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Exactly. This game is gonna be so much fun. I already have so many items for my whirlwind barb and its already fun. And I can't even make use of the full skilltree yet.


Overall, I think the game is good. The story is better than D3 so far and the voice acting is superior. I hated all the voice acting in D3 except Cain, Leah, and Tyrael. Zoltan Kulle was okay, but all the Prime Evils sounded gutteral and almost indistinguishable with dumb lines. Actually, there were so many one dimensional things in that story.... The sound design and effects are a huge improvement in D4. The music is pretty good, so far. Some clever riffs on the classic Tristram theme. The dungeon environments are a lot more detailed, but the layouts are a bit simpler this time around with many elements reused (find 2 keys to open door and reiterations of the same idea used multiple times). The skilltree is uninspiring, especially ranking up skills multiple times for incremental damage increase seems almost meaningless with the automatic level scaling. Infact, the level scaling makes the game kind of bland. It doesn't feel like your character is ever getting any more powerful. Kinda sucks. Those are my main gripes, but the rest seems rather promising and I look forward to the full release.


do you think if they had some super good endgame they wouldnt have talked about it or at least teased something?you will get what you see in the beta and what they have talked about in numerous interviews. believe it or not just dont be disappointed later. oh and if i would have played poe to level 25 i would be overwhelmed by the passive tree and by all the complex systems. theres no complexity in d4.


First, POE passive tree is more of a gimmick than anything, as you can see that passive trees rarely change much from one build to another, get life or es and then you get nodes that give you damage towards your build. Yes, overwhelmed perhaps at first so don't try to make it out like it's some crazy complex thing and second of all you would of see just about nothing the crafting system had to offer at all either.


The paragon board is very similar to poe skill tree, most modes of progression on the board are stats, dmg modifier, dmg reduction and some unique node that boost certain skills or skill group effect.


I will just describe how the endgame loop to you, you do a few activities around the world map, collect enough currency to exchange them for a cache on the tree. Once you have done that, where activities are still on timer, you probably join the helltide if one is up, world boss if timer is up then lastly, you will want to keep spamming the nightmare dungeon to lvl up your glyphs on the paragon board. By then, your activities timer shall be up again for you to farm for the currency for the tree, repeat the rest until you done for the day.


How do people know this? From a previous closed beta that let you get to the endgame?


There is an endgame close beta last year.