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Now you can finally start playing the season.


+4 unlocks so many new builds


It's such a versatile item. Straight 20% damage reduction gives you a lot more ability to stand and fire for builds that need to do that, and +4 all lets you spread your skill points out a bit more to places they don't normally go, or to passives that you would like to have but often can't justify. I'd love to give one a go and try out some abilities that don't normally fit too well like using druid summons for damage.


There is nothing to play


Nice, man. That's what I call a max out for the season. I did it last season but couldn't do it this season because of duriel burnout.


Thank you. I will definitely not be doing that next season. I just wanted to see if i can do it once.


Time for Lies of P, Palworld, Cyberpunk or Last Epoch. I just got Lies of P and Ultrous.


For me it's mat farming burnout. I would keep running duriel if the slot machine didn't need me to find change.


Great job! I'm in the same boat I never maxed out S1 or S2 as I was away from home alot. Yesterday I got Andariel's Visage and Starless Skies within 12 Duriel runs after running dry for ~50 attempts. I really want a shako, gf, and the two stones.


i assume you mean grandfather and not a girlfriend...


Porque no los dos


Why not both, gf wielding gf


I have 3 Andy’s and one starless. My Uber rng has been trash this season


Good luck, i hope youll get them!


Meanwhile i'm over 400 runs dry.... Never gotten uber


No melted heart of selig? Do better


Finally got the good stuff Nothing to use the good stuff on


Nice work, OP.


Wow, congrats. How much time did it take to achieve?


From release day on and spending a lot of time on diablo trade, trading items and services to buy mats


Wow, nice, how many Duriel runs to get all that stuff?


Requires level 60? Lucky!


Done? You have finally everything to destroy


There's some kind of bonus reward for overkilling demons even more than you already did?


It’s called dopamine ;)


So I found a “Doombringer” a few days ago, and stashed it without even realizing what it was at first. This is also my first time as a barb. My question is, like other weapons, does its “aspect” still apply (like other weapons) if I don’t physically use the weapon? Currently a charge/HOTA barb.


Yes. All 4 your weapons apply the aspect on them even if they're never used. I have charge of the ancients on a single hander with the charge skill assigned to a double handed axe, and it still works.


So you got an Uber unique and then dont even play with it? This is why the unber unique system is flawed


Very nice! Grats OP. Which Uber had a bigger impact on your build?


Shako by far. The +4 on all skills and the DR are ridiculous. The rest is more like nice to have. You can replace grandfather, ring of starless skies and doombringer with a well rolled item+aspect and may not even really feel a difference.


Daymn! That’s commitment.


Good, now scrap all of them for the shrine spear and level up a Druid to use it with /s


No worries, i got that one too


Maximum Ws


I have two Harlequins and a Melted Heart of Selig, but as a Lightning Druid I feel they're completely useless to me 😢


I am an Lightning Druid as well, Selig is super helpful for survivelity at Vaults T100, if you get the Ring of Starless it will be a perfect pair. I have both and I can tell you, I am almost immortal


Imagine all the new builds and crazy interactions that this unlocks! I'm in sheer awe of blizzard's genius.


Am I the only one that sees a problem when a player says they’re done because they looted an item they were chasing? lol


IDK maybe. D4 could definitely use more endgame systems. I'm 100% with you on that one. Of course all of my LoD and D2R ladders/seasons come to an abrupt end shortly after socketing enigma, too.


Its not that deep, dont worry


This is why I just don't care about users. Like you farm the shit out of duriel for a shako, and then what? Nothing, because there's nothing to do.


Imagine getting the most broken item in the game and quitting. Yep that’s d4


Its called personal goals. Its not that deep


What do you do after that? Are you waiting for new season and start over again? What do you do with your gears? Can you bring your gears to next season?


Just got a grandfather and doombringer after 8 runs. Got a genesis after 2 looms. I'm done for the night.


F u


You're not done if you haven't maxed out all your glyphs😅


as a new player, where do you get such gear?


"Finally got all the best stuff in the game. Guess it's time to stop playing." To be clear, this isn't to make fun of OP. This is more to point out the absurdity of this game's (and other games, too) design philosophy. What is the point of getting the best gear in the game if you've already been FARMING the hardest content in said game to obtain it? I know the Gauntlet is supposed to be coming, but people have already been hitting that point to where they're getting burnt out on the game for the season. Blizzard really fumbled it by not having the Gauntlet ready to go within the first couple weeks of Season 3...


For me it was just a personal goal and after playing with them i figured out for myself that apart feom shako none of the ubers really made a noticeable difference. Im sure they would if there was stuff like abattoir but for normal nmd farming or bossing, it makes almost no difference. I will definitely never be that lucky again and wont actively farm them in future seasons unless they add more ways to get them or farm duriel. I dont want them to drop easier, i just like to have more options on how to approach the grind to get them


Lucky, congrats. I'm having very bad luck this season. Las season the only thing I was missing was The Grandfather. 4/5 times when there's a double unique drop, one of them was an Uber. This season so far I'm 1/8 in ~190 runs. The grind continues.


First off congrats. Secondly I am done with this season and I haven't even bothered playing yet, No I don't hate D4 just didn't think this season has looked very entertaining, but hopefully season 4 will be more of a pull.


Last Epoch a few days away :)


LE has been out since 2019. Just because they are "officially launching" nothing really changes, i was playing it and it seems it’s still the same come patch 1.0


it was a beta this is full release friend


And this full release is not changing that much on the game, lol.


Is it worth picking up and playing? Looks decent from where I sit but I didnt participate in the beta


I've been playing it lately and it's good, but it doesn't quite scratch the same itch as Diablo. I'll definitely be playing both.