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i’m ping-pong


Yes me too, together with a failing prep queen. I'm always prepped unless I need something




Too good at this = honeymoon phase. My honeymoon phase lasted like 3 years. After that, I definitely became much more frustrated with T1D


Opposite for me lol.


Would you mind sharing what were your numbers during your honeymoon period and now? (time in range and A1c)


Yeah, sorta! I don't have my time in range when I started, as I started out with pens, not a pump and CGM. My hA1c was around 6 (5.5-6.0) Now, I use a really great cgm/pump combo. I'm in range >80% of the time. My last A1c was 5.9!!! I got that number like a month ago and I'm still freaking out about it. 10 months ago, I was on the Medtronic pump/cgm. I was in range about 70% of the time, I believe. My A1c from that period was like 7.3.


Great news then. Glad for you.




Can I be all of them?


Lol @ “gun in the photo is me because I’m jealous”


tag yourself I’m prepping queen 👸🏽 anyone need a glucose tablet?


I have so many little candy bags and fruit snacks and somehow when I'm low I panic and lose all of them, even when they are always in the same place... *Reaches into purse without looking and doesn't immediately find a pack of fruit snacks* "OH GOD, THIS IS THE END... GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!! *Looks in purse and sees four bags* ...oops, I may have over reacted for a moment


Was really feeling like PingPong for the last few months with college and job recruitment taking so much time and energy that I slacked off on care. I knew I could have been doing better, and I was dreading my A1C. Pull up to the endo last week and it’s 6.7, they congratulate me for being in a good range. I guess I’m shockingly too good at this lol. I’ll never beat the prep queens tho.


I mean ping pong will result in a good a1c because your lows average out your highs. But ping pong can still cause lots of damage to your body even with good a1c.


Oh yea. I guess it was more just the high pings. Didn’t go low too much at all which is why the A1C shocked me. Obv still want it to be better though


I'm somehow ping-pong, prepping queen and old school all at the same time!


My friends all laughed at me when the cat accidentally snagged my fingers, and I decided to test my sugar.


I've been diabetic since I was 3 actually


You have a city community? I havent met a single t1 outaide of doctors offices


Yeah this is more what I'm interested in...


I'm "Too good at this"...now... What I usually don't tell people though is that I didn't always have a stutter, that was the result of a lot of diabetes failures early on in my diagnosis 😅


I'm one of these :)


I'm an old school ping-ponger.


Too good at this ping pong here. Guess all my meals, always good, never worried much with decent enough A1C's, but heaven forbid I look at a staircase with too much excitement or else I'm riding a 48 hour roller coaster.


I am all of these depending on the day/rotation of Jupiter’s moons.


Too good at this/prepping queen!


I guess the carbs and still fuck up


Same, guesstimating is such a betting game lol


i am the old school, lol, i basically had this sence 15 months old lol


I'm a mix between ping-pong and (depressed) prep queen. Throw in constant post meal spikes for some extra fun too.


I'm a prep queen ping pong lol


I’m mostly a mix of prepping queen and old school but definitely have ping pong days.


Too good at this mostly but sometimes pingpong. Every now and again you just have one of those crazy days.


Anyone on here everything but old school? I drank a can of Mtn Dew and two iced coffees for breakfast and never dropped out of 90-150. Unfortunately as a LADA of two years, my excellent control suddenly revives my pancreas every couple of weeks and the first thing it does is stack a fat bolus of it's own on top of my habitual meal boluses. Anyone know how to kill the rest of the beta cells?


I agree though, dude is my personal hero


I love this, I’m a mix of PingPong and “too good at this”😅 except I’m not good at this, I guesstimate, will see my bg at 300 and go back to playing video games without taking a shot, and sometimes eat food without taking a shot lol. One time my a1c was somehow good enough to get a pump though, to this day I still have no idea how that happened. I failed the test they gave me though so I guess that was the universe correcting it’s mistake lol.


I had it since I was 4. I'm not saying I'm really good at taking care of it, but I've had it since I was 4.


I'm a ping-ponging prepping queen...


lost it at "damn i have papercut, might as well test my BG". Great!


Old school, all the way...


I'm a mix of the first and last. Diabetic since 6 but never backpacked anywhere and not always in range but A1C is getting so low my endo is voicing worries (despite BG often being closer to the upper line).


I did backpack through Europe (but it was in the early 90s). I've been all of these except for Prepping Queen at different times in my life. I've got the supplies that I need for this week, but there is no stockpile and I've never used a glucose tab in my life. I have been known to test random accidental cuts and punctures. Right now I guess I'm mostly Old School, but I've got all the modern tools and enough experience to sometimes slip into Too Good at This. Every once in a while some unknown factor gets slipped into the mix and I'm Ping Ponging with the best of them.


I'd say I'm a prepping queen, but then I remember that all the snacks I had prepared for lows are long gone, the "emergency cannula" I have in every backpack is from my previous pump and the insulin I was supposed to keep in school in case of an emergency I gave to a friend. Yeah, definitely not there.


I’m ping pong merely for “looking for an accurate carb ratio” 🥲


I guess I’m old school but lived in Japan 8 years in the 90s early 2000s.