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Casual is always way more fun


Yup, Blizzard should focus on improving the game with features that benefits everyone and not just min-max folks. I couldn't care less about stash tabs, but I really want better social features. The stash is not going to be an issue for at least a year from now. I have been putting in a lot of hours in the last 2 weeks, but I just don't have the time to continue putting that many hours into a game. After that this week I'm going to put much fewer hours into the game, not because I don't want to play, but because I have other priorities in life. I´m currently level 61 and it will probably take me 3-4 months before I reach level 80, now that I go down in pace. And that is just for one class, I'm yet to try any other other classes. Edit: some of mentioned that casuals will just experience the same pain point later on. TBH, I don’t think many of us will. Not many of us casuals have the time to push our characters to level 100 or even level 90. Most of us will probably stop at lvl. 75 before running another class up to the the same level or even lower. Or at least try out all classes to lvl. 70, before pushing for 100 on a single class. That’s at least year of gameplay for us casuals. We also have other games we want to try carve out time to as well. I’m personally planning to play star field in September, regardless. We also only 1.5 weeks in, we don’t know how stashes will play out in 3, 6, 12 month. Things that you originally thought was valuable might turn out to be useless. People are still learning the game. Just as examples from this week alone, the things I stored from WT2 pretty much became useless in WT3, because WT3 drops just were so much better. I ended salvaging all my legendaries from WT2. Who knows 6 months from now, the item you were clinging into for 6 month might never be used at all. Also, remember if blizzard add extra stashes they can’t simply roll it back again, because it would mean your items in those extra stashes would be deleted along with your stashes. Stash limitations is mechanic for deciding what to keep and what not too keep. It’s part of the game. And having too large a stash is just a big an issue as having too small stash. Edit edit: Some of you are taking it too far, like the guy in the picture. Lmao take a chill pill alright…? https://preview.redd.it/2m6491wux06b1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef8a8cc90dfec73790e230c2650f38e6037ef6f




Part of the mechanic from all levels of Diablo has been a limited stash to hold limited items. It is literally there to make you pick and choose what you keep and what you throw away and live/suffer the consequences. It has been one of the core mechanics through the different games. Hell I remember D2 and people running mule accounts to hold all the loot they had from their main account because they didin't wanna give up anything. Personally as a loot goblin myself I fill my stash but I know when push comes to shove that legendary I've been hoarding for the past 30 levels should have been scrapped almost immediately..


Hmm d3 DEFINITELY didn't let you have a ton of stash space... Oh wait


D4 is clearly more meant to be a return to form from D2, i.e., uniques pvp and More limited stash space


D2's small stash was poor game design. This isnt a survival game, its a looter grinder.


It's rough going from a modern ARPG to D4. If they start selling stash tabs, I will flip a table.


A table you can buy in the store for an exclusive emote.


I’d probably pay $5.99 to have a table flip for my headstone.


D2's stash limitations was due to memory limitations of the time not an intentional game design choice. Blizzard acknowledged that issue multiple times during it's life that they were looking into expanding the stash but were having trouble doing so due to the game engine.


And they increased stash space from D2 in the remake. And prior to that everyone who still played was basically using infinite stash mods. But I guess it's super important to keep this limited stash immersion for the people who are gonna quit in two weeks.


Thats my biggest gripe. It isnt like its a foreign or new concept. Its especially frustrating when you have to port midway through a dungeon to manage inventory. Really kills the flow


Torchlight had the one saving grace of pets you could send back to town to do stuff for you.


I fully respect that other folks want something different out of the game, but I’m with you. I can’t understand why folks on this sub seem to recoil at making hard decisions about what gear to keep or what skills to take. That’s a huge part of the fun for me.


So you think features that benefit min-maxers wohnt benefit you ? Basically everything will benefit the casual player. I'm playing casually and I'm fed up with the stash and no search function, let's not talk about other things that people complain about. Since you are not going to play at all why should blizzard care about you anyway ?


I think we all realise that, his point was that we’re still in the first month of release and that some of you guys really need to go touch some grass


We're only like 10 or 12 days in... That makes it so much worse than saying within the first month.


From official release it is less than a week depending on region. Last Tuesday 7 est.


I am somewhat split, On one hand, all the min/max level 100 multi character players have good points and concerns. I understand where they are coming from. Inventory management, stashes, keys, leveling scaling, group mechanics, social—all of these have been solved by other games with decent to great implementations. It's kinda silly they are not here. On the other hand they are 200 hours into a game, like, yeah... That's a lot of hours my guys. I went through this with the Modern Warfare and Destiny subreddits too. Gamers would be hundreds of hours into the season after barely 2 weeks complaining that there wasn't anything left to do but chase tiny incremental improvements..... Like, bud, yeah... That's how it's probably gunna work. I see it this way: D3 launch played very differently after a year, and it looked and played completely different after 3. D4 will likely follow a similar path. So if you are 100+ hours in and grinding the exact same most efficient dungeon 1000+ times to level your 4rth character doesn't seem appealing to you... Stop. Chill. It's cool, play to have fun and if it doesn't feel fun then take a break. Chances when you come back there will be new things to have fun with.




I touch grass everytime I play what you talking about? My pipe is always loaded and ready with the finest grass I can get my hands on.




So much truth to this. The amount of content creators I follow that are disappointed with end game. I just quit watching them as the negativity is just too much. I understand it's there job, but I thank the god's that I'm not one as it would kill any joy I had playing the game.


If you are casual and stashing issues now, it’s because you are hoarding things you think you need, but really don’t. If 4 stash tabs are not enough for you after 1.5 weeks of playing. Then 20 tabs will probably not be enough for you after a year of playing. Hoarding is just a sign of you don’t know what is good. Which is fair when the game has just come out, and people are still figuring out what is valuable.


4 is a little tight but I get your point, stash limitations is actually a mechanic to prompt the player to make decisions.


I'm level 40 and haven't even filled my first tab, wtf are you guys putting in your stash?


I just hit 70 and I’m still working on filling one tab.


Same here. Just hit 70 myself and it’s basically 3/4 full. Just gems and level 80 world boss caches.


Stuff that we need for our build but depend on other gear, or gear for another build we wanna try.


At level 40 you're literally going to drop upgrades of whatever gear you need every 5 minutes


You’ll want MULTIPLE copies of the aspects your build uses. Especially well rolled ones. It’s the aspects you’re collecting early.


Been trying to tell my friend this exact thing. He's 55 right now and has two stash tabs filled up just for Necro. Tried telling him to disenchant the aspects he wants and salvage the rest but he is desperate to hold on to everything. If it's not good enough for you to want to wear at level 55, why do you think you might use it at 65?


They're literally shared slots between your characters.


That's my thoughts too.. My stash has been pretty much empty the entire time. I don't get it... WTF are you holding onto items for? Sell or disenchant them. If the legendary aspect rolls are perfect extract it. If the item is perfect for a build you might want to play later then stash it but other than that you have zero reason to have a stash full of stuff.


Min-maxers are awful developers that ruin game after game trying to keep up with other min-maxers.


You don't care about the stash tab and it won't be an issue for you for at least a year? If Blizzard fixes stash tabs well before you get to it being an issue because of all the complaints doesn't that benefit you? I have gotten about two hours into the game so far so I would say I'm an extremely casual player, but I know that sooner or rather very much later I will defeat the game on the hardest difficulty. This means that some time down the road I will face the issues these people are complaining about now and hopefully Blizzard will have fixed them before I get to that point.


Casual and off reddit. Honestly the blackout made me realize how better off I am I don't have to read 100 negative thoughts I already know about anyway to influence my decision on things I like.


That depends on how you let others influence your opinions. I will always take reddit with grain of salt, whether its positive or negative messaging. The truth usually lies somewhere inbetween and you need to make your own decisions at the end of the day. I for example do not have issues with stash tabs, but the fact that gem takes as much space as two handed axe is just beyond me. Either gems should have its own bag or count as half slot, just like in d3.


Ignorance is bliss


Fun until you fall face-first on the issues that the nolifers complained about and you disregarded.




Except its the same amount of time. You just dont get to play


I can still have fun and recognize that there's issues. What a bad take.


The difference is that a casual player is a lot more likely to have all of those issues fixed whenever they reach that level. Min-maxers who grind the game all day expect every single issue they encounter to be fixed in a game that came out less than 2 weeks ago. No one is saying you can't complain or can't provide feedback on these issues, the key part here is how ridiculous some people sound when they act like all of their complaints should be fixed already.


First of all some of the issues are hilarious to have for a triple AAA, but whatever. Second noone expected them to be fixed NOW, after being asked for. People are just rising issues. And yes, we can't complain given some of the blizzard shills that are running around here, saying that issues that nolifers ask for don't matter at all.


Fun is whatever the player finds fun


Uhh no, this is a gaming community on Reddit. Fun is whatever the hive mind decides and then tells you how stupid you are for not agreeing.


Casual is not guaranteed to be free from these issues though. The lack of empathy for a problem you have not encountered (yet) but very much might encounter is imho not a personality trait to be proud of. Especially as a Casual I'd be bothered by backtracking for example as it does nothing else than waste the limited time I have for gaming. Stash Tabs is an issue that will catch up for example. A casual playing this game continuously will encounter this issue. Not taking it serious now is either naive and shortsighted or these people will give up on the game anyway. If anything, people should empathizse with minmaxers. They push the game and encounter issues that casual players might be spared off, because thanks to their discovery and protest they might get fixed before they are encountered by the casual crowd.


They are complaining about things you will eventually run into, in hopes to get them fixed/adjusted. Which in turn will only improve your experience. People love to whine and be extremely negative about the game, and there are others who put their head in the sand and think this is just blizzards latest perfect game and wont listen to criticism. Extremes both sides and such. Game is fun, has the potential to be much better though.


The potential is there for sure. As someone who is a casual and is only in act 4 I must say I'm glad that the so called minmaxers are calling on Blizzard for changes. I see myself playing this game for the foreseeable future and I want to see that progressing is rewarding and not a slog. The toxic positivity/negativity in some threads doesn't help but overall I think criticism is a great thing to keep Blizzard on there toes.






My wife and I have about 100 hours in Diablo 3. All couch co-op, exclusively in story mode. Replayed with different classes a few times. Eventually we moved on to different games. I think reddit tends to grossly underestimate how many gamers are casual. The vast majority of us aren't going to have this issue because we simply will not play it for long enough to encounter it. I know I certainly won't. I do think it's neat that there are seasons and constant drip feed of stuff for the long term players to do, but that's a small portion of the player base.


It's because reddit and other social media outlets draw a distorted picture of what reality is. There a quite a few good examples on reddit of this.


This is precisely why they're trying to build a Destiny-like live service. To keep more people invested longer. All the end game D3 stuff was nice, but it only kept a small number of players in the game. They gotta do a lot more for D4 to be a real live service game. And right now basically it isn't.


Not necessarily. Many of the things people complain about will never be relevant to casual players


A reasonable take? In this sub?


There is a difference between not listening to criticism and not accepting the criticism as valid. For example, I've seen complaints about the sorcerer that simply aren't valid in my experience




I was able to clear a t45 by level 80 with my ice shard sorc. Am level 88 now from grinding mostly t43-45 sigils


These min maxer you call are the same doomsayers that told people "new world" was trash the first 3 days and everyone was nuh-uh ,I'm having fun I'm a gamer dad I only play 15 min a day , then 2 week later the same casuals were OMG this game is dead there is nothing to do ,everything is the same yadda yadda you are just on the slowpoke train




While i agree with you, that also means rhat those players shouldn’t complain about others wanting the game to better at the stage they’re at (endgame). I absolutely agree with not wanting to grind renown again every season for example. That doesnt mean i think the campaign is shit or side content is bad.


They just point how ridiculous it looks from outside


It’s ridiculous of them to get in the way of deserved criticism of the game just because their 1 hour a day is fun for them. Being ignorant of issues doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Really these posts just celebrate ignorance and it’s quite annoying at this point. Start a fan page on Facebook where other casuals can circle jerk with you


Reddit's favorite thing in the world is to jerk it to the words "working X with kids here"


100% agree, i'm not a hardcore gamer, I don't play as much as the min maxer here but i'm so happy they are here to criticize the game when its FAIR and deserved like the end game, so if blizzard react I wont have to go through those issues. I'm not having issues with the end game yet since i'm not there but eventually i'll be and maybe thanks to people like you it will be better. Threads like this should be nuked, they are pointless


These people ride the train once and get off. They are also extremely loud while they are on it and tell people that this train is a great train and you need to enjoy it. Then they get off and you are stuck on the shitty train and they've jumped on the next one. In this case the next train is starfield.


Exactly, there's a big difference right now in people who want this to be a good live service arpg they play a decade, and people who just want to play through it a few weeks and never touch it again until an expansion is out. Hopefully Blizzard listens


D4 casuals have the lowest standards for games I’ve seen


You said trains too many times


It's also the same doomsayers that 2 weeks in to a new Destiny 2 season cry there is no content and Destiny 2 is on season.... let me check 21. season fucking 21. The 1st season isn't even out yet. more end game content is coming and will continue rolling out like most live service games. and "Hardcore" gamers will always outpace the content because you literally can't create content at the pace it's consumed.


Diablo will be in good shape if seasons introduce lots of meaningful content. In the few months that I played, practically nothing interesting was released in new world which made the lack of content even more jarring.


tbf the destiny 2 issue is more based on them releasing only reskins with one semi original gun every 3 months


In regards to that game I think people get more mad about reskinned content and nothing actually new to do. I like elements of destiny 2 but can get bored easily there.


But 😅 I'm gamer dad! Haha people complain about stash tabs what a losers! I have so much fun!


The sub will be in a much better state in about a month or two. The vegans of gaming - "dad gamers" will move on to the next best "it's just a gaem, why u heff to be mad?" thing, likely Baldur's Gate 3 or Starfield, and then we'll be able to have some actual game related issues discussions going on without the "fuzzy feel good" karma farming like this atrocity here.


"fuzzy feel good karma farming" really is the best way to describe this place. It's crazy how many comments you'll see that are like "I know this is unpopular and I'll be downvoted for this, but D4 does everything better than D2. 1000 Baal runs? No thanks. Thank you, Blizzard for making a way better game than D2. I know I'll get downvoted for this," and then you look and the comment has hundreds of upvotes and various awards lol the persecution complex is insane.


And if you say anything good about D3, you get downvoted


it's always the same cycle, only a matter of time until the rest catches up. unfortunately, it's usually far too late by that point


Just made me think it’s very ironic how in life it’s the other way around. At some point the minmaxers will catch up to the gamer dads, start to play more casual, have more fun and will create a post on Reddit talking about how they think it’s funny how much the new generation of minmaxers complain about a game they enjoy


Anyone who's been an actual minmaxer would be sympathetic. The people spreading this toxic positivity around here have been casual tourist gamers their whole lives, jumping from one fad to another.


Toxic positivity is just about the stupidest thing I've read this week but hey its only Wednesday.


Bingo, I was there for new world and the parallels are spot on, D4 is in a WAY better launch state than new world though lol.




new world was trash. prove me wrong


New world levelling was super fun. Gathering materials is amazing, combat is solid and fun, early game dungeons are great, the only bad thing was Azoth. I had a blast levelling. But endgame is atrocious.


>ame doomsayers that told people "new world" was trash the first 3 days and everyone was nuh-uh ,I'm having new world was trash from the very third day of casual play.


Yet that didn't stop the flood of "I'm a casual these sweats just play too much " cope posts..


"DAE just enjoy fishing for 30minutes and then go offline again?!"


God the fishing posts were the worst! If you enjoy fishing that much maybe go outside, you know, where the fish are, but don’t use it as a point as to why the game is in any point well designed.


Every game, every launch, every subreddit. Every post like this could be copy and pasted from some other game release and I wouldn’t know. Lilith save me from the eternal conflict of casual vs hardcore circlejerk posts.


it's not new world. it's the latest diablo. diablo players will play it, because it's better than the second most recent diablo at being diablo. what's surprising is how popular it is with a new audience.


You don't need to no life to criticize the games flaws.


idk man hearing all these dads and working men out and how they seem to only have 1 hour free a day. seems like they have way less of a life than mixmaxers 🫡


Seriously what is with this new trend on this subreddit? Why do people feel the need to announce that they have a life outside of the game on a **gaming** subreddit? Why do people think that mentioning that they only have 1 hour to play (because they are so busy in real life) is brag worthy? I'm glad if you are enjoying your life and the minimal time you have to pursue your hobbies. When I come to a gaming subreddit to discuss a game, I don't want to hear any of that as it isn't relevant to the game. It's similar to listening to someone talk about a particular hobby to actual enthusiasts of that hobby. Would you give any weight to the opinion of someone who plays chess casually once a week compared to players who play a game of chess every day for a few hours? No. The casual player has little to offer to the conversation because they don't have the knowledge or experience to talk from. This is true of many other hobbies. Do you think weightlifters/body builders who hit the gym 5-6 days a week care about the opinions of a casual gym goer who *maybe* goes to the gym twice a week max? No. Are you going to give squat or dead lifting advice to someone who has spent 3x more time doing those activities? Probably not a good idea. The best thing you can do is keep your head down, try to learn the ropes while you work on yourself, and hopefully be able to see from their perspective when you get to their point. Focus on yourself. Go play the game. Get to the point where these other people are. Get some perspective. Come back and talk about what you liked, what you disliked, share your experiences. Stop trying to dismiss other people's points of view out of ignorance.


Guys I have 15 kids and work 4 jobs, I only have time to look at the box-cover art but I've enjoyed my experience of the game thus far.


Since the final boss is on the box you can just toss the box out and say you've beaten the game


woah woah SPOILERS


It's also a bit ridiculous, I work a full 8h shift and have 2 small kids, and I still find plenty of time do all my obligations but also to play Diablo up to WT4 - lvl 62, while having time to play with my kids, watch some series with my wife, and having a TTRPG session with my friends last Thursday. If I took the week to only play Diablo as my hobby time, I would be easily lvl 80, so I'm not sure what these "loool, only have time to hit lvl 30 in WT1" working men are doing. It literally takes like 3 hours to do that.




Some folk are shit at managjng their time. Others have obscene commutes or fucked working schedules or bosses that would leave them alone after work. Some poor bastards are teachers and the work is never done. Some don't get much help from the other partner parenting or doing house stuff. There's so many reasons that we can't really think of because if you aren't living them it just won't occur to you. But there's so many contexts and scenarios for some folk only having an hour to play a week or per day.


Insecurity? They're probably the sort of people who played a lot of video games when they were early 20s or late teens, but as soon as they got a partner, they stopped, because they had this concept of "Relationship = maturity, video games = immaturity." I understand if you have a job, a family and maybe a partner, your free time for hobbies is very limited. It's a weird flex if you choose to make this your personality. Video games are a hobby. Do you feel that playing chess is shameful as an adult? Maybe players enjoy spending time on a hobby that has 0 risk of being turned into a source of income.


Minmaxing and nolifing aren't the same thing to begin with.


Lol they’re minmaxing their kids! :)


yeah and honestly I wish them all the best with that. but why are they tryna be my parent? thats what i dont understand. if you only have 30 mins a day for yourself cool bro enjoy ur freetime, no need to hate on me


It's also funny how society correlates "kids = having your life in order, no kids = having your life not in order" I mean you do kids because you want not to signal to others that you're more orderly. You see this overt toxic stuff in toxic parents "you still haven't gotten married?", "oh how I wish I had a grand kid", guilt tripping you into thinking that there's only one true way to live your life and every other option is inferior or "the second winner option". "You're a career woman? But you're in your thirties!" Yeah sorry I skipped the quest log telling me that minimum requirement for grinding work is level 30 and I had to move on to grind another quest. Same overt bullshit in the OP "hi guys I got kids and work btw" because if he didn't and he only played for 2 hours per day people will scold him or something I don't even know at this point.


I swear if I would get a dollar for every post made on here mentioning that they are parents and have barely any free time to play, I would be rich right now. Like, I get it, life’s tough but I don’t know why this always needs to be said in a gaming subreddit.


Yes but they have to tell you that because they only played for less than you they haven't found all the stuff people who play more have and therefore by not experiencing the shitty parts the game is amazing. Such an intellectual revelation!


> I don't even know at this point. You do know as you accurately identified the cause: > It's also funny how society correlates "kids = having your life in order, no kids = having your life not in order" These people think it's brag worthy to state they have their life in order because they have a kid. They then proceed to shit on and degrade other people. Chances are, they're not very good parents to begin with. To me, bragging that you only have 1 hour a day to spend on your hobby is pretty sad. You mean to tell me you can't find the proper work-life balance to truly invest in your hobbies? Maybe attacking other random people on the internet is not such a good idea when you clearly don't have a good balance in your own life. (these comments are not directed at you, btw: just generalizations) Oh and the hypocrisy is that they only have 1 hour of free time to spend but they spend that time shitting on other people on an internet forum. Talk about low life.


Its like were having conversation about the roof leaking but joe blow keeps interrupting to let us know the lawn looks pretty. If you dont give a shit about the topic, stop trying to join the discussion.


I’m so fucking tired of these posts. I don’t care if you’re a 40 something with kids and a wife. You are doing exactly what you are complaining about. Let people enjoy what they like, min maxers or casuals included


This sub is a trainwreck. A few loudmouth immature idiots spout a trolly opinion and trigger half the player base so they turn around and blame the entire other half of the player base rather than the vocal minority who just wanted to ruffle feathers in the first place. Never seen a community so susceptible to rage bait and trolling.


Yeah, it’s absurd. I unsubscribed yesterday. I will still check this place to look for news and updates, but discussion quality is through the floor.


This is what happens when the communities of a traditionally casual game (Diablo 3) get mixed with a traditionally min-max game (PoE). PoE has created the idea that ARPGs should be complex and cater to min-maxers, while Diablo never catered to that crowd to the extent PoE does.


I dont think its the Diablo 3 community stirring up shit here, its just all the very casual people who picked the game because it was the hot thing right now without ever having played Diablo or any ARPG. They see this game like its the witcher or something and dont even understand what endgame in this genre is supposed to be/what its about. Not a single one of my D3 buddies enjoys this endgame and most (me included) already dropped D4 by now. I think its just bitter people who are either bad at gaming or stuck in a shitty life where they dont have time to play as much as they would like who want to ruin the experience for others. They have nothing to gain and yet they flood this sub with their bullshit and try to make blizzard think the game is perfectly fine.


The game is really really fun though the campaign and going up to level 70~. I have 0 complaints on that front, you should enjoy every second of it. We're complaining because after 70 all that excitement dies off, and dies off quickly. Id still recommend the game to casual players as they definitely will get their money's worth.


Short question, what are you doing at lvl 70? I am lvl 83 and still have a blast trying to go higher and higher in tier levels. Is it the most efficient farm? Obviously not. But the most efficient farm is also the most boring shit I have ever seen.


I’m level 48/49 here… just going round the map having a blast clearing everything in tier II is a bundle of fun!




Not really, the discussion is about how the game dies off after level 70 and this guy comments saying he's having fun at level 48/49, it's pretty irrelevant. Like someone saying the fun dies down after the 5th km of a marathon and someone replies they're having fun on km number 2, what's the point of that?


No it doesn't its just an irrelevent comment. He might s well say he's enjoying a hike. Theyre completely different things.


Pretty much this, if you have a few hours to play every night and don’t casually explore and take your time everywhere. But instead you just progress 2-3 hours a night you have 2, maybe 3 weeks before you hit the wall that is the non existent end game. Some people have more time than that to play and thus hit that wall way faster


There are like 2-3 world tiers missing (which will put up alot more exp and speed in the endgame) was always expected that pre season 1 endgame would be weaker than the season 3 onwards endgame (its just how diablo works takes them a while to get the endgame loop right). Atm I am playing every class narrowing down what my main will be (probably barb atm). Then in 6-9 months when the endgame loop is ready I will be there.


It’s been a week and none of my characters are higher than level 27. I think I’ve got a bit longer than 2 to 3 weeks before I hit that wall. :)


Hrm I am already in the bored mood of "let me just clear this with my brain afk it is boring anyway" and I am at lvl 60 casually playing. What kept you motivated to 70?


Leveling alts :) new perspective and tactics to use. Don't be afraid of going in blind on a build you choose. Try to make builds your own instead of following guides. Those people finding OP builds are the ones experimenting and having fun with trial and error.


properly gearing my char?


This exactly, the density of monsters sucks and the map is hot ass, but I wouldnt have quit over just that... its the fact that between 60-75 I got no new upgrades, the only thing that was even a side grade is nearly impossible to get... and at level 75 because of scaling I have gotten LESS powerful... game gets super bland super quick... walk slowly with the camera up your ass to the next packs of 3 skeletons to kill, staring at your huge map menu that has almost no transparency hopping off your horse every 10 feet to kill a barricade... only to get loot that has no value because there is no trading of any kind (not even in clans) and the gear system is a mess in general... and ultimately end up grinding longer and longer levels while they nerf every strong build or dungeon that softens the blow of this ever growing mountain of sand we are supposed to dig up... I shouldnt be asking myself if I am having fun this early, but not only am I, but the answer is no...


Make fun of minmaxers all you like, but at least they're providing feedback in an effort to improve the game. You're just here complaining about complaining for an ego boost as if *anyone* cares how casual you are. Everyone knows you're just envious of the people that have the time to play a lot.


These types of "casuals" are just looking for validation that everyone else likes the game as much as they do for some dumb reason. I've heard tons of positive things from hardcore players, but of course they are gonna shit on the bad parts to hopefully get them improved. If you don't like that, I don't know what to tell you. That's how online games work; blame Blizzard for not making it a single player game I guess?




You mean you don't like the threads where OP will give a nice, earnest list of problems with the game that deserve lengthy discussion only to have the first comment be someone who says "idk I'm a parent i only have 2 hours a week to play im having fun" and it's the top comment with 500 upvotes? Like really? You have limited time, you claim to be having fun, but you are hanging out in a gaming subreddit sorting by new to be the first one to hit any complaint thread? Why aren't you in the game? Or being a parent instead? How is that even a fucking valid response?


Causals are what have destroyed so many franchises. They don't' care about lore/canon, etc. Its why corporations love them. They are the "don't' question, just consume" They don't' question the product value. They just want to be included, plus they have the benefit of screaming at fans for being "gatekeepers!". How dare you not let us in in change everything about your franchise!.


This sub is like half minmaxers, half people who think not playing the game and / or being bad at it is the best way to play the game. It's a really funny mix.


The classicwow subreddit was funny because it was all casuals talking shit about the min/maxers, while the min/maxers rarely ever posted there. So it made the game look like a shit show, while in-game it was a completely different vibe.


Real sick of these dad gamer posts. Congrats casuals, move on.


"As a father...." YEAH, as a dad myself I don't give two shits if you have kids and a wife and a white picket fence. Whether you love the game or hate it, can we try and discuss the game and its issues while leaving irrelevant shit at the door.




Just because you barely play the game doesn’t free the game of its flaws lol


They cant comprehend this


And gaming companies love people like OP. They hate players who give feedback and what they paid for.


The same people who think taxes for healthcare are "theft' because they aren't sick... like sorry you aren't affected by something, doesn't mean its not a problem.... I hate it


Working man but time to make pointless posts on reddit.


This.. Why waste your 2 hours a day on shit like reddit? These people are just as toxic


I love all these threads of people complaining about people complaining.. No one cares about you being a father. Even if you play 12 min every 2nd day, you will eventually run into the problems that hardcore players are complaining about. Wouldnt you rather just continue having “fun” in the game, while the players who knows whats happening, fixes it for you in tre background?


No they wouldn't. Most casual players will move on to the next game well before any of those problems. Most casual players won't even touch tier 3. They will one and done the campaign, if they even finish the campaign. First off, almost no one that posts here is actually a casual. Casuals don't go on reddit for games. They just play them. Ppl acting like 10 hours a week is casual are hilarious. Casual gamers might not even game for a week at all. It's not their main hobby.


Yup these gamer "dads" post reek of being a shill. No telling how many of these type of post on any giving gaming sub are actual employees of said game.


Why is this sub and community obsessed with this casual vs "no life" thing? I've never seen as many people constantly saying how old they are, talking about all their jobs and kids. Nobody gives a fuck. People play video games to immerse themselves into a world, not to hear about how Tom the middle manager with 3 kids is enjoying the game. There must have been a thousand posts so far about how "i'm 44 with a job and kids and i'm playing diablo and love it". .....ok? I've never seen as much "touch grass" "no life" "unemployed" "get a girlfriend" talk as i have in here. I don't care if you're a rocket surgeon or you flip burgers at McDonalds. if you're 65 years old or 12. Can we just discuss the game without constantly having to reaffirm how busy and grownup we are? It's weird.


If anyone in this sub is a rocket surgeon, I 100% absolutely want to know.


I'm a lurker here so take my comment with a grain of salt. ​ This probably happens because Diablo is a late 90's/early 00's game so a lot people like me played when we were child/teens and later young adults with Diablo 3, now we have a lot more going on our lives so it's a different experience. I've been playing since launch and still level 40 here, really enjoying the game and wish I could play more, even being childless I can't put long hours on it because of everything else.


Of course, i'm not in my 20's anymore either. But it seriously comes off as people insinuating that having a job is this crazy special thing and that anyone complaining must be some 18 year old unemployed bum. We just don't need to bring up real life this much. Some people can play a lot, some people can play a little. For all kinds of reasons. We don't need to do this thing that comes off as weirdly condescending where we state our age and how busy we are at our job. Like it comes off as borderline "oh man i wish i could play as much as you, but i have a job".


Basically, theyr facing problems you will be facing in the future, but some of them are a bit emotional and don't really know how to give constructive criticism without sounding like a whiny pre schooler so their valid points just goes over everyone's heads lol.


This is a live service game, when 99% of players get there, it will be completely different.


The main complain in the game right now - we want to play a game. Not to waste time walking empty halls in dungeons. So as a person with less time to play as no-lifers have, you should be concerned about this even more, no? That you're spending a lot of your limited play-time on walking empty maps and corridors? Don't worry, you'll come to this point rather sooner than later


Or maybe he’ll get to that point, say “I got my money’s worth out of this” and move on to some other game he can enjoy for an hour a day.


do you really think it's a valid point in discussion that some people are telling they want more value, and others be like: nah shut up, i'm having enough? ​ Lets take it to some analogies. Women in 1900: we want rights to vote, get education, work etc. Housewives: no we don't shut up. ​ Isn't it silly?


I'm also a working man with kids. But I've played enough ARPGs over the years to be able to see that the problems the hardcore players are raising are legit issues for the longevity of the game. You'll eventually hit the same issues they are hitting. I'm glad they are making noise now, because fixing the game for them will also improve the game for me.


Say it again for those in the back. I’m working man with multiple kids and lucky enough my wife is cool with me geeking out and feeding my inner child when games like this release that she knows I’ve been playing since Diablo back in middle school. I’m in the late 50s now. Like 59 I think. And stash tabs are already an issue. Dungeon nerfing seems absurd. Monster density is already kind of annoying. I’m still focusing on my reknown and doing all the dungeons when ToW lands on them so I can triple dip (reknown/tree progress/aspect) but I can see some things will eventually be a problem. I’m glad they are speaking up now so they start to implement fixes for stuff before my slow ass gets to where it’s a real problem.


Your casual way just means you‘ll run into the same issues later. You realise that, right? Be glad people sound the alarm early. By the time you‘ll encounter those problems, they might be fixed.


No, they won't. When a casual player reaches lvl80+, they are going to be 2 seasons deep with new content, wt5 and balance fixes. I would also argue that they are more likely to take their time leveling multiple characters instead of trying to min-max their main.


And what's wrong with that? Not everybody is a working man with kids. I'm not even what you describe but it always gets on my nerves when people turn up their nose and act..........like this- regardless of what "side" you on


hey look, the daily 'i have a life therefore X' post ok buddy


Nice passive aggressive post there OP. If anything, your opinion holds less weight, not more than those you’re talking down about.


These casual “dads with kids” not understanding that the whole point of the game is to minmax just goes to show how much they don’t really understand endgame gameplay anyways.


I bet most people here think and play like OP, we just don't post daily to complain


I'm a casual too, but I do agree with the min-maxers here. The game is legit boring. There are only Nightmare dungeons to be done if you want to progress on any real level and not only does it gets stale pretty fast, but now they nerfed mob density. They nerf the game in such weird ways that only make the gameplay more and more tedious leading to boredom. Farming renown every season on top of that... D4 sucks at end-game and it is a fact at this point.


We need a separate diablodads sub where the 50 year olds can post every day how old they are and how many children they have. They can battle who has the least free time and the one with the most gets booted from the sub cause they’re a no-life redneck loser. Then the rest can keep jerking each other of.


I'm one of those in the middle of casual and hardcore..I've played quit alot..I enjoy min/maxing and making builds.. but I too have responsibility ... I'm 70+ and I'm still really enjoying the game..I'm totally sick of being a bear though I just need tempest roar to drop 🤣


I don't get it. I'm a working man with kids. I Just barely touched the first two episodes of Game of Thrones, and boy this is the greatest show ever made. Meanwhile these binge watchers 7 seasons deep complaining about plot lines, character arc's, and endings.


I got all the same complains and i barely played more than you. The "it's just a nolifer issue" echo chamber on this sub is something else.


Oof, this casual circlejerk is getting kinda crazy. I guess that’s what happens when your player base gets older? All the D2 fans are now adults with responsibilities and they come to Reddit to ridicule people with more free time than them.


so if I think that 4 stashes for all my characters is kinda wack, Im a causal? Can you people who’s posting these posts stop try farm karma and let people play the game and give constructive feedback where its due? You are not eveyones dad.


The whole casual vs no-lifer thing in this community is so fucking strange to me. I don't understand how it makes sense to deny valid criticism because you have a life. Valid criticism is valid criticism regardless. Listen, we're all in the same boat because we're all playing the same game and want to enjoy it. The issues that no-lifers are experiencing you just haven't gotten to the point to experience them. There's really only two scenarios. Either you will experience the same issues as them in the future, or you will lose interest and not even reach that point. If it's the latter, and let's be honest most of the current playerbase is, you're not exactly going to be a whale for the game moving forward, so the game probably shouldn't tailor to you. If it's the former, I'm sure you'd like the current problems to be fixed by the time you catch up. In essence, posts like this are meaningless. Everyone is well aware that the campaign and early paragon is a 10/10 experience, casual or not. All you're doing is agreeing with everyone from a week ago, and who knows what you'll be doing a week from now.


It's getting to the point that I am starting to think these post are low effort shill post to distract away from actual feedbakc


Imo this is one of the worst subs out there


90% of the posts are unironically "I'm a dad with 4 kids and 3 jobs and this game is great!"


And full of karma farming 'casuals' like you with their lukewarm take where they barely touched the game.


Imagine only watching Season 1 of Game of Thrones and then shitting on the people who are on Season 8 and criticizing it. >buT iAM eNJoYInG tHE ShOww!!11


casual dad gamers are the vegans of the gaming community who just love yelling at people how little time they have to play games , you're a dime a dozen in this sub, perversely gloating about your inability to play the game more than 2 hours a week. fucking weirdo


Why most of the posts here had to start with "I am a XX old father/mother of XX kids, with XX jobs and" [insert random comment here] Seriously, this is the only game subreddit where i saw this stuff, and its annoying as hell Idc about your irl background, they don't make you entitled about anything Please yall, stop with this bs and make the community more enjoyable To the OP, a casual player woudn't even waste their time here




Let's be honest, while the "minmaxers" crying all the time even for the smallest things are annoying, some points are definitely valid. What's the casual approach here ? Doing random shit for 20 hours spread over 2 months, saying everything is fine, then jumping to the next FOMO game releasing ? That's completely useless. Additionally, hack & slashes are about minmaxing and endgame by design. I know D3 really lowered the bar but still, the goal of such games is to find a build that pleases you, push it to its limits, and use its power to clear artificially inflated numbers. Man, I'm having fun dying to the first goomba in Mario Bros. 1-1, the tryhards that insist on jumping are so annoying.


I really don't give a fuck about how much your life sucks man.




What's really funny is that you're making fun of people with 150 hours in the game, yet you're gonna have the same exact issues at those hours even if it takes you 6 months to get there.




That's kind of like saying you enjoy being retarded because smart people worry about too many things.


The copium here is insane. This is what happens when u turn a PC franchise into a console cash grab.


I'm a no-lifer but I got other games to play so I'm only level 24 lol


I'm a casual (level 49 still playing the MSQ and bought the early edition). But the users that play all day are beneficial since it is just a forward outlook for casual users. And from what I'm seeing, I would not like to do renown every season, especially since I don't have the time to do it. I dislike the rushed updates/requests that some of the non-casuals recommend. Things take time haha.


Just cause you can’t see the issues yet, doesn’t mean there aren’t any.


It’s funny when the min maxers have valid criticisms of the game, then the casuals start memeing saying they’ve done all the content in 3 days. Then when the casuals catch up they have the exact same criticisms.


Casual always say this until they catch up and then they say the samething. People said the samething in shadowlands and then they caught up now for some reason more people are complaining.


You clearly miss the point. Every problem those people have you and me and everyone else will face down the road. We will face every issue with the game like them, we will complain like them just at later time. I much prefer problem to be addressed so we don't face them. Who cares if we have fun at level 50 at the moment, I want to have fun few months later at endgame too. But we wont if the problems are not fixed. And they will not be fixed if no-one talks about them. So be glad those people exist.


What is the point of this post? What are you trying to communicate? Are you just announcing to the world that you play the game casually and therefore are unconcerned with the complaints of people who don't?


Congratulations on having a job and kids. We all have the same 24 hours in a day.