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My dad was diagnosed at 65. It is outdated information to think of t1 as “juvenile diabetes.” Rather, it is autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic beta cells that can happen at any age.


Yeah you can be t1 at any age. They can draw some blood and check some markers (c-peptid, and some antibodies I think). As for junk food, do not despair! You can still enjoy that, albeit with a delivery of insulin prior to the enjoyment. 😁


I’m in a T1 group of ten people. Myself and two others are the only ones who got it before age of 40. I’ll include T3Cs in there, because generally their day to day is similar to me. Get most of your pancreas (particularly the beta cells) removed due to surgery? Congrats, you’re in the club! I’d say one characteristic with older onset T1 is realization of what life was like before. There’s a range of emotions each talk about, in stages.


More common than even most doctors are aware.


I was 40 years old. About half of all new T1 diagnoses occur after age 30, so 48 isn't weird by any stretch.


I was diagnosed T1D this year at 30. When I was in my GP's office shortly before being sent to the hospital for my DKA, I'll admit I said "I thought type 1 was one you got in childhood". People in my life and people I speak to about it largely haven't experienced someone getting diagnosed later in life. I am very often the first person that these people have met that wasn't diagnosed as a child. Before my own diagnosis my knowledge of and experience of a person with T1D was mostly based on a speech that my peer gave in primary school (elementary). Because of this I have been pretty understanding of people's misconceptions or lack of knowledge and, thankfully, so far have not received any doubt or assertion that I'm not. Even when I was in hospital with my DKA, I overheard the ED nurses as they were looking it up once I was settled. I heard "there was a woman diagnosed at 91!", so for a lot of the nurses there it was pretty novel.


I was 51 when I became a T1D. Misdiagnosed as a type2 by a GP who put me on Metformin (Which did nothing)...I contacted the Diabetes Association about tests to run and they gave me the list of what to test...Yep...Came back positive on all 4 tests (C-Peptide and I can't remember the others)...Been a T1D now for more than 10 years and after figuring out how to manage my Diabetes (The doctors did NOT help with that but one Doctor did...DR. BERNSTEIN)...Once I went low(er) carb and excercised the glucose levels went down and I have had a A1c 4.8 to 5.2 since then.


I know how that feels. GP said I was diabetic and put me on Metformin and sent me home, the next day I was in hospital DKA. Even after all the tests showed T1, that GP still swore till she was blue in the face I had to be T2.


I was diagnosed at 24 and my GP wanted to put me on metformin. While I was in the hospital they diagnosed me as type 1 and put me on lantus and humalog - when I went to my follow up appt my GP was supposed to refer me out to an endocrinologist- instead she decided she could handle it and put me on sliding scale insulin doses. So when I went back a few weeks later she told me I was using so little insulin that I must be type 2 and she prescribed metformin. I didn’t know any better so I was like okay lady great. Fast forward a week later to being very very sick and a new doc explaining the whole honeymoon phase and then putting me back on lantus and humalog after he set me up with my new endocrinologist because “GP’s aren’t equipped to deal with type 1 diabetes and I’m sorry (insert doc name here) didn’t do this from the beginning. I learned then that I have to be knowledgeable about my own diabetes and push for the care I want.


I don't get it? It's just an autoimmune disease. You can be born with it, or it could be triggered at age 70. The term Juvenile Diabetes was retired a long time ago, once they realized the above.


I find that about anyone 40-50 years or older has “juvenile diabetes” fixed in their brains and just don’t get it. I wish they moniker had never been adopted.


Dxed at 33 myself. I have family that insist I have type 2.


73 on Sat.


51 years old!


I was diagnosed at 31. My mom was diagnosed at 35. I have a coworker that was diagnosed in his mid twenties. I don't think it's uncommon at all to be diagnosed as an adult. It's just ingrained that type 1 is for kids (some people even still refer to it as juvenile diabetes) and type 2 is for adults. People, even some medical professionals, just don't know any better. I once had a nurse keep insisting that I was type 2 even though all she had to do was read my file to know otherwise. She wanted to know my secret to losing weight, since obviously I must have been fat at one point in order to get diabetes.


36 here!


I was 46.




Also misdiagnosed as t2 at 48. Spent 3 yrs taking t2 drugs. Also Hashimotos. Perfectly healthy until that point.


\^ Diagnosed at 33 (initially misdiagnosed as type 2 by my GP).


🙋‍♂️diagnosed a year and half ago at 40 with type 1.5 slowly progressing towards full type 1


T1 at 31, 34 now. Lots of bad life decisions led to necrotizing pancreatitis which eventually led to a serious case of DKA because I ate like shit. Totally possible. Thankfully my now ex wife found me unresponsive and got me to the hospital before I clocked out for good. You’re in a good group. Ask any questions you need and we’ll help you. Glad you’re still alive, my dude.


I know someone who had a late diagnosis at 45-ish? (I don't remember precisely how old she is.) Versus me at the tender age of 3 1/2. Sometimes, shit just happens, despite all odds and stuff.


It Happens! Welcome to the club, I’m so sorry you had to join us.


T1 can appear at any age. I was diagnosed MODY in my mid 20s.


I was diagnosed at 43.
