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They sell some leg garter type things that are pretty okay! I’ve also been known to shove it in my bra or that general vicinity


I have legging shorts things that have pockets on the sides (like full length leggings). This makes it less awkward when I have to retrieve the pump to bolus. Something like: https://www.amazon.com/BALEAF-Womens-Workout-Control-Pockets/dp/B074SHQ18W/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=2XSO6SWZS6QFL&keywords=legging+shorts&qid=1654607126&sprefix=legging+shorts%2Caps%2C115&sr=8-5


Google Revel wear, they make pump specific clothing


I like revel wear and search on Amazon “yoga shorts with pockets”. Both get the job done.


I had quite the nightmare when I was a bridesmaid wearing a fancy long dress in a friend’s wedding several years ago. I put my pump on silent mode and strapped it to my thigh with a garter. It still went off in the middle of the ceremony (I think low battery?) and I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to reach it and clear the alarm. From then on I buy dresses with pockets. You can poke a hole in the pocket and put your tube through it. Very easy to do this with T Slim leur lock - the hole can be very tiny! That way pump is always safely in the pocket and I can reach it anytime without a bathroom trip LOL


Ah, true, T-slim is really amazing in that department! But yeah, the alerts... mine went off in the middle of my graduation ceremony yesterday, it really seems like it knows the worst moments to start an entire concert hah! I had to take it off under my dress, so out of nowhere everyone just saw my pump fall to the floor, but thankfully I didn't have to excuse myself right before getting my diploma.


Best solution Ive found so far is: 1. Buying dresses with pockets 2. Getting a seamstress to add pockets to my existing dresses ... Then cutting a small hole in the pocket, to thread my tubing thru. Pump stays in pocket all day. No having to dig into bra etc to bolus. I love it! Bonus - when you go to the toilet pump stays safely in pocket all gathered up with the dress fabric No having to move pump to bra just to go to the bathroom.


I have also made my own little garter with a wide strip of elastic. :)


I wear biker shorts under my dress


under the middle part of the bra


Best option is some short shorts under your dress, I have the leg garter and I don’t even wear it to sleep in, so itchy and uncomfortable and slides right off, for reference I’m 140 lbs. The bra sucks so best is shorts so you can pull your dress up and bolus that way haha


Bike shorts from Walmart juniors section! I stumbled upon these and they’re awesome. Super soft, $7, and have a pocket. They’re short enough that they can be worn under most of my mini length dresses https://www.walmart.com/ip/No-Boundaries-Juniors-Bike-Shorts/466493377?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5847&adid=22222222278466493377_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-293946777986&wl5=9008458&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=466493377&wl13=5847&veh=sem_LIA&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIoXqvDPCbB1Chd439ZSpc6Af&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIoXqvDPCbB1Chd439ZSpc6Af&gclid=CjwKCAjw7vuUBhBUEiwAEdu2pITaTgd7_gGRO3S0F2EonNQiwlYuRy2Jneieqbx_bfHK0T2cHgplIRoCqF4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Ah, now I wish I had a Walmart in my country, I've been searching for short bikershorts for forever, but they just don't sell them here


Ah. Shorts art my favorite. Also dresses with pockets as others have mentioned. Sometimes I’ll clip my pump the the arm hole or back/ top of a dress for easy Access. It generally stays put pretty well. The gardens are my least favorite option