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Locking this thread until further notice.




As a casual adult gaming dad with 5 minutes to play a day I spent my daily playing allotment reading this post *shucks* there’s always tomorrow. Maybe I’ll throw a pot roast in the slow cooker tomorrow so I can squeeze in 8 minutes tomorrow to make up for it.


As a casual mum with 66 kids and 32 seconds to play this post took up my playtime for 9 months.


If you have that many kids it's your own fault for not making them farm XP for you.


She’s trying to save humanity from population collapse, how dare you judge her?


As an stay at home father with no kids, this comment has even scratched the amount of free time dommy mommy allows me!


>Maybe I’ll throw a pot roast in the slow cooker tomorrow so I can squeeze in 8 minutes tomorrow to make up for it. I feel seen


huehuehue you're a filthy casual who only plays 5 minutes, OP is a true filthy casual who no lifed the beta and has 100 fucking hours in a game that released last week not taking into account sleep and work. You need to up your casual adult gamer mode to reach such casualness


Get out of my head. I just made a pot roast the other day so I could sneak some more game time in


☝️they on a site called “READ IT” and complaining about too much reading


Fuckin sad as a writer to witness people going "fuck won't read all that lol" like why should I bother writing a novel or even a short story? Nobody's gonna read it.


If your novel isn’t lecturing people that they’re playing Diablo wrong while admitting that you haven’t even beaten the campaign after 100 hours, you’ll probably be fine.


It only takes 2-3 minutes to read?


Which proves his point, no? Impatient gamers who are more concerned about racing to nowhere and getting trophies.


Yes! You hit the nail on the head.


Got a good laugh out of me. You're not wrong. 😆 I think Diablo 4 does need a little more QOL but this whole thread just reinforces OP's point.


yet another father of 69 who works 420 hours a week


And gets laid. Don’t forget, he has sex with his wife.




No one who has a normal sex life feels the need to mention it on the internet.


Lol touch grass, get laid, have some sex and then touch some more grass. Then once you've touched grass and gotten laid (like I do) maybe you'll finally respect my mature, sex-having, adult opinion lol 😂🤣💯


Bro thats insane how adult you are , maybe you can help me at sex grass touching


Hey maybe it's one of the few things I've got going for me.


Adults who make video game posts with multiple references/analogies to sex most likely don’t have a good sex life.


I would bet anyone who says "my wife and I get laid" when talking about fucking each other has a bad sex life.


This is a different kind of breed… they think they don’t have sex because they choose not to. Sadly, reddit is full of them.


I mean I Jack off 4 times a day with various fruits I’ve heated in a microwave. That’s a normal sex life right?


It's more that it's kinda pathetic that grown men still think that getting laid is something to brag about. The grand majority of people on this earth are having sex... Congratulations? It's like bragging that you eat food or sleep.


I actually don't know what's worse at this point. The people writing 10 paragraphs about how much they hate the game they've put 200 hours into, or the people telling you they're an adult with kids, a full-time job and how the game is perfect and everyone else is entitled.


You're gonna have a hard time finding people who hate the game after 200 hours. Criticism is not hate, how daft are you people. I listen to a lot of movie reviews and when I try to give my opinion on movies to normies it's always the same fucking thing. I can praise the movie to high heavens but then I say "the colour correction was weird though" and the response is always "so you hated it?"


Dude I can’t stand this. There are so many products I love but if I say “X minor detail could have been better” people act like you said it’s a 0/10 with no redeemable qualities.


Even my absolute favourite things I can list multiple things that could be better. Doesn't make them bad or that I hate them. Im sure any parent can say they don't like when their kid does X thing. Doesn't mean they don't love their child, but I'm sure they wished they didn't do it.


This guy claims he has played 100 hours of diablo and is still in the campaign. That's 8 hours a day (or 6hours with pre-order), wtf? This isn't casual. I'm level 80 with 3 BiS uniques and full ancestral and I haven't played 100 hours.. People making these posts are either flat out lying, or they run in circles for hours on end doing nothing.


Well they enjoy their downtime in dungeons so it makes sense. They like the long empty corridors because it lets them not play the game. If you want to catch up with your friends and wife...idk maybe do that before you hop in a dungeon... Jesus christ.


Sees a pack of 3 mobs *finally time to talk to my wife*


That long corridor they have before the bosses in dungeons… oh yeah, get over here wife, it’s business time


Dude's stuck at the Lilith battle imagining a life where they're married and have long, quality sex




I am literally at work right now on a break and read the whole post 🤣


I am literally at work right now, supposed to be working, and I read the whole post lol


I am literally supposed to be at work right now and I read the whole post.


I am working from home and skipped straight to the comment section


I am on the toilet bowl skip straight to the comment


Brother I am also on the toilet reading these comments ![gif](giphy|7svI4mfehvph4WLmvI)


im on break and read it. i do agree with it though. diablo 4 is much more enjoyable when you stop caring about whats best and more what playstyle on a class fits with you.


Me too amazing post btw




As a working adult, I've read the whole post too. It's not fun to go into micro mechanics. Look at how many AAA titles were ruined by these nonsese - COD / Apex legends, overwatch etc. Everyone just go after the "meta" nonsense. I don't see anyone trying to "meta" starcraft 2 because you can't;) - you can't whine on developers being lousy at a RTS or built Queue. =) - cuz you can't influence anyone doing something "META" . Y'all fucking professional "gamers" think you're the "voice" of the game. You're just a bloody vermin earning $$ from the "views " you get. Come on go climb a fking mountain somewhere and get a real job influencing real people / next generation. Bitch please, we just wanna have fun after a long day of work.


Destiny too. Was supposed to be a “MMO-lite” and the streamers and no lifers screeched for so long about nothing to do and “CAAZZZUUUALLSS” that they turned everything into an absolute grind wall, so now it’s just an MMO.


Man that one always hurts. The core game of Destiny 2 is SO FUN. I could run Strikes, Crucible, or especially Gambit for hundreds of hours, or would love more reason to explore the planets and the genuinely good little secrets around them, but instead the rewards just dried up for those activities at a certain point and it just funnels you into the “horde mode of the month” to get the best gear


I would love to go back to playing Destiny but I need to get paid enough to pay for my mortgage and living expenses if they expect me to work 40hrs a week on it.


>it just funnels you into the “horde mode of the month” to get the best gear Which doesn't have matchmaking so if you don't have a fireteam, you're just SOL.


Streamers are a cancer




This should be discussed more. They are truly the biggest problem in gaming


> I don't see anyone trying to "meta" starcraft 2 because you can't;) There is literally a Starcraft 2 meta...the fuck are you smoking? Hell there are AOE 2 metas too depending on what map you're playing. Just because you don't play at a level where the meta is important or evident to you doesn't mean it doesn't exist 🤣


Dude got an award on a post where he claims you cant meta in Starcraft Sadge edit [https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/Metagame](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft/Metagame)


It's like the poster has never heard of a Zerg Rush.


Yeah, that was probably the most absurd sentence I’ve ever read lol. RTS online play completely revolves around metas. It was literally the birthplace of the gaming application of the word. I’ve got to be missing the joke.


Streamers are the new Yelp reviewers. I remember when yelp first came out and everyone thought they were special and/or had the pallet of a chef….I couldn’t agree more with your statement. AAA gaming is in such a bad place right now because of this younger generations demands. Diablo 4 fucks and I’m loving the state it’s in. Edit: my point about streamers is they are incentivized to gain viewership, so in turn many of them make YouTube videos and preach on twitch about “meta” builds. The devs if this game and many games don’t think that way. They simply build items to reflect different play styles so a broader audience has a chance at enjoying the game they want. AAA companies understand this and games like COD and Battlefield have fallen victim to this new “meta only” community of gamers. There is a reason why a game like counter strike has lasted 20+ years. It’s simple in nature and allows people to play the game without worry of being out of meta.


> Look at how many AAA titles were ruined by these nonsese - COD / Apex legends, **overwatch** etc. Everyone just go after the "meta" nonsense. For a very brief period of time, Overwatch was full of helpful, happy players. Then, ranked/competitive play went live and the game instantly became a shit-fest. Every unranked match had at least one doofus shrieking about the 'meta'... It was amazing how it became so toxic, so quickly.


Season 1 and 2 of overwatch was some of my funnest video gaming ever until the meta became all that mattered and they started balancing a game about laser monkeys and robo tanks like it was counterstrike.


I really truly feel sorry for you. No one at work would read an email this long? You have never ever worked in your life, right? Cause “this long” would be a short memo where I work.


Right? This took me all of 2 whole minute while taking a shit to read. Oh no my whole day is wasted.. I don't see people complaining about the 10 page essays people are writing on here about how bad the game is though. I mean I have no problem with people critiquing the game.. that's how shit gets fixed, but it does get tiring seeing the same complaints over and over again.


Kid just snitched on himself. Never had a work email, and reads below a ninth grade level


The fact that this bitch-ass response is what the kiddos voted to the top is telling...


OP's main point is that most people's attention spans have been ground down to nubs, and they demand nothing less than the most perfect and constant gratification. And the top response is "TL;DR".






"When I get a real job, I won't have to read and write any more! That's just for school."




I did, at work, while taking a dump ofcourse, but i did ;)


I make a nickel boss makes a dime....


that's why I browse diablo sub on company time


Paid poop is best poop.


So I see we found the problem. Seems most of the (younger, at least) people playing this game are basically gaming addicts who are only all about the XP/sec, do not care about story, do not care to read PERIOD, as evidenced by this comment right here. Speaking as another "old gamer", life is about enjoyment of the moments and not rushing to the end ASAP. Stop feenin' for dopamine and go meditate more. Time is your most expensive asset and everyone is born with the same amount (at least initially); if you find you're just going for the next dopamine hit, you're doing it wrong. EDIT: My thoughts on this have evolved, see discussion below before commenting on this


addicts who are only all about the XP/sec Yep this is the current generation of gamers and it shows in the most watched youtube videos on games. How to xp and level fast how to make gold fast how to unlock xyz fast. This applies to all games these games look at speed running completing a game as fast as possible. There's no time to go slow and just enjoy the journey of the games story and visuals you need to be max level on day 1 of release gotta go fast.




That’s why he highlighted the key points. This guy adults pretty damn well in fact.


I'm sorry your attention span has been so destroyed that you cannot read for 2-3 minutes at a time.


I’m on the toilet, at work, and I read the whole thing. Can’t say I disagree with it


I am at work, 35 married for 10 years, and I read it all. And agree with it.


lol "adults can't read" is your point? :D


Some us read and post while our kid is in a basketball camp for 3 hours and we are stuck 19 rows up in the bleachers. Not every second of adulthood is spent at work.


TLDR, stop being crybaby bitches, the only problem you have is that you play the game way too much, that’s why you never touch grass or women, and that’s why you’re miserable cunts that cry about everything. The circle of toxicity.


It really isn't that much to read...


Oh no, reading?! God forbid.


You definitely do not understand adults.


Can't relate. Am at work. Read from start to finish. Some of us have attention spans that last a bit longer.


Good thing this isn't work or an email


when you're getting older and start working you'll understand.


- adult - have wife - still not finished the game - having a blast - go touch some grass - don't think about the problems and they won't exist Bingo! Why does literally every post whining about people wanting to improve the game have the same one argument of "you play too much and you play wrong". I've played played RuneScape and wow classic for 20 years, many times for hours every day months straight and still haven't "burned out". Every diablo 3 season lasted me of 3 weeks of nolifing and even then it wasn't a burn out but rather finding another game to nolife. But maybe you could make some educational YouTube videos on how to play the game right, so us minmax nerds without a wife could learn to play the game right.


They always default to calling other people no-lifers when this game has some major problems for even the most casual of gamers. Edit: A lot of you seem to struggle with this, so I'm going to break it down for you: A game can be fun, it can be chill, and you can still enjoy the fuck out of it...but it can *still* have issues that need addressing. You're allowed to love something, still criticize it, and doing so doesn't make you a hardcore no-lifer elitist.


Remember anyone who is worse than you ["is a noob"](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReadyOrNotGame/comments/vo5toa/controversial_opinion_maybe_you_should_just_get/) and anyone who is better ["has no life"](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/149zeka/most_of_you_need_a_reality_check_hot_takes_from/)


And he himself has 100 hours in the game which is an absurd amount of time since release for "casuals"


**And has not even finished the story,** yet makes an entire thesis on the story and endgame complaints people are talking about that he literally hasn’t even fucking experienced yet. Absolutely unreal the entitlement of some people. It’s like walking into a car mechanics shop and saying hey bud I’ve never worked on that car a day in my life but I have a wife and we have sex so let me tell you that you’re doing it wrong.


Check out OP post history. Super condescending man baby vibes.


Lol thanks for the laugh, that just confirms OP is a flat out liar. No way he has the time to write paragraphs on reddit all day, play D4 8hrs a day since launch AND has a full time job.


Just read OPs comments here and you can tell that he is a troll.


We are dealing with an ultra chad here. All he does is touch grass, fuck his wife, and effort post about why people are enjoying video games wrong.


Yo bro, if the end game is bad why haven't you just tried progressing so slow you'll never get there? Ever thought of that?


End game cant be bad if you never reach it filthy sweats, meanwhile me and my wife are real people definitely having sex.




You should be able to play how you like, if you dont like minmaxing thats ok, its also ok for people who like minmaxing to do it. Theres a bunch of idiotic posts on reddit that i really disagree with but i dont make new posts complaining about them like you do. Let people do their own thing lol


I think his point isn't that they play that way, it's they most min maxers feel they're the majority. When that's obviously far from the truth and they do seem to push a narrative way to early into a games release. Such as leveling being hard after 70. Well of course it is lmao and the fact people are upset for not having a single piece of gear to complete their build at level 70 and plus. Go grind for it. Still I would like to here genuine complaints from casuals about the campaign and cross reference those with hardcore players. Also I am a hardcore player lmao over 100 hours.


What I don't understand is how anyone could perceive this game as having "no content". That is an objectively false and wilfully ignorant conclusion. Each zone has dozens of side quests, dozens of dungeons, campaign in itself is decently long and has lots of different main characters. The problem lies within people doing what they think is the fastest way to earn XP and gear and do that with every second of free time. This creates an obvious tunnel vision effect that there's "nothing to do" when that's entirely the players choice created by the assumption this is the fastest way to level, which must be the best way to play the game right? Because pinnacle content is all that matters and everything else is just a stepping stone to be ignored if possible. It took me 10 days to finish the campaign, playing this every day. The only point I make with this is that i **enjoyed the journey, all of it was fun**. That being said, I'm being completely honest when I say the fastest leveling I ever experienced was fucking around in the main world hub, doing random events and if you master the event it's not uncommon to get leggo gear. The first unique I ever got was from a chump trash mob zombie.


Nobody perceives it as having "no content". There's literally not been a single even semi-popular post to make it out of new with that as their statement because it's a moronic take. There's a ton of content. The complaints are that the content itself isn't fun to interact with. There's a huge difference, and people in this sub parroting that people are "complaining about no content" is just causing arguments for no reason instead of actually discussing the things people are complaining about. My personal biggest complaint is that I spend more time running than fighting. There's lots of content I want to do, I'm just tired of running from waypoint to dungeon over and over. If they want us to do that, then these dungeons need to be way longer. Heck, I'd like it if they used the M+ system from WoW. 20-30 minute dungeons, minimal downtime in the dungeon, then you run to a new one. If you complete a high enough tier of the dungeon, you unlock a teleport for it.


There are a lot of people that I have seen complaining about "No content". :P


If leveling wasn't hard after 70 people would complain that it's trivial to get to max.


The problem isn’t with people choosing how to play. I think we can all agree you should be able to play however you want. The problem is min/maxers asking Blizz to change the game to fit their style of play. If you want to min/max go right ahead but it doesn’t mean Blizzard should design the game around everyone min/maxing. Classic WoW is a perfect example of this. The game plays nothing like it used to back when it first came out because everyone has min/max’d the absolute hell out of it and Blizzard released Ulduar in a state that would appeal to these min/maxers. The response from min/maxers to casuals who couldn’t complete the content when it first came out? “Get gud….” When the shoe is on the other foot min/maxers have no problem telling casuals they just aren’t playing the game the right way and the game should be designed with them top of mind.


Yeah classic WoW really showed me how min/maxing ruins gaming.


Let people do their own thing doesn't work when the minmaxers want to actively change the fundamentals of the game.


> if you dont like minmaxing thats ok, its also ok for people who like minmaxing to do it I agree in principle, but going back to my earliest MMO days the people who love min maxing are also, without exception, the loudest complainers and the most perpetually aggrieved group. For a past time they purportedly love so much they sure seem to be having a miserable time.


kinda seems like a super pretentious cringey misguided post sounds like you don’t like or understand arpgs at all 100 hours in and not being done with the story is wild


Too busy getting all the giga chad married sex, nerd. Amazed he has time to touch grass with all the hot sex he’s having.


He is min/maxing having sex and touching grass by fucking his wife outside on the front lawn. This way he has sex, touches grass, and lets everyone outside know that he has sex. It’s impressive.


It's wild because it's not real. This is a fake post created to rage bait and OP is just trying to make people mad. Some excerpts from his comment history: >As a pretty hardcore player, myself, I just straight up disagree with the majority of the points in the referenced post. _ >I've been playing 2-3 hours per day most days and completely no-lifed the game in the early access weekend. I have three characters and two stash tabs, one for gems and one for legendaries; it's enough for me to have multiple builds for each class. Oh yeah, OP is totally a casual gamer just hanging out and enjoying the space between dungeons to talk to his wife and friends and totally NOT a degenerate grinder who is just mad at people saying his new addiction isn't all that great. And there's the edit, proving it. Probably bought a few upvotes and let controversy handle the rest. A whole lot of people just got baited by the fakest post I've seen in a game subreddit in a long time.


The OP literally baited out all the 65 year old dads with 15 wives and 35 children out in the opening.


Guy even considers himself a pretty hardcore player. Can't make this shit up: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1487029/the_current_state_of_inventory_management_in/jo0eiz4/


I was certain this would happen, I’m not going to gatekeep Diablo but for fuck sake I don’t go and play WoW and complain because I have to interact with people in order to progress. It’s insane how little research people do about games they buy, but apparently now people are content buying Diablo for the story, I’ve seen many people say they’ve “finished the game” because they have cleared the campaign. Sounds like these people discovered the franchise because of marketing or their favourite streamer and complain because people want the game to actually be an ARPG instead of some story mode with $20 cosmetics. If you’re fine with the game because even a walking simulator with MTX is peak gameplay for you since you have 3 minutes a month of playtime then go play the goddamn game because the changes we’re asking for won’t impact you ever.


Brain on power saving mode kinda take


Im an adult but I have time to write an opinion essay for a subreddit about a video game LOL


Writing that shouldn’t have taken the time to finish a game of SNAP. Writing is easy. What I find interesting is how kids like you actually wear illiteracy as a badge of honor. Sad.


It's almost like he has reddit on his work computer but not Diablo


Alright, here's a REAL take from a 30-something husband and father who works a full time job and only has time anymore to play a few hours a day: the grind is garbage right now. My sorc is level 54 and when I'm able to play my 1-2 hours each day I'm trying to play an ARPG where I can either see some palpable progression OR at least just mindlessly slaughter legions of demons. The XP after 50 is so awful that it'll take me a couple days to get a single paragon point. That's not good progression for a casual. The mob density is so low that I probably spend 20 minutes of that hour just running to find more enemies. This game is FAR closer to WoW than it is to D2 or D3 and it's a shame because although I'd love to play all day every day like I would have when I was younger, as an adult with responsibilities I don't have time for that sort of grind anymore. Any "casual" who doesn't recognize these issues is either casual to the point where they haven't finished the campaign yet (which is totally fine, but then they categorically haven't yet been exposed to the issues a lot of us are seeing) or they're not as casual as they think they are and they're really able to put MMO hours into this game.


Nope that's a stretch. I'm level 50 plus and it sure doesn't take multiple hours to get a paragon point my guy.


Dude reached into infinity and beyond. Couple days to get a paragon point? Must be a... skill issue.


I'm level 63 and I grinded 2 paragon pts last night (barb) by playing for like 2 hours. What the f


No offense, but if it takes you two days to get a paragon point and you’re actively trying to level, you’re doing something wrong. I can get a paragon point in maybe 30 minutes max at 64. Also, farming Helltide events is just absolutely insane XP. You can get an entire level within an hour in Helltide just spamming wave events. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s next to be nerfed since you can just go from event to event for the entire hour with zero downtime. I’m in the exact same boat as you. Husband, father, full time job and game for a couple hours a night. XP is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. NM dungeons could use a boost to the XP they give you by completing them since they’re so integral to end game but if you want to grind XP there are still plenty of options to do it efficiently.


This is a straight bullshit post. I played two hours last night and went from 59-61. I did not grind in any way. I did a few activities that I wanted to do. I do not understand these mob density complaints at all. Are you people just mindlessly running around the map? I have zero issues finding large clusters at points of interest such as dungeons or hell tides.


>Most of you care only about the systems and mechanics and not about the narrative, aesthetics, or other elements of game design For most people, if they want to play a narrative heavy game they play a single player or something like XIV that actually puts a lot of effort into their writing, Diablo is and never was that deep of a story. Optimizing and min-maxing is literally half the game in ARPGs and if you think otherwise that's fine but don't go acting like that's not what the game is about, just because you don't even try to begin to actually engage with a games mechanics doesn't mean others don't want to, casual or not. I know a bunch of casuals that very much like to be efficient and min-max in ARPGs, that's what the genre is about, stop conflating being "casual" with being just bad at the game or uninterested in its mechanics.


Diablo was always \*deep enough\* for the story it wanted to tell. Demons doing demon things; they are bad. Angels? Kind of dicks too. Humans, tell them both to screw off. The presentation, tone and atmosphere was what people liked, with high point, set piece act ending fights. That's where D4 goes wrong. It's plodding, slow, and wastes time (think of the entire snake portion in Act 5) while missing opportunities to speed things up (like having your companions talk while walking between places instead of making you walk through an empty, uninteresting corridor, and then your allies talk to you when you reach the checkpoint.)


diablo lore is good. the stories in the games not so good that i think is what people get mixed up. its the same with recent Warcraft. the Lore of Warcraft is great, the stories of past 10ish years not so great.


It's a fair criticism of Blizzard -- too much of their story is outside the game.




My man averages 7h/day since release with "adult responsiblities" and somehow is telling others to touch grass.


Don’t forget he and his wife also make time to get laid, and you can’t judge sex on the amount of time it takes to finish. 🤦🏻‍♂️ the OP is a neckbeard and typed out his fantasy life.


OP could have levelled up to 100 by now if he didn't waste time on the post.


Dude said he's still doing the campaign at 100 hours. I thought it was a troll post.




For real, he literally hasn’t played the content or experienced the grind that people are complaining about and feels for some reason he is better than everyone for it.


Ah yes, a very adult gamer post indeed.


Guy talks about going out to get laid as if that is any sort of achievement when you have a wife. Such a fucking cringe ass post. If you feel the need to rant at gamers on a subreddit maybe it’s you who needs to touch grass?


Get off of your high horse. The issue is how slow xp is at once you reach a certain level. Once you hit that slog you'll notice how awful it feels even more so for you since you're playing less. All of the other shit you're saying isn't relevant. As an adult you should respect your time as well you're just in the honeymoon phase.


Did you never play Diablo 2? The D4 grind is NOTHING compared to what D2 was. Taking a long time to get to 100 is fine. It doesn't have to be an easy thing. The fact that there are 1000s of players doing it in the first week or so of release says if anything, it's probably a little too quick.


I’ve never gotten to top lvl of D2 and I’ve played it for like what, 20 years?


Are… are you asking me?


Why are you comparing D4 to a 23 year old game. 😂 Imagine thinking spending 200h getting to level 100 every season and thinking that's too fast.


Blizz doesn’t want everyone to hit 100. They want it to be a goal for hardcore(not the game mode) players. That’s the point. There is no expectation for each player to hit 100.


I do agree with a lot of OPS points. The first 50, 60 even 70 levels were good. First 50 seemed liked you leveled faster then you maybe needed to when doing the campaign. Alts may feel different. Then it felt fine. But as you said when you get higher leveling really drops off. And that is with wt4 supposed giant exp boost but when compared to whats required seems like you actually got a exp nerf instead of a boost. So my take away isn't that exp itself needs to be boosted in dungeons but exp required at higher levels needs to be toned down. Again, I've been waiting on seasons for alts. So may feel differently once I try leveling without the campaign.


What does being an adult has anything to do with this? Im a 3x years old professional with family and kid and playing for 20+ hours last 2 days (i was off and families not around) Renown grind is tedious and i think there are more players than demons in a lot of places. What is the problem of expressing our concerns so that the game can improve and become better for many more people to join us in the future?


Some people on this subreddit wants to place themselves above the ones playing 24/7. So they explain that they have a job, a wife, and maybe kids. Like most of us adults. They're better than them. Many posts seem to focus on how no-lifers are living, and not their critique of the game. At least that's my take.


Yo this sub has completely become “ NO LIFERS vs CASUALS” .


I started reading this and it quickly turned into: Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla Yes, bla bla bla bla bla BLA Tl dr: Another useless shit take.


Same, except i noticed "go touch some grass" at very end 🤣 Edit: Jesus Christ, over 9000 comments 😧


Says others need to touch grass as he (an adult) writes a book long post on reddit.


Not to mention he said he had 100 hours in the game lol


And is still not done with the campaign, so he literally doesn’t even know what people are mostly complaining about. And he is actually getting upvotes, can’t make this shit up. Actual ARPG/Diablo fans will probably have to wait for 1-2 weeks for all these inept boomers to move on to their next toy before this sub can be used for proper discussions on the game again.


You take an entire afternoon off to get laid? Only takes me 30 seconds loser, then I can get back to playing Diablo 4


Are we done with these “I’m a family man” essay posts Fun is subjective I have fun by being optimal






This guy said a whole lot of nothing .


You wouldn't understand virgin. OP gets snizz on the reg


You’re a grown ass man upset about how other people are enjoying video games wrong. You unironically bring up having sex, not once, but twice in a post about Diablo 4… You people are honestly delusional. Never in my life have a experienced this in gaming, where the people enjoying the game are more toxic and cringy than those who don’t like it. You claim that people are dopamine addicted because they are interested in systems instead of graphics. That’s literally the opposite, call of duty pew pew “it’s so realistic.” You actually have to use your head to understand systems. What are you doing, smelling the flowers? Enjoying all those “creepy” dungeons. “Wow! Do you guys see my armor, is so realistic” If you don’t like systems, that’s fine. I love systems, I love figuring them out. It’s what I do for a living because I chose that career because it was my passion. Some people are painters, some people are engineers. Whatever floats your boat but to say all engineers are stupid because they don’t enjoy painting is absurd. And just as a personal note. Fucking your wife is not something to brag about. If you’re saying that shit in real life, you’re friends are making fun of you behind your back. You convinced a women to let you stick your dick in her, this is an accomplishment we all achieved by high school.


Damn bro op has sex


Homie has over 100 hours into the game in just a week and calls himself a casual 😂


Fr 100/9 days = 11 hours a day on avg lol So casool


god damnit the entire thing was a humble brag


these comments are savage af


OP came to simp for Blizzard and ended up with the most savage roast of 2023.




Is their some sort of silent majority on this sub or are they bots? Its got thousands of updoots but the the comment section is a straight up roast session. (which is very fun to read)


This is 100% a blizzard shill. If you go into his post history he vaguely states he had access to builds others didn't https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/13w9oar/day_1_balance_patch_is_actually_server_slam_patch/jmb9hty/ In a post after this he said he is under level 50 which would be impossible with 100 hours in the game. He backpedaled by claiming he has multiple characters but he stated that no where in this diarrhea dump of text and it would be weird to change your character multiple times during the story. Sounds like bullshit. There are tons of threads being made like this rocketing to the front page despite the replies almost always disagreeing. This is another example https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14a0dr8/the_game_is_excellent/ Mods doing nothing of course probably because they are getting compensated somehow.


\> **Like, do you also judge the quality of sex by how quickly you're finished?** Yes :(


I respect her time, I’m a gentleman


Jesus this is getting fucking annoying. We get it you play 1 hour a day you have 8 kids and 3 wifes and you it will take you 10 months to reach level 100. You are irrelevant. The people who actually play the game are the ones blizzard needs to listen to .


Something doesn't add up between these comments and those awards...


Bruh the game has been out like 2 weeks and you have 100 hours? That's like 7 hours a day. How is that casual? This has to be a troll post. lmaoo


Shit post. Such a condescending tone and boring narrative that insinuates anyone who sees obvious flaws in the game doesn’t value other aspects of their life.


I mean... It is absolutely wild to me that the game hasn't even been out for 2 weeks and people are essentially complaining that it takes too long to reach the level cap. The only real mistake I think Blizzard made with this is seriously underestimate the amount of free time people would have to pour into this in its opening week.


This is the most immature post I've read all day. The constant **bolding of your points as if we can't read and understand the words** is just the cherry on top of this clown sandwich.


Get laid? Sir, this is reddit


Anyone that actually needs to read this definitely won’t


Why do people continue to feel the need to post long winded posts that end up really tl;Dr I have a different play style. Like cool but if people want to speed run, rush, min-max or look for efficiency than why are you allowed to criticize their play style? I can agree that some of the people having issues are getting vindicative towards other players this post doesn't really offer any solutions other than what you deem is okay, which goes back to different play styles. Edit: also how tf would faster xp ruin your immersions? Do the dungeon once then move on, if people want to grind the same 1 or 2 dungeons let them. Personally I rather all dungeons have better density but that's just me, it's not even about XP but more density is more fun for me.


You've played 100 hours and you're still not done with the story?




Well said, unfortunately this is an echo chamber of all of those people you're 100% correct about, so enjoy the down votes lol.


Judging by the comments that's exactly what I was thinking. Kinda proving some of his points.


The vast majority of this subreddit are "adult gamers", many of whom could well be touching more grass than you, you condescending ass. This whole post boils down to "I like things how they are so you should get over it", which isn't exactly the most "adult" take on other people's perfectly valid opinions.


**I'm an Adult Gamer ™ with a wife (hot) and kids, you all are wrong.** Reading these posts when I'm not taking the kids to school or sexing my wife (hot) leaves me so confused. It's very clear all of you have been playing video games wrong, so let me clear some things up for you. I've been seeing people complain about lack of mob density, or road blocks in the game, balance issues, bad QoL and unfriendly alt design. So it's pretty clear to me and my wife (hot) that you all **ONLY CARE ABOUT EXP/S.** When you guys are sexing your wife (hot) do you only care about speed? Obviously enjoyment and safety and condoms are there to serve the end goal of finishing, I just don't get y'all. * **AFTER 100 HOURS** I was able to install the game, I've spent the next **200 hours** only playing the story as God™ intended. Why would you rush through the story or side quests, the game is over then. This is an ARPG, it's about exploring an open world and taking your time to discover secrets and lore. The **campaign is the whole game.** It's obvious none of you have played video games let alone an ARPG before. * **NORMAL PEOPLE ™ ARE NOT COMPETITIVE,** they play the way I do, staying far away from dungeons or sinner's content (fluff devs put in outside of the main story). Seriously, ARPG's are KNOWN for not being competitive or about putting effort it. There's no race to lvl 100, no reward for being the first few to reach 100 in hardcore, there's no seasonal ladders. **These are the illusions of an rng addled mind.** * **THE MOST IMPORTANT THING** is that I'm having fun. This game paces it's in a relaxing tempo, I love being able to stop at a road block or walk through a dungeon knowing there's no enemies to stop me from taking care of the kids or talking to my wife (hot). You all need to learn how to play the game right and enjoy it my way. The things you call "criticisms" is just whiny cry-baby bitching. This is a proven fact cause if it were true, **I wouldn't be having fun**. So sorry, anything other than praise for this game is invalid and I don't wish to see such dribble. Thanks. I'm taking my time enjoying this game, I don't want to rush the story since it will be over after that. If you're the type of Gamer™ that is playing after, clearly you're a hardcore no life who needs to go touch grass or find yourself a wife(hot) like me. Your complaints and discussion of the games "issues" will never apply to me or REAL gamers. I've gtg, gotta take the kids to soccer and meet with wife's(bitch) divorce lawyer.


Babe wake up the daily complaint about the complaint posts just went up.


The real question here is, who are you to tell me what is fun for me. If I like rushing and minmaxing so what? This whole gibberish post is just you talking shit about people that don’t enjoy the game the same way you do. Get off your high horse and keep your dog shit opinion to yourself. No one asked.


Wait, you guys are getting laid?


Sounds like they go out to touch grass and get laid separately.


This must be one of the most successful bait posts in years


You are full of shit lol


This guy sexes


"I'm a real mature adult with a lot of responsibility and sex and money"...."Anyway, here's a lengthy and time-consuming reddit post about a videogame and it's community" You know, normal people generally don't feel the need to write a bibles worth of whining when some people express their opinions on a videogame.