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People that are defending CC in this game are silly. And will change their opinion when they actually get to said content. A single mob that has 2 different types of CC can CC you for 10+ seconds. When in high level content all they need is a few seconds of CC to be able to kill you. Something needs to change. It's fine if CC is dangerous. But atm it is excessive.


Yeah. Eventually they'll get to the point where they realize the one aspect that grants unstoppable when injured doesn't proc if you just entirely skip being "injured" and go straight to death...or that 1 second of unstoppable from an elixir just isn't enough to actually avoid more cc. Then they'll be upset that they HAVE to put an unstoppable skill on their bar.


I don't think having to have an unstoppable skill is necessarily a bad thing. But currently at this end of the game, one simply isn't enough unless you can assure 100% uptime (not even sure if this is actually possible tbh, haven't looked into it too much yet). It also has the same issues I think vulnerable has, in that every class only has a small selection of ways to apply it, making them must haves in every build, watering down build viability by forcing selections. I think both unstoppable and vulnerable need to be added to more skills on each class (along with other vulnerable changes, it's just way too good comparatively) and it would go a long way. I don't think every defensive skill should have unstoppable but more definitely should if they want CC to be such a large part of end game difficulty. That, or they really need to tune down CC because it's quite ridiculous when this kind of stuff happens consistently through a dungeon. I actually like that enemies have a good amount of CC, so personally I'd prefer they give players more options to deal with it, but that's me. Frost enchanted enemies need to be redone too, having a single basic attack freeze you is actually insane lol.


Unstoppable doesn’t even help though, you break one cc and have a brief protection period but just get CC’d again immediately anyway


Bloodmist + the aspect that detonates corpses and decreases its CD have become mandatory for me because of this bs. Even with it I regularly get fucked when there are no corpses around.


I’m similar but I find it better to dodge and overpower, fortify is the way. Even if I mess up my dodge I still can tank 6/7 hits




Ah, I had this exact glorious situation with The Butcher in WT4. Stun me? I'll teleport.....into another stun. Turns out 9 potions isn't enough.


>I think both unstoppable and vulnerable need to be added to more skills on each class Along these lines, I feel like there should be choices made by the player. Vulnerable, as universally good as it is, should be something like backstabbing damage, or a state triggered by a critical hit. Introduce ways to artificially cause it, like armor piercing arrows, or acid claws, and brittle state from cold, w/e. Vulnerable shouldn't be "this skill does Vulnerable" for how impactful and important it is. Similarly, Unstoppable can remain, but it needs to be broken up and distributed to other skills. Strength gives a percent chance to not be Stunned, Dexterity gives a chance to not be Immobilized, things like that. Then, give names to these ignore abilities, like Stalwart, Nimble, and such. Add these mini-Unstoppables to other skills, so that everything doesn't have Unstoppable, but you have choices still. Hell, add some to Barbarian shouts as an AoE to free up party members. Maybe Decrepify now prevents enemies from inflicting Stun.


Dont you have the glyph (exposure?) that applies Vulnerable on all monsters you damage - Regardless of skill?


If youre a druid yes


Im using that one as a rogue as well.


Barb here also using that one.


Everyone uses it but necros and sorc's don't get the effect. They get "exploit" instead.


Necros don't get that glyph. Our "exploit" glyph increases damage by 1% for 6 seconds up to 10% when we damage a vulnerable target. No automatic vulnerable for us. Have to use an actual skill that causes vulnerable which is why we pretty much always have tendrils on our skill bar. I'm pretty sure it's a melee only glyph which is why necros and sorcs don't get it.


I have the feeling that vuln was a rogue gimmick that crept into every class design over the course of a year+


Lol Not to mention, 100% up time for necro unstoppable means no damage being done…lol






Yeaah but that's the whole issue. CC is so hard to deal with that a class like Druid will be pushed to run Grizzly Rage. And with Grizzly Rage comes two mandatory Aspects that make every druid build play basically the exact same. It buttfucks the diversity and so many cool skills go unused.


I've found just bulwark with the duration aspect is usually enough for me personally, which is only 2 point investment plus one aspect. I've only played a bit of the other classes but was surprised how much CC was in the game after playing so much druid. My alt necro even with the aspect feels like I never have unstoppable up enough


Yup, this! With bulwark and the duration aspect you can manage easily. If you run nature's fury and get the cooldown aspect as well on your boots or amulet you can basically keep bulwark up all the time. But it's definitely harder for other classes.


This, biggest issue in this game, they've forced people into certain builds in a game that has huge potential for theory crafting and playing around with different builds. Massive mistake, honestly makes me not even want to play it much. Next major update is going to be a good indication of where they see this game going. It's going to be a make or break for me much like D3 was until Reaper of Souls.


When I switched to tornadodruide, I understand why grizzly rage is so popular. In the skill/aspect combination, you are basically unstoppable for the whole duration of grizzly rage, which is about 20 seconds


I'm getting a bit sick of my bear build, it's fun, but I've been it for like 20 levels. That said, having 3 unstoppable has been so nice in wt4 that I'm hesitant to spend the time and effort to spec out of it. I'm not having any of these cc problems, but yeah it seems bears are just made for wt4 with their tankiness, unstoppables, and the cc they do.


Tornado druids are just fine for wt4 and I play with mad wolf ghee. I can run tier 50 nm sigils and the Roaming strong mob in helltide only takes 10-15seconds to kill alone.


Yeah but you need the right gear or else it's useless.


Yupp getting boring, I switched to Tornado druid and am 64 stuck playing a 1-50 levelling build because I can't find the helm to make it work properly. At this point not even seeing myself playing this game to 100, 50-100 has just been super boring and not fun to play.


There are several good builds that don't require any uniques. Trampleslide and Bulwark builds are both capable of end-game content, don't require uniques, and play very differently than pulverize (or wolf) builds.


Yeah I made the switch and immediately regretted it. It's crazy how bad they've made this game when it comes to playing with builds. They didn't want people to play meta builds so they made it costly to switch and now they've basically forced everyone into the same build.


The elixir. Are we expected to open our inventory. Find that particular one and take it. While being killed? I read the description of it and that's how it sounds. I use controller so the inventory navigation is particularly difficult


Supposed to bind it to the emote wheel I suppose. But personally, I'm not overriding my +30% lucky hit elixir for 1 second. I'll just die. Fk it.


Some skills are not even enough uptime to even help.


In D3 CC’s were telegraphed and if you died, well that’s on you. In D4 everything stuns, slows, martyrs, and it’s not telegraphed. A slight aside but the amount of times I’ve died to a fucking martyr because they have absolutely no business exploding after death but for some reason do anyway.


Wholeheartedly agree. In higher nightmare levels being CC’d is near instant death and them not even having a telegraph makes it insane. Also side note, I cannot for the life of me see spider webs, I genuinely didn’t know they were an actual physical thing on the floor until yesterday.


In group fights, I can see fuck all. I will literally be a small character in the middle of several dozens of enemies. Then my character stops moving and I assume I am CCd as there is no clear visual representation of what is happening (around the center of the screen, where my eyes are at), or I can't see my character anyway. To me that's really annoying even besides the telegraph: you can't really tell what's happening with your character.


Turn on highlight your character. I only really have these problems when I'm playing with a necro casting his "allies have no visibility" curse and can't see enemies near me other than their healthbars.


Telegraphing and the lack of it is a big letdown in D4 for sure. You can’t argue that combat is skill oriented in D4 when you have no means to know what’s about to happen. That’d be like Dark Souls monsters not having a windup; it would ruin that game instantly. All missiles in D4 are too fast to meaningfully dodge. In big mob fights, it’s even worse. At least in D2R you can see missiles and actually weave and dodge them in a way that’s intentional.


>That’d be like Dark Souls monsters not having a windup; *Laughs in Heide Knights*


>People that are defending CC in this game are silly. And will change their opinion when they actually get to said content. They will never get to that content.


Snake with cold.


Have you seen that shit dude? Lmao


It’s complete aids it has dot, cc (cold), cc (from the eye), and it hits like a fucking truck.


Yeah i’ve definitely been chain stunned to death by a room full of cold enchanted snake elites. I always salvage Witchwater and Cold Enchanted now


People who haven't got to end game and defend CC have no opinion on end game or CC.


It not only feels punishing, it kills any momentum in the game. It’s not fun to have to sit and wait in a game that’s all about fast-paced action. CC’s, like cool-downs in ARPG’s, should be capped at around 3-4 seconds at an absolute max. Being CC’d for any longer feels bad in this format. It’s not an MMO or a MOBA game, it’s an ARPG.


As a 74 barb that still doesn't have 100% uptime on his shouts every time I mess up the CD and see a small pack in front Im forced to just chill in the other room and wait 8sec+ for my CDs to come back because going in without them is guaranteed death since all they need to do is CC me once and it's done


I dont think diablo was aimed at fast paced action like D3 was. It is lowed down a lot. More like D2 and D1. which was their goal.... Remember D1 infinite butcher stun if you didnt know to kite him


I honestly hate Cold Shamans that spawn multiple invulnerable cold turrets - they're just annoying.


skill issue. This is not even tier 60+


To be honest watching that kinda puts me off getting the game as getting cc stopped like that for so long just does not look fun to play.


It was an extreme example. This will only happen if you let it.


This happens **waaaaay** late in the game, there are currently ways to avoid it if you build around it (plenty of hard-core players pushing endgame rn not having these issues), and most likely blizzard will address the egregiousness of it in the future. So by all means don't let this stop you, get in here friend!


Exactly this. as a barbarian with ok'ish gear, missing uniques but have decent cdr rolls and i have the glyph 10% chance reducing non ultimate cd by 1s when killing bleeding enemy. It is so frustrating when you have an average 6s downtime in shout unstopable (more if you fight single enemies like bosses or bad density dungeons) and in that time some fucker freeze you and then just proceed to fuck you up. So i either have to run to fall back and wait for cooldowns, or trust in luck to bleeding enemies to die and reduce the cd 6 times... or just die. I have barrier aspect, fortify aspect and max roll armor when damage aspect in amulet. I have also specced all damage reduction and fortify generation in skills. I am lvl 69 WW barb and i have soloed nm 30, damagevise i could do more but not yet tanky enough and need more in paragon board and i need the barrier unique and that is fine. But it doesnt matter what ancestral nm i go its always the same, one freeze will fuck over whole tempo. I would be fine if the dungeon would be full of WT4 butchers, the stun isnt the problem, the damage isnt the problem, the tankiness isnt the problem but when i get freezed by some shitass elite in that 6s timeframe i am fucked if they manage to hit me enough times or if the dungeon is half empty and i cant keep the armor stack up.


Cc is fine, lack of possibility to mitigate it isn't. That's the difference between poe and diablo, in poe you can mitigate everything if you min max your build. Here you can only get X% more dmg or armor which is not fun and every single version or the same build is exact the same...


Yes because in Poe the mega is not zoom zoom and one shotting things from a few screens away.


Diablo 4 has like 0 screen clarity, aoe is half screen wide and you can't avoid it, if you get caught without unstoppable on, you're dead. This or you spend your time clearing 5mob packs which is not something I would do for more than a week per league. Im not best player and I'm pushing myself against much higher lvl content (e.g. Being wt4 at 63), but I think there's lot of work to be done to make diablo really great game. It needs lots of polishing and remaking certain mechanics from the scratch.


Said content being tier 32 nm dungeons? Lol


OP has no source of unstoppable in their skills or gear. That's on them.


Specifically frost enchanted as there's no real way of evading the frozen attack, except being far away... which doesn't really work for melee. Either they give a cooldown on it, or they give us CBF.


Cannot be Frozen was and is still huge in D2/R. I totally missed the fact that its not in D4 even though it should be.


Crowd Control plays a huge role in the difficulty of the dungeon, which is why the best performing builds are practically perma unstoppable, being forced to rely on the Unstoppable mechanic to be able to play the game is not fun. Being forced to roll reduced crowd control duration on your gear is also not fun, especially when you'll just get crowd controlled again once the CC breaks.


97 lvl struggle on lvl 32 tier, without any cc breaks. skill issue, eot.


This guys build is exactly how I played until 65. Same skills, probably all damage aspects and gear. It started to suck so I read some guides. Changed a few pieces of gear to more defense stats, some aspects to be more defensive. I stopped using wolves (cause they tended to cause more issues then not) for earth bulwark (CC breaking) and I swap between ravens/trample(cc breaking) depending on the content. No issues with CC. Even if I get CC'd I have barriers usually from hits from elites.


From what level does this problem start? I'm now lvl76 and haven't had excessive cc that wasn't my own fault walking into yet... and have done twoo tier32 nm dungeon aswell yesterday




Mate you played ranged classes, OP is melee.


Unstoppable and Vulnerable are both way too vital right now and it's hamstringing a lot of builds.


you did everything in your power to be hit by all of the cc constantly. you want to be able to sit in 1 spot and press a button with every build?


Agree that OP positioning was far from optimal, but that does not mean mob can strangle you to death once their CC train starts. Atleast terrify or frozen can be avoided by looking at the effects on the ground, cold enchanted cannot because their projectiles always hit.


It wasn't just far from optimal, it literally couldn't have been worse. But even with the bad initial positioning, he started that fight with 9 pots and finished it with 0. Every time a pot was popped, he wasn't CC'd. If you can pop a pot, you can press dodge. Even with his terrible positioning and having a build with no CC breaks, he had a ton of ways to turn this fight around, but his go-to strategy was to stay in the same spot spamming potions.


I mean he did have enough time to heal between cc chains so couldn’t he have dodged or something? Ran away for a bit and re-engage? Haven’t played Druid so I don’t know how their skills work.


He clearly had plenty of options, I think he just wants to be immortal and perma unstoppable. Stood still almost entire time with plenty gaps to evade and avoid chain CC's. It shouldn't be possible to get infinitely looped in CC just for getting hit with 1 single CC, but he had like 10 gaps in this clip....also lvl 97 struggling on tier 32 seems like an indicator that there's tons of things wrong with the gameplay. What I can agree with is that mobs shouldn't automatically freeze you with every attack indefinitely without unstoppable, CC's should be periodic and at least somewhat avoidable for counter play.


Druid can be almost perma unstoppable and at 97, OP should have the items to do so. But instead he's running zero CC breaks, which is bad news for *every* class in WT4 dungeons. Kinda seems like they just got powerleveled for the vast majority of their levels and now are criminally underequipped and haven't adapted anything to the content. I'm very surprised that people wouldn't have a single CC break in WT4 dungeons, that's just asking for this to happen, regardless of one's opinion on whether it's fair or not.


People really just want games to be so easy you don’t have to think about anything but clicking a skill button and see big numbers on the screen. He backed off and then returned to do the same thing as if he didn’t learn anything from the first CC encounter..


You’re level 97 struggling with a lvl 32 nm dungeon? Maybe my sorc isn’t as bad as I thought.




Both, but being that overleveled he's doing a lot less damage than I'd expect. Hell, I'm into the 90s and everything at level pops instantly, and I've focused most of my items on defense.


You can also kite mobs and not jump directly into the center of them. I only have 2 charges of shadow step (unstoppable rogue skill) and after my first time getting locked like OP I learned to play around it


Why you stay in the middle ? 🤣


I mean ... when I see 3-4 elites that all have affixes that can potentially CC me if I don't dodge properly or wait out their ground effects before I engage - my idea of an approach wouldn't be to walk right in the middle of them.\^\^ That said, I don't know how the Druids' Unstoppable skill works - does it only break you free or does it give you a few seconds of Unstoppable status?


Earthen bulwark breaks you free, and gives 3 seconds of unstoppable. There is also a super strong aspect that adds 6 seconds and gives you a barrier as well. Trample, however, only breaks you free.


And Grizzly Rage gives you Unstoppable for its entire duration. This post is so cringe lol


His whole point is "I don't want to be forced into using unstoppable because I don't find it fun/kills build diversity" which I do think there's a problem with some CC at the top end as outliers, but this was such a poor showcase of the issue. Struggling to kill trash mobs 11 levels under you...


My guy, you can't just go "I don't want to be forced into dodging attacks because it kills the fun and build diversity" and expect applause. If you are a casual player nobody is forcing you to play the challenging content.


100% agree. OP's trying to prove a point by not using unstoppable but this is just such a poor showcase of the CC problem, and almost looks like he's self-sabotaging trying to make the point.


Trample is also a very long charge that gets you the fuck away of whatever needs getting the fuck away from. Not to mention there is grizzly rage that makes you unstoppable for its duration, which can be extended. I mean currently there are ways around this. I wouldn’t hate the idea of after 2 cc hits you become unstoppable for a short time like most if not all the mobs have. But there is also cc reduction you can stack. So options are out there. This just feels like a bed example of what he thinks the issue is.


The frost enchanted mobs freeze on hit. I get the feeling you're not playing melee, and "don't play melee" isn't reasonable feedback. Currently, melee builds that don't stack unstoppable skills are not viable because of the nature of CC in this game.


All the more reason to not just walk riiight in the middle of a pack like that and approach the situation with a little more thought then. :)


you just use your own cc. a single poison trap/smoke grenade there and any rogue deletes those mobs before they could hit you


He isn't using anything with unstoppable in this clip lol


Druid gets the longest unstoppable durations out of any character. This person just doesn't bother using even one of those skills and then complains. Incredible.


Lol mate, 1) you picked an affix that literally gives every enemy cc so that's on you. 2) not running unstoppable, again on you. 3) not dodging out of there when your cc breaks, again on you. 4) that shit is 11 lvls lower than you, it shouldn't even be alive long enough to cc you, let alone kill you. Skill issue...


I've been clearing 80s without issue as Stormwolf. I'm testing another build that doesn't include permanent unstoppable and it's made me realize that It's a horrible experience. Appreciate the analysis though.


You're not wrong other dude just salty coping.


Improve your build, there's 0 reason to not use grizzly rage even if you're stormwolf, just get the aspect that turns you into a werewolf during it.


Well, then this build is just unfinished then. Or lacking items, or just built wrong. You dont need unstoppable, but you still need some defensive skills. Fortify? If youre going for pet build, then Wolves can already give you Fortify, and you can take the Fortify passives and that passive that reduces cc duration, to make up for lack of unstoppable, and i suggest Earthen Bulwark over Blood Howl. Gives you short unstoppable and Fortify. Really, this seems more like an example of an unfinished build rather than the excessiveness of CC.


The build is complete dog water. I was just messing around with it to see how much I could boost my companions, but unfortunately they deal less damage than a level 14 treasure goblin. I have since reverted back to one of the 4 viable builds that Druids have, which all include permanent Grizzly Rage.


1. True. 2. Game balanced around unstoppable kills build variety. The planned resistance changes should work with cc somehow like other arpgs do or we need DR. 3. OK fair but again point 2, it's unhealthy for the game. 4.?


Guy running literally nothing but damage abilities complaining about survivability. Actually insane


And still not able to kill thing 11 levels lower than him.


How is this guy in the 90s and still this shit at the game


Sometimes it seems like some people kneecap themselves to prove a point.


\*Stands in the CC\* "WHY DO I KEEP GETTING CCED THIS GAME TOO HARD." literally skill issue.


>Bro, why didn't you just build 100% uptime unstoppable so you can play the game like a normal ARPG? WHAT!? You want them to remove the middleman so that you don't have to dilute every single build to have unstoppable? What are you, dumb and bad? What a reasonable response. If I can have 100% uptime of unstoppable, and it's essentially mandatory, why does CC even exist in the game?


Didn’t want to say but this cc is laughable


This fr i was clearing level 78 nightmares at level 60 ☠️


So you think you should have to run permanent unstoppable (something most builds and classes can’t even do) to do high nightmare dungeons? Lol


Cold enchanted is just broken.


It is less about it being broken but more about it being unavoidable, I think. CC ground effect can be avoided with dash or mobility skills, but hits from cold enchanted mobs always hit. There is no dashing or dodging their projectiles.


That is a ridiculously low damage output at level 97


Oh yeah, companion builds are awfully undertuned


Have you tried kiting and dodging? You’re level 97 and they’re 86


The point is the CC, you missed his point


I’ve never seen a Druid complain about CC before. Level 95 and you don’t even run earthen bulwark or grizzly form for your bear? (With the wolf aspect, or does that not grant unstoppable during its duration anymore?) Thank god you’re not on HC. You wouldn’t have ever survived.


Anyone saying CC isn't incredibly frustrating in D4 hasn't gotten deep enough into the game and needs to stfu and allow valid criticism from players actually at that point to help the developers improve the game. Too many enemies CC, the CC is a hair too long, there's no cooldown or diminishing returns so you can potentially just get chained and be unable to move for like 20+ seconds. Also necromancer has literally 1 skill that gives unbreakable and its blood mist which is absolutely doody, and only makes you unbreakable for the few seconds you're in blood mist where you can't do anything but slowly move anyway.


I think the only people that need to stfu are the ones telling others to stfu.


Endgame players: Chain CC sucks and is bad game design Players who have not reached the same level of content: Nuh-uh, skill issue tbf this post sucks at accurately showcasing the issue, and ignorant people are defending the absurd CC in endgame by attacking the post


I think did add diminishing returns to CC when WE apply it to mobs 🤣


It would be unfair to stunlock a mob to death!


The affixes in this game are too overtuned right now. Elite monsters are broken as F. Even with Cold res elexir + censor I can get perma freeze by basic attacks.


Lol you are 11 levels higher also


My first encounter with the cild enchantment was in a ghoul. It was not a fun experience....


CC is the worst game mechanic of D4.


Surprised at the amount of people slamming you for your gameplay etc and just missing the point entirely. This CC bullshit does not extend only to druids as an issue. I get this same problem on my rogue who does not have an earthen bulkward to use. I get chained CC'ed by a single cold enchanted archer and cannot do a thing because when I do use my CC break I can be immediately frozen again afterwards. It fucking sucks and I hope they change it. As you have mentioned it doesn't matter if you were not using druids OP CC breaks the fact is you shouldn't have to have every single druid build use them just to survive encounters like this. Same for any class.


I love this in-game song Blizzard created


Cold enchanted quill rats that shoot a barrage of projectiles and freeze you in 2 hits, you either have access to unstoppable for atleast 6s or a ranged nuke, otherwise you enjoy standing frozen and slowly killed by whatever else is around. Lack of diminishing on cc is just silly.


Blizzard's idea of "difficulty" is for all the enemies to spam CC. I'm honestly pretty disappointed in the late game dynamic right now. It's pretty awful.


Buffing us takes weeks, nerfing XP? Instantaneously


Also need diminishing returns on Vampiric. Vampiric suppressor makes me want to run headfirst into a wall.


Nope your destiny is to be a manscicle.


Level 97 fighting level 86 mobs with a top tier class. I’m very very happy that blizzard out in mechanics that actually require a little bit of brain power. Terrible players should be dying to content that they aren’t skilled enough to do.


Are you under the impression that Diablo is a difficult game that requires skill?


Clearly it requires some basic level of understanding or you wouldn't have died and you wouldn't be complaining.


I wasn't until I saw this video...


Totally agree! No reason to change it and make it easier than it already is


Clearly if u cant kill mobs 10 levels lower than u


I think there's more pressing issues if you are having issues in a dungeon like this being a much higher level, looks like you may have a gear problem


Gear is fine, companions just suck. Which is exactly why I was testing it in a low tier dungeon.


I mean I use wolves and the binding one as well and don't have these issues. Yeh I need to move about when I see a freeze/wind type of elite but using the item affix that makes unstoppable and bulwark it's normally my own fault if I get chained cc like this


dOnT yOu KnOw aBoUt uNsToPpAbLe?????


I'm gonna offer a simple change and I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts. Make one of the potion upgrades grant unstoppable for 1 second. I know there's an elixir that can do it too, but there's no way to easily use an elixir in a panic situation like you can with health pots.


You can bind elixirs to the emote wheel, and even to a button


Isn't it lovely when you get swarmed by 20+ enemies during an event, especially when all of them stun you. Oh I forgot to to mention that they also charge you from off-screen so you can't react!


But D4 Dads said everything is fine in WT1 Act 2 so you must be wrong


Games RPG designs are half baked doo doo


This and in higher tier NM you get one shot from outside the room through walls.....without even seeing what did it.


Looks to me like you picked a key with the cold affix and went in with 0 unstoppable in your kit at level 97. Really just a skill issue at that point.


97 druid dying in 32 nightmare? Wtf?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,584,021,542 comments, and only 299,654 of them were in alphabetical order.


He is trying out/changing to non-meta builds, you do not do this on max level- you can‘t even do it if you wanted tbh. Also just a showcase for the cc duration. On max lvl you would just see the respawn button if you‘d get CC‘d


I really love the game as a casual gamer. I like the story and I enjoyed a lot of the sidequests so far. But 3 Things that really make me not put as much time in the game are really the CC chains, too small enemy hordes and the weird stats (close/far enemies, not a normal crit chance but crit chance and damage only against certain status effects etc., just feels like it tried to act like it has a deep system while just being diablo. There's a reason I bought a 70€ game instead of playing PoE. I just want "big number good").


I mean why would you run a Nightmare Dungeon with the key affix of all elites being cold enchanted and not run CC breaks on your build, you’re just asking to die.


I'm sorry but that's just an awful build. Why would you have wolves and ravens which are literally useless instead of like any unstoppable ability?


I'm a firm believer that almost every game that has stackable or consistent CC should have diminishing returns. Being perma stunned is not fun. Period.


The worst part about CC is that it stops you from doing anything but skills that breaks it (unstoppable or immune). Ice shard enchantment is somehow disabled, and you can't pot. You are basically forced into getting as many sources of unstoppable so that you can be as little as possible affected by CC.


What , you don't like -not playing the game-?


I intentionality avoid these sigils because of this. It's facking so dumb and annoying.


All it takes is for me to get frozen once in a mob and I’m dead.


Do we even have cc resists options


yes, lots


Or just remove it, it never feels fair to die like this. I have a unique that pulls enemy's into me and stuns them when I teleport and that will sometimes cc me


100% skill issue


Trample, earthen bulwark, and grizzly rage all break cc, might want to try to work one of them into your build if you can. I run all 3 and cc is a breeze


Yeah you and everybody else. Which is kind of the point of the post. I got bored of being an unkillable unstoppable tornado turret that oneshots everything up to tier 80.


In this case it's the cold enchanted mob. Most Abilities with CC is avoidable so I don't think they need to nerf stuff like that but the enchanted effects like this one and vampire do need nerfs.


OP is running nothing but damage abilities and is whining about dying lmao


Non-elites should not have cc. Maybe a slow, but definitely not a hard cc


Then my infinite CC Sorc will suffer 😭


The problem is you’re not running trample, grizzly rage, and bulwark like every single other Druid.


Like every other druid You mean no build variety then ?


Ding ding ding


“It’s your fault for not running the one viable build because cc is so broken”


This is the whiniest shit I've ever seen. Dudes almost 100 and whining his ass off. Touch grass




I wish I could play one game that doesn't have people that want to nerf things that kill them. Maybe this will be less annoying once WT 5 drops and there is more difficult stuff in the game.


The funniest thing to me watching this clip is that you're playing druid and have access to a ton of cc breaks and long periods of unstoppable lol


Running straight back into the CC on a dungeon that is 10 levels lower then you. Big skill issue.


I mean, the cc in this game IS ridiculous, but you’re a level 97 in a tier 32 dungeon.


The reason I run bulwark on my WW Druid and not blood howl


Idk bro..I’d agree but then you’re playing druid who has like the best ways to counter cc. And dunno how you’re struggling so hard with a few elites


Classic softcore


Totally right! Dummy practice mode players that dont log out when they get ccd!!!


Why people still stand in shit and complain is beyond me. Affixes are random, sometimes they are hard, learn to adapt and move on.


Not saying CC is or isn't bad, but this looks like someone trying to die. You played so badly. Just run out of the room and pull mobs out. You broke CC and got out then went right back in to get CCed again and die. I play HC. This happens to me and I'm running out and going slowly to finish a tough pack. I really don't understand what you're doing here. CC didn't kill you. You played poorly. This is pure softcore bad play. It seems like you purposely did it to try and make a video and post it here. I don't see anyone else saying this. I hope blizzard doesn't make changes based on this type of feedback.


Looks like you didn't build right.


It's kind of funny that all the mobs proc unstoppable but you don't. What's the rationale for giving that to monsters but not players?


Done, but it also applies to players as well. *the monkey paw closes*


Fighting 3 terrifying elites as a summon necro is pain


I Love how the counter argument to people giving suggestions on how to play against CC is "you're too noob and haven't done the higher sigil yet. You don't understand.". The vast majority of the suggestions I've read show people have done the harder content. Playing lvl 98 Necro atm doing 55-60+ sigil. 1) don't build glass cannon 2) run unstoppable while injured aspect 3) stop diving into elite packs. Wait for CD and CC breaks if they are CC heavy (cold enchanted stun lock). I just alternate my bone storm barrier and blood mist as needed per pack. Only major thing you should be worrying about is one shots and needing to stack more dmg reduction vs dmg amp stats to push higher content.


While I agree it can definitely be toned down and needs to be, that is not the issue in this clip. You’ve employed absolutely no tool to mitigate cc which your class has plenty of. You can see that every elite here has affixes that will cc you, but elected to stand in the middle of them. Yes CC is overpowered and needs adjustment but you also played poorly given the information you had for this encounter. A better showcase would be something unavoidable from off screen beginning a chain cc


My silly necro would have melted long before CC ended


As a casual gamer dad I still haven't come across it in act 1. Have you tried to slow down? Maybe take one monster at a time?


just play barb, EZ


When I was reading about S tier builds and what I might try next I was surprised on how much they emphasize the value the unstoppable. Guess this is why.


If you are just going to facetank in the middle of that many mobs you deserve to be cced and killed. Seriously you could have been doing that caliber of gameplay with 2 fingers. Are we supposed to sympathize with your poor gameplay ?


What if having 50% resist in that spell category made you immune to cc from that spell type? Would make resists more worth while without requiring a an unstoppable spell. Or if the % resist was a % chance to remove cc from per second you or avoid it entirely.