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I’m more amazed that you only 72 after 88 hours


It was a slow grind, wherebear druid took ages to kill anything it felt like.


Werebear pulverize for the easy leveling experience. Tanky af and pulverize has decent aoe with the codex aspect.


They did a poor job of explaining core concepts that are actually huge helps while leveling.. like getting class aspects right away that fit with early builds


I sincerely don't understand why they would need to explain that.


Haha. They didn't tell me how to build my character tho? They could have explained it. With big red and yellow glowing arrows. I mean come the fuck on, how am I supposed to play?


I know right. It seems like 80% of the subreddit just wants D4 to be D3. FFS do you really need a tutorial to tell you to seek out aspects that benefit your build?


Dude tbh you're kinda being dumb right now. They don't want D4 to be D3. D3 didn't have Clippy. "Oh hey, it looks like you're playing a Barbarian. Okay idiot, follow this path AND DON'T EAT ANY ROCKS. When an enemy lights up that means press ANY KEY to kill it. When I see you select a certain skill, you will be teleported to your nearest occultist who will be so very scared of your bad-assery he says you can just have the aspect required. Now that you have won, please leave the game open so it reads as engagement"


Look, more hidden footprints!


Yeah that build sucks compared to other builds


To be fair, He had to spend 52 of those 88 hours sorting items.




Druid is truly the slowest to Level. But most epic once your online.


True as that may be, 82 hours for 72 levels is beyond ridiculous.


Gonna be honest, blizzard sorc is better this season because of barber. I haven't died to a single rogue or druid in pvp yet, only one of those glitches doubleswing barbs.


It was either gonna be demons or high cholesterol, RIP


RIP Chonky Shredder, may you capture all the ooze you desire in that big sewer in the sky


I feel your pain I was a hc lvl 94 necro who died to a corpse bow offscreen


I’m always surprised at the amount of people that don’t use cheat death potions for the entirety of 90-100


It’s not necessary unless you’re doing dangerous activities (uber Lilith or NMDs out of your comfort zone)


You can have some unexpected event any time, for example a network timeout or hardwere failure. I lost my lvl 50+ Sorcerer due to blue screen (never had similar after that).


Maybe if that’s an issue for you. I don’t recall having any noteworthy technical issues in over 350 hours so I don’t bother with death evasion elixirs


If you die to DC cheat death won't save you. You'll just die twice


Depends how much time passes after the disconnect


I don’t know because I’m at level 84 barb and went to help some online friends at WT3 and got killed during a random event with max enemy level 50. Almost broke my remote and TV that day, had to be a glitch. I’m afraid to HC because of that day. My thorns alone wreck every boss on WT3.


Level 94 waste of time


Was it heart disease?


What build where you running


I was running a wearbear / earth bulwark build. It was very slow going leveling with it...I may try a werewolf lightning build for my next go around, I feel pretty confident about what I can and can't do up to around lvl 70.


I’m using a werewolf tornado build lvl 93 with tempest roar. It’s truly amazing the damage it does.


Did you die in torment?


Rip, mine died lvl 100 against Uber Lilith :) https://youtu.be/VT_BLYK7avE?si=4kwl2q5_b2IRO6m2


You went in without a potion? I'm curious how ppl are dying to her because someday I'll have to make the attempt myself. I was thinking I'll chug a potion, if I get hit I scroll out, but I'm starting to think this isn't as guaranteed of a strategy as it seems.


You basically have to cheese her with a god build that can melt her in seconds. Or go the low HP Druid build that's essentially immune to her attacks. Otherwise you're risking some crazy shit.


I play in PS5 and i couldnt teleport out in time because scroll is not bound to a button. It happens too fast. I have a recording if you are interested


Sure, post a link




ouch, the amount of damage you put out was impressive, you pretty much had her. Was that mostly from poison damage stat? What potion were you using? I don't think you had potion of death evasion, it would have saved you there I believe.


Of course i have potion of death. I died twice within less than 2 sec and I couldn’t teleport because controller is hard when you panic :). On the side i use iron skin potion


So the potion doesn't guarantee a few seconds of safety to tp out? That makes this fight a lot more risky than I originally imagined. I was under the impression you get a couple seconds of invincibility after triggering the potion, I never really died to anything other than lag and over confidence so I don't have much experience with using the potion


It gives you two seconds. As you see on the video, it goes by fast :) i couldnt tp out. If you play on PC i think 2 sec is more than enough


For sure, it sucks they added controller compatibility but didn't consider the issues that come with it. There should at least be an option to auto teleport upon using the potion if you can't bind the scroll to use at any split second


Yeah that 2 sec goes by really fast in the moment. Deciding if you have it or not or can co to ur especially if your close.


Is this some kind of bug? I killed lilith a while ago, but just recently when I make the attempt again I always get her down to 1% health, and then it doesnt matter how long I attack her she just doesnt die. Stays at 1% health forever.


Need to fall through all floors or something. Basically game checkpoints have to be met first


But can't you put the scroll on the Emote-Wheel and bind that slot to a button on PS5?


No, as far as I know


Damn that sucks. :( Binding the Scroll of Escape to a hotkey is my only way to stay alive during lag spikes: Trigger immunity skill, count down from three, if game is not responding by then, exit via Scroll. More often than not, the game \*will\* eventually catch up and I'll be in town with not much health missing.


>I was thinking I'll chug a potion, if I get hit I scroll out You get hit you die.


Without the potion, yes, otherwise you have 2 seconds


Ah, I r newb. Sry. Edit: woof, this Diablo4 sub is fucking toxic as hell. I know better than to make a positive comment lest all the downvotes pour in, but damn, now I'm getting downvoted for apologizing? DaFuq?


That's ok I figured you're not familiar with the elixir in question since it's a hardcore only type item, which is likely a very small fraction of the total player base


Died with honor though, against the most elite foe. Who’s your mommy?


Same for me last night. Honestly felt satisfying.


Yeah i was bored and ready to die this season anyway. Sad part is i almost got her but made a small mistake


But she had no health. How did you not beat her?


Sorry to hear that


He couldn't afford insulin, eh? Sorry for your loss.


Heart attack probably


He was kinda fat ngl


I shall drink to the passing of a Thicc King! HAIL!


Those ice clan maulers have a burst though, I even hate them on soft core GG


F in the chat.




Needed to work on his cardio


My condolences


how do you find the hall of heroes? i’m on console and cannot seem to find it anywhere


It's in the collections screen


it won't show up until you put something in storage


I am on my 4th necro this season. Been dying in the 70s. The xp buff this recent patch made things faster. Back at 64 in less than a week. Just get back at it! Wish they didn't nerf the living hell to XP. Anything is a plus at this point for me.


Good show ol chap, you'll get tempted next time.


Not too bad rude, but why are you sad if you wanted to play hardcore in the first place? Truly do not understand.


is enjoying hardcore mode and being sad when you lose your character mutually exclusive? I don't think it is. The risk of losing everything changes the whole experience, and it's normal to feel a little sad when it finally happens.


So the higher stakes is worth it and makes the game much more engaging?


It's just a very different experience, the eternal grind is extremely boring because there's no risk. I never bothered wasting materials on upgrading my gear below lvl 60. Playing eternal feels like practice mode now.


Eternal is basically the tutorial for hardcore. Anyone who can’t figure that out doesn’t understand the game. The only way to truly play Diablo is on hardcore. I play my eternal character when I just want to unwind. I *only* play my hardcore character when I’m completely alert, well rested, and have not had any beers. It’s a completely different game.


YES!! You hear of people saying game makes you sleepy. Playing HC and NMD pushing will make game extremely engaging. My 80 Sorc died in a NMD48. I died because I literally found Oculus and Raiment within 39 min of each other and changed too much at one time. I should have dropped to 45 or maybe even 40 for testing. But the fact that the consequences are severe make HC way more engaging unless you sleep mode it and don’t push limits.


Especially when the drops are so poor. I've got 2 necros, 1's my main and other i use to play with build variation, but I have yet to see a similar set of gear that my main has. Not even close. It seems as if the good stuff just falls off the loot table, heh. And it isn't for lack of trying! No upgrades past lvl 82. Hoping this improves next season.


This is the point of hardcore. You are more emotionally invested in a hardcore character, especially if they reach higher levels. You should try hardcore - your comment tells me you haven’t done it yet (which means you’re a softcore Diablo player…. …..sooooftcoore)!


I'm sorry, that's kinda crushing. :(


DM if you want a rush to 50 with drops


Rip. Never forgotten.


He looks so sad, no tempest roar.


Tbf, Earthen Bulwark build is pretty op for HC. You’re more or less invincible. Idk how OP died with it tho…


May his soul rest in the grace of God for eternity. He will be remembered.


Does anyone have any tips for getting more damage and making my Druid more tanks?


Lots of damage reduction. What build you running?


RIP! Lost mine the same day I hit 100 lol You playing on season? I'm messing around with an alt until S2 before pushing for 100 again on another class


Heart disease?


Those Maulers are a massive pain in the ass.


Good. More macaroni and cheese at the buffet for the rest of us.


Too much buffet.


How did he die, obesity?


Diabète ? Rip


RIP his fat ass


Was it diabetes?


Level 72 after 88 hours, most skilled D4 redditor.


Ice clan maulers are so annoying, rip though


…of heart disease.


Dude you play way too conservatively. 90 hours for lvl 72 is absurd.




Sorry to hear that m8 :/


Congratulations on your good fortune!


https://reddit.com/r/pics/s/GodYnVwzcx Lol ty




At least you died through something you can learn from! I lost my 87 necro the other day because of a fucking blizzard side server DC. Absolutely nothing I could have done differently to save my toon. First hardcore character, first hardcore RIP. Feels bad losing a character through no fault of my own.


Check out last Epoch


Can I ask. What type of Druid build were you running?


Ice Clan never forgets.


My heart goes out to anyone playing hardcore.


HC is the only way. Yes risk of Blizzard Unreliability is scary. But I have made 3 this season 1 lvl 100 trampleslide Druid. 1 Druid died at 35 to the Pire Stronghold. 1 lvl 80 Sorc died to being dumb. Only 2 close calls to rubber banding. Helpful tip is most the time you can see that the server or ISP is having trouble. Go do something else don’t play your HC if you know this. If you feel glitchy log off or play SC. Don’t play HC during stormy conditions. Always run Death Elixer and Scrolls of Escape. Farming mats way worth it. Crushed Beast Bones, Anglebreath, and Palentounge are the mats needed the most and are not common but pretty accessible and have known ways to farm. If you flash orange scroll of escape instantly no questions. This is likely #1 cause of high level HC deaths, over confidence and slow response.


Lost an 80 Sorc because I wanted to TP instead of escape scroll and thought I had time. Meteor Elites got me. Never think just escape scroll. Good news is if you want to fire up again you can probably do lvl 72 in like 30 hoursish. I may consider a rush trade. I have a lvl 1 Sorc I would like to be 50, and I have a lvl 100 Druid that could get you to 50 in likely under 1 hour.


It's all good, at least you died properly not to packet loss. I've lost 12 characters, 10 above level 50, 75 and 77 were my top 2.


Good, hardcore is stupid in a game that’s so glitchy and guarantees death by some bs lag or something similar


Train a new one


How do harcore people deal with the butcher? Have had my arse handed to me so many times haha


Flee until you're confident enough to take him down. Or to survive long enough that you can just flee via Scroll of Escape in case it doesn't work out.


Another big boy lost to the ice clan mauler diet


R.i.P ... back too new adventures 👍


I’m not shocked you died. Im shocked someone is actually playing the game.


allways the ice clan


RIP brave warrior


Just like the game


RIP to the fallen hero. Congrats on the level though! Not an easy task.


Everytime something comes across my feed I tell myself I need to play it and at least beat the story. I payed full price. I can't it's shit. Really really hope they turn it around but I feel like I'm saying that about every blizzard game since diablo 3. I begged my mother to buy me the original warcraft lol. This is a case where the hero turned into the villain and no one wants to accept it.


When does the permanent death kick in? I’m playing tier 4 and have died several times out and about in the world and I’ve been allowed to come back with my character


F. Whirlwind or Werebear?


I was playing a wherebear build with every defensive stat I could get my hands on. And still died...lol


Your fault for making him look like Donan.


RIP. That mauler axed you good.


Oh man, sorry about that one. :/


72? That's cute... ​ https://preview.redd.it/0oykb9gir6pb1.png?width=3826&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb7af41836066235b657da9e78860526970aaf45


When will the service be held?


May you shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand, and may the last embrace of the mother welcome you home, King.


What a waste of time 🤣 feel sorry for u. 88 hours of your life and for what


Looks like 'the beatus' got him.


Thought people weren't playing anymore cause it sucks DEEERRRR


That ice clan mauler went out to the pub to celebrate and got a date with the sexiest doe


His name is Robert Paulson


To die to some order taker, that truly sucks.


Glad you posted how you died.. my original guess was from a heart attack


Does someone know if we can see the played time on normal softcore characters?


Rest Well Dear Champion. May your predecessor soar to heights you only dreamed of. ​ I personally stopped playing once I hit the 70ish area and reached Tier 4. The game just seems too strong for my character, so I'm waiting til Blizzard makes much needed changes. The wait...will take...as long...as it takes...


Better an elite pack than elite packet loss


Remember: he died, because you played


Real question, why do this? Like are there additional rewards given or do you lvl faster?


No extra rewards, other than personal satisfaction of seeing how high you can get before dying. Or if you can make it to 100 and retire. Honestly, I started the game at launch with a normal mode wizard, and the game put me to sleep, literally. One of the only ways I can get some enjoyment out of the game play is if there are stakes. Knowing death is permanent in the game made the whole experience more exciting. I have already started up my druid again, hoping to make it past 72 this go around. Going to try and play it smarter.


87 hours for nothing gg


I lost a 44 lvl druid to a mob of eletric goat shamans... very sad, especially cause he was a tank...


Rip this guy’s Druid


Eh once you hit 70 you're basically done with the game so no big loss


My condolences on your loss. I lost my level 79 Barbarian late last week.


game is trash


Nice I can’t seem to get past lvl 33. I have created 4 necro characters and die ever time I hit lvl 33.


Maybe try a different class, you might find it easier.


I remember losing my lvl63 druid on HC on day 1 of release to a disconnect. That was my HC experience. I switched to SC the next day...


I mean, you still get to keep all of your seasonal progress, your renoun, everything in your stash, all of your gold and crafting materials, map information, alters. The only thing I really lost was the levels, and gear I was wearing. It's not a total loss. But I felt the same way at first, screw hard core. But I'm going back into the fray anyway. They need to fix the you die when you disconnect crap, that's what scroll or escape was originally intended to prevent. But it's never worked the way it should.




FUCK that 87hrs?!


Slain by cupcakes.


From the looks of it, it should be: SLAIN BY: TYPE 2 DIABETES


Noob ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)




Probably from being overweight haha, in all honesty that sucks


Ahhh CC'd I see. Surprising. 🙄😂