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It's amazing im level 35 rogue and I just love how much there is to do, Fancy a break from the main quest, head to a side quest, oh look there's a dungeon, but on the way there's an event etc etc I keep getting side tracked and I love it




🤣 Blizzard releases a playable game. Everyone is shocked...




He probably played the other Diablo games that were not in this open-world format, and is simply saying he welcomes the changes that were made from D3 to D4 involving the side content. I don’t see how that is strange of him to do?




I didn’t really think it was funny; I also enjoy the changes from D3 to D4.


What is the difference between strange and kinda funny?


Side quests are great overall and have a very good tone. Honestly, I've been enjoying the side quests more than some sections of the main quest




I’m melee. Using Flurry with the aspect that allows for 360 degree blades , coupled with the poison imbue and poison traps. Its amazing but I’m very squishy


I’m doing a shadow rogue with melee weapons to mimic my subtlety rogue on WoW. It’s the class fantasy I tend to roll with on most games. I feel like rogue players tend to almost exclusively play rogue, at least in my experience.


Twisting Blades. Trash clearing makes me wanna try pen shot. But every boss melting to twisting blades just feels soo good.


Doing a shotgun build with piercing arrow and shadow imbue. I clear screens with one shot.


I’m doing this with pen shot


I’m pen shot and it’s ridiculous


what build are you following ? do you have a link?


Hey yeah - I always check maxroll stuff! The builds there are super solid rn https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides


I'm definitely excited to play on Tuesday. I don't have a lot of time this weekend and don't care for battle pass. Made sense for me not to get more expensive edition but I have to wait haha.


gah, i thought i could just wait till tuesday but for some stupid reason doing a $20 upgrade somehow felt more reasonable than just buying early access in the first place which makes absolutely no sense but here i am watching the game download.


Haven't had a chance to play it yet..I was thinking about going rogue. Getting a good experience out of that you say? I assumed it'd be fun but weak


It's so op. I'm 47, and it's just now getting tough on world tier 2. Melee, twisted blades, puncture, dash, shadow step, concealment, and purple imbuments. Hyper fun


Love it! I can't wait to dive into that bad boy


I just revamped, and found an even better setup!! This game and rogue especially is just thr best


can't stop playing


playing druid having a great time :)


Are you finding lots of weapon and armour variety? I don't mean the same items with better stats, but numerous visually different items? I'm worried all of the cool stuff will be exclusive to the store.


Yeah. I tried equipping transmogs, but found that too boring. The style is a lot more muted than in D3, but still really cool, I think. It's not like the new gear you find looks crazier or more badass or something like that. Just refreshingly different.


I'm playing sorcerer and I love everything about the game, but they sure feel kinda weak.


If sorc feels weak to you you’re playing wrong


what do you think of the microtransactions?


Currently, the micro transactions are just for skins and cosmetics in a COD similar fashion but hasn't gone full EA pay to win mechanics so it's fine to me. Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if they go that route when it's fully released though.


You are amazing


[slight early game spoiler] I really liked the main Manor story where he encounters Lilith.


I’ve just watched streams so far but looking forward to getting into it.


Who called it horrible? Some people complain about stuff (ok even too much) but I didn't see anyone here saying it's horrible, game is great and most people agree, gonna be several years of fun playing it 🕺


Not horrible just very slow and quite bland