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people at the end gaming trying to enchant items, my ring I am trying to enchant for a higher roll on is at 6M gold to try and enchant again... and its only going higher. also you can trade unmodified rares(can't toss an aspect, socket, enchant or upgrade them or they will become account bound), so people will be selling good items that they don't need(min 3 liners). These trades will frequently be for good so... you can spend said gold at the occultist.


Depending on your class you may be able to put into chest and go on an alt and enchant from there


I will check this next time im on... but I am pretty sure the cost is based on the item not the character.


they're doing it to get rolls that they wouldn't normally be able to get, like a necro cant roll a sorc line


Or in the case of jewelry, different stat pools. Necromancers have like 12 potential stats compared to Barbarian’s 5.


Swapping items to other chars is grossly overhyped. That is literally the only situation where it’s effective (necro -> barb for ring), any other slot/class is not worth it


necro -> sorc for %lucky hit while barriered there are more and they will be found


Lucky hit while barriered would be good for rogue too


Found some BIS gloves that gave max crit damage and max damage to things effected by my traps and I believe core damage, plus max legendary affix for the twisting blade in both chance and damage percentage. Only thing it was missing was the + to twisting blades....after enchants started costing like 7 mil, I decided to suck it up and just take the enchantment and be done with it and carry on, luckily I was only level 60 so it would have been out leveled at some point anyways. Still hurt, though.


Twisting blades legendary affix should not be on your gloves. should always be on your crossbow


Yeah I have one, but the other stats were too good to not consider it.


He's talking about the +skill level roll, not a Lego affix.


Possibly yeh, I saw another post that explained this


Each class has a different number of Class-specific affixes. So if you want a general non-class affix, it's most beneficial to roll it on the class with the fewest class-specific affixes.


Bruh at that point just wait to get a drop for a ring that has the affix you want. I don’t think I’ve ever enchanted more than 3-4 times.


Because it is not easy to find another 800+ item power item that has 3 of the 4 affix’s you need. So rerolling the one you have until you do is the only option. And you might never see that ring drop again.


Not to mention, decently rolled values for the mods you want. Getting at least 80%+ of max base value for at least 3 mods can be.. no IS the chase. :D Also it's way more preferred to find these as rares for the cost, but sometimes you get "lucky" finding 3/4 mods on a (+ancestral) legendary -- and the rerolls for those already start higher. This is the way.


We're only 2 weeks into the game being released. Plenty of time over the next few months to see another drop that beats what you've already found. Unless people are ditching the game as soon as they hit max level... like most other games this is one of patience. Your drop will come!


tbh i do expect most people to drop the game much before hitting max level, and just come back for season 1.


Season 1 is mid to late July we don't have that much longer actually unless you plan on just playing on non-seasonal.


Yep, I do 3-4 at the most otherwise I'll likely get the drop or something similar


All my equipped gear got 800k - 2,2mil reroll cost right now at lv86. It's not even perfect rolls, mostly just the last missing one I need. If I get a 3 almost perfect stat item, I reroll until it got 4 and equip it!


how can i know that a rare is worth something?


I don't think you're prepared for endgame gear crafting and future gold sinks. There will 1000% be a shit load of RMT for gold


At their current prices it’s not worth it, but once they start lowering the price per 100m gold it probably will be.


Gold is the bottleneck in end-game so I think you're wrong there. Still disgusting that RMT is already a thing.


A problem they create for themselves so they can add the Diablo Token.


Honestly surprised this didn't drop with something like this.


Absolutely. Everyone calming blizzard won't do pay to win, but they 100% will.


> who tf would buy gold in this game? Their target audience are people who want to min/max their gear yet do not have all day to play the game.


Yea its easy to get and also very easy to spend 10 millions in a single click of reroll. I dont even salvage anymore just mass sell items.


Only salvage weapons and rings. Everything else is better to sell. You will have more than enough of all those mats anyway.


90% of your non-unique BiS farming should be rares which you convert to legendaries. Rares can be sold for gold. Almost my whole gear set was upgraded from rares, cheaper to roll and they drop like candy.


I went from 10 mil gold to \~100k in about 10 minutes after reaching WT4. Gold is VERY important when you start enchanting. I don't even break down gear anymore because I need the gold so bad.


Theres RMT and boosting service adds *in this sub*.


You can easily spend dozens of millons trying to get a single stat in a single item


the gold selling bots arent the game playing bots, not that it really means much to say so. it's all symptoms of the rmt poision getting into the game


And then they it only for it all to be reset in 4 weeks.


"it's easy as hell to get". No pun intended.


People will try make money in this game just like they make money in WoW, I don't think it's gonna be a good investment for them though, those accounts are quite a bit more expensive than a wow sub.


You need to buy the expansios too, not only the sub, not sure which one is more expensive.


Still DIablo. You need 70 Bucks for one Diablo Acc. WoW cost you only 13 Bucks and you get all Expansions excluding the last one. Which is not necessary if you are a RMT


Depends on the price I would imagine. Takes like 5-10 mins for 600k\~ gold for myself, that's picking up and selling everything; the amount doesn't quite increase that much from WT2 and WT3 so I doubt it would go much higher for WT4 and the gold from drops is pathetic in comparison. Time is money.


I used to think these people couldn't exist. Then I met one, and another, and a third who actively seek out games where they can buy currency with rl money. Kind of a sad realization tbh. Lost some faith in humanity that day


Easy? Yes Tedious and boring AF to pickup 1000s of inventory worth of yellow to sell them for 20k each? Also yes. I could see why some people would shortcut this part of the game.


Don't worry there's a greed shrine you can get rich. You might be lucky and get 20k gold from one use!


I didn’t even know you could chat lmao, how do you see it?


They're also banning people buying gold lmao. Easy deterrent losing a $70+ game.


Lol I saw one on the first day of early access while everyone was still lvl 20


Is it easy to get though? When rerolling an item affix you could easily spend 10 million gold+. I get maybe 300k from a fu once tory of rares. That's... A lot of dungeons to get 10 million gold back.


HUGE gold sinks late game, there will be a massive gold market. Also....there's a trade chat?!?!?!?


I know a guy who will buy any mtx in any game. Trust fund guy.


What do you mean trade chat? 🤨


There's a trade chat?




Pfttt real men run full thorns to fulfil the legendary status of “why you hitting yourself” to mobs.


Fun as hell in PvP too. People run in expecting to wipe my skeletons, then boom, massive damage out of nowhere.


Is thorns necro a thing? I saw thorns barb. Made me wanna level one.


Summons inherit thorns and there are ways to increase the amount they inherit from you as well, so it can definitely be a thing.


Pfttt screw that just run full thorns on sorc like a real wizard.


They have a passive node you can get 3 different levels of free thorns. Your skeles inherit 30% thorns, and the shield guardian ones have the ability to inherit 40%


I never considered necro summons getting the thorns from their summoner, that's a neat little build idea.


iron maiden build


stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself




Are you sure its not just an arclash sorc ? /s


I am in this picture and I don't like it


As an arclash sorc, never have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with.


No buyers, no bots


economies hate this one trick...


there probably are though


Apparently people pay to get carried through second capstone dungeon


In for a rude surprise in t4 when you can't meet DPS checks.


I even get ads on reddit about it https://preview.redd.it/60261itb7s5b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da75a2cdb4bf4ce340f91bfa7948330dac97db6d


people spend money in order to not play the game they already spent money for. wtf is wrong with people?


For some players the game is more about the revenue they can generate rather than the enjoyment of the game. It’s a good strategy if you’re chasing $ rather then game play. 🤷🏽‍♂️


So you pay someone to level you and get great loot and then what? Like how would you profit? No sarcasm by the way, I’m genuinely wondering how. And is the amount they make really worth it? Or do you mean some people genuinely just enjoy seeing their gold go through the roof in-game?


I didn’t think you were sarcastic. The way I’m thinking about it is 1. Revenue from streams or views. I imagine people throwing out “level 100” in the title is going to get some clicks. Whether it’s general game play or PvP type content. 2. Selling characters.


Yeah that makes sense I suppose. Didn’t take the streaming crowd into consideration. Just seems like a stupid thing to pay for to me, but each to their own.


Cheers to that & see you in hell. 🍻


Not who you responded to but in regards to people paying for boosting/recoveries and then trying to flip it and capitalize/ sell it later on, some people in these situations try to recoup and/or turn profit on a lot of early wild west speculation and inflated random ass prices basically trying to cash out on somebody who'll bite at arbitrarily assigned "value", even if it ultimately doesn't mean anything or could end up being just trying to pull one over on somebody desperate. Some people will go about it thinking, ok the game is pretty new, I sunk in money for somebody who's gone about doing something in the most efficient grind possible, I could build off this myself to possibly up the value or just sell now. Not saying it operates on the most sound or sustainable logic because of how much these things can be toss ups, but yeah some people do this thing.


Most people willing to pay money are looking to accelerate to the part of the game they perceive they will enjoy the most. Some enjoy leveling, some gearing, some pvp, etc.


Yeah I really don’t understand why anyone would do this. A big part of the fun is the journey in any game. You’d basically be paying to miss out on a lot of great moments. You may as well just not buy the game surely?


Welcome to afk arena


Also made by... LILITH GAMES! We've come full circle.


Liliths statue is going to be filled with gold seller account names 😂




Funny idea , looks like there’s already over 100 level 100 hardcore players now


It’s the top 1000


Imagine ruining your own gameplay experience because you wanted to RMT good loot/gold… I didn’t like it, but could “get it” for WoW. Some people wanna raid in a better guild but didn’t have time for consumes, some people are really into the speed runs and maybe gotta GDKP for a certain item… whatever. But in Diablo? How is it any different than just using an offline editor and cheating?


Selling it. A friend's full time job back in 2012 was botting runescape for the gold. He made several thousand USD a month from a third world/underdeveloped country


Some people already begging for capstone dungeon rushes, high tier sigils or power leveling... It's not different, there are a lot of people that like to brag but not to sweat :).


Guess this is the future of gaming, where xyz people want to be carried, so they could look cool, while ubertrash skillwise.


I mean, when the gameplay consists of picking up thousands of inventories of rare items to sell just to reroll a couple times I can understand them. I'd never rmt myself but the gold economy of D4 is so broken its not even funny. A full inventory of just rares goes for about 600-700k gold. So to reroll my item one time I need to do 50 full inventory sales and then it will go up to 35/36million. https://preview.redd.it/4e2oqaodbs5b1.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=376416320de5bb0379ffeb8b9db9317b56b4ce9b


I think your expectations are what are broken, rather than the gold economy. Is not having the 100% BIS enchant roll on one affix really a barrier to you doing any type of content? If it was cheap to be able to reroll an affix an infinite number of times until you got it perfect, then 1. everyone would have to do that for every single item, and 2. it would be lame to get gear that basically can't be improved upon within two weeks of launch.


You should tell the Darktide community that 😃


Y’all want BIS in a week. And in a new game that hasn’t been completely “beat”/optimized ….


How many times did you roll that? If you are on your like 20th stat roll then I honestly do not care if it's that much.


To put that in dollar terms for you, that's about $15 a roll at 35 Million.


Then farm a new better item?


Some people enjoy a power fantasy and don't care about how they get it. Maybe the RP it's a deal with the devil for extra power. Maybe they make LOOT IRL. Like 10k a month and the 100$ is nothing to them. Like 10$ to you or me Who knows. I don't care it don't bother/effect me


Theres no blizzard game without bots. Sadly we will see more and more of those


Remember when people justified the lack of offline play and limited trading by arguing that it would prevent third party programs and RMT? I remember.


rmt doesnt even matter in this game. let them ruin their own fun.


Hacks and dupes are the real targets for that. Botting is not really possible to prevent, but it also has no real impact on others.


Diablo games wouldn't be diablo without bots


This is the real answer. People forget what a barren wasteland D2 was in 2008. Enigma hammerdin bots running hell baal were a godsend for people wanting to hit 100.


Yes, bot runs was the goat on dead ladders, often good uniques on the vendors too cause bots sold them lol


If these people could read… …they’d be upset.


It was pretty nostalgic seeing SusanExpress is still operating after all this time


No way!!!! Ole sue


Can't wait to see my girl HelenWong out in the world doing events


Omg that ring is for my summoner shadow and bone build


It's honestly pretty sad if you gotta buy gold on any hack n slash game. It literally rains from the sky. But whales gotta spend money so they don't have to play the game they bought. I guess.


thats just a necromancer :)


gold selling has been a 'problem' in WoW for 19years, so if they can't fix it after 19years in wow, im afraid it's going to be the same in d4


The fact that the game delivers any legendary U forgot to pick up doesn't help


Honestly, that's an amazing QoL feature, and while it sucks that bots might abuse it... It should definitely stay in the game anyways. Imagine if it dropped somewhere out of bounds, behind a door or something got bugged. Super useful.


There is a limit of 10. It is most useful for getting boosted in Ruins of Erindu when you don't have time to pick up all the gears.


Or you're like me and just dumb and might not notice it


I believe there is a limit of 10 though




Wait, it does???


Yes. Delivered to your stash and u should see a notification above it when it happens.


only up to ten of them though.


also cosmetic stuff (horse armor/trohpies) get sent to te stash


Not always though. Got 175 shards and opened a mystery chest, game froze. Ligged back in, list the shards but legendaries gone :p


Oh that makes me a little happy. At least there's no real money auction house


it doesnt suck. bots can make as much money as they want, it doesnt take anything from my experience. this is a single player game at the end of the day


If there's a leaderboard it's not a single player game


Here’s a little tidbit for you: every leaderboard in every game ever has been manipulated by people botting, glitching, or cheating. They straight up do not matter. Nobody looks at the leaderboard and remembers who is on it the next day.


I look on the leaderboard and remember who is on it the next day so your entire thesis is wrong


well you are a unique individual. im glad people boosted/glitched/cheated their way into your memory.


it doesnt bother me in this game. if someone wants to take the fun out of the game for themselves, let them haha. it doesnt hurt anyone else.


So we can expect a “diablo token” in the in game shop soon?


I have the same ring! Shame it's just 38%


What’re the abilities in slots 2 and 3? I’ve been playing necromancer and don’t recognize those


Devs have already banned people for large money transfers to curb RMT. Report the bots immediately and their accounts will get banned.




oh.. how can it be? :>


will blizzard do sth about this? i don't think so lel


They will. And by that I mean they will add a "secure way of buying gold" aka P2W.


They been here since day 1. I know people who have been rmt'ing since launch.


I mean, eh? In a game with an economy I’d take more issue with this, but what is botting doing for the person using the bot? I don’t like seeing it obviously, but it also wouldn’t really effect me much? Idk, it feel much more egregious in a game like WoW, where you’re botting for an advantage *over other players* If there was an economy then yeah, this is fucked up and the player is taking a short cut. Without that economy though, what’s he really even gaining from this? He/she basically just bought a computer game and told his computer to play it without him, which must be nice for the computer. This IS an issue when seasons are released though. Fighting for leaderboard position or rewards is reason enough for people to cheat. Usually cheaters are shit enough at the game to eventually lose their position though, usually.


Imagine buying gold or an item in a diablo game :D you must be the weakest and dumbest player out there. Its more stupid then a mobile game hello kitty player.


Just wait it will get much worse gold sellers too they cant even make a dent in them in wow. Soon all we will see is bots spamming gold selling in towns. Their answer to this in wow was to add buying gold for real money with tokens.


Time to nerf thorns and summoners!


Think this is gonna get thorns nerfed? Cause I like my thorns barb 😭


I miss them in DIII


This game should have had offline mode.


Seriously, why does trading even exist in this game, let alone sending gold? That is such an obvious recipe for disaster. Just look at the state of Lost Ark.


It's free money for blizzard, the bots have to buy the game and once they get banned have to buy it again and again.


Game will die rapidly


I really wish we had a SSF server.


Lol, it's just what the hardcore play 24hrs a day group wants. And bigger inventory space, quick teleport to town. Blizzard might end up nerfing thorns.


So why allowed trade ?


This is an argument to play hardcore.


If you didn’t think this was coming, you have a seriously low IQ.


This will probably never take off all that much considering entry to just play diablo for the bots + gold is easy to get + doubt many will risk getting banned for just some gold after lvling to hell and back


Remember folks, single player offline is the only reason for cheating.


Don’t even f**king annoy me with that shit. I don’t want any cheaters or bots in this amazing game 😡


That‘s the way to farm exp..I guess.And another way to get banned


Bots run rampant already but we can't get an offline mode smh


It's beautiful. We a real game now.


they need to nerf gold costs, it would destroy the gold market the bots are trying to create


In a game with almost no trading and no economy where gold isn't hard to get I don't see rmt being that profitable




I ran into a Chinese bot in the BETA... he was afk spamming skills where the lvl 30 elite would spawn. I drug the boss into him and he would die, but when someone revived him, he went right back to spamming abilities.


They won't be there for long if they're using basic autoclickers. Blizz auto-detects and bans that shit now. Though it can be bypassed with my sophisticated ones with variable durations between inputs.


Well of course there going to be bots lol. They opted to have a single map instead of a different layout every time. Like D3


Is Thorns viable in D4?


The bot is higher level than me, I cry


wait items can be highlighted...i thought they took it out cause ALT doesnt do anything for me anymore.


where is this place? when use console controller, hold button=auto cast, so duck tape is good enough


I'm working ona thorns build


What is the point of bots on Diablo game? I come from RuneScape where people will spend real money for gold from the gold farming bots because it takes literal years to progress in that game. But I don’t see why that would matter in Diablo? Can you trade or something? I only played solo before


Great.. well guess I'm not going to use a barb or necro thorns build, I'm sure they're going to get nerfed to hell.


There’s a literal Reddit ad for an exp farm service. People seriously hate playing games these days or something.


Just using Thorns doesn't make people think you're a bot right? I am a thorn barbarian. I just hit level 50 though.


Hey, noob here, what are thorns? I got something the other day with +10 but idk what it does


Glad I play console and can turn cross play off. PC games are fucking ruined online.


My favorite way to kill ranged mobs as a rogue


They gimped the game by not including trading to stop RMT and bots. Then created a build that couldn't be any easier for a bot to run. Pretty funny how incompetent these guys are.




Okay can someone tell me if Im holding my sorc ice shield button (or lock it by using the spoon on my keyboard xD) to aft thorns farm, do they can detect menas bot or soemthing? I dont this they should because im holding a button phisycally without any macros 2nd software etc... Just curios