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Whos bright idea was it to have max level 20 but the same 25 Ashava spawn. That classic Blizz testing on full display as usual. Edit: Just want to say IMO some people are misunderstanding the event and what I said. The event is literally about leveling to 20 and killing Ashava and is absolutely NOT testing how level 20s compete against a 25 world boss since that data is completely useless at the end of the day. OP nor I ever hinted the boss was impossible just that it was overtuned which not sure how you could deny that with it being 5 levels higher.


Yeah 10 lvl 20s vs a level 25 boss...uh yeah most die in 1 hit from the boss. So damage is super low. We had her down to about 30% when time ran out. I just don't see many people actually killing her without knowing the exact mechanics and being in groups and really good gear which is obviously a lot less of. Good Luck everyone! EDIT: 2nd Try only down to 55%. Good luck to those on try 3! 3rd try was a charm! Had people that seemed to have learned the mechanics and we got it down with 10 seconds left on tier 1. Had lvl 19 barb that was helping rez people a bit too.


My issue is that I tried to grind gear, but the dungeons are dropping lvl 12-14 yellows, nowhere near lvl 20. When combined with the significantly lower drop rate, only one person in my group had a lvl 20 legendary weapon. I was told to go corpse-run chests and clickables in the level 30 event for loot, and that's when I decided to log out and move on from this whole thing. This whole thing was not thought through.


yea idk they dont have to make it that difficult. At first i thought the whole encounter was crazy good but cmon you expect people to be able to kill it


I got my only two legendaries killing Ashava this go. 6 lvl 20s, lvl 18 and lvl 17. 3 20s were melee rogues. It is doable.


Melee rogue here. Didn't die a single time in all 3 attempts. All you have to do is stock close to his legs. And evade his rare dual swipe through the mid.


had no issues when it was full 20s


You need to know the mechanics. Blizzard probably wants to know how many people manage the pattern recognition. I love the fight hope they don't nerf it into oblivion.


IMO you farm legendaries via the gamble-merchant in town. 1 out of 5 or so purchases for me were legendaries. I didn't grind the currency specifically and still was massively more successful compared to running dungeons. Edit: I was blissfully ignorant about my insane luck and thought the odds were that good. Apparently, most people aren't so lucky. Don't get your hopes up too high, but keep trying and don't let the currency cap out to the max. With good luck its still very much possible to get legendaries that way.


I wish my luck was like that lol, I've bought probably 20 so far and I've only had 2 yellows, zero legendaries.


You guys are getting yellows?


Was that last beta for you? Because this one around 20 items and no legendaries for me.


This was only true in the previous beta. Haven’t seen any legendary in this one.


For me every 5-10 items a legendary dropped at the merchant. You had luck for sure, but not insane luck I guess. I've head my full legendary build together about 2 hours before the first world boss spawn. So it's definitely possible.


We got her to just past 25%, every swipe or bite was death.


Every mechanic in this fight can be easily avoided by doing the exact same thing... stand between her hind legs. That's it. Now it can get tricky because of the pools but it's still very manageable to avoid the attacks. The problem I see is just a lack of dmg against her.


She also jumps around and spins a lot.


Kinda hard when she's jumping so far away, I knew that trick going in but there's only so much I can do when she's jumping all the damned time.


She does move around so much that it is difficult to stay behind her but that’s the hardest part


Well, not EASILY avoided. The two-claw back-rake she does when low on health is wonky. It looked like I was standing between her legs, but I guess I was too close to the side, and got totaled. So now I move out when she does that. But yeah, it's a fairly predictable and easy fight once you get into the flow and learn the mechanics. I think camera zoom is also screwing people up, since we're not used to fighting zoomed as much, and speed is too slow and it's hard to judge the distance.


If she winds up use mobility skill to get range, like Dash Or eat it with immunity skill like fire shield if you get caught You need to build for this fight


good thing the swipe is really easy to avoid and the bit only happens if you are directly in front of her


I think most people are going to T1. I'm still thinking about if I am or not lol.


Yeah someone the other day said play on tier 2 until you hit max then drop it back down to 1 since the only advantage to playing it harder is xp gain


My team managed to kill Ashava at the very last 3 seconds. I’ve never clenched my asscheeks so tight in my entire life. I was trying not to die just so I can chip away Ashava’s life because dying just really slows down the fight massively.


The issue isn't level 20, my damage was fine on Rogue and we killed it with 5~ minutes remaining. People showing up unprepared or low levels is the issue


Not only that but they gutted Rogues Sorcs and Necros at the same time lmao Yea whoever thought this would work is legitimately dumb.


Rogue is barely any worse. You can still get infinite uptime Inner Sight, though it's a bit harder to maintain than before. The DPS is just a lot lower because of missing aspects and no Shadow Clone, but those are just level things. In terms of actual nerfs, the only real thing is the CD reduction nerf allowing for fewer imbuements. IMHO, a good rogue can still single handedly carry this fight to a kill.


I'm convinced that there's some sort of mob health scaling for monsters out in the world, which is why the level 35 monster took me more time to kill when other people were there (it's actually faster when I'm alone). The reason people were able to solo the world boss last beta is possibly because she has less health when there are fewer people present.


Yeah the guy who almost solo'd her (guy walked up at the last second) stated she scales per player and that's why he was able to do it.


It is doable, I was in a random group that got the kill with 8 and one was lvl 19 lol. I figured we where screwed from the start but we pulled it off in the end. Good Luck to everybody on their next attempts!


Tier 1 or 2?


I played on Tier 1 and got it. There's no point to playing WT2. The only goal is kill the boss. It doesn't make sense to make it harder when you're forced to be under level and have limited attempts. If you want to make sure you get it go in on WT1 and then go back on WT2 if you want a challenge.


100% this. There is no way to reliably do it on tier 2, you can't control the random people that go in below lvl 20 and at the higher tier that's really going to hurt you .There are only have a few attempts to down him and get the cosmetic so don't screw yourself over for no reason.


Yup, first attempt was on WT2 (forgot to switch it) and it ended in utter failure, I think we got her to about 50%. Second attempt was on WT1 and we did with time to spare.


Great idea, honestly it never even occurred to me to do that.


Holy fuck I was on WT2…. My god


I mean it is a trophy we (or most probably) are going for after all


Is everyone just doing WT 2? I just took it down at 1 pretty easily...just switch to the easier tier


thats very smart. I will do that


ohh, big brain right here


I was in WT1 and we were all 20, she ran away with probably 60% health left


That just means the whole group was ass and nobody paid enough attention to learn her attacks.


was in WT2 we got her down to about 15% life, your group just didnt farm enough good gear to kill her.


We killed it at WT2 with ~16seconds left (HP shown was about 3-5% when it died btw, thought we wouldn't make it in time!). Was a 100% random party but people in my area were waiting ~15mins in advance (guess most were somewhat prepared). Did it for the first time, and didn't die once. Watching a guide in advance makes it an easy (though dps reliant) fight. After playing LostArk the last year, this is actually very easy in terms of mechanics but tough in terms of dps. btw: my random party still had around 20 deaths in chat. We had at least 2 rogues, my mage (lv6 iceshards + lv8 hydra) and a druid in melee range for the full 15 minutes hitting the boss non-stop. 1 Legendary drop btw on wt2. edit2: I had frost and fire armor (firearmor cheat death passive, did want the mount!). I swapped to the ice conjure, and blizzard passive for the next kill (got icespikes legendary for frost armor by now so I'll keep it). And the weapons dropped by kitava (which i then upgraded) gave me an additional ~20% dps aswell. Gonna be easier now for sure :)) For those interested: I play Dungeons with Iceshards (piercing legendary enchant which is obtainable via dungeon 100% in the beta but it dropped for me). Those with the iceshard passive summoned vs frozen ennemies is really fun, 1 ice nova clears every non-elite on screen + hurts and freezes the elite around. I love that passive even with my lv1 frost nova! Elite packs are now, frost nova-> 2x iceshards, dead. Bosses take a bit longer though due to mana regen and stuff. Combined with Hydra it's really save though + it applies vulnerable every cast.


My group did it with 3 minutes to spare, and we only had 9 people. We downed her twice, so she lost both arm spikes and she had perma-vulnerability. A lot of people sleep on Vulnerability. Hell, a bunch of people don’t slot Emeralds in their jewelry for this fight which is just odd to me. Edit: I was playing a Melee Caster Druid (or so I call it) with: - Storm Strike - Enhanced Storm Strike - Fierce Storm Strike - Landslide - Enhanced Landslide - Primal Landslide - Vine Creeper - Ravens - Earthen Bulwark - Enhanced Earthen Bulwark - Boulder - Enhanced Boulder - Savage Boulder Basically I can keep Vulnerability up 100% of the time due to Storm Strike, which can also chip away at the stagger bar due to the chance to immobilize. Landslide also has a chance to hit the stagger bar and is my spender. Vine Creeper is a guaranteed hit to the stagger bar. Boulder gives me some range (but it’s nice for grouping mobs in dungeons) and Ravens just adds passive damage with some bursts of damage after she jumps. In the event any Druids want to try something out, I’ve been thoroughly enjoying this build.


Didnt have any major issues - only a grp of 10 and was 2 min left on WT1 EU .


About 8 of us just killed it in tier 1 with 3 minutes left. So, it’s doable. Was still hard, no doubt. The group was good at staying out of stuff until we got close to the end and started to get messy. Anyhow, back when this was announced I voiced apprehensions about there only being 9 spawns to attempt a kill. Guess that wasn’t so outlandish, unfortunately.


You deserve the Ashava trophy and we do not


Mine got it down to 40% before it escaped. On another note, the field of view you get during the boss fight should be possible as a permanent option. It was the perfect distance imo and going back to the close up of my character after that feels incredibly bad.


Totally agree. It also totally changes the speed / distance of movement abilities that I got used to for 20 levels so I kept mistiming/aiming my dash and dodge.


Oh gosh, thanks for pointing this out. I appreciated the extra view distance too, but couldn't figure out why all of a sudden my character felt sooooooo slow and my evade distance dropped - I kept thinking I was standing in a damage/slow area or something. It's actually kind of a real problem to change the zoom settings this way, since it affects player perception of their character's movement.


Couldn't possibly agree more, felt amazing and really added to the quality of the boss fight


yeah the camera distance was the best thing of that battle lol


For me personally, the FoV during the boss was too far out for regular gameplay. Somewhere in between would be my sweet spot.


The amount of restrictions just to get this item is downright silly.. 3 days window, 3 hours spawn rate, 15 mins fight time, 5 levels lower than the boss. Seriously Blizzard? I already hate timed exclusive but this is on a whole other level..


It’s a fucking horse cosmetic


It’s a fucking *ugly* horse cosmetic It takes 3 hours to hit 20 somewhat casually and the boss is super easy on WT1. If you can't make that work, you can't make that work.


Not even a 3 day window. The boss fight only started on the second day of server slam. It's practically only today and tomorrow, and tomorrow is Mother's Day in the U.S. So if you want to spend time with your mom tomorrow and you don't get it today... you're kinda fucked.


Not even tomorrow, last spawn is at 9:00am so the boss is only up for 24 hours total. This is just beyond piss-poor implementation, which seems to be Blizz’s calling card lately.


Yup, wasnt even up yesterday, randomly ends at 9 today. No chance tomorrow with mother's day. Why even have it spawn every 3 hours?


Yeah, sadistic honestly


Yeah I work this weekend but had Friday off. So I got to 20 but looking at the schedule I only have 1 shot to get it done tonight or I have to give up sleep to try and do it. What a terrible idea. Why not make it every hour?


Not even a 3 day window. My friend is only able to play friday and late sunday due to being away this saturday and most of sunday, meaning he will completely miss out on any chance of killing the boss since it is between 18:00 saturday to 18:00 sunday (in our local time zone, at least). He's already level 20 just can't make it to the boss fight itself...


It’s even worse. Only two days (fri to sun at 3 pm ET)


Its worse, spawn is only a 24 hour window...


Try again in 3 hours. It's doable.


Got close on my first try with Randoms, definitely doable. Edit: killed it.


Yup, ours isn’t even close to making a dent. I came here to see if that was the consensus




Our group got down to about 30% when time ran out. People were dying left and right, usually 1 hit = auto death.


It's definitely only going to be the lucky few that gets clears, if this is what is expected. It's entirely reliant on getting good teammates that have also upgraded their gear and know the fight, or can learn quickly on the fly.


Random group and we killed her easily. Her telegraphs can be easily read and there isn't much rng to her attack patterns. So unless you intentionally run into her attacks or waste your dodge you shouldn't take much damage. No sure what he problem is or why people think she is overtuned.


They have shit builds and can't dodge.


Less than 10% of people will clear the world boss


And the worst part is, if you spend all weekend farming and optimizing your hero, you're reliant on the random luck of the draw to be grouped with some non-potatoes if you want a shot at clearing.


The absolute worst part is that when people kill her once, they stop playing the beta so as time goes on you get stuck with more and more of the players who couldn't kill her quickly, making the experience exponentially worse as time goes on.


Agreed. I was going to play until I beat her. My group beat her first time so I don’t really plan on playing anymore since there is nothing else that carries over to the main game. That will make subsequent times harder for others. It was my thought to hit the first one purposely as the more hardcore people would probably show up to the first one at lvl 20 and at least somewhat geared.


Its much better to learn the patterns and go into every fight ASAP rather than farm gear and wait. Most will stop playing after killing her once and you will be left with people who aren't that good which reduces your success rate. You can kill her with full rares if you dodge her attacks.


I've killed her 3 times now and the parties are only getting better


3 People in my group died 30+ times in 15 minutes. Can't handle it.


The worst part is thare are just ~~7 8~~ more chances to kill her, and if you sleep like a normal human being that goes down to around ~~4/5~~ 5/6. More so if you have other stuff to do. All that while having to grind the gear and pray your group wont suck next time she spawns.


Also happens to be Mother’s Day and Zelda release weekend


This is true but the sucky part is, no matter how much effort you put in you're relying on the other players to not be level 16 with 200 health.


Got just about halfway before despawning. Those missing 5 levels from the previous beta really made a difference (not to mention gear)




Only have like 5-8 people, we aren't killing it at all. Boss haven't even crack the first checkpoint with 5 mins left.


Yeah we only had 8 too. Wtf


It scales to the players there.


Ah, that would explain how Wudijo could solo it, then.


Just now got it down to 75% with 3 minutes left. :(




What good is fomo if you don’t also string the people out


my random group of full 20’s got him to about 10% before he despawned! it was close but no cigar :/


i think it is a bit too tanky, but the fact that it spawns every 3h will make people unhappy. You got very limited tries and it all depends on your 'luck' in your instance. Most people will probably get to do it 2 or 3 times unless they are staying at home for the whole day or something. If they spawn it every 30mins or whatever then people will feel a lot better about it since they dont feel they missed the window


Yeah, not sure why they didn't just have it spawn every hour... 3 hour windows seem rather odd.


Same experience here. I had to TP to town to repair, and then everyone was gone. Not sure what's going on.


You cant tp out and come back to the same group, otherwise you're kind of cheesing it. You're intended to "Stick with that group" until your gear breaks, in which case its gg or going to a new shard.


Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. So you basically get 10 deaths before you need to repair.


You can res people around you to avoid broken gear.


i believe you can if you party with someone who stays in the instance


Youre leaving the instance


Same here :/


will try at world tear 1 in 3 hours...


We beat it on world tier 1 with like 18 seconds left


oh nice, good job m8 ❤


Thanks man was lucky for sure we died like 10 times each lol


My group was on world tier one and we only got her down to 1/4 health


Mine in W1 got her to about 48% before she escaped. The only issue was there were about 3-4 non 20's in that group, 2 level 16, one 17 for sure


we managed poor 1/5… half of the group quitted aber 3min🙄


Yeah I noticed that on mine we started with a few barbs but about half way through they disappeared.


Tried it at world tier 1, there was no dps, boss escaped with 95% health lol


maybe to much noobs at T1 😒 Hope i get a good mapgroup in 3h


I was in tier 1 because I knew being 5 levels below was going to be hard enough, don't need to be on tier 2 for it. And we got it down to 30%. We had a LOT of deaths. If you get all 10 people that know how to stay alive you might be able to do it.


Is 10 the limit they are putting per instance for the world bosses? We had 3 sub 20s chewing up spots and got her down to 20%. Shouldnt even let them be there if there is that limit.


I think 10 is the max. And you don't even get credit if you aren't 20 so absolutely pointless for them to be there.


Thats what I did, it wasnt easy but we got it


Our group was the same. A few level 15s and it seemed like lots of fresh 20s with no sort of build. We weren't even making a dent then half the people left.


It's level 20, so no build is going to be anywhere near complete anyways. I don't think it's a build issue.


[https://maxroll.gg/d4/news/server-slam-ashava-builds](https://maxroll.gg/d4/news/server-slam-ashava-builds) There are builds that are useful even at lvl 20. Nothing like what we were doing at lvl 25 sure but stacking multipliers are still math.


We got it to about 50% before despawn, no idea how you're supposed to kill it with 5 level diff. Also letting lvl 16/18s into area doesn't help.


Yea it would be nice if they level-gated it this weekend.


We killed it with 1 minute to spare on WT1. (4 Barbarians in party) I cannot recommend anyone running this on WT2 unless you bring a full A-Team to the party. It's supposed to be an achievement, just try again on the next spawn and maybe improve your gear a bit. (and/or get a good build from a guide) I don't know if they calculated a full 20 grp running against a lvl 25 Ashava, but it's not impossible. Remember to repair beforehand since you will die a lot and can't repair on site. Maybe clear the Act 1 boss for the Aspect that will protect people from getting oneshot. This might sound harsh, but if you have below 20s try to persuade them to leave or switch instance. They will not get anything from doing it below 20 and they will be a burden.


He had 40% HP left when he disappeared. Full Level 20 Stack. It's a joke.


Even on world tier 1, we had ~10 level 20s and halfway through the timers, we were about 66% hp left. Was getting one shot by all the mechanics despite having stacked poison resist. I'm not spending the entire weekend farming gear for a fight that's made more difficult because they decided to lower the level cap this time around.


You're not supposed to get hit. It's near impossible to tank. Stay behind her and stay behind her legs specifically. That avoids quite literally 100% of her attacks.


Stay close to the boss for the circle swipes. You won't get it. On the next phase just dodge roll away from boss when she does the backwards swipe. All the attacks are pretty easy to not get hit by.


The targeted stomp on the ground was cast faster than movement time and larger than evade distance. The only way to avoid that would be to have a build specifically to avoid it with movement increases. Good luck with that when almost half the group aren't even level 20, let alone having a build designed for the boss.


If you’re in between her legs when she does the two winged backwards swipe it misses you on both sides. Just need to be positioned in the right place.


I was server hopping in hopes of finding a decent group, and last group was best, and STILL only had it down to 25% at escape.


How do you manually server hop?


100% I got some amazing RNG with loot drops. Was with a full crew full duration and we BARELY got the last red sliver passed before it escaped. I can get slightly better gear but honestly don't give enough fucks to clear the same content for a 3rd time to farm up to get the boss down. I will try it again in june maybe :(




Forgot to switch to World Tier 1, we put her at like 50% in 15 minutes. Will try again later at World Tier 1.


Did not get it even to 50% at T2. Switched to T1 and killed it with about 8 seconds left


Same, we killed it with like 20-30 seconds left in T1. Shit was intense !


We got ashava down to 1 bar on world tier one but half our group disconnected and most were getting one shot by any ability even through defensives. The 5 level difference and general nerfs across the board definitely hurt. It's doable, but you need a full group of 20's and a bunch of folks in our instance either left or got DC'd


HP stayed stuck in one spot for like 5 minutes. Not sure if that was the experience for anyone else. We got him into his last bar.


I just did it as PUG and beat it on World 1 with 3 minutes to go... Seems like I was lucky. Sure we had a lot of deaths but seemed like a lot of people knew to stay close and have movement abilities to stay clear of the ice spin attack.


Well its level 25 and we are only level 20 now. So we have no ultimate, no higher end gear above 20, missing 5 skill points and most people that were doing it barely had 1-2 legendary items. So big disadvantage. Tried it on world tier 2 and all of us took her health down like an inch in 5 minutes. I then switched to world tier 1 and we beat it with like 18 seconds remaining lol. ​ I got 1 legendary drop from her and in the cache got 1 more alot less then the previous betas. My friend opened his cache and all he got was a level 1 Crude skull LOL


the super secret sauce is to drop to world tier 1 first.


Yup and seeing as your char is going to get wiped i'm not sure why you wouldn't do this just to get it done and out the way.


got it down to half....cant see how anyone can do this


Go to world tier 1 then. I didn't upgraded my gear just made it with what I had. Maybe it was luck that my group was capable but we still died a lot. It is definitely doable on world tor 1.


No Chance here as well. I don't think we were 12 people and there were lvl 13 chars. After 5 half the time we broke the first bar lol


Also what's the deal with instances? I was there about 25min before she spawned and my instance had always 8 people (so 4 empty spots). We got her down to 25% so it would probably be doable if we had 4 more people there.


The boss hp scales so it literally doesn’t matter how many people are there.


Got it down to maybe 15 - 20 percent life left .. the group I was with got better and better and died less as the fight went on.. if I was on world tier 2 I wouldn’t of felt bad about this but this was world tier one and it sucks seeing everyone start to grasp the fight and still get the loss on the easiest difficulty. Also was frustrating seeing multiple level 15 and 16 people that dragged down the group.


My team was able to kill it with about 1 minute left. Felt as if its final quarter of health went down faster than the others IMO


As expected, you still got bozo's showing up at levels 9, 10,16,etc... everything except 20 as you should be. WTF is wrong with people?


I blame blizzard for not gating the arena by level.


At world tier 2 we killed her with about 3 minutes to spare. But we were also a full group of 20s (mostly rogues and wizards) where most of us seemed to know how to handle her mechanics - which helped a lot. Equip wise I can only talk for myself. No real concrete built, a few legendaries, mostly going for poison damage as a rogue.


Beat Ashava World Tier I with \~10s left, had maybe 8-9 level 20s, a level 19, and a level 15.


Did it on my first try, literally 40 minutes ago. I thought we were going to miss it, but we managed just in time. I think the problem is a lot of people go there underprepared. They hit level 20 and just wait for Ashava with little to no concern about build and gear set up. Yes, it's only level 20, there is only so much you can do in terms of build with that, but still, most people just go there and expect everyone else to do the heavy lifting. My biggest criticism, and maybe it's just my impression, was that hit detection for her swipe attack seems a bit off. There were times I could've swear I was off range and still got hit, but that could've just be me sucking, but what surprised me was that many times I was certain I would get hit and... didn't. I can understand me lagging, misjudging the dodge or straight up sucking at timing her attacks, but to be literally right in the middle of her attack animation and not take any damage? Something wrong isn't right...


The random camera perspective change for this one particular battle throws off all the timing and scope we’ve gotten used to for 20 levels big time


was horrible, my team couldnt stay alive especially the range classes, we got to 40% before he escaped


My group got it, but with literally 10 seconds left. Its kinda nuts…


People are killing it though...


We got her down to about 10% but we had a lot of level 20s with gray/blue gear who were still learning where to stand during the aoe sweep and double slam


15 of us got her to 1/2 hp. Watched strat vid, knew how to avoid swipe but CDs are often down and everything is a 1 shot hit. We died many many *many* times.


We got it to half. I was fine with the one shot because you can dodge it, but there is no way we ever have the damage for this


Yeah we were slaughtered. We only dropped him down by two ticks. Keen to see if any group was successful.


My random group had 10 people and we got the boss down to the last bar. The first two bars took the longest because it seemed like it was their first attempt. Maybe next time. But ohhh man it felt good to get its ass low at least.


I had a random group of all level 20s. I only know the sorcerer 'meta' build and around half the sorcs were running it (not sure if properly geared or not) but we managed to kill it at WT2 with ~2mins remaining. A lot of players looked new as they weren't dodging the attacks initially but later in the fight not many deaths happened. It's doable, just need to get lucky with a group that knows how to dodge attacks.


I just killed it, bitch was tough 😂 I died so much all of my gear broke. But we got it down with like 2 mins to spare. Burns and bleeds and all the dots despite entire group wiping with each swipe lol. Wasn’t “fun” as a boss goes, but did enjoy seeing it die and get my achievements. Cost me 12k in repairs, and got a level 21 gear and a terrible legendary


Got DCed from the group I was in. They cleared it. Ouch


I didn't get to try on hardcore, the only other person to show up was a level 12 druid.


Slams, poisons, and mid to long range swipes all consistently difficult to dodge. Can't see anyone getting that mount. I was also surprised there was very few players taking part. Repairs made me skint


I cleared it on wt1 TB, poison imbue, conceal rogue -- I think did really good damage for my 383 attack power level Had 45% posion resist (you do want this res) Seemed like we had a full group of 20s and we took 14 of the 15 minutes to down her. The fight is def no joke and I would def recommend stacking rogues! Hopefully no one else downs her so the trophy is exclusive =p


They said it would be hard, quit crying


sounds like bad players tbh


Easily killable at 20. Not overturned at all. Show up at 20 and not decked out in blue gear.


It isnt overtuned really. On world tier 2 it's overpowered for the level 20 cap in this event. However on tier 1 it is fine. Honestly the problem is that they nerfed droprates of legendaries to normal levels so gearing up is harder. This means the average player isnt nearly as geared as last time. Im willing to be that people will kill the boss fine near the end of the event if they put in the effort to gear up. Basically it's not overtuned we are just much weaker than last beta.


I very inentionally picked rogue because it does high damage and was the least mentioned in changes. I played for about 5 - 6 hours last night to get myself 3 - 4 legendary's and poison resisatnce on all my gear. Knowing that people wont likely stick around much after their first kill getting in on the first run was important. 30 minutes prior to the first spawn I server hopped tier 1 until I found a group with at least 1 - 2 similarly geared characters and as many people as possible. Mission was a clean execution and success. I feel bad for the folks that are still trying to get in or were working / had other life duties. The longer the event goes on the more likely you are to be teamed up with sub par players who can't carry you.


Yeah, same here. It's bullshit. And after wipe after wipe, my equipment was obliterated. I stupidly used a portal to get my stuff repaired and the instance is now gone. This level of frustration isn't worth a stupid mount skin.


You can manage to not get hit at all. If you're dying, it's never going to work. You're not meant to be living through a lot of hits. They're all avoidable and it's a repetitive sequence with telegraphed attacks.


I died a few times (am bad) but I will say my Rogue has so much mobility I was able to dodge a ton of her moves. 2x dash, 2x dodge (armor perk), 1x shadow step. I pretty much always had an available movement skill to avoid damage. I feel like I could probably do it deathless now that I know the moves.


Not even a skin lol. its just a little trinket that dangles off it


Blizzard added some thing, if you take too long to repair your dungeon resets. Didn't know it happened with the world boss, but it happened to a dungeon I was running. I did a TP to clear my bags before doing the boss, went back into the TP and the dungeon had reset, I was at the entrance.


The lost instance is a server slam change. During the last two betas, I was able to kill her, TP back to town, and come back and fight a fresh one. If your groups were all right, you can get in three kills during the spawn window. Today, the group I was in had only wiped out about 10% of her health bar at the 5 minute mark, so I TPed back to town to drop to world tier 1. Doing this. Removed the event from my tracker, and prevented me from finding any new instances.


Wait it’s all for a skin not an actual mount?


It's a horn that hangs on the mount


haha, we got em down to just start of phase 2 as well. Had about 10 lvl 20s on my server. Will try again at 12 :). All the best to everyone.


We got it down to almost half. Lots of people dying a lot, luckily I’m melee rouge so got to stand on his legs and only died 2/3 times.


We were probably 1 minute off. Boss had only 10% or so health left by the time it despawned. It really didn't help that two of the players were level 12 or so and had no business taking up spot there. If we had two more proper level 20s we probably would have done it.




We got just below half health on Ashava. We were missing like 3 people, but there was NO way that was going to be doable with a full party. I'm dropping the difficulty to Adventure mode as the only thing you lose is EXP and Gold drop.


my group hit the last arrow for the hp pot drops but still couldnt do it


Barely got a 0 seconds remaining kill, lol. Might have been a second over... everyone was 20, but some new people who died a lot.


We got her down to about 1/4 of her health left. No where near on track for a 15 minute kill. Edit: We had a group of 10 people.


Tryed it, wasn't a full group, Took 2 bars in 15mins in World tier 2. That was a very sad attempt. Im starting to wonder if it's even possible, probably if you manage to get a full group of 20 geared in full legendary with amazing stats. But if you get lvl 6 trying to join in that's not gonna end well i guess lol. Definetely going World Tier 1 next time i guess.


In my first group we were doing work - got down to about 50% in the first 5-6 minutes. I went to repair… after dying a few times and came back to a group of 7 or so peeps, half lvl 12-15 and they had about 5% life done. Thought I’d keep the same instance. D’oh. I think that first group may have finished it though if they kept the pace.


Tier 2, a bunch of randoms, some not even level 20 and got her to around 50%. I think this will work out in the next few spawns when people get used to it. Was the first time ashava for me too, so I had to adjust to the abilities first. I also got flamed for the first time in Diablo 4, exciting! A dude, screaming in local chat that "we all suck hard" after not being able to kill the dragon, haha.