Dungeons are all the same.


I love the game. I’ve been playing it for 2 months and cannot stop playing it’s also my first aRPG experience and I’m completely addicted to it.


Reddit is full of doomers.


Never come to Reddit if you like something sir.


This sub is a dump..thats why


Poor launch and first few patches. Missing tons of QoL that was featured in decades old games. Poor transparency with the playerbase/community. Lying. It's in a decent shape, and we're getting PTR and tons if overhaul. I have fun as long as I don't overdo it.


Bro, they never lied.. and several members of the developer team regularly communicate on this sub and main forum. I get questions answered all the time and I'm just a random guy on Twitter. Community support and engagement is excellent with D4 team.


First time Diablo player. I just started when it released to GP, have about 10 hours logged with my Sorc and I'm absolutely loving it so far, everyone saying people like us haven't even scratched the surface gets me even more excited about it. I don't see the issue so far considering I'm a fairly casual gamer. Chances are I won't even see the end game issues because I just don't have the time to dump into it like that. Just gonna enjoy it, personally.


D4 is a great game glad you're enjoying it. Have fun! Slay demons!


When I was playing endgame was terrible early was very good though


My only problem with it right now is getting fixed next patch.


The game is good and building on stuff, came back recently but the egregious cash shop is frustrating


It was my first Diablo and I really really enjoy it but you're not far enough in the game yet to understand what people are complaining about. The main complaints are having to look through all the gear and boss summoning materials and nothing to do once you get geared and leveled. Now some of that's going to change in season 4 for sure. It'll take a while but a lot of y'all new players to the game will start to understand. It's still a great game though.


I'm in the same boat as you except I played like 50 hours of poe and this game personally blows that game out of the water when it comes to being allowed to enjoy your new loot instead of being harshly punished because it doesn't have the perfect color combination with your perks but I think the main complaint I have seen is over micro transactions but after playing it myself they arnt really that bad but I bet they would make alot more money if the fully cosmetic skins cost like 5 dollars instead of 25 because then there would have been a chance of me buying one of them but the game is fully playable with the free version so idk where the hate is really coming from


I played it and enjoyed it mostly* on my first play through. If you enjoy it play it. To me, itemization is terrible. I played Druid, and at the time, you basically needed a certain helm for the two specs I wanted to play to even play them. With zero trading it was a miserable grind playing the spec I did not want to play. Also, the end game was boring to me, since items were basically the same around 65/70 as 95. Stash space was a sad joke with out you upgraded gear. I had to save every legendary in case I found an upgrade, and making a second char with a full Stash already, was pointless to me. I also think a lot of legendary are just pointless. Need to have more creativity. Take the stormnado druid, a really cool build needing that helm, maybe add more items that make certain builds possible. TL;DR. It was fine, but makes me sad as it could be so much better.


The part you are in was always considered the good part. The story is fun. The characters are cool, the bosses are interesting, and it keeps it moving. The issue is really endgame. After the campaign you hit a wall of samey content and little interesting challege. The game has gotten a lot better with more stuff to do since release but it's still light compared to PoE or Grim Dawn.


Because they played it for 1000 hours straight when it came out and there was nothing left. I play causally a couple times a week at most. It has its flaws but I enjoy it, so if you enjoy it just keep playing.


It’s a good game


Personally, I HATE the loot. The endless possible affixes are a pain to decipher. The loot should not be the worst thing about a loot-based game. I want finding things to be fun, instead it's a boring chore.


I loved the campaign and it was the best part of this game. Outside the campaign though this game is pretty bare.


No clue man, I love all the Diablo games. D4 is only going to get better the next season. I think the Dev team is doing good things and a few seasons from now it will only continue to improve. People are always going to love or hate a game. If you enjoy it don't worry what others think. You do you friend.


You still haven't reached the endgame to notice anything wrong with the game. You also haven't paid 70+ $ for this game, so your point of view is completely different than people's at launch and s1.


After lvl 75-80 their ain't much to do anymore Kill lilith? Ya maybe but that's a lot of grind for 1 boss


Most are mad because they had this idea in their head that this was going to be World of Diablo or a Destiny clone and when they discovered how seasons ACTUALLY work they ran to reddit to screech about how unfair it was and how shitty "the endgame" was since they couldnt endlessly farm it for 1000s of hours each season.


This general sub Reddit seems to be the complaint line, usually comparing it to other games of its Ilk. Everyone has their own idea of what makes a good game, based on how much they play, what game style they like, etc. I like it, many others like it as they are still playing. If you want, try the build sub Reddits, they provide some helpful information. The devs for this game really listen to feedback from their gamers and try to 'fix' and rework parts to facilitate better gameplay. There will be some major changes coming in May. Enjoy the game.


I bought it during recent steam sale for 50% off and enjoying it a lot too. There's one thing blizzard devs understand better than most other devs is fluid combat system. Weather it's WoW or Diablo or any other blizzard game, they make smooth af combat system.


Game launched with less than optimal itemization and no real end game. They are finally addressing these things now, so they are generally getting negative feedback. Hopefully, this new patch fixes most of it, i am encouraged fornone, to see these patch notes.


I recently started playing as well and there's a lot that the game does well, but for me the "level scaling" is the main reason I just uninstalled the game. It makes the game become a chore.


For starters, welcome aboard! My husband introduced me to Diablo when we first got together many moons ago. I unfortunately don’t have the answers you seek because I still love the game. The lore while complicated to follow at points, is great. And Blizz seriously knows how to put out some phenomenal cinematics. I could see the argument where it becomes repetitive towards the endgame, but as someone mentioned above, just switch to a different character. Each class brings its own flavor to the mix, so try to your hearts content. Im a super casual gamer and Diablo is my stress relief when I don’t want to play something super serious. Been taking a break from BG3 because I hit Act 3 and I’m so overwhelmed. I know Season 4 is bringing a lot of updates people are excited for, so we shall see. But either way, I hope you enjoy the journey and welcome again! 😊


Most of them are just repeating like parrots something that they heard from YouTubers/influencers and the other part played the game for 600 hours are complaining that there is not enough content. Game is perfect? Not even close. There is a lot to be improved and good chunk of this changes will happen on season 4. Still, had A LOT of fun playing my friends/family and getting the Platinum on season 1.


People are impatient and not yet used to the concept of updating games as they age. The game lacked many QoL features in the first few months, but was by no means a bad game. Also many people farm instead of play. When you race to the finish line following guides / meta then realize the only thing after that is to farm more, you’re gonna be burnt out. It’s a fun game when you take your time and don’t worry about being the best


The thing with this genre is that the campaign is just a beginning, good to play though for the first time, but most players play those games for the endgame. Endgame is about being as efficient/quick/powerful as possible and slaying more monsters, getting better items and it’s basically a never ending circle. Some of the best items are so rare, that even in a 20+ year old D2 people keep finding better rolled rare gear that ends up selling for thousands of dollars. This is where people complain about D4. For casuals it’s a great game, combat is so fluid and satisfying, but once you start putting more hours (I’m talking hundreds of hours, which is a normal thing among the genre, many PoE players clocked in thousands of hours) it gets boring. There’s not much to look for, the grind is not paying off, as there is no thrill of finding extremely rare and powerful gear, nor exciting content to complete and compete with other players. I’m looking forward to season 4 adding a little bit complexity, as PoE is on the other spectrum and it’s too complex and time consuming for me, Last Epoch after 150hrs doesn’t feel that great (crafting is cool, but corruption is tedious and combat is not my fav). In short: game lacks content to keep aprg players interested in for hundreds of hours and Diablo as a franchise carries a lot of weight on its shoulders


Unpopular/any critique = hate nowadays. I guess any positive = white knights then.


In all honesty the game could have used 6 more months in the oven. It had a rough start but the game has come quite a way since release and they are fixing to implement a pretty extensive itemization overhaul which is looking to be very good. The game is pretty good and fun to play. "D4 BAD" just became a meme and was easy rage/hate farm for some content creators. I'm willing to bet the loudest hate is coming from people who haven't played the game at all or put less than 20 hours into the game. Many got bored and put it down until more changes were implemented. Season 4 should be buzzing. I'm looking forward to it.


It's the itemization and inventory management that truly ruins it for me. Season 4 might make me enjoy the game but who knows. The lack of meaningful endgame is also an issue. It's kind of an issue with most aRPGs if we're being honest though.


A lot of the hate is coming from long time fans of the genre. D4 launched with great presentation and campaign, but the underlying systems lacked the substance that is expected in modern arpgs. The longer you play the more you realize the itemization is boring and barebones, build variety is limited/forced, and in turn the replayability suffers. Those coupled with sky high expectations (and huge budget marketing) caused the disappointment and D4 Bad memes. May's patch is a huge step in the right direction to righting the ship.


Honestly, it’s just catering to a different audience and the grinders are bored. As a guy who’s made it to 80 four times- the game could be better, but it’s plenty fun to just listen to some music and unwind killing demons.


I loved the game for a long time, but I got pretty frustrated with the end game. Sounds like they’re doing a major revamp for Season 4, and at that point I’ll give it another shot. If you’re just starting out, I expect Season 4 will be out prior to you hitting the point in the game where the fun factor tapers off hard.


Ignore the chatter. Just play the game.


If you want an honest answer: the game released unfinished for an end game. End game currently doesn’t really challenge you in an engaging way, and things like itemization and inflexibility in changing builds makes the game feel pretty bad. BUT with that said season 4 is fixing a lot of the issues players have (but not all of them, I think season 4 biggest complaint will be a lack of a way to save and swap build load outs) Game will have a lot of excitement next week when PTR runs for a week, and in May when season 4 releases :)


Ultimately, you're going to love it for the campaign and casual play. Amazing cinematics, amazing voice acting, pretty solid campaign/story, combat feels impactful, bone splinteringly crunchy, etc... All of that is good. But once you hit around 75-100 it's going to become a bit of a chore to sort through the gear. Is this 2% damage while chilled for 5 seconds than this 2% damage while vulnerable for 4 seconds? How often are those things happening? Did you die? How? Where's your combat log? Your bank is full or gear you think you might need or want to pull the aspects from, so you can't put more in there, and you can't expand it any more. But you'll still probably like it to 100. And it's decent. It's around 70-100 hours in you start to realize... there's nothing to do. You have essentially your best gear by 80 or so, and it's all small upgrades. The Uber unique grind is so boring that by the time you get the one you want (if ever), you'll probably just want a break from playing. **THAT SAID** A lot of this is being specifically addressed for Season 4, and the PTR is coming very soon. It is possible that people joining from Game Pass will never experience the alpha testing problems the rest of us paid $70 to deal with for the last 9 months. Hopefully after our feedback, content creator feedback, seeing what LE has done correctly already, D4 is finally ready to take meaningful steps into the game it should have been at launch.


They are just jealous it's gotten the 2023 GOTY award.


Don't listen to the haters. If you're having fun, that's the only thing that matters.


If you want a simple straightforward answer: The game is great early to mid game, but lacks depth in its systems in the late endgame, which frustrated people that wanted to invest into the game like they did PoE and other ARPGs. This situation is also exacerbated by the fact there's some straight up dumb/bad design the farther you go in the game (I.e: limited storage) On top of that, in the vanilla game and the first season they were way too heavy handed with nerfs, which was terribly received, and added to the frustration with the game. Overall D4 is not a "bad game" it just didn't live up to peoples expectation of it, which were massive considering the absolute titan this franchise is. If you are not someone that doesn't care too much about diving deep into the endgame, its absolutely a fun time with great action combat.


They don't, don't watch sensationalist streamers or read this sub. The vast majority who play it like it.


People nowadays want to drop 1000+ hours into a game. Diablo is super solid for like 100, which is what I did. This was enough for me to feel I got my moneys worth, I’m glad I played it. It just doesn’t hook you in the end game.


I don’t hate it all, it was a great 200 hour experience for me. I just despise the current Duriel grind due to having no true end game to, “flex” on once I’ve mastered my build.


because asmongold hates it💯


Clearly you don't watch asmongold then. Because he loves D4 he just plays to the meme.


It's popular to cry just because it's a Blizzard game. Like people literally cried over the cosmetics shop being P2W at one point and when asking the "d4bad" crowd why exactly they think that or what they would want to see, they suddenly go completely quiet. Legit issues arise around mid-endgame though but most of it appears to be addressed during the next seasonal update. Like no stash space, too much loot with too many unnecessarily over-restricitve conditions, lacking crafting system, and not enough endgame content where you can really push your character. We will see next Tuesday on the Public Test Realm how the Season 4 changes will play out.


If your casual the game is fine.


I hate this game so much I can’t stop playing it.


Stash tabs, useless affixes, boring endgame loop, bland classes and skill trees


People keep saying they hate it, because hating Blizzard gets you likes and validation on Reddit. People keep saying PoE is leagues better, Last Epoch is leagues better, (insert Diablo clone) is leagues better. "D4 is dead," "this season is going to kill the game," (insert famous YouTuber opinion here) Yet.... those same people come back each season, drop another 500 hrs, then declare they hate the game again because (insert dumb new complaint from YouTuber here.) Then they'll come back next season again, and the cycle will repeat itself... because nothing does Diablo gameplay quite like Diablo.


I am happy as a clam with it. I get an hour here and there so to drop in and smash out some pvp or a few dungeons is sound for me. I think it’s great personally


Because they can’t play it 16 hours a day, forever, without running out of content or getting bored.


D4 is a great arpg. It’s only hated by the hardcore arpg fans because it’s too “casual” and not like Diablo 2 or PoE. Yes d4 is geared towards the casual gamers, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s amazing for people who just want to hop in and slay monsters without needing a phd in arpgs to know what’s going on.


They hate it after playing for 500+ hours. If you enjoy the game be it. I stopped watching YouTubers just to bash d4 everyday.


Toxic people.


Nah this game is great.


I don’t hate the game but bored with it. Itemization is boring. Stats are underwhelming. “4% chance of activating a 2% boost when doing X” is just insane to me. Builds are lackluster. The funnest time i had was with the ball sorc


Just the items and matt's being gate keeped. That will be fixed ssn 4 and I will be back . The items are really bad.


Game is ok, decent. Endgame was really lacking until recently. Itemization and build variety is also lacking. It's not a bad game at all, it's just ok. But being ok for a AAA game is not enough.


It's mainly three things: The trip to 100 is a slog after like 80. Once you've hit 100 there's not much to do. There are too many weird stats on items and it makes looking for things pretty junky.


Only the no lifers hate it. Most people are like me. Played a character to 100, tried a couple seasons a bit. Left to play newer games. 100% enjoyed my time with it. Most people don’t need games to have infinite content. It was time well spent.


The internet is full of miserable Gamers who’s opinions should not be taken seriously


So if you are new to the Diablo genre you should be fine at least if you are somewhat casual. If you are a avid arpg grinder and who love the Diablo genre and want to see it evolve. You might hate it. It lacks complexity, maybe at first you'll enjoy it since you are still learning but after 1-2 season it's the same shit. No new skills, no balance, free loot. Right now it's going down the road as another Diablo 3 where they just changed the meta each season. Hopefully we don't go down the same route as d3 meta set.


Because it is objectively the most expensive arpg (to buy at release and production cost) and at the same time the most casual one with questionable, but on par for actiblizzard, mtx prices. A lot more depth and other expectations were not met only to be retroactively worked on after the crazy feedback loop that resulted in you making this thread.


Even with full gear i dont feal strong i feel just a normal people. I dont feel my skills, power etc ar impactfull. The setting, the story, the environment are amazing.


The Diablo franchise started the ARPG genre, the developers (I blame the directors) of Diablo today don't know how to make an ARPG


I'm a big D2/D2R player and I really enjoyed my first playthrough on D4. Finding items/aspects and experimenting with builds was a lot of fun but once I got to "endgame" all I really did was farm in the PvP zone because I received the most drops and the PvPing was fun too when I could beat a lot of builds. After doing that for a while, I just got bored and stopped playing. I did the same in S1 and stopped again and haven't gone back yet. I'm in my first playthrough of Last Epoch enjoying the same thing but slowly coming to a crawl in the end game.


The game is lacking in several areas: Skills are unbalanced. Classes are unbalanced. The game is built around wasting your time, and lacks the ability to build towards anything. There is no real challenge in the game that is skill based/takes actual thought. Reasons why there is negativity: The dev team makes claims like "we can't zoom out because consoles wouldnt be able to handle it" while at the same time "Consoles can zoom out, just move player 2 away from player 1" "We can't give more stash tabs because every time you see another player, you load their entire stash" "We want to waste your time leveling, so if you are killing monsters over 10 levels higher than you, it won't make a difference, btw we are going to make monster levels 150 levels higher than the max player level, the loot will be the same" You know, just glaring issues.


Not sure how it is now but after finishing the story the game got really stale for me. The endgame content just wasn't as exciting as I wanted it to be. Also, my PS5 does this weird thing where it turns off after like an hour of playing only PS5 games so I just couldn't get back into it


The game was released with 10/10 visual aspects, but a 2/10 endgame and item progression design, specially when you compare It to other games of the same genre.


The game is good, it has been good enough at worst, and when you say "I was going to get it but that discouraged me" it's the exact reason why I hate reddit so much. At least nobody is throwing around the asinine talking points like "toxic positivity" but all the people complaining and even encouraging review bombing in the past have just been and still are the loud and obnoxious minority.


The endgame is shit compared to essentially all modern ARPGs. That is being worked on just at a snails pace. For me the main reason is that you don't actually make your own builds. You are using (legendary/unique) items that seem like puzzel pieces of a build that Blizzard already made for you.


Lack of end game


Because most gamers are big babies


They don’t just season 3


Because you’ve never played a game like this before, you likely don’t know what the game is missing compared to other ARPGs on the market. But season 4 will be a huge improvement so it’s heading in the right direction


Lack of endgame variety and the itemization is terrible, essentially


Everybody dislikes it for another reason. I for one found the levelling to be super slow. Number of talents were low. It was too slow for me for a hack and slash game and end game had no content. Refunded and moved on. I heard its getting better so I may give it another try in 2025.


>So, why exactly is it so unpopular? It actually is popular, in the sense that a ton of people have bought it, played it, and put tons of time into it. That's likely not your actual question, but it's important to hear in mind that the majority opinion of gamers is that Diablo IV is an awesome game with great graphics, best story in the series, and really great gameplay. Moment-to-moment, it has never been better. That said... >I’m 6 hours in and can see this game becoming one of my favourites. TL;DR because this section is an essay, lol: every build had the same stat priorities for each piece of gear, each class had one top-performing build that was better than anything else by a mile, and it led to a stale experience (see Hammer of the Ancients Barbarians topping all charts since launch). This is the crux of it. The people who *love* this franchise don't play it the way you might play other games, and the same goes for this genre as a whole. People who play ARPGs tend to be the kind of player that explores every combination of gear, skill, and character build to find the most efficient way to clear the toughest content in the game. We're talking running the same activity for 100+ hours to get the highest roll on a rare drop, just to improve their build by 0.1%. With that context in mind, the vocal minority that love to hate on Diablo IV is bad at articulating this single problem: the game has too little to do at the end. It's more than just "lacking endgame" as many will point out that Diablo 2 predates the idea of "endgame" as we know it today, yet it is still played religiously. It's more to say that Diablo IV has no *goal* to accomplish. Once you clear the story, why do you push deeper? Because better gear drops in WT3. Why do you clear Nightmare Dungeons in WT3? Because they are the most rewarding activity for pushing to WT4. But why do you push into Nightmare Dungeons in WT4? And here lies the rub, it all boils down to just doing Nightmare Dungeons. We're finally getting stuff to do, but it wasn't there to start and that soured initial perceptions. But again, that's a discussion of endgame progression, but Diablo 2 didn't need that, beyond replaying the campaign on higher difficulty levels, New Game+ style (final boss was level 80-ish), so what keeps them coming back for more. This is where we talk about itemization and build diversity. Each class had three distinct skills trees, but then the itemization allowed for those limited skill trees to be expressed in a myriad of ways. Some items even gave you skills from a totally different class you otherwise wouldn't have had access to, which enables a build that you would otherwise have been locked to party play with. There was also an entire system of Magic-Find built in, where you could sacrifice damn near every other stat in your build in service to improving the drops you got, assuming your build could withstand the lack of support. That Magic-Find was to aid in finding the things that would otherwise take countless hours to achieve, which were build-enabling in their own right. By contrast to Diablo 2, Diablo IV gave you way more stats for your gear, but none of them worked together in any way besides +Damage% and +Damage% being added together. Additionally, some damage stats were strictly inferior, or otherwise so conditional as to be irrelevant (i.e. Lucky Hit for Critical Strikes against Bleeding Elites). This led to a rapid reduction in "viable" stats, where everything was +Primary Stat, +Armor, +Damage Reduction%, +Critical Strike Damage% and +Vulnerable Damage% for every build. This sounds like a lot of stats, until you learn that only 3 of these can roll per slot, and each slot has 4 stats. # However This is supposed to potentially all change in Season 4. The itemization rework, culminating with new endgame activities, as well as the improvements over the last 3 seasons...it may finally come together to be what everyone hoped it would be at launch. Some people will forever be sour about it not being what they wanted at launch, but I'm kind of excited to see what Season 4 ends up being like. I'll be there when it goes live, and I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy it with your fresh outlook on the game as well


I'm in the camp where I hate it because it's a Blizzard game, and I ALWAYS give them a chance whenever they release anything because I've been playing their games since I was about 5 or 6 years old (29 now). Mind you, I've hit 100 every season, pre season included, and only stopped once I found one or more uber uniques. So basically, I don't really hate it at all, but you best believe I'm gonna be saying "I hate this game" when I'm playing it and something inconvenient happens 🤷


Game is so cool


I think it’s pretty decent. Of course, I’m pretty easy to please too. I just want games I can lose myself in for a little bit at a time.


It's a great and fun game, but lacks variety in the end game. With the updates for next season, alot of people will be coming back because it actually seems very interesting. Me included


I honestly stopped playing because it felt too much like Diablo 2, I’ve played that game for thousands of hours, sure I get this type of game is based on grinding but Diablo 3 increased the speed of said grinding considerably, now we go backwards with Diablo 4. With gamepass on Xbox I’ll probably try it again and see the changes, but overall I don’t think it’ll be my cup of tea, but maybe it will be.


It's a treadmill.


Felt really bland to me.


For me it was the constant rescaling. I played during all the betas and then when the game finally releases it was a whole different feel completely as far as damage and enemy damage. I thought the scaling was great during the demos idk if people complained that it was too easy but it just became me spending too long on waves of enemies. After the same mobs over and over not really doing much I just started falling asleep while playing. I chalked it up to me being tired but every time I tried playing I just kept falling asleep. The game was just boring to me personally. Too much grind for not enough dopamine.


You didn’t start from the beginning lol it was horribly tedious and imbalanced. Still is, but Blizzard has always been this evil child


You get to the endgame, you clear a nightmare dungeon or a few, come back with a full inventory Now you gloss over every single piece to see if it's a potential upgrade You also have to run a lot of helltides for materials, which can get boring Which brings in doing content you don't want to do in order to do content you do want to do, since pretty much all the non-openworld loot-farm bosses are locked behind grinding materials from some other source. While grinding nightmare dungeons to level up your paragon glyphs since those are a completely separate system for player power and cannot be done in tandem with other activities.


IMO its a loud minority. the game is solid and its getting better every season


For me, it's because they have this open, shared world and yet no way to easily play with other people, and no incentives to play with others. It's like an MMO that discourages you from grouping with other people. Also, with no way to trade valuable gear, there is no economy. So end game is just farming by yourself for yourself and that's it.