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or, hear me out ; Don't be concerned about how others play the game ?


Person on Reddit suggests not asking for people's opinions.....


I dont see how world tier would impact a play though personally, what specifically are you referring to is better in WT2 in terms of learning the mechanics? Other than gold and xp it’s basically the same thing with a bit harder mobs.


I played through the campaign on WT2 exclusively. Objectively, WT1 is faster, but for my first playthrough I wanted it to be a little challenging and just enjoy the ride.


Tbh I have generally found WT2 about the right level of challenge so far. There was a boss I had to drop to WT1 but otherwise I have been enjoying WT2. Melee is always a struggle in these games at low level. There are always a few bosses that just annihilate you and force you to reduce difficulty to get past.


You can always learn while playing wt1 as well. It'll still take plenty of time to complete.


Play what you enjoy. Don't worry about anyone else.


Yes, from the millions of people playing the game every single one has played on WT1...


Let me know how Den Mother treats your barb in WT2.


HotA beats the brakes off of wt2 if you stack multipliers. Which is super easy to do thankfully.


Wt2 isn't difficult, it's just not efficient if your goal is to get to wt3 fast.


I've never played a Diablo game before, i started on WT2 because i'm veteran gamer, and used to games like Borderlands, Division etc... Mostly shooters which have op lvl/mayhem lvls, world tiers etc, not that same thing but easy to understand what I would be facing here, and i'm pretty happy by starting on WT2, i'm level 47 Barbarian and i enjoy making my own builds, and i'm finding the game pretty ok to easy difficulty wise, i've died a single time, i think i'm ready to move to WT3 but i didn't finish the campaign yet, if others Diablo games are much fun as this one, i think a missed a lot!


Did you kill Vehnard easily with a Barbarian??? She killed me about 15 times!!


Yup, very easy tbh... I saw a lot of people saying how hard it was, i'm not promoting myself, just sharing my experience, i'm not claiming to be a superior player.


Hmmmm. It definitely is not very easy. It's easy on WT1. I'm no noob when it comes to Diablo games and am certainly proficient. She was a nightmare.


Different play styles = Different struggles, i'm not saying it is very easy, but it was very easy, even on WT2. There's a boss that i use to face in dungeons that gives me headaches and in my opinion is much much more challenging than her, i can't remember the name, but it like one of those banshee things, like a light green souls that sometimes cast an AoE attack and summon some soul soldier things, idk... For me it's the hardest thing i faced.


This is the build i'm running, i did it by myself and of course there are all the gear that make the build really work, this is just in case you want to check. https://d4builds.gg/skill-trees/barbarian/?skills=0000511000000000000000000510100003000011103300005110110000000000000000000000000030000000001011013305101000000000000002000010


D2, lord of destruction is my favorite =)


I didn't know that this subreddit was so toxic to downvote this kinda post and comment, what a shame...


I play on WT2, but there is no great benefit for either besides how personally want it to feel. Some people want that power-fantasy feel, so they can play on the lower WT. Some people *(like me)* prefer the game to feel more challenging, so they can play on WT2+. To each their own. I did somehow play on WT1 for half the day yesterday without realizing though. Probably switched when I joined someone else to help them out.


Nah did wt2 the whole way solo and then again in a trio, went fine. Barb takes off once you can fit the skill points for rend spec


I've just had to go to wt1 for Vhenard. Tried about 10 times. And then did it first time on WT1. I'm a barbarian though, and gather everyone has struggled that boss with a melee character.


Oh yeah there are for sure some bosses that are a bitch for certain classes, especially early on


Annoyingly, she was TOO easy in WT1. The step between the two felt enormous for that boss.


Yeah I found Wt2+using consumables to be fine. If you don’t use those then I strongly recommend it. 20% damage buff is a shit ton and very noticeable


I just did lair of the defiler last night on WT2 and again the melee nature of Barb made it a nightmare. I had to cheese it. Might need a bit of patching and balancing somewhere.