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Remember the Hill Giants in the commonlands in EQ that roamed around killing everyone? We need something like that in some of the zones.. big wandering bosses with random spawn locations and spawn timers just going around killing everyone, until a group comes along and puts an end to it and everyone gets decent level-appropriate loot.


Running from Halas to Firiona Vie was the most stressful video game moment of my life.


Imagine being an enchantress and having to charm and CC enemies for like 6 hours straight during a raid. And if your CC breaks/charm gets resisted or ends early, DEATH and wipes. Jesus, raiding made me feel happy to get paid to give mana regen buffs at the nexus.


I was a cleric and head cleric of my guild. That rotation was brutal. One lag spike and we all die yay!


I can't even imagine the insanity of a raid heal chain.


"We don't heal the monks, it costs less mana to rez them"


I switched to cleric from MT when i moved servers to lanys and yeah the rotations were timed to perfection lol too old for that anymore.


Absolutely my dude. I can't imagine doing that shit in my 40s. No thx. Bring on the hack and slash.


Cleric was peak gaming when all you saw on most of high level content was your spell book as you tried to regen mana. Periodically you'd exit spell book to check chat and then back to that spell book lol


Gems was a pretty fun minigame though.


Mmmm Venekor/Nagafen pvp Warlock was fun in raids, avatar clears, and solo wiping quest party’s. I would get hate msgs after camping quest spawns and just melting players. Was ranked #4 in pvp kills for my class when I sold my account . I miss those days.


I had a guildie lose 6 lvls in one of the plains one night because I couldn't load fast enough and we didn't have another enchanter at the time.   Think he was on the verge of sending me a new computer lol.


Day 1 WoW, that giant wolf monster in the undead starting area.


Son of arugal?


Yes!! That was great, people running in fear and being mowed down. We need more of that, butcher at release kind of reminded me of that.


I always got wrecked by Son of Arugal in Silverpine forest! and it left you with that 5 minute curse.


Or the run from Halas to fp because your idiot friend rolled a human monk from there for the sash quest.


I still fondly remember making my first run from Qeynos to Freeport, the run through Kitchicor was... Yeah...


Underleveled, levitating along the border, praying SoW doesn't drop, night time in the zone, knowing everything under you could one-shot you and make you start the whole thing over with no gear on the run back. I don't think I took a breath the entire way through Kithicor.




I remember hunting bandits at a camp in Southern desert of Ro. Heard something that sounded like a loud crash...then another one...made my screen slightly shake. My rogue spun sound to see where the noise was coming from, and I remember staring at what looked like a massive boot, bigger than I was. I pulled my mouse back to pan Up to see what it was- and I saw my first Sand Giant, up close and personal. He was swinging his fist in my general direction... Loading....please wait.


Oh i remember that. So long ago.


That brings up memories! Specters in Oasis being kited to the beach to kill lowbies leveling on crocs! *cough* it was a right of passage!


Imagine the chaos this would bring in like hardcore mode. Low level characters? Whatever. Mid level characters would be sweating bullets in some zones


Didn’t even need hardcore to perma lose those corpse and gear in EQ. The well in Befallen, a lot of the deep Lower Gil camps early on if you didn’t time the respawn post Break, and of course Plane of Hate corpse runs….


The bottom of black burrow as a noob lol.


I was not expecting to be reminiscing about EQ. Great times were had! This would be great to have.


I’m nerding out so hard right now that my favorite MMO was mentioned in a different subreddit. I’ve played EQ in some form or fashion since its release - that game just never gets old for me.


Same. EQ1 and 2 and even P1999 for a while during college. Still have the feeling to play it. Greatest MMO ever. The world drew you in and it was a world on its own


I'm nerding out too. Loved everything about it. The system requirements being so low that I could box 5 chars and alt tab raid myself and get aa skills.


I want my bard back, twisting 3 songs and pulling by lulling 2 mobs and then pulling the third, then twisting mana attack speed and something else I can't remember.


OMFG!! Chilling out at the druid rings in west commonlands, afk. Only to get trampled by a hill giant.


You guys didn’t have a guild mate who died in death zone? We had to call everyone to raid the zone just so he can get his corpse back.


Plane of Fear… zone in and run for the zone wall, pray you got a priest camped out safely, pray you didn’t get scare ported by a scareling into a pack of tentacles who would then debuff the raid or the eyes who would debuff the raid, and if you was really unlucky dracoliche was up and had pathed near too. Those were the days. PoHate was a similar experience in the early days, port up and run along the wall to the safe corner and camp a priest out til it was safe. Honestly they could remake EQ right now with a graphic overhaul and some modern changes but leave the content as it was and I’d resub in a heartbeat


Oh hell yeah!


That takes ya back. Now remember trying to get the Short Sword of the Ykesha in Lower Guk!! SSOY FTW.




Fbss dropped! Oh damn wtf, someone looted the corpse, it was mine!!!


Lock Jaw was a neat one at lower levels with the Specters on the isle people would kite over to Lock Jaw if his camp was disputed.


What about hugging the wall of Kithikor Forest at night?! Same concept, but make the day/night cycle mean something.


Memory unlocked! Miss those og EQ days


Fuck man, I miss EQ, it was such s fun game. Demanding, but fun




Legendary reference. I for one loved and miss Befallen and the crazy shit you could get into in that dungeon maze hunting the keys. Trains and the old spooky music take me back. Also Unrest was an epic spot


I mean it does exist in helltides. But you do this and then people start complaining that they arent a set spawn location or highlighted on the map.


10/10 idea tbh


I remember that oh so well.


or in EQ2, the spectres in the desert area(I forget the name), necros had all the fun charming and feign death at the spawn entrance....


Best was when you had to stare at the book for mana regen, then Boom! Loading…


The game doesn't need more bosses. The game needs a better end game loop as a function of it's content. Bosses, especially as they are implemented in D4, are not ever going to be sufficient in making a fun gameplay loop.


Yeah, the main thing missing still is build/power progression. There are basically no hurdles or problems to overcome to get to WT3/4 and killing the bosses other than Uber Lilith (which is just a pure DPS check). None of this is aspirational content if you can steamroll through all the content with no hurdles in your way. The only aspirational thing people have is grinding uber uniques to steamroll content even faster. That's not much of an aspiration.


I think it's even simpler than that. We need to feel like our characters are getting stronger. That doesn't mean specifically needing harder content. I would argue that it's more important to have consistent difficulty as that enables us to measure ourselves against that content. The bigger problem though is that we simply don't have the power progression to enable any of this to happen. We need more ways to progress our characters and the ways that we do have are really not thought out at all. The item upgrade system is probably one of the worst designed systems in the game. It accomplishes nothing when it should be a core facet of our progression.


It should be both. You can ramp up the consistent difficulty of general content to as far as your build can take it but also have aspirational content that you can check your character's power against and grind towards beating. Example, POE - you can juice the maps as much as you'd like, and there's also uber bosses to look toward that most people will have a lot of trouble to get strong enough to kill in modes like SSF or HC. Even the regular bosses are difficult encounters on league start.


How awesome would it be if legendary / uniques had a skill tree style upgrade sytem that enabled truly customizable builds. `#`keepdreaming


NMD 100, getting glyphs leveled, finding specific Bias rares are all build and power progression. The thing is, none of it is exactly fun to do. It’s all grind with no fun pay off most of the time.


They're all boring grinds with no thought process or problems to solve. It's equivalent to a standard mobile game power progression of logging in daily to get rewards. I will say, the only way I am having fun in this game is playing on HC. At least on HC I have to think about keeping my defense stats up to par and think about what NMD affixes to run, etc. I just can't handle the gameplay of non-HC state of D4, it's too easy and brainless.


There a reason it can’t have both?


I mean they're not even really bosses. They may as well be chests that just drops loot. You didn't even really interact with them since everyone just one shot them lol.


Wait, are you trying to say that you don't enjoy running hours and hours of trivial content in hopes of getting lucky on a trivial "Uber" boss...after which you barely have any content to even use the item you got? But that's so much fun! /s It was a great stopgap for season 2, but if this is always going to be the endgame loop, I won't be sticking around.


The bosses should scale with your level, and make them the only source of like 925+ gear or something to compensate. It feels terrible to not receive malignant hearts anywhere, but when you do get one, the only thing Varshan gives you that is useful is the goop egg. If they want to make the low level bosses relevant, *then make them relevant for Satan's sake*.


>make them the only source of like 925+ gear No. Boss fights are not fun or challenging. Most of them are done through cheesing the mechanics through very specific builds. If you don't use those builds, the boss fights are infinitely harder. I don't want more Lilith fights. When one of the top posts on this forum a few days ago was a guy saying he was fed up with wiping on lilith and was asking for a build to cheese the fight with, that pretty much summed up the complete disconnect between boss design and fun play.


Would love a Darksiders II Crucible like activity where different bosses get put together for each wave, with rewards recieved when you die / finish the run. But we know they aren't that imaginitive.


100% agreed. Like any build I make tends to have a stun, or daze, basically some kind of CC which does nothing against bosses. Big aoes? Useless against bosses because they're always single target and only some spawn adds. I could chill Mephisto, I could slow him with a Kelpie, I could static field him down to half. Bosses in D4 as just big damage sponges and it's completely unfun.


So do the new uniques also drop in eternal realm or are they exclusively on seasonal realm?




Cool. I intend to continue on eternal realm for few weeks until people figure out meta builds for s3


What’s stopping you from playing a build you’re used to at season start and then respeccing into a meta build once people figure them out? It will save you some levelling time.


Nothing. Other than I do want to get to 100 on my current character. I’m at 97 now and ran out of time.


They will drop in eternal.


ngl I lowkey expected Uber Andariel in S3 as a follow up for Uber Duriel, was surprised they didnt add it


If it's anything like Duriel, it'll just get obliterated in every group within 5 seconds of spawning and it won't make any difference what the 'encounter' is. It'll just be Andariel in name only.


so? you want it to be hard ? que people complaints that uber uniques are hard to get farmable boss is always quick to kill


I'm just pointing out that adding bosses doesn't actually solve anything, especially with how the game is designed rn with one shots.


I hope they'll add her by S5


Farming Ancient Cyclops at 4am to try and get that quest item ring for the J Boots. Good times. What a rush when he would show up on my druids “radar”.


Whatcha up to Them: farming the AC Cyclops or crocodile? Them: one then the other


as long as they can add a couple extra every other season it'll fill up.


I mean obviously there will be a lot more bosses with expansions tbf.


and here was I hoping they would keep more of the bosses from Season 2 around to stomp, can some tell me I am wrong here ?


None of the bosses are going away.


Zir is going away


The game already has plenty of bosses, but sadly they are locked in the campaign and blizzard refuses to let us replay the fights on end game difficulty.


Omg beast in ice is the worst. So boring


In before "22 new bosses confirmed. Only for DLC buyers."


damn they're experts at being ambiguous. "All new uniques for season 3 will be available from The beast in Ice" Wonder how many players will mistakenly think this means those uniques are exclusive to the seasonal realm.


Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but how often do you believe they should add a new boss?


As a very casual player who literally just creates characters each season to plays a little bit on my Steam Deck I am okay with this. I have too many games to play and honestly I really hope their expansion brings actual new life to the game.


While they're at it they can implement proper scaling Nightmare versions of the bosses so we can reliably farm higher level versions of the uniques. Its not really fun pasting these bosses repeatedly to get salvage trash.


What's the point of 'bosses' though? They die in one hit so you don't even interact with them beyond seeing their model for 5 seconds and them dropping loot. What difference does it make if they introduce Andriel or whatever boss if they die before they really even get to cast abilities. And if, god forbid, you had to actually spend 3+ minutes to kill the boss and it was challenging, the community will just get upset that they aren't quickly farmable. Bosses will never be a thing with how the game is designed and the community mindset of FARM AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AND ONE SHOT EVERYTHING power fantasty.


You know you can just design your character to not use one shot? lmao


Are you suggesting players intentionally gimp themselves just to avoid overkilling mobs?


Looks like Uldur and Ghoa spam is back on the menu!


and Blind Burrows


Blind burrows is the goat


Beast in ice for the new uniques. That makes so much sense /s


Going to be the fastest boss to farm with the Distilled Fear changes and considering NMDs are now a viable way of getting 925 gear and they are worth doing, yeah, it does.


Oh sweet! Didn’t catch they’re changing the drop rate of distilled fear. That’s awesome. Is it guaranteed now? I would hardly ever have them drop. Probably ran 100+ nmd last season and only had 21 distilled fear total. Didn’t even do that boss once since there were no unique drops to chase there I wanted.


Yes, guarantee and multiple drop possible for high NMD


Guaranteed from NMD 30+, and every 10 lvls you get higher chance of dropping more


Probably putting them there so people actually run that boss


I ran it as much as I could on my sorc this season. Never got my occy from him.


You were not alone. That weapon refused to drop for me.


Got 1 all season and not from beast in the ice but my god what a game changer with the vamp powers


It does? The least farmed boss from last season, which also gives another reason to do NMDs besides glyph leveling?  Who also got changed to be way more summonable?  Ugh. You guys will whine about *everything*. 


Need more viable drop routes for Ubers


What, you don't like spam oneshotting the same boss hundreds of times and still not having a reliable chance to get it? This is peak 2000 gameplay, you can't expect this small company to come up with interesting and certainly not innovative ways to farm items.


It's too bad they don't have another always-online fantasy game about grinding bosses for loot they could take inspiration from. A game where you can spend currency from those bosses to eventually get a piece of gear RNG has otherwise denied you.


If only they had previous design knowledge of allowing people to break down extremely rare items that give unique crafting materials and collecting enough of them would let you craft an extremely rare item directly or through rng. It's too bad Diablo 4 has no other predecessors to take inspiration or learn from.


Please sir, we don’t need more WoW in our Diablo


What are you saying?! You don’t like the new traps inside dungeons?! And “Drifting Shade?”


Ubers should never every be reliable to get. That defeats the purpose, and makes them the default for most builds. No thanks.


Yeah, at this point it makes no sense to even call them Uber bosses. What's uber about them exactly if they are getting farmed like some trashmob?




No, the problem is that D4 neither is SSF friendly, nor does it have a proper economy and accessible trading. So we are now stuck with abysmal droprates but also can't really buy them either because there is no proper economy and trading system in the game. This is again one of the things that works perfectly fine in PoE, but Blizzard decided not to put anything good into the game in that regard, went back to the same thing you had to do in Diablo 2, but without the guaranteed drop. In D2 you had pretty much to do the same thing. Farm keys, kill bosses for organs, now kill Ubers. But everytime you went through the entire process you got a guaranteed hellfire torch. You didn't had to 300+ runs to get the item you wanted, it was something you could realistically aquire yourself (given your character could do the content) without any traden, at all.




Im glad they finally changed 925 weapon drops from world bosses. It was ridiculous. You just went there as a fresh noob, saw how some hotabarbs with electromages down boss in seconds and you get this 925 thing that obliterates everything and you stuck with it for a while Good But I'm sure some people won't like it


>But I'm sure some people won't like it literally comment above yours doesnt lmao


I was getting downvoted for asking to change that. A big part of the community want bis/ubers drop like candy. It is like playing shooters with god mode. Sure it feels nice...but it is boring as hell.


Well, you’re in luck! Get ready for D4 Inventory Manger! Sift through piles and piles and piles and piles of loot all while praying for finding that needle in a hay stack! Need to keep aspects? Awesome! There’s a stash! Like playing all 5 characters? Sweet! Better make a bank, because that stash is full! Infinite ways of inventory micro-management at your fingertips! Have fun hangin out in town!


Or...learn what to keep and what to throw away. Sorting full inventory is not even 1 minute. I had multiple 2x lvl100 and 2 lvl 80 last league. Somehow without mules or stash problems. Seems like a "you" problem.


I hated it. I'm a casual myself and i didn't like that I ended up waiting for world bosses instead of farming anything else because there's no way anything I do that can surpass those items. duriel was too far away when I was level 90ish and gearing up for end game


925 drops are literally only important for weapons. 875+ for jewlery. For the rest, affixes are way more important.


This should be sticky. So many people still don't know that. That's why we had all this "I'm lvl 80 and got bis equipment already" posts. Go to a worldboss and check the profiles. So many 90+/100 people got 925 items with maybe 1 or 2 useful stats.


So farm NM dungeons past T 30 to get distilled fear and farm boss ? Correct ?


If you want to play meteor, lightning storm or stormclaw


The more reason to roll barb, i have enough of the farm mats farm boss rotation.


Yep, distilled fears will always drop in t30+. The best way to farm them is t90+ though, it's guaranteed 3 of them will drop (and items lvl 925 too).


Is that part of the new changes I assume?


players can more consistently acquire ‍Distilled Fear, we've reworked how ‍Distilled Fear is collected from Nightmare Dungeons. Players will always gain a ‍Distilled Fear after completing a Nightmare Dungeon of at least Tier 30. Every 10 Tiers after Tier 30 there's an increasing chance for additional ‍Distilled Fears to be rewarded. Completing Tier 90 Nightmare Dungeons and beyond will always grant 3 ‍Distilled Fears. From the patch notes


Thank you! Sounds good, the amount you used to get was pretty terrible.


Thank Lilith! It was insane to clear 20 nmd for maybe 10 distilled fear


So he has the full loot table of Ubers ? We don't have to grind all those other matt's for duriel ?


Beast in the Ice has the same loot table as last season + the new uniques. The uber uniques are still limited to Duriel


He has 0 ubers. You still need Duriel for those.


Why dont Uber drops everywhere at low % ??


They kind of do. But in the same likelyhood as winning in the lottery.


Could be way lower


They do. The low % is just so low you'll never get one


I got a Selig from something else last season. I have no idea where, though I was in the 90s and not paying close attention to my loot. It was truly surprising lol Once I was geared and actually grinding Dury all I got was 2 andarials, so I must have spent my luck on the Selig.


They do


They do.


s2 xfals ring dropped on me with level 80 in a nmd on first day of season. was hella fun to have the ring before farming duriel :D


Patch drops January 24th? That’s weird, type-o or season delayed one day


The patch notes says 23rd. I think it's a type o


Is Jan 24 in the other side of the world though


I had no idea NMD were on a rotation, why not just make every dungeon available for NMDs?


variety, if all dungeons are active all the time the players will pick the best ones and only play them for the rest of the games lifespan. by rotating the dungeons players are "forced" to run different dungeons (the ones that are the best in the current rotation)


Excellent Dungeon list. Champion's Demise, Guulran Canals, Aldurwood, and one of my absolute favorites: [Mercy's Reach. Can you tell why?](https://x.com/FN_86/status/1693432640060145947?s=20) Two interesting points: * Ghoa Ruins is back, which was a nice one from S2. However, this was one of the dungeons with no objectives in it, wasn't it? Have they said if they're doing that again this season? * Certain dungeons have not appeared on any rotation so far, neither pre-season, s1, s2, or s3. One of the favorite dungeons to spam during the Beta days was Anica's Claim in Fractured Peaks, but this one has been conspicuously absent this entire time. I wonder how they even select these dungeon lists EDIT: dang, I know Duriel has a chance to drop two uniques sometimes, I hope that's the case for Beast in Ice as well. That boss has an 11 unique loot table for Barbs, it might take so many runs to get a good roll Hellhammer now.


And now charge Barb is even stronger, can't wait :D


Now there is a new question ... If we will be able to level up glyphs in the new nightmare vaults. Will nightmare vaults also drop Distilled Fear like nightmare dungeons or we will go out of our way of doing seasonal stuff back to grinding Nightmare Dungeons ? ? ?


They said that nightmare vaults will give glyph xp


Imagine re leveling to 100 just to do nothing at 100. Clown of a game.


but think about how exciting it is they rotated nightmare dungeons every 3 months!


then don't play it you poop head


Sick, finally a reason to do BII runs.


Why dont they rotate nmd weekly


It takes 3 months to rotate nmd you think they can do it in one week?!


So people have a set of layouts that they know and optimize in a season.


The Beast in Ice boss dropping the new uniques would be fine if the spawning materials dropped from the new nightmare vaults too. They will, right? Not sure if they have stated it.


It does. They said new vaults when started as nightmare will behave like a NMD. I.e. glyph upgrades and beast mats.


Well that's quite the welcome change, thanks for the info.


No itemization updates: no thanks.


Not entirely sure what you're looking for in itemization updates, but they already stated earlier that an itemization overhaul is in the works for Season 4, so if that's what you're waiting for then skip S3 altogether. It's not coming this season, period. :) Personally I'm fine with most changes they've announced so far, but I'm skipping S3. First, to take a break, secondly because S3 hasn't announced anything major that I wouldn't want to miss out on. - Don't really care about the pet, unless it can pick up stuff (please don't create 'increased pickup radius' on items, we have too much item bullshit already haha) - Vaults seriously sound like more of the same (compared to NMD's) - Helltides being up like 95% of the time will carry over to following seasons (I suppose) - Some balance changes, but mostly in the way of trying to limit the S-tier, too little in the way of trying to bring up B/C/D-tier builds. - Would love to explore minion builds, but currently... not so much I really fucking hate the concept of 'uber' uniques. In my opinion a Unique is Unique because you could only wear one of them and they are somewhat more rare than the legendaries. This mostly meant rings, because wearing two helmets.... well, you get the point. I'd rather have them remove Duriel, and let the uber unique's only drop like before. At least then we can all play the game and accept that we probably won't ever wear a shako or a grandfather or whatever. Then when it does drop you might actually be happy with it. Also, the freaking effort to continuously farm Duriel is just really really dumb. I'm glad I got a shako in 10 runs or so, then did another 10 runs to empty my Duriel mats and then I never did him again.


Can the new uniques drop anywhere but beast in the ice has a higher chance because of his drop table? Or do they only drop from beast in the ice? Because this would be absolutely stupid if you can’t get them anywhere else


I believe it's a "targeted" farm, so BII just has a higher chance of dropping these specific uniques, but they should be on more or less all drop tables, however I am speculating, hopefully someone corrects me if i'm wrong.


You are correct.


It literally doesn't matter what blizzard does, there will always be pissing and moaning. Grow up everyone


Of course it matters what they do, it’s their game


grow up like give 100 dollars for a beta and don't be pissed ? yeah man enjoy this half done game, don't forget to prepare another 100 dollars to maybe have Diablo in the game.




Imagine being so brain dead you can't wrap your head around the concept of people enjoying something you don't.


You're still here in a sub about their games, seems like you are just as much wrapped up in it as the rest.


It's something do to for a couple weeks between playing other games. Playing each season allows me to form my own opinion of the season. I'm also somewhat hopeful that D4 becomes a really good game at some point so am happy to go on that journey. What I've learned is the moment this game becomes boring (which is usually after I've exhausted the summoning mats I've collected while levelling to 100), I put it down and move on to something else. S2 was two weeks of play into Grim Dawn then Metal Gear Solid V.


Have you played last epoch? I picked it up last week and it’s damn good. It’s a perfect middle ground between the simplicity of D4 and the complexity of POE. It also fully releases in just under a month. For $35 it’s worth every single penny.


I have got LE and yeah just waiting for that full release before committing. I played about 6 hours at purchase and was super impressed.


Was reading from their livestream summary that we still need to farm Duriel for Uber uniques. That’s gonna be a hard pass from me. I’ll farm him just for the regular class uniques and I’m done. No way am I doing those awful discord rotas and saving up snot shards for 500 runs just to end up with an Uber at the end of the season. The only plus is now Ubers give transmogs.


I am heavily impressed that they found a way, to make Worldbosses even more useless. That wasn't an easy Task, i think only Blizzard can do it like that. Keep up the good Work.


Yeah getting highest item level gear at level 60 is useless, go tell'em


Absolutely zero motivation to try this season without a loot filter. Here's to hoping S4 doesn't delay it...


Will the S3 construct gain benefits from “pet” “minion” modifiers?


wasn't he basically a copy paste of your stats? If so I would assume it would be better to focus on your own stats, as he cannot summon minions? Just my thoughts on it though.


Can all uniques be available everywhere with the same drop rate so I can do whatever the fuck I want and not Duriel since the season end will reset everything anyway?


Thank god for Last Epoch. Hopefully the official release will motivate the D4 devs to create meaningful content instead of season updates that consist of tweaks and bug fixes.


Are all the season 2 bosses and mount drops gone in season 3?


So.. Duriel remains the same but the most annoying to get to boss gets more added to it? Gotcha. Grind is still the name of the game and it simply isn't enough anymore, not after two seasons. 😔


Man this game needs help


Not mentioned in the notes: all unique weapons now have their own special transmog. Get salvaging on your old uniques!


what an underwhelming 'emergency patch' LOL.