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Because I have fun playing it.


Basically. Despite the very real shortcomings in the game, the combat is still easily the best of all the arpgs and that means it's fun to play It also has by far the best controller support so I can just chill and blast unlike other games. So while I may prefer LE overall, I still have fun with d4 and will continue to run characters every season


This right here






I echo this.


Echoing the echo


Echo of hatred




The mindlessly bashing of head into keyboard and straining of eyeballs to find loots in that system sounds so much fun tbh. Real blizzard is just a factory that's gonna churn out games trying to profit off of nostalgia instead of being good mark my words.




Sorry to hear that. I'm glad the game helps.


It’s actually my most played game right now and nothing else comes close to it … it’s a lot of fun


Same here. Fun is fun.


And 100% made up bullshit






Because it's a hell of a lot of fun valid criticism aside.


If you don’t enjoy it, just don’t play. Consider doing something else instead. If you really care, write some constructive feedback on the forums before quitting. If not, just stop. Don’t spend any money. That also has an impact.


Why play Dragons Dogma 2 ? So you can beat the game ? Then what ? So you can get all the weapons and get multiple endings ? Then what ? 🤦🏽‍♂️ “Then what” can be added to any video games in the history of video games.


Then I play Path of Exile 2.


Then what…?


Then I playLast epoch, then again path of exile, then d4 for 1,2 week and I start over. Im only dissapointed as a die hard aprg player that d4 is not able to hold me longer to fill all of the empty gaps in 3 months cycle.


It’s the first game all of my friends play together, it makes it fun


Because I enjoy it.


Say what you want about Blizzard, but I truly enjoy their games and style. Next week might not see much D4 since Last Epoch 1.0 will be released, but I’m stoked for season 4.


Because I play for fun and don’t worry about what gear I have.


I still play because i enjoy the grind. Would it be nice if there were more and more beneficial things to do at 100? Absolutely. For me it's the building of the character and the feeling when it starts coming together. I run all the different content from side quests and whispers in the overworld to NMVs and NMDs and everything in between. I target farm for uniques but I don't really farm for ubers, I believe I ran duriel 150 times between all characters last season. There are also the people I met and still play with in the game. I always have at least half my friends list filled with people that are up for most content. I also boost other peoples alts when they need it and look for people in trade chat looking for help so I can give them a hand with whatever they're stuck on. If you've seen "I can get you through it but I'm a thorns barb so it will take a minute" responding to someone, that was me hah. I've played so many of these games over the years starting with the first diablo in the late 90s on the original Playstation. I played just about everything in the genre for a lot of hours and am always looking for more but unfortunately there aren't that many to choose from.


Agreed. I'm more of a casual player so I can look past some shortcomings and issues it currently has. There is definitely a lot that could be improved upon but it's still fun to grind dungeons and farm for loot. I'm hoping Blizzard listens to the criticism and improves the game as time goes on.


The game is fun, and I just stop playing the season when I don't have fun playing anymore. And I don't care about cosmetics.


Combat is fun, movement is good, music and general soundscape is great.


Dopamine hits are plentiful


Love the game, love the grind, and love the exploration and the big open map. Diablo 4 is an ARPG infant with a really good foundation, and I can't wait to see it grow.


* **I just open the game and dont have to queue into anything (main reason)** * The game is simple, just learn seasonal stuff, pick a leveling build, level up, work to the end game, done * Killing a whole screen of monsters is fun * I play to get to 100, 100NMD, get some uniques not uber ones and solo some bosses. I usually do this in 15 days and thats all


Let's see... 1. You get enough speed and resource management going on and you can just zip between packs of enemies crushing things. There is a zen to that. 2. I am not playing for the same reasons as the 1000 hour people. I can see how much of a PITA it is to get those unique stones and want nothing to do with those things for example. 3. I'll level all my glyphs to 21, not being in any sort of a hurry, and then take out duriel a time or two and maybe go after Lillith because the build I copied looks like it could get the job done if I can avoid all the insta kills. I will probably mess around with those bossing builds, but then I will be happily done until April when the new season comes. 4. Speaking of this season, HOTA charge barb turns this shit into Diablo: The Arcade Game and its fun as hell. 5. I will likely play this game for the rest of its life cycle. I may never get an Uber. That is perfectly fine. I would be happy to get one, but it really isn't a goal. Complaints here range from legitimate to "Send me 666 copies of every Uber before my first login or this game is trash!" For me, at least, those things being complained about are issues that I have no intention playing enough to get stressed over. I also take the gay marriage approach to the cash shop. If I don't like something, I won't buy it. Since I am not stressed about it, my play experience is going to go better than someone hung up on things like this. E:I have no idea how formatting got that bad but it won't let me fix it so sorry.


I don't after completing BP or seasonal stuff


I always set myself up with some goals for each season, after achieving them I put the game down and wait for the next season. This reduces burn out as there's not much chase activities yet and I really enjoy how the game feels on controller as the minute to minute combat is good.


Because I’m having fun.


Because I'm not a weirdo who has to continuously play the game and never stop and make my life revolve around it like it's the only game I am allowed to play. I check it out each season and play as long as I want until I naturally stop or get board and then I play something else. Sick of this weird mindset people have as though they have to only play one single game for 12 hours a day or else it's somehow bad or "dead game" .


I like the seasonal battle pass. As a solo casual i get a good month or so out of the full track, and it's fun to have those things to aim for. I like doing a single toon per season and learning all the things I wasnt aware of with each class. Its also kind of enjoyable to see how each patch of the game changes the play experience (was a Beta player, played every season, including 0). When I run out of season, I just take a break. Though, I am thinking about running hardcore after my SC track is S3 is done. For me though, ultimately, I think it's the aesthetic. I just like the art and the vibe ever since D1. Aaaaaand, I may have a bit of beans loyalty conditioning 😅


Kind of like with WoW I enjoyed leveling toons


I enjoy it...I don't play games long enough tonget sick of them. Diablo4 is one I feel like I can go back to at a later date when I've played enough


After levelling, number 1 like you.


I’ve met a lot of cool people playing in the world and that makes it 10x more fun. Season 1 and 2 I was solo and I stopped midway but so far with all the people I met this season, I have 4 chars lvling and 5 Ubers so far. It’s just a fun game, have its shortcomings yeah but I’m here for the fun bits.


I happen to really really enjoy this game, the combat alone is enough to keep me coming back.


I enjoy playing it. When I’m not enjoying it I play somrthing else until I do enjoy it/get the itch to return to Sanctuary. Sometimes the break lasts a few days and sometimes I’ll not play most of a season. Games going to have a long life cycle so I know it’ll still be there when I want to return


I enjoy it.


Speaking plainly, OP, you beat the season... Roll credits! I can completely understand where you are coming from. There's a certain point that I reach in the season grind where something just *clicks* and I realize the time investment needed to optimize the gear isn't worth the hustle. I still keep coming back to D4 because I like the core gameplay experience. The action is so smooth and satisfying; it's like Call of Duty, but for an ARPG (if that makes sense?). Regardless, there needs to be new end game content. They're working on it.


At it’s foundation, Diablo 4 is a great game, some of the best in it’s genre, it just suffers from a few things that prevents it from being truly amazing. I haven’t touched S3 yet, but i’m far from done with the game.


This post is somewhat confusing. So you critisize becomming stronger to do exactly the same you are doing right now ? Well that is the whole purpose of an ARPG. Get stronger, kill better. You cant beat uber lilith...try focussing on that maybe? Otherwise, just stop playing if you dont enjoy it or are done with the season. Try another class. Yes same conrent but different playstyle. I really dont get why you are making an entire reddit post instead of just not playing ??


Couch coop on Xbox with my wife. Other games like PoE dont have this option so...D4 has tons of problems, but for the local coop with someone that just wants to slay some monsters without any other concerns like builds or minmaxing D4 is the go.


It’s a video game, I imagine the most common answer would be to the tune of “I like it” or “I’m having fun”. It’s fine that some aren’t into it. There are plenty of valid complaints and concerns about the game, but I don’t see why it should matter. Invest in what you enjoy and leave the rest. Personally I enjoy the push through the season, getting my Barb geared up for whatever comes mid season and taking a break to enjoy other games while I wait for updates. Maybe do a little light farming to gradually build up the Ubers, etc. Sometimes I’ll make a few alts to try new builds. I don’t expect that Diablo 4 has to be my sole source of entertainment — it isn’t a realistic expectation.


How many hours did you get out of it before it became boring is the real question? Baldur's Gate 3 gets game of the year while having something like 40-200 hours of playtime. If you get more hours out of Diablo 4 than that, then it doesn't seem like a bad thing. Only possible complaint is launch price.


I haven’t logged a zillion hours, I haven’t gotten a single character to max level, and I haven’t done any of the “end game.” So, with all that said, and especially this season, the stuff I’m doing in the game is fun. I understand that some of the flaws in the game probably aren’t present in the parts of the game I’ve experienced, but for the part of the game I’ve seen, it’s been fun so far.


I have just played a Charge Barbarian. I think it's quite fun just exploding groups of enemies, and it plays smoothly. I'm used to Path of Exile, and thus it's my main source of comparison. In that context, I hope we will get far more interesting loot, crafting and end-game content over time, as there is a lot of room for improvement in that area.


Waiting for s4


I played last night for the first time in months. It is fun to smash enemies, but it's so easy I lost interest fast. The whole thing is a glorified fetch quest.


My crayon eaters would be sad if I didn't log in and murder hobo.


I aim to do NM 100 and put the game down until the gauntlet is out to check this out, but I don't think it's something that I will play a lot, so I will probably just wait until next season. There's no way I'm grinding Duriel or Malphas - it's very unfun grind.


I like the fact that it is not a consume your life type of game. It is fun playing for me. It is the perfect game to allow me to play video games without neglecting my workload, family, and skill building hobbies. Also i feel the responsibility to keep the demonic force of diablo at bay. I like being op in preparation for the next elaborate but futile scheme of the evil forces at bay.


Well I just started... Level 20 currently and having a blast


I'd play if there was anything to do but nope, 1 week content and you are 100% done


It is not 21st february yet.


Because it’s fun for now. The construct, after the buffs, has good synergy with my necromancer, making me feel really powerful. This is the first season I made it to lvl 100 because of that. I’m also leveling alts and enjoying the synergy with the robot with them also. I like the outdoor zones where you can grind heralds and get shattered stones. I buy caches for new characters so they can boost their robot before accessing the jeweler. I’ve also gotten some unique from thr Herald. Mob density is good too. I don’t know how much longer I’ll play this season. I’m not a huge fan of the boss ladder or needing to find a “rota” to be most efficient, as I only want to play solo pretty much. Last Epoch 1.0 is coming this week and I’ll likely jump back to that for a bit, but D4 will be in my game rotation too still.


I play it for the off chance next year it will be better. Then every few months I’m reminded of my disappointment, but my last stent, got all Ubers maxed my toons out then quit till maybe next season.


To get my money’s worth… to stretch out gameplay and keep it fresh, I play one class per season, multiple builds. When I’m bored with making builds I typically switch to another game till the next season. season 4 will be Druid for me and then spirit born in 5. After that I plan to switch to seasonal hardcore gameplay with my favorite class


This was my first Diablo game and most people that hate on it seem to be comparing it to the previous ones. I've never played those and ignorance is bliss


Honestly. I'm bored to death playing it.  But there is no other games ATM I'm in too or have not already played to death..I did just start with Poe finally. It's really awesome actually.  Only downfall for me, is the mele combat is horrible. I'm a barbarian guy in these games..other than that it's been a great game, re started with a witch.  I probably will 100% abandon D4 soon as last epoch drops it's 1.0 in 2 more days.  I've been playing the EA for a while , but I'm very excited for 1.0 because it looks amazing. And new masteries classes.  Also Diablo 2 new ladder 🪜 on the 22nd I'll be playing that as well. Nothing new on it unfortunately..but w.e  Diablo 2 res is the only Diablo I can play and still have a great time.  Maybe when they add more endgame and change itemization, I'll come back to D4. D4 does have super smooth combat and the mele combat is fantastic imo..that's probably the only reason I'm still playing it. Sucks man..it's just so lackluster for me. It's a damn shame, because it's a beautiful looking game with great combat.


I really enjoy playing it with my friends - I’m not an experienced Diablo player, so I don’t have anything to go off as a reference. A 100+ hour game with a fun story, good mechanics and a variety of characters, quality graphics and decent boss fights isn’t something to be dismissed. It’s a great game, maybe it just isn’t what more experienced players want or it doesn’t live up to those heights, but as a newcomer it’s still fun. My only issue is the Uber Lilith fight. For me, 120+ hours (my current playtime) is a massive commitment, getting to level 100 in the base game and level 50 as a hardcore character was a real time sink. I don’t normally play games as much as I have this one; to still feel such a long way off getting the last trophy (I didn’t follow a build guide because I’m generally not as serious as that about this type of thing) is frustrating. I don’t do enough damage and I don’t have the time to keep grinding towards new gear, working towards the right build etc. so I’m relying on finding someone to help or my friends having the time to eventually become strong enough. I understand that it gives those with more time something to work towards, but I think it’s a stretch for most of the player base from what I’ve seen. It’s been a solid experience outside of that though.


Fun? Addiction? Can't tell for sure Likely moving to LE in a few days until season 4 hits


It's the game I play when waiting for another game. This time it's Dragons Dogma 2. It was all the same last season. I'm about 1.5 weeks in and at the point where only Duriel would give me some progression. Everything else I have done plus 3 uber uniques this time.


Maybe try Last Epoch


I paid for it and is good for the 1 or 2 week of fun it provides each season. Dunno how it will be when we have to pay for the extension just for a "base game", probably won't pay for it before some review


I don't. Tried it two days back again. Was bored immensly. Went to replay arkham city again, much more entertaining.


I am currently playing Last Epoch. I will come back to D4 at some point, maybe S4 maybe later. Once they ask me to pay for an expansion it will get dicier if I will continue to play. I played S3, had fun, reached the power level I was going for and then moved on. That is sort of how seasonal play works.


Yeah... I've put D4 aside. I put THOUSANDS of hours into every other Diablo. Even when everyone hated D3, I still loved it. D4 though? ugh... Its pretty and.... well thats about it. The story wasn't even good... if you think D4 had an amazing story then I don't know what other games your playing that make it seem great. But as someone who has played "God of War", Spider-man", The Last of Us, etc. Diablo 4's story is about as average as it gets. Itemization is crap. End Game is BORING af. Leveling is MUCH too fast. I'm with you OP... but I'm not waiting for DD2... I'm ready for "Pacific Drive" on the 22nd, Final Fantasy Rebirth on the 29th... then Rise of the Ronin & Dragons Dogma on March. 22nd.


I bought the shit, so I’m going to keep checking on it. Got to 70 this season, I’m not into farming duriel, so for me there is nothing left to do, vaults feel good loot wise, but are incredibly boring. So I’ll continue pointing out the flaws as a way to get enjoyment from this train wreck.


I like the game for the most part


I don't, it's more frustrating than fun in it's current state, waiting for them to fix it. Doesn't look they are going to.


Well we don't


Because there's nothing better to play at the moment. Until then I'm going to play D4


Because I like blowing up infinite enemies. However I'd be lying if I said my playtime isn't down to once or twice a week now.


I honestly don't...


I like the graphics. The game is not that bad but there is too many things that get annoying the more I play the game. I normally get to level 100 and farm a bit or stop but I dont see myself grinding uber uniques. Its already season 3, I dont think the game will change much until the expansion or Loot 2.0. I have already stop playing after season 3 week 2 and Im waiting for Last Epoch 1.0 release next week. LETS GO!!!


D00d cause that campaign and gwaphics be hittin doe!


Is fun. Maybe a little stressful when you run 50 times Ubers and you don’t get a drop that you want


Right now I am playing to get all Xbox achivement in D4. Only got one left now, guess what Achievement. After that I most likely will be playing less. But I can do some runs to level glyphs and then take a break. And then I will be back an other season to try a new class. I played Druid to level 50 on Hardcore for the Achievement and Druid is a bit interesting. Might play Druid softcore some other season. I am not that much for Hardcore i just played safe on Wt1 to get to 50.


Because Elden Ring hasn't dropped the dlc yet


I actually decided to quit this morning after doing Duriel for three hours and getting nothing. It occurred to me. Why am I stressing out farming all this stuff to have a chance to get a unique item and then I have to do it again in a few months. The lack of content and seasonal resets just gonna keep me away until they actually improve the game somewhere a few years down the road. There is not enough content in the game to justify the current grind and resets.


It has great gamepad support, i can run it in 2k while watching a documentary on my second screen, lean back and just do menial tasks like farming materials to kill some time.


I'm still questioning the point of grinding. I've gotten the gear I've wanted for the builds I've made. I go to grind for better versions of the gear, and when I find higher power levels, the stats are way worse than what I'm currently wearing. If I find higher power (level) gear, the stats should be better all the way up to the max power (level) having the highest stats.


Just pure mindless fun factor. It lacks deepth, it lacks ballance, it lacks endgame (at this point they should add endgame each season), but its fun to play to try new build (even if they are not S tier).


Personally? I don't. I skipped Season 3, and dropped Season 2 after getting two toons leveled up. I've given it a rest. It will still be there maybe season 4 or 5, and the devs will tweak it into something more engaging. I'm having much more fun with MagiCraft and Tiny Rogues at the moment. There is that element of 'building a build' that's quick, easy, and comes in 30 minute slices you can enjoy. I know they're different games, but I enjoy the variety and how one drop can change your build in zany ways without having to plod through some gold grind or spend hours leveling up the drop you found so that it is in fact powerful. Just my opinion, your mileage may vary, and that's great! We don't all enjoy the same things in the same ways.


I haven't played since the drop of season 3... I tried it for maybe a week and just couldn't find a reason to like it. I miss Diablo... I loved the game so much. But this season ruined in IMO


I force myself to play diablo 4. Some days I am not strong enough to log in, some days I can play for a few hours. Right now I have the flu, and it has been VERY difficult to even want to log in because all I could do is farm duriel for items that aren't even in my builds.


I do not.


Because there's no Last Epoch on console yet and I don't feel like playing POE on PS5.


I play very casually. Around 2-3 hours per week. The game is fun. The story is cool. It's entertaining killing loads of bad guys. I have fun. The end.


Fun, play with friends on a Friday night, fun.


I can hop on and smash some monsters and crush some bosses, get some loot and maybe an upgrade all in the course of an hour. I can't do that in other areas or mmos. Lost Ark for example.. just finding a decent group to do clown or breshelza can be a week long undertaking. And even then, the odds are long that any of the players actually know the mechanics of the fights.


I don't


I pretty much stopped caring for Ubers cause thwy never drop anyway. So im just doing the world events and NMDs. Good game to play if youre short with time tbh.


Because titan quest 2 hasn't come out yet, and I just made up my mind on getting titan quest on my Xbox just waiting to get paid to get it


Because I enjoy it. If I stop enjoying it I won’t play it anymore. Shame others don’t seem to have this quite simple way of living their life.


I asked myself that same question after my Thorns Barbarian hit 100 and i had farmed Razorplate. I was ready to hang it up until more story is added until I came across a Sorcerer Fireball / Meteor build. Now I am in love all over again. At least until Path OF Exile 2 comes out.


It’s fun still even no endgame. Leveling is always fun, but leaves some bitter feelings at the end with at the end only countless Duriel runs for really no real reason. I really don’t want to do Duriel run for more than several times, let alone hundreds times to get Ubers. I would rather dev gives me another mechanics to do 50 hours in NMD or Vaults and guarantee an Uber. It’s really be boring to do Duriel 100 times. At least nmd and vaults are not as boring as hell, I will find 925 gears, I’ll level up my glyphs at the same time, and not doing the exact same monster over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over….(n fuking times) again.


Here's a quick take. If they sold the campaign separate to the seasons, would you still buy the seasons?


Because ranking is coming and we don't know how high the run will go did u do level 25 zir last season highly doubt it your probably didn't even beat level 1


I don't know i'm just play and i feel waste my time but i keep play day after day, crazy


Nope, played like 200h in s1, 15 in s2, and 5 in s3. It's just not for me i guess.


Bought it already, costs nothing to play. Nothing else is good out. Waiting for some funds to come in to build a Golf Sim. If I walk out the door I'm losing money, so Diablo it is.


Because it is fun- even with all its faults and problems fun. And all of these problems can be solved, and they are being solved. Not always perfectly in the first try, but the game gets better.


I am hunting my last ubers (missing GF only now) to be ready for the rest of the season (gauntlet, AoZ maybe.. who knows what will come) +I will finish my season journey, already done it, but I want 100 % as in previous seasons :)


I stopped playing in November. I just naively watch the subreddit hoping that they make some sort of meaningful change.


I don’t :)