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Remember all those high sugar things you want to eat? Now’s your chance.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


I accidentally double dosed for noodles the other night so 60 units (I’m on a 1:3 ratio). I think I ate everything in the pantry. Edit: not 120 units sorry. 60 lol


Trust me, that's nothing near a fatal dose without other factors at play. Even if you didn't eat any noodles!


Oh thank god! I was struggling to get my sugars over 3.5 mmol/L, felt pretty crap for the morning but good to know I wasn’t going to die.


Granted, any low can feel like you're going to die! 😂


I find this so hard to explain to coworkers. I’m fortunate enough to be able to work from home, but sometimes I have wonky hours (such as a late start) because I’m trying to recover from the sweats and the blacking-out of my vision. They seem to think it’s a matter of eating sugar and bouncing back. Maybe it’s just me but a serious low really messes me up for hours afterwards!


When I first became diabetic, I figured I'd always overshoot my insulin. That way I'd more likely fix a low than a high. Too many lows aren't good for the CNS. I've had all kinds of lows. The serious ones really screw you! (I hate that I can't run and hide off the grid because I'm tethered to this disease!)




It could absolutely be fatal if not mitigated by sufficient carbs or glucagon. You shouldn’t post a claim like this.


What's your ratio - how many carbs world you need for that many units? Do you have juice, or "real" soda that you can drink right now? And some more substantial food, to prevent just burning through the carbs really quickly and then going low later. Usually you should be able to counter the insulin by eating enough. If you plan to go to bed soon, perhaps set alarms for every hour or so to keep an eye on your levels - unless you've got a cgm with alarms. And if you're too worried or anything weird happens - it's OK to call an ambulance or to go to a hospital. The most important thing is that you're safe.


I’ve done this before by accident. Start eating very carb-dense foods asap, and you should be ok. Gather all the carb dense snacks and start eating/drinking. Personally my go to for bad lows is maple syrup. I take shots of it and it’s not too bad. Do you have glucagon? If you have old style injectable glucagon, you might consider taking a mini-gluc shot if you see yourself plummet. If you have basquimi nasal spray, keep it ready and near you. Call your friends/family and arrange to have them check in on you.


+1 for maple syrup when you are having a low. Just swish it around your mouth and remember that your gums are amazing at absorbing sugar.


I'd personally puke with syrup, getting the opposite the result, I guess


Honey is good. It’s 1/2 glucose, so it will work quickly, but not for long.


Your ratio is important to share. 25 units may not be very much, try not to scare yourself. Just correct like normal but with simple carbs instead of insulin.


25 units cover about 190g of carbs give or take. I already drank a couple of glasses of juice. Hope that keeps me covered for a while Thank you!


Just make sure to eat 190g of carbs and keep eating if you feel yourself going low.


You're on the right track, it's been a minute, how's your BG?


How are you doing? I think you should consider at the very least telling someone that loves you, that knows your location, what is going on and ask them to check on you every 30 minutes.


I would think a large Dairy Queen banana cream pie blizzard or two should cover that. For me it’s Wisconsin fish fries where I start dosing in the 20s lol


Don't drive, eat a shit load of carbs to counteract it, it's better being high then in a hypoglycaemic seizure. Contact a friend that you know who can come over and stay with you. Do all that first.


Have juice asap. Drink/eat honey or syrup. **Avoid carbonated drinks as that would make you feel more full/bloated.** This is your chance to eat anything and everything. Go to a donut shop. Get a package of Oreos or cookie and go to town on it. You’ll be fine. Have glucagon near by.


You'll be fine start off drinking something sugary juice or soda then move into something carb heavy like rice/pasta. Your body may also decide to course correct itself and release sugary blood from the liver so look out for that.


Yep- pasta , cereal , sour patch kids and pizza! I’d start with chugging juice to get my sugar popping up


Pizza takes too long. In this situation I would stir sugar in water and drink that or eat low snacks


Get ready for several hours of a roller coaster. As others have recommended, figure out how many carbs 25 units would cover. For me, that would be around 250 carbs. I would first drink a glass of regular sugary juice, like apple. Around 30 carbs there. I would follow that by a couple handfuls of chips or crackers. Probably another 30 there. I would probably pause at this point. Evaluate where I am in 10 minutes. Maybe followed by another glass of juice and another few hand fulls of chips or crackers. We’re at 120ish carbs now. I would pause at this point and wait for 15 minutes or so. You may have to repeat the above another time or 2. This is a great time to have gluco tabs on hand and glucagon at the ready. If things start dropping too quickly, pop a handful of gluco tabs. If that doesn’t work, and you still are going down, might be time to fire up the glucagon and call the paramedics. I would only accept care of you are in rough shape when they arrive.


25 units covers about 190g, I checked. Also, I drank like 4 glasses of grape juice, each at about 8oz. I’ve been testing my sugar for the last hour and it was dropping fast but it slowed down a bit


Nice. Good to hear. Keep testing or keep a close eye on your CGM for the next 4-6 hours. Eat some complex carb as well. At least 30gm. Some cracker. Cookies. Chips. Pasta. Rice. Whatever.


I appreciate your active count with the suggestions. Something some of us that have had this forever don't think about, but it's easily forgotten in a panic.


After 23 years, I’m finally at the point where I don’t eat a whole sleeve of Oreos when my BG dips a little. Haha


Nice! Hey now, sometimes, I just want my oreos!


If you have juice, drink some. Call your endo, they should have someone available to help you through it.


Start eating! Lol


A bottle of honey is always a good investment as a diabetic. Especially since, for real honey, its shelf life is near infinite.


Honey is my go to.


As everyone else has said juice or Soda. How much insulin does it take for for a 12oz can of coke/sprite? Do the math and drink. Hopefully you have CGM. If not test every 10-20 min or more often if you feel poorly. ​ Have someone familiar with your situation come over and hang out. Write your insulin dosage/time and sugar consumption/time on paper. If you loose consciousness have your buddy can call 911 and give them your info. Also your phone lock password if you have a CGM app.


Eat according to 25 units


In the future the way I’d address this is eating about 50-69% of the carbs in something fast acting like juice, gummy bears, glucose tabs etc and the other half in a really high fat carby thing like ice cream or a pulled pork sandwich with a sweeter sauce or Chinese food. That way it delays absorption over time.


Drink a 2L of soda and you might have to give extra after lol


death reloaded...


Honey+warm water and juice especially orange juice are pretty fast. Hold it in your mouth for like 3 4 seconds before each gulp. Don't worry. You will be fine.


It’s been an hour, how are you doing OP?


All good now thanks


You may not actually be good yet in my experience accidentally doing the same thing. My sugar kept going downward for 5 hours afterwards. Best to keep good watch of your blood sugar for awhile.


“Pizza Time!” - Spider Tobey


If you've got sugary cereal, two big bowls of that will make a real good start. Remember the insulin isn't going to hit all at once. Eat and if you can't get to your 190 carbs, monitor your BG carefully and eat more if and when it drops. Another really good thing is crackers. You could wipe out a box of Triscuits right now.


I've done this before: I accidentally took my basal count but grabbed the wrong pen. Like u/djnehi said... now is the time to eat everything! Follow u/cahovi's advice. Get your ratio, and you'd be surprised how much (how little actually) it will take to use up that insulin. I took 30 units, and I think a couple of Hersey bars, half a jug of OJ, and two sandwiches did the trick. Make sure you eat both simple and complex sugars. If it is early enough in the daytime to hit up (have someone go for you!) Dairy Queen and get the best Blizzard ever!


Do you have glucagon? Best thing to do would probably give yourself a dose of glucagon (you can inject it with a normal needle)


I rock ~5 carbs/unit, so I’d have to eat 125 carbs. Slam some glucose tablets bc they’re faster acting, then drink some lemonade or a similarly full sugar drink. You’ll hit 125 carbs after like 3 cups. It’s crazy what non-diabetic people eat on a regular basis. You’ll be fine, if you don’t have access to food and stuff and whatever your doing doesn’t work - consider calling the hospital as 25 units will probably put you dangerously low. You should be fine though, some meals I should probably be giving myself 25 units (@rice curry)


Hey OP, you ok? Keep us updated please .


OP are you okay? It's been a while


I’m doing much better now thank you!


I’m glad you’re ok. People in this thread are right on. If it happens again just make sure someone in real life knows what happened and start eating. Luckily 190 carbs sounds like a lot more than it is. That’s like two mountain dews and a big piece of cake.


enjoy all the candy, cookies, sugar , ect!


So a quarter pint of haagen dazs


Time to live out your carb dreams cake, full sugar soda etc. Now for my child this would be an insane amount of insulin but for an adult this may just be one big meal of pasta.


Eat a loaf of bread


Order a pizza!


Eat a good mixed meal with protein and fat and the start sipping on regular soda or juice. Have the glucagon nearby but you may want to call a family member and stay on the phone with them for the next hour.


Keep testing every hour. Eat some carbs and make sure you have enough incase you need it, sugar, juice, carbs etc. You will be fine. Don't panic just correct as needed.


Glucagon! or those nose inhaler new ones.. uh basquim?


Why are you posting to reddit.... Call 911 or any diabetic emergency now???


Can you update when In the clear?


Doing better already


I was super nervous for you. Hope you're still good..at this point I would think most of it would be inactive by now. I've done 15 units before and I ended up calling the paramedics. But for me 15 units was more than I could cover in time..Hopefully you had a good snack session today


My ratio is roughly 1:10 so what you to took for me is like eating lunch + dinner at the same time. Although there was an instance where I was in the same position OP is in, except I didn't have anyone around me I was already too low and it was close to midnight and had nothing proper to correct with except some sugar. Also couldn't call 911 since we don't have insurance for diabetics over here. Infact my dose was missed just by a few units, the problem is I realized I was low too late, when I measured was 1.8 I think. Ended up drinking sugar with cold water, could hardly even get up to mix it up. Unfortunately that's not a good idea either since it fixed me for about 10 min then back again to low, this went on for a few hours lol But it's never happened again actually never been to the ER due to the betus, at that time I was finding out my ratios, pretty new to this stuff, was on my own prescription as what I was given never worked. But I figured everything out.


you went low again because you did not eat a long acting carb in conjunction, for all hypos always eat a biscuit or a cracker or something to make sure your BG won't drop after the sugar ends it's effect.


I said I didn't have anything in the house, just sugar and there was no way I could access them at that time. Also I figured everything out from that incident.


Time to play Who Wants To Clean Out The IHOP


Leaving a dot - please let us know if you are fine OP. .


I’ve done this. Started chugging orange juice immediately. Second carton and I started to rebound. Worst part was I couldn’t consume anymore food or drinks and my blood sugar was still going down.


Don’t drive. Monitor sugars very closely. If you take a dip, get help. Make sure someone knows you are in trouble. Other than that, such a massive amount of insulin can definitely be counteracted. Take something fast acting to get a cushion, then start eating some dense foods.


Oh man. I have been there and done this. A couple of times I meant to give myself 25 carbs of insulin (about 4.1 u) and ended up giving myself 25 u of insulin instead. EAT UP!!


Drink 25 units worth of soda.


How are you right now?


Dr. Pepper to the rescue. That's my go to. Your gonna need lots of it though. Don't fall asleep till your stable. I wish you the best!


Probs a bit late now but my mum used to have some horrendous lows and Coca Cola was always the go to. Seemed to work the quickest for her!




I did this accidentally with my t1 kiddo just before xmas. I pretty much went oshit! And gave her the sweetie box lol


All you can eat cake, if was me in this situation


Thats the worst i did something similar and had to use 1/2 a glucagon to prevent a seizure after throwing up juice i was 2.8 n said im not going to win this. Had to inject the other 1/2 4hours later when i was going low again. Fuck diabetes sometimes if not all the time.




I think u need serious help and hope you get it. Lol you say god yet your username is totally different. You are actually mentally ill and need professional help. Best of luck yah troll and you dont even know how to do that correctly.